GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

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By ToriA

In court today are the grandparents, the maternal grandpa, BB and 2 blond young ladies, they take the front row as always.

SB is brought out and she sees everyone in the front row and does a half smile, her hair is straight and shorter then it was, so she must have gotten a haircut. She sits next to RD and stares straight ahead at the Judge, not even trying to look back to see the family or friends.

1) Today started out with J Zackey telling RD & KC that they will all act professionally. That he was glad he had decafe today, RD said something back but we really couldn't hear what it was.

2) K Cromer started out by saying that Dr. Bonnell still has not given the statement that she wanted and he was not there today as J Zackey had ordered, that she would like him excluded as a witness.

J Zackey said that Dager should call Dr.Bonnell and ask him to submit the report, RD said "i am not going to call him" the state knows what I know, they have talked to him, they know what he is going to say, I am not going to call him. J Zackey said "so are you going to be calling him as a witness" RD said i can not say yet. J Zackey said it sounds like you are not going to use him as a witness..J Zackey then asked if Dr. Bonnell was going to say something different then Dr.Ribe? RD said 'no he is going to say the same thing that Dr.Ribe said, that there is no conclusive cause of death, K Cromer said, I am tired of him misstating the facts your honor, Dr.Ribe has a COD and it's the the coroners report..

RD said that Dr. Ribe's opinion was formed by the sheriff's and that they led him into his conclusion as to COD

JZacky said will Dr. Bonnell say that it was not a homicide? No real answer to this question. All 3 went back and forth about this but nothing really to write about, well K Cromer said that this discovery that she has been waiting for from Dr. Bonnell is what has been dragging the case on and Dr. B is a hired gun he is going to say what the defense wants, that in some cases Bonnell has not been allowed to testify or something like that, she said it so low it was hard to hear over the other attorneys talking...

3) J Zackey said that RD will have to give K Cromer a statement from Dr B by 1:30pm today or he is going to start imposing sanctions per sec 1054..he goes on to outline sanctions that can be imposed.

I don't know what RD objected to but he said he vigorously objects to that! J Zackey said i'll tell you what i'll do, i'll have my reporter put it in the record in bold and underlined that you object!

4) There is some talk of 2 6 pack photos that a witness has made a ID on, the person or persons in the photo line up were at the Park n Ride, I don't know if BB got a phone call or had to use the restroom but he got up and left when this discussion about Park n Ride was brought up, he returned quickly though.. RD said something about a conspiracy and why is this being brought up just now, he wants copies of the 6 packs and he wants some phone records from the phone company, J Zackey said that he would sign a order for the phone company to give him the records within a week.

They go back to the Dr Bonnell thing again so J Zackey said he will have a in camera with them and the court reporter, they leave and when they come back, J Zackey said ok, so you will not be calling Dr B as a witness is that right RD said, no i will not be calling Dr B....

6) J Zackey said that the next court date is 4/11, that they have 10 days to start the trial after this date, he does not think that jury selection is going to take only 1 or 2 days to select (imo he knows RD is going to dismiss many potential jurors) and the trial he is in right now is going at a snails pace.

J Zackey is about to wrap up this hearing when RD said, there are 2 witnesses in the court today J Zackey asked them to stand and state their names and spell them for the reporter, one is AB and the other is JG, the supervisor of AB and SB at BoA. KCromer said I want to state that they are seated with the RD shoots back....i want to note one is wearing gray and one wearing black...wth..everyone i mean everyone was laughing at RD, it even looked to me that J Zackey was holding back a laugh. Sometimes he say's the dumbest things. RD said that he had not talked to these witnesses and he wanted to talk to them after the end of this hearing, KCromer said she wanted to speak with them also.

7) Tell me how you have witnesses on your list and have not talked to them yet in 2 years? We all know AB might be called as a wit since the beginning so i think he has talked to her before I don't know this has been one wacky case so far....

I felt after a little time had passed that I had seen the one blond girl before and told Ange that it was AB but the last time i saw her she had darker hair with streaks of red, it did turn out to be her, she did not give us any negative looks or talk about us to the grandparents while we were there. I think that showed she has respect even if she does not like us, some people her age or any age for that matter would not have had that kind of manners for people they didn't care much for...

The other blond girl JG was sitting with the family also but i only saw her speaking with AB, imo I think she was seated next to AB as a comfort thing so she was not sitting alone, maybe if ab was sitting elsewhere JG would not have been sitting with the family.

1) RD has continued to be a thorn in Ms Cromer's side IMO she is acting like she has been pushed too far and is fighting back.

2) On going...

3) Sanctions! Love that word - have yet to see it happen in this case - still luv'n Judge Z.

4) Tori has a theory that someone else is involved with the crime - this is kind of a bombshell - If there is more to this - I'll be surprised and disappointed in LE and the SAO - since the ADA brought it up, I'm not expecting much.

5) Who wasn't expecting this? Any decent Dr cannot believe this wasn't a homicide under the circumstances.

6) Still no trial date but we know it is coming.

7) 2 years out and never spoke to these witnesses? Really? AB has been on the DT's witness list all along - JG since last year.

AB was/is SB's BFF - she still sings her praises - we've heard it before. They weren't together 3/18/09.

JG was SB & AB's supervisor - she had to ''separate their cubicles'' due to their fighting. They ended up working in different areas of the company. She is also aware of SB's missed days from work just before Emma's death.

JG didn't want to get involved in the case, didn't want to testify. Since RD presented a time card last hearing, she may be in.

Next hearing 4/11/11
In attendance - GB (SB's father) and his parents, MIA: M GPa & BB.

The proceedings started before 9:30am, Judge Z called RD and Kelly Cromer's offices and told them to get to his Courtroom, now! They arrived and both keep scanning the gallery, looking for someone.

Judge Z called them to the bench where they had a 10 minute sidebar. Once finished Judge Z said "going on the record". Judge Z stated the trial is going to be assigned to his courtroom and he would be the Judge. He asked RD if this is correct. RD replied 'Yes!' Kelly Cromer also agreed. Judge Z stated, "Okay so we have established that it will be here."

SB was not in court due to bus trouble. RD told Judge Z he waived his client's right to be present.

Judge Z set April 13 as the final pre-trial hearing to finish up, rule on the motions, 402's and discovery.

Jury selection by the 18th, Judge Z is asking for 60 jurors to begin the proceedings - he is figuring it will take a few days.

Judge Z then told RD to hand over the Messiah Motion that he wrote to Kelly Cromer today. She said she would be in her office until 6PM - so if RD could get it to her before then it would be great. (He tends to come in at 4:30 on the dot to give her things.) Judge Z told them 'You both know each others office numbers so you can get in touch by calling'. RD told them he would give her his cell number too.

Ms Cromer said that she still hadn't gotten some of the witness statements and that she would ask to exclude them at next hearing, if she doesn't get them.

RD brought up that he is still asking for a ruling on COV, media exclusion and the Messiah Motion. (COV, they will be polling the prospective jurors - Judge Z is not expecting a problem. Media - those dang bloggers are still stuck in Dager's craw LOL! Messiah Motion is to exclude Witness X as a State's agent, I'm expecting him to be 'in' as Judge Z said it was on tape and without duress. Everyone so far has claimed X is not a State's Agent - except RD!)

Judge Z asked; "So everyone is ready for Trial? MR.Dager?" "Yes" "Ms. Cromer?" "Yes.." "Ok, see you here on the 13th."

It looks like we will be going to trial in the next two weeks!

Justice For Emma - is right around the corner!!
Judge Z started the hearing at 930 with a side bar. GB, SB's paternal gmother and maternal gfather were present (along with Tori and Tiff) - Judge Z explained to everyone present for SB that RD and Ms Cromer had some discovery to exchange that would take a few hours - so go ahead and leave come back after lunch.

The State had a list of 8 pretrial motions and the defense had 22 plus the Messiah Motion.

1) The new witness presented 2 hearings ago (with the 6 pack photos) identified BB and SB's brother Nick as being at the PnR March 18th 2009 - which is what we were expecting to hear. Now for the Nancy Grace Bomb Shell moment:

The witness described seeing SB and another person (a male) drive into the PnR together!! The man left in a red car and returned later with SB's brother Nick. She ID'ed Nick but had trouble identifying the man in the car with SB 100% - she did recognize the man who returned with Nick as being BB and later found out BB was SB's boyfriend.

2) The State wants to use crime scene photo's of Emma at the drop site (in Sylmar) - the state of rigor proved that SB drove around for HOURS with Emma's body in the car with her... :(

3) Ms Cromer said the Barker's had a party the night before Emma was laid to rest - RD called it a get together. Ms Cromer again called it a PARTY, with BEER PONG! RD explained that the young people played beer pong, but SB did not play. He said; 'The Mom played also'. Judge Z looked amazed and confused he said, 'Wait! Emma's mom or SB'S Mom?' RD said, 'SB'S mom.'

4) The alleged abuse of SB in a holding cell at the Court house: One of the deputies supposedly called SB a BABY KILLER and RD objects to her being called names like that by LE. Ms Cromer said the 'attack' is unsubstantiated. RD said it was proof that ALL LE are against her and that they will all try to turn everyone against her! He said he knows that if these deputies get on the stand that they will not confess to saying anything that would get them fired.

5) SB did have a SART at the hospital because she said that she had been raped. RD does not want repetitious statements from the Drs, Nurses and anyone else she talked to there. Ms Cromer said that SB had vaginal bruising.

6) The photos of the Barker home were discussed (specifically Emma's room). RD brought this up to prove what a good, caring mom SB is/was - Ms Cromer pointed out that Emma's room was in her gparent's house and since her gparents and other family members were with Emma more than SB - they might have been the ones who decorated and kept it up too.

Next hearing 4/14 - The Messiah Motion and all others not finished today. Judge Z said they will return on 4/15 if need be because jury selection starts on Monday the 18th and as soon as the jury is seated the trial will begin!
LCoast - am I understanding this right?

When SB went to the PnR, after getting rid of baby Emma, she had a man with her? And his car was at the PnR? So it may be that someone was with SB when she killed baby Emma?


Salem - BB has been at 95% of all hearings (sitting with her family) and gave a statement to LE the night of the murder - this guy balled his eyes out the day of the pre-lim when the Det testified that SB admitted to smothering Emma.

I'm taking a guess here - she called him first and gave him some BS story about being attacked & Emma being snatched, (maybe she was afraid to call LE in case the kidnappers harmed Emma a`la ICA) or maybe even saying she didn't remember how or where she lost Emma because she had a bump on her head (KWIM?) he met her at the PnR (maybe they went back to the park "to look for Emma") IDK (yet). They returned to the PnR, (where they were seen) he left and returned with Nick B (who called LE). This is just a theory, subject to change as more information becomes available.

Tori has thought all along that BB may have been along for the ride when SB dumped Emma and possibly even for the ride to Lawndale, but wouldn't he have been arrested as an accessory after the fact if that were the case?

I believe this crime has effected BB tremendously - in November he got a DUI, his second in six months! Tori has seen him at the hearings, he has been MIA every time I've been there - she has a feel for him that I haven't seen, we'll know soon!

I can't wait to find out how long the SA has known about the PnR witness - Ms Cromer waited until 4/1 to mention her or the photo line up of BB & Nick B - with all the carp the PD has pulled with withholding discovery it makes me smile (in private) just a little, to find out about her.
Unbelievable that SB murdered little Emma more than two years ago, and is still awaiting a trial by jury. Not fair, dang it - not fair in the name of justice for Emma. SB has been fed, clothed and given shelter at the expense of the taxpayers of the state of California. That includes me, and I resent my taxes going toward defending this baby-killer, who is on record with a confession. How can a state employee, this Public Defender, continue to drain (finagle) money out of the already financially crippled state coffers. He works for the State of California against the State of California. This trial should have been over within six months after little Emma was murdered. SB should be serving out a long mandatory sentence with no credit for "time served" at the expense of the state of California. No parole, no time off for "good" behavior, murder is bad behavior, do the crime, do the time.
Little Emma, you were loved by so many, except for the one who should have given her life to protect you from harm.
WOW- First off~ A BIG THANK YOU to LCoastmom for keeping us all updated!! You and the gals are doing a great job, and to think, it all started with the need for justice for a lil girl that touched us all, some right in our back yards :( I know I appreciate all of your updates and your dedication to seeing this thru till JUSTICE is served!!

Your NG Bombshells are great. BB was at the PnR before with SB? WOW!! Im not surprised, but am surprised they sat on that lil nail that should seal her coffin!! No wonder Cromer wont accept a plea!! Let SB try and talk her way out of that one!!! It does make sense why he was present and accounted for during all her first hearings- maybe to make sure his name stays out of it? Seems like maybe he was comfy knowing they hadnt mentioned it, stopped attending (after all, they arent together, and has recvd 2 DUIs in the last year? Maybe a guilty concious?

Another thing that saddens me is that SBs mom was playing beer pong?? WTF?? Nice example to set as a mother, especially at such an emotional time in their life. Maybe the apple doesnt fall far from the tree?

SO what if a few deputies share their feelings about her. SHe was a big girl when she killed Emma, she should chin up and learn to take it- HOPEFULLY, she will become someone's slave in Chowchilla. I heard even the women arent fond of baby kilers, so I hope she sweats out every day she is incarcerated!!!

Last, I wonder how she got the vag bruising and the bump on her head. Maybe a rough-me-up-and-make-it-look-like-I-was-raped session with BB?? This makes me SICK to even call her a mom- Hopefully she will be incarcerated long enough to NEVER reproduce!!

I cant wait for tomorrows news~ Thanks again LCM for the updates!!!:seeya:.
5) SB did have a SART at the hospital because she said that she had been raped. RD does not want repetitious statements from the Drs, Nurses and anyone else she talked to there. Ms Cromer said that SB had vaginal bruising.

Did this "happen" when she got knocked out at the park? Sorry Im a bit confused..

Thanks for your update LCOASTMOM!!!!

Also I just read Katfish's blog about SB's interview, wow!!! I just wonder when this idea popped into her head, as she was trying to collect money and she didn't get it or when her mother told her she wasn't watching E anymore??
I've given some thought to the BB issue and something just came to me:

SB spent the day with BB (they spent the day in his bed), she left his house, went home and left with Emma "to go to the park" - IIRC SB said she was attacked from behind at the park - so she did not see who kidnapped Emma. Hours pass - BB was seen entering the PnR with SB and seen leaving - alone! SB pretended to come to in the PnR after being attacked.

SB had a SART exam... Gee whose DNA was that going to show? (Along with those bruises).

BB didn't want Emma in his life - BB said SB was more into him than he was into her.

Now that paints an interesting picture!! No wonder BB shows up at the court!
5) SB did have a SART at the hospital because she said that she had been raped. RD does not want repetitious statements from the Drs, Nurses and anyone else she talked to there. Ms Cromer said that SB had vaginal bruising.

Did this "happen" when she got knocked out at the park? Sorry Im a bit confused..

Thanks for your update LCOASTMOM!!!!

Also I just read Katfish's blog about SB's interview, wow!!! I just wonder when this idea popped into her head, as she was trying to collect money and she didn't get it or when her mother told her she wasn't watching E anymore??

MorenoI - Sorry I missed this before posting above - SB was found semi nude in her car at the PnR - It was rumored early on that when SB got to the hospital she declined the SART because "she wasn't sore down there" so she knew she hadn't been raped (I guess her attackers just didn't like her outfit that day).

As it turned out her missing clothing was found hidden in some bushes at the PnR - where she stashed them and she did have the SART - Anyway refer to the above post about the rest of the equation.

MorenoI - I believe this was premeditated - I don't know when the idea was first formulated - but SB had removed photos of Emma from her cubical at work the week before Emma was murdered...

SB & her mother fighting was an old event, everyone in that family took care of Emma except SB.

SB claimed she was taking Emma to the park but instead took off in the opposite direction.

Emma's daddy never knew SB was coming to see him that day - nor did he know she wanted more money.

Emma had a double dose of Dimetapp in her system when she died.
Hi Chicogirl! You've been missed, glad to se you here!

Judge Z has ruled that Witness X is in! When SB spoke with him on the bus he was not a Government Agent and he was not infringing on her rights! If they are going to use the tapes he will revisit the Massiah Motion with RD and Ms Cromer -

Ms Cromer does not believe she will be using the tapes, she will listen to them and let RD and Judge Z know if she changes her mind.

Ms Cromer said she will be using a flurry of text messages as evidence - evidence of what - she hasn't said!

The State does not think the jury needs to see TWO COMPLETE ALBUMS of photos - she is OK with some being shown. RD claims these pictures show SB to be a GOOD MOTHER - Emma's clean and well dressed in matching outfits. Not a kid running around in a diaper and tee-shirt.

PPLLFFTTT - who takes their baby for pictures when they are dirty and undressed. There are hundreds of pictures of Caylee and ICA and even pictures of HaLeigh and Ron C - that does not make them good parents!

I know one picture they should use, Emma dressed as Snow White and SB handing her the poison apple! That is a truthful picture. The rest are all proof that pictures can lie!

As Tori said: she dressed her up how does that make you a good caring mother?

Ms Cromer talked about SB's parents and brother caring for Emma - Nick and her mother cared for Emma during the day while SB worked and her father had her at night when SB partied -

GB and his parents shook their heads NO as if to say it wasn't like that but even Amber said they would call SB to come home in the middle of the night when Emma woke up, so how can they deny that they were watching her?
Emma/SB - with poison apple


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Hi Chicogirl! You've been missed, glad to se you here!

Judge Z has ruled that Witness X is in! When SB spoke with him on the bus he was not a Government Agent and he was not infringing on her rights! If they are going to use the tapes he will revisit the Massiah Motion with RD and Ms Cromer -

Ms Cromer does not believe she will be using the tapes, she will listen to them and let RD and Judge Z know if she changes her mind.

Ms Cromer said she will be using a flurry of text messages as evidence - evidence of what - she hasn't said!

The State does not think the jury needs to see TWO COMPLETE ALBUMS of photos - she is OK with some being shown. RD claims these pictures show SB to be a GOOD MOTHER - Emma's clean and well dressed in matching outfits. Not a kid running around in a diaper and tee-shirt.

PPLLFFTTT - who takes their baby for pictures when they are dirty and undressed. There are hundreds of pictures of Caylee and ICA and even pictures of HaLeigh and Ron C - that does not make them good parents!

I know one picture they should use, Emma dressed as Snow White and SB handing her the poison apple! That is a truthful picture. The rest are all proof that pictures can lie!

As Tori said:

Ms Cromer talked about SB's parents and brother caring for Emma - Nick and her mother cared for Emma during the day while SB worked and her father had her at night when SB partied -

GB and his parents shook their heads NO as if to say it wasn't like that but even Amber said they would call SB to come home in the middle of the night when Emma woke up, so how can they deny that they were watching her?

Thanks LCM- I am back just in time for justice to be served both on SB and ICA- WOOHOO!!!:woohoo:

Soo glad to hear that witness X is in!! He sounds like an interesting fellow- Does this mean he can testify or only the tapes (if they decide to use them)? Is he really a gov agent now, or is this all BS? Sounds rediculous to me, IMO- especially with his background! unless he is a snitch!

Text Messages?? WTH? I am surprised at this and am anxiously awaiting to see who they are with- hopefully its to smash her version of events- I would think whomever she was texting has been investigated to make sure they werent an accomplice. This has me wondering even more now- And to think we pretty much knew all about this case- YEAH- I :heartbeat:

Last thing LCM, I forgot about the poison apple pics- I remember we saw these around the time she was laid to rest~ SCARY how a pic can be so appropriate! Makes me sick!! :sick:
Thanks LCM- I am back just in time for justice to be served both on SB and ICA- WOOHOO!!!:woohoo:

Soo glad to hear that witness X is in!! He sounds like an interesting fellow- Does this mean he can testify or only the tapes (if they decide to use them)? Is he really a gov agent now, or is this all BS? Sounds rediculous to me, IMO- especially with his background! unless he is a snitch!

Text Messages?? WTH? I am surprised at this and am anxiously awaiting to see who they are with- hopefully its to smash her version of events- I would think whomever she was texting has been investigated to make sure they werent an accomplice. This has me wondering even more now- And to think we pretty much knew all about this case- YEAH- I :heartbeat:

Last thing LCM, I forgot about the poison apple pics- I remember we saw these around the time she was laid to rest~ SCARY how a pic can be so appropriate! Makes me sick!! :sick:

X can testify because he wasn't a GA when SB talked to him on the bus - the tapes are iffy after he contacted the SA, so if they plan on using those Judge Z will have to make a separate decision (they didn't mention the phone calls or letters!) - this case has so darn many twists! Nothing is as open and shut as it sounded back on 3/19/09.... Except the fact that SB is the only one who has been charged in Emma's murder!

I guess the reality of it is he is a self appointed snitch - he offered his services to the SA when he began doubting SB - There is rumor that he has "snitched" before, but Judge Z shut RD down when he brought it up in court.

There were two members of his former gang in Judge Z's court on Thursday - X was supposed to be there but for some reason wasn't. What a mess that could have been.

Last time I was there they brought in two defendants from the holding cell and all of a sudden there were 5 more LASD officers in the room! It's crazy these two people in shackles deserve so much attention! But they are really taking the gang situation seriously!

Tori wasn't able to be in court on Friday - (it was over very quickly) Ange & Nurse both missed whatever happened so we'll know more on Monday - whether the motions have been decided or not, and if Jury selection will actually start on time. Kat is very doubtful...

Since I never unpacked after the last trip I just need to pull out a few of the winter clothes and toss in a few spring/summer tops and I'm ready to go! :)

I hear you I found those pix to be very disturbing - I can't even image letting my baby pose for that particular picture...
Emma/SB - with poison apple

This picture stood out when I first read this story. I thought that was sort of an odd picture, giving the poisoned apple to E.
Sort of like playing out something she wished she could do?!

Actually this is the story that "pushed" me to join WS.
This picture stood out when I first read this story. I thought that was sort of an odd picture, giving the poisoned apple to E.
Sort of like playing out something she wished she could do?!

Actually this is the story that "pushed" me to join WS.

Welcome to WS MorenoI~ Im glad you are with us- We had quite a few people in the beginning, but LCMom is one of the few who has stayed and posted diligently (thank you LCM :justice:).

Yes, this photo is HORRIBLY INAPPROPRIATE,IMHO. I also would never let my BABY be photographed like that- I bet thats her hand also- THATS SICK!! Its right up there next to the heart shape sticker on CMA and the matching set found in ICA's bedroom- Maybe its God working in mysterious ways?? I would hate to think God had a hand at any of this evil, but maybe divine intervention stepped in and helped those baby girls out to lead the PD to their mommies-OOPS-killers!

And for some reason, I cant get the fact that this happened during the CMA circus, and we all speculated she was copying ICA. Even as both trials are coming soon, I still think about how selfish these two girls were. They both lived at home and had parents helping. SAD~SAD~SAD :banghead:
Thanks for the link MorenoI!

And thanks to Tori our on the spot reporter!

Judge Z ordered 70 jurors - 57 showed and were given questionnaires and told to return on Thursday. (Judge Z is downtown on Wednesday).

The Court will start polling them on Thursday and may go into Friday (no doubt, that is a lot of people) then if a panel is picked they will allow a couple of days for Opening Statements to be prepared by both sides, so Trial could start as early as April 25th or as late as May 2nd....depends on RD and how difficult he is going to make it for a prospective juror or how many more he will ask for if he cannot get a jury he likes out of the 57 that he has right now.

We still don't know how Judge Z ruled on camera's in the court...
Tori has not been able to be in the Courtroom during jury selection due to over crowding - there are only about 20, maybe 25 seats in the gallery - with 57 potential jurors I guess it was SRO. She will be speaking with Craig (AV Press reporter) today after he talks with Ms Cromer.

We did catch up a little this week - she told me the SA is not going to present autopsy photos to the jury. The photos from Sylmar and the drawing that was found in the ME report showing bruises (hand/finger marks) on our precious Emma's forehead and nose say more than enough. (we're waiting to hear what Judge Z will allow in).

What was the purpose of Ms Cromer bringing up the Beer-Pong? Surely she has a reason for mentioning it. Right? She wasn't just sharing a tasty morsel for the sake of outing SB's friends as beer drinkers... :waitasec:

SB's brother Nick - who was called to the PnR 3/18/09 - the one who called 911 - has enlisted in the military and is currently in Fl. We're not sure if he is coming back to testify or not.

Brendon, who had previously been to 95% of the hearings has not been back to court since 4/1 - when Ms Cromer revealed the photo line-up ID from the PnR guard who saw BB enter the lot with SB, saw him leave alone & return with Nick! We have no further information about how this is going to play out but all of our hinky meters have been tripped. Tori believes that BB left this important detail out while speaking with LE that night. I was holding on to the idea that LE & the SA just held this last bit close to the vest - but now I just don't know.

How does someone enlist the help of a person they've only been dating a few (3) months - when disposing of their child's body (given that SB claimed it was an accident)? Wouldn't the innocent by-stander (if there is one) say "NO! Don't do this, we'll call 911 and let them handle it!" :waitasec:

I've always said the events of that night didn't make sense and today they make even less sense than they did 2 years ago. These are not gang members, brain dead druggies or even teenagers - I will not go so far as to say there were no drugs involved because I don't know - SB had some nasty sores on her mouth when she was arrested and there was plenty of talk of prior drug use (including by her BFF Amber - who admitted SB was a user prior to finding out she was pregnant with Emma).

So many questions - so few answers. Waiting patiently is hard....
And the Side Show continues. According to Tori (and the AV Press) 80 potential jurors have been polled and thus far Dager has not found 18 people who he will seat on the jury... According to the PD those polled have an opinion based on what they have heard from friends, family or the news. Others he says are not able to be neutral because a child was murdered!

Dager is still screaming for a COV - like going into Los Angeles is going to change the fact that NO ONE SUPPORTS BABY KILLERS!! (Except defense attorneys!)

JUSTICE FOR EMMA IS LONG OVERDUE - Let's get this trial underway!!!

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