GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DDA Kelley Cromer has made a complaint to the Court regarding Dager's opening statements. Cromer feels that that Dager's concentration in his opening - condemning the state and detectives, making personal attacks against them for recording X's conversations with Barker - was misconduct.

Judge Zackey agreed with the State. Zackey said if it was misconduct, it will not be tolerated, adding he will read the transcripts of the defense opening and will rule later. (Hopefully if this is found to be true, more will come of it than the sanctions Judge Z threatening during pretrial...)

Sue Barker has revealed during testimony that at the "get together" the night before Emma was laid to rest the house was full of Nick's friends, coming and going -

Dager - What do you know about a drinking game? Was there drinking going on during the mourning period?

Sue - Yes.

Dager - Was there a party?

Sue - Not a party the night before, but people were coming in and out.

Dager - When you had dinner were all of Nick's friends there?

Sue - Yes, that's when we played beer pong.

Judge Zackey - Can you explain what beer pong is?

Sue - Beer cups are set up on a ping pong table like bowling pins, each person bounces a ping pong ball trying to get it in a cup, those who make it drink the beer.

Dager - Did Stacey play?

Sue - Stacey only played 45 minutes, at my request. I was trying to cheer her up. She was quiet the whole time.

So in other words Dager lied in pretrial when Judge Zackey asked him if SB had played!!

Also, we have heard from someone who is concidered to be reliable that Sue had already decided SB was guilty of killing her baby - in fact they had an altercation, days before Emma's funeral. So here we are supposed to believe Sue cared that SB needed cheering up? Sorry Sue - I don't think so...

During Day One - Sue Barker told the Court that she bought Emma's toys and SB bought Emma's clothing. On Day Two she was presented with seven (7) photos of Emma that she identified and gave Emma's age in each one - ranging from newborn until shortly before Emma's death - when asked she admitted that in each picture she was the one who purchased the outfits Emma wore.

Sue Barker was also declared a hostile witness.

While BB was on the stand: Dager asked him if he has a new girl friend in his life since SB has been incarcerated.

BB said that he has had "hook up's" but has not started any new relationships. He has been to visit SB and talks to her on the phone. Judge Zackey asks BB "What is a hook up?" (I love Judge Z!) BB said, 'Kissing and having sex.'

SB was not happy to hear this! As bored as she appears most of the time, BB had her attention at this point! (As if, we already know in the 2 1/2 months they "dated" SB was with at least two other guys!)

At times BB claims their relationship was "casual", at other times he refers to SB as his girlfriend, then goes back to "it was not a big thing, yet".

Dager asks him if he had texted SB 50 to 75 times a day? BB said 'he did'. RD tells him, "IT WAS YOU that was obsessed with SB, not her with you! Right?" BB said, "No, it was a new relationship. I liked her and I don't like to talk on the phone, so I texted."

On redirect Ms Cromer asks "So you have not started any new relationships?"

BB replied, "No!"

Ms Cromer - "How long a period between your last girlfriend and SB?"

BB - "I would say about 2 to 3 years."

KC - "Why so long?"

BB - "I didn't find anyone that I liked until SB."

The perfect storm?
Yesterday the Coroners Investigator, Denise Bertone, was on the stand. The overhead was not working so the jurors had to be shown 8x10 pictures (20 in all) of Emma at the dump site. Bertone walked by the jurors with the pictures held up and told them what each picture displayed, she was very detailed so they understood the full investigation (not only with the pictures, but with every question on the stand also).

The photos were very difficult to look at - the dump site, close ups of little Emma with linear marks on her face, froth in her mouth, blood in her nose and on her lip. They showed that there were no petechiae in Emma's eyes - the last pictures from the dump site are of Bertone doing the external exam of Emma on the rear hatch of the coroners car. She explained that Emma was in a position that her arms and hands were raised and hands were lifted, hips bent and knees raised, head turned to the side. Picture a baby sleeping in a car seat.

I hope this image is burned in SB's mind forever.

Bertone explained that the froth is lung fluid and it remained in Emma's mouth until she "broke rigor" in Emma's jaw.

Dager tries to get Bertone to say the absence of petechiae means that SB did not in fact murder Emma - she explained that was not correct, that most of the time no matter how they die, children do not get petechiae, she has seen that many times in her investigations.

Dager asked if Det Marsh had explained the situation to her - Bertone said they were given basics so they knew what to look for. Next Dager asked if her investigation was conducted to make the detectives theories fit the scene. She replied "No! I direct my investigation towards what I see and not on what detectives want, sir!" He also asked if she was disturbed by this case - she told him all cases involving children are disturbing.

No doubt Dager keeps bringing this up to show that people are not being fair to his poor client.

Los Angeles County Deputy Coroner James K. Ribe was next -

Dr Ribe said that he saw four signs that Emma was smothered, not choked to death on a baggie.

1) Froth (lung fluid) in mouth
2) Swelling of the brain - showing a slow death
3) Blood dark - almost black, unclotted and watery
4) Blood in and around the nose

Dr Ribe explained that do to an absence of cartilage in a young child's nose there would be little evidence of pressure applied to the face.

Dager asked why he did not mention the blood found in Emma's nose in his first report - he replied that he didn't notice it! :eek:

Dager says, "Kelly Cromer told you right?" "Yes." Which gives Dager the opportunity he needed to say, "Haven't you changed your COD in other cases?" Ms Cromer objects! Judge Zackey sites the SALAZAR case and tells Dager that Ribe only changes the time of death not the cause in that case. He has not changed the cause of death in this case either, he has only added one more sign of suffocation. Dr Ribe's testimony will stand.

In the Salazar case the petitioner Jose Salazar was found guilty, the verdict was turned over on appeal and retried where the defendant was once again found guilty in the death of 11 month old Adriana Krygoski. The perp shook the baby to death, hitting her head against a hard surface - because she pushed her spoon away getting baby food on his new sweats and tee.

The complete - horrific story should anyone want to read it:
After lunch Thursday Dager was speaking with Dr Ribe in the hallway - there is a buzz going on that someone has spoken out, where they should not have!

After Dr.Ribe was dismissed Judge Z said, "We finished early, the jury can go with the exception of alternate #3. Yes you, in the blue."

The jury left and Judge Z started to ask #3 if she had tried to speak to Dager in the hall? She answered Judge Z before he is finished asking the question saying, "I know, I'm sorry. I was on the phone with my daughter and was thinking I had a question to ask him and before I knew it I just blurted out to him." Judge Z asked her what she was going to say to him? #3 replied that she didn't remember. It had just happened minutes before! Judge Z pressed her, but she did not say. She just said she knew it was wrong and she was sorry.

Judge Z said the jury had been admonished not to talk to witnesses, council or anyone else and she broke that rule and they will talk to her later - wait outside. (Ouch!) As she was leaving she half turned, as if to leave her notebook - Dager was looking at her and she just walked away. Judge Zackey saw this and told her she needed to leave her book on the chair! She put it back. Judge Z, Dager and Ms Cromer talked after she left and Dager said it was no big deal - he would keep her. Judge Z asked Ms Cromer, "What do you think Kelly?" KC said, "I WANT HER GONE!" They discussed if she was just being scatter brained or was it a real attempt to speak to Dager. Dager thinks it is scatter brained - she did forget to leave the notebook, Kelly still wants her gone! Judge Z said he would look up jury conduct and let everyone know Friday if she stays or goes.

Witness X will be on the stand next week!
Alternate #4 (oops not 3) was dismissed.

As it turns out she was recently involved in a case that was handled in Judge Zackey's Courtroom - her husband violated a PO and was stalking her - Judge Z had him incarcerated.

Judge Z nicely told Juror 4 that she had other things to be taking care of in her life right now, causing her to lose focus and he needed his jurors to have 100% focus on this case. He told her to have a nice weekend and thanked her.

Dager complained that she was dismissed against his objections <doing eye rolls> Judge Z said we don't know how she would have voted (if she was needed to vote at all) but he doesn't believe she will be needed.

So, just before this someone told the Bailiff that a couple of jurors were discussing the case in the hallway - she thought - so Dager started whining about a mistrial. Judge Z told him that was premature. Dager concluded that there are 4 potential jurors that maybe sent home! Judge Zacky corrected him and pointed out they need to find out if there is a situation first!

The jurors were not talking about the case at all - they were discussing their own children.

Judge Zackey told him "No cause for mistrial, Mr Dager!"
Dager tried hard to get the PnR and the info on SB's car tossed - now we know why. For all Dager's boasting about Emma being a miracle baby, claiming SB has some condition that could have prevented her from ever getting pregnant - there is a box of Plan B (emergency contraception) in her glove box... Ms Cromer says that box shows state of mind!

As I said before, the detective pointed out (and there are photos to back up) that SB's feet and hands were clean and neat at the hospital. (Her sandals were in the car). But there is soft, loose dirt that matches the PnR dirt on the floorboard of her car, on the passenger side where she was "found" - the dirt near the fence where her clothing and some personal items were tossed is disturbed and appears that some of the dirt was dragged over the curb, to the front bumper. We're questioning if this is where the accessory after the fact comes in.

Det Marsh on the stand:

Ms Cromer asked where he first had contact with SB - he said it was at the Sylmar site. SB was seated in the back of an unmarked car, with the window down. Asked what he did, he said he introduced himself and told her he was sorry for her loss. Ms Cromer asked what SB said to him, what she did - he said she didn't respond, at all. There was no reaction, she just sat there looking out the window, she seemed unconcerned. <as we have noted, just like in court!>
Monday's court proceedings didn't get underway until 2 PM and was over by 4:00. The CSI specialist who staged the reenactment with Det Sandra Nava testified that there is no way Emma's death happened while SB was driving anywhere! (We knew that - thanks for the conformation!) She could not reach Emma in her car seat from the front seat, even with the front seat reclined.

The CSI testified that SB held one hand on the back of Emma's head and one over her mouth and nose exerting 4 to 6 PSI of pressure to smother her precious child, leaving the fabric imprint from Emma's blinky on her little face...

There were some interesting developments outside of the courtroom today - I'll get back to you on it as soon as I hear more!
Thank you so much Lcoastmom for all the updates.
I just don't understand why this case is not getting any coverage.
Today was a good day for Emma - not so great for the defense!

The State called Homicide Det's Mc Carthy and Nava. They are both excellent witnesses.

The tape of SB's first LE interview:

She goes on and on about what happened to her, lots of emotion! No mention of Emma. The detectives tell her there are 100 officers and searchers looking for Emma - this leads to a discussion on the possibility that Emma could be out there alone - cold and scared. SB said 'yeah she might be scared and cold, I need my baby...' then back to herself!

Next up the video of SB's second interview:

SB had on a sad face as the detectives beg her to tell them the truth about what happened to Emma. They talked about accidents that could've happened and no one would look at her as being a bad person for an accident. Please help us bring Emma home; you want her, your mom wants her and we want her home. SB continues to say she doesn't know where she is and she didn't do anything to Emma. She SWEARS!

The detectives left her alone for 5 to 7 minutes and a whole different persona came out. She looked bored, tired and annoyed. She picked at her forehead (pimple), ran her fingers through her hair, picked her nose several times, drank water and back to her hair, this time she looked for split ends.

No crying, no tears, she thought she was fooling the detectives, apparently she thought they were idiots.

When the detectives returned, SB put the sad face on as soon as the door opened - they spoke to her for 15 minutes then left again - the same thing happened when the detectives were out of the room. It looked like she was not one bit interested in being there, she looked irritated, she never said "Just hurry up and find my child" - nothing about Emma until asked and so arrogant...

Dager objected to the length of time the video showed SB sitting there alone - overruled!

Today was the first time Judge Z saw these videos; at the end of the second interview he sent the jury on a break. Once they were out of the room he said; "I want it on the record why I overruled Mr Dager's objection for excessive content. It goes to show her demeaner, she seems to be aloof and busy checking out her split ends, she does this for the whole 5 to 7 minutes."

The jury got a good look at how heartless she really is - I hope the impression sticks. We talked about these tapes when they were brought up at the pre-lim; they are worse than we thought. What an actress she thought she was, but I don't think she fooled anyone except her father and his family.

More of interview two:

When the detectives came back into the room SB told them it was an accident that happened in Long Beach. Emma took the baggie and choked on it, SB said when she looked back Emma was not breathing - she pulled over and checked her and said Emma was not breathing and she had no heartbeat. So she started back to the AV - stopping in Sylmar to drop her off in the lot. No emotion while telling this story...

Tomorrow is the other half of the video. The State could wrap up their case as soon as Thursday - depending on how much time the rest of the witnesses take. They have not mentioned Witness X - I'm assuming because of his gang affiliations and the fact that he had been marked by his former gang, that they are not advertising his presence ahead of time.

Judge Z said his court may be dark on Friday, he will let us know.
Video of SB with Detectives Nava and McCarthy Part 3.

SB's story is a changing - Det Nava asked SB to tell her what really happened. SB claimed while she was driving (down the FWY in evening rush hour traffic!) she was playing Peek a Boo with the blanket throwing it over Emma's head, she didn't know Emma had a baggie in her mouth - after she did not hear anything from Emma for a few minutes she looked back, took the blanket off and knew Emma was dead - then she panicked.

Det Nava keeps at her, telling her things like Stacey, you say you would run to Emma if she fell, skinned her knee, bumped her head or any time she got hurt, then why didn't you call 911, pull the baggie out of her mouth or pull over when you noticed that she was slumped over and had a baggie hanging out of her mouth? You just drove another 45 minutes while she was not breathing? Help me understand that... SB said she was scared and did not know what to do at that point...

Det Nava presses on with why would a baby take an empty baggie from a purse and put it in her mouth? It was not a coin, a rock or anything she would think was a candy or food so why would she put the baggie in her mouth? Or did you put the baggie in her mouth?

SB replied No! I didn't! I wouldn't hurt my baby, she saved my life. I was in a downward spiral before I got pregnant with her, she saved me....

SB is trying to make it work and it's just not....

Next change - SB said she pulled over and took the baggie out of Emma's mouth and checked her heart and breathing, Emma had no signs of life, so she started back to the AV, pulled off at the Denny's off ramp in Sylmar. She placed Emma in the lot, kissed her on the forehead and left.

Then she said that she was playing peek-a-boo with the baggie. Pressing it on Emma's face and taking it away!?!

Next, she said she was playing peek-a-boo with the blanket and she didn't know Emma had the baggie, she must have put it in her mouth and SB didn't know it was there. SB said she put her hands lightly over Emma's nose and mouth, while the blanket is on her face and only holds her hand there for like 2 to 3 minutes, with no pressure! SB is doing all this from the front seat while she is driving!

SB said that Emma was trying to take her hands off her face and grabbing at her hands forcefully, scratching her, but SB thought Emma was playing rough with her, she has played rough with her before. When she took the blanket off she knew she was dead.....

Det Nava told her, "Stacey that is only 80% of the story. You are heading to 100% and that is what we want, the truth - not 50%, not 80%, not 90%, we want the truth. You seem to almost get there, then you go back to 80%, but now you are heading towards 40% - please just tell us what happened, if it was a mistake and you did it, tell us but tell us the truth of how it happened and get it off your chest, people make mistakes.

The tape ends, some of what SB is saying is true - but like Det Nava, we know it is not the whole truth....

Thursday - on the stand BB's manager from Texas Cattle Co and the Park n Ride security officer.

BB tried to come into the Courtroom Wednesday - Judge Z saw him sitting there and pointed towards the door, BB left.
Thank you LCM for giving the details of this case. I am new here and this case has wrapped right around my heart. I will look for the latest courtroom happenings on Monday...Justice for Emma~Please!
Witness X is now called John Doe so he doesn't sound like a super hero LOL. He was in Judge Zackey's Courtroom last year and was placed on the witness list - at that time they used his given name so we sleuthed him. He is a convicted felon with a lengthly history that included local gang ties - he's out of the gang now and testified against them (from what I understand). He is a musician who played in a LA band, he's kind of a goth/rock - heavy metal looking guy with many tattoos - including a demonic looking face tattooed onto the back of his shaved head, he went by the nickname Vampire. In 2008 he was back in jail on assault (and robbery?) charges. Shortly after we blogged about him some folks who claimed to be SB's 'Auntie' and 'Uncle' added their feelings that we were not good people for giving a convicted sex offender the benefit of the doubt but not SB! They claimed there was much we didn't know about the case against SB... Well, I think they have been proved wrong!

First off, X beat up a convicted sex offender who was offering to give his young daughter private music lessons - he was never accused of being a SO himself. He was facing Life due to CA's 3 Strikes Law. His first trial ended in a 5 - 7 split to acquit so the State offered him a 10 year deal, which he accepted.

X met SB on the bus to court. They were both in protective custody so they are in locked cages during transport. They spoke and originally X thought SB was wrongly accused so he befriended her. In Court X said SB liked to talk about her case and she gave him tons of information! When he realized she actually murdered her baby, he asked to have LE called and he offered to wear a wire and testify against her.

SB apparently never questioned X having the same court dates as she did for 6 or 8 months and chatted him up every time - at some point she admitted to smothering Emma, she supposedly told him Emma was dead before leaving Lancaster and asked for his help in making up a story that fit the known facts! SB told him BB "owed her one" and that BB told her she would be ''out there with him right now if she had just stuck to the story''! X said that SB told him she is pizzed at BB because he's out having a good time and she's stuck in jail!

On Friday they also played a tape of SB talking to her parents from jail after she was measured for the crime scene reenactment. She was terrified and kept repeating that she is screwed - she told her parents that she had moved the front driver side seat back, to look for something. (She had told LE she came to in the passenger seat.)

The PnR Security Officer testified that "The silver Mazda (SB's car) pulled in with no headlights on and a male driver." She saw a cell phone light come on in the car and 10 minutes later a maroon or red car entered the lot* and the guy driving the Mazda (BB) left with that person, in the red/maroon car. 20 minutes later a blue car entered the lot, the male who had driven the Mazda and another man got out of the car, followed by a flurry of LEOs. (The two guys in the blue car were ID'ed as BB and NB.)

*BB drove a maroon car at the time.

We've had a houseful of company all weekend so I will talk to Tori today to get more information on X's testimony.
Thank you LCM for giving the details of this case. I am new here and this case has wrapped right around my heart. I will look for the latest courtroom happenings on Monday...Justice for Emma~Please!

Hi LglNrs welcome to WS. This case got me too. I am waiting for the day SB is convicted and sentenced. If BB is involved, as it now looks he may be - then we'll do this again for him too.

FWIW he has adamantly denied involvement (to his friends and coworkers), but he has apparently lied about somethings on the stand - I guess we'll know soon.

:greetings: :welcome:
John Doe AKA Witness X

As it turned out what was previously posted was about the extent of J Doe's testimony. Ms Cromer commented on the letters SB wrote to him but they were not read in court.

X did say that SB claimed Emma was dead before leaving Lancaster, I'm still up in the air on this. SB's brother Nick said Emma was on SB's hip when she came into his room to tell him she was taking Emma to the park - she had been crying and carrying on during the fight between SB and her mother but was apparently calmed down by the time SB left the house.

SB claimed that the drive to LA took hours in bumper to bumper traffic but her phone pings tell another story - she cruised right out of town, down the 14, to the 5 and was in LA by 6PM - IIRC she left the house at 410ish. Pretty tight time line.

Brendon's manager

BB's manager testified that the computerized time card had BB clocking his tips in just before 8PM and clocking him out just before 9PM. But no one actually remembers whether or not he worked those hours on 3/18/09. :waitasec:

SB's phone revealed a text from her to BB - At the park with Emma. He replied Have fun, be safe.

Det Nava

Yesterday (Monday) Det Nava was the last witness for the state. Most of what she testified was rehash.

Emma's pink blanket came up again. Det. Nava said she she did not tell Sue Barker anything about a pink fiber being found in EB'S throat or lungs, the autopsy had not been done yet!

There is some reason that the blanket cannot be found. It was not in the car as SB said it was. What was the reason she did not leave Emma's favorite binkey with Emma in the bushes - did it have blood on it from the nose bleed SB gave Emma?

Of note, BB claimed he was home watching "Lie To Me" on 3/18 - I'm assuming she meant after he left work. RD asked if she verified the show was even on that night and what episode he watched - she did not. (It was on, the episode was called The Best Policy.)

They spent time again talking about BB, the times, the calls, the way he knew where to find SB, when she didn't even know where she was for sure, during the 911 call!!

The 911 calls

In the 911 call from Nick B, he told the dispatcher his sister had been abducted and someone has her daughter. Nick said he had been told by BB that she is in a PnR somewhere. BB is heard in the background (not real clear what he was saying but something about Fin and Feather). The dispatcher asked him some questions and then they asked for SB'S phone number. They are told do not call her, we are calling her now...

SB's 911 call:

SB: Hello.

Disp: Hello this is 911 we got a call that something has happened.

SB: (crying) I am hurting...

Disp: Where are you?

SB: I don't know, a Park and Ride I think...

Disp: You are at a Park and Ride?

SB: I think so..I am by a lake.

Disp: Do you see the freeway?

SB: Yes..

Disp: Where is Lancaster, to the north or south of you?

SB: Behind me...

Disp: Behind you? OK then you are at the one on Ave S. Someone will be there shortly, can you turn on your lights?

SB: No, I don't have keys.

Disp: Doesn't your emergency flashers work without keys? You need to turn them on so we can find you.

Disp: What happened?

SB: (crying) I am hurting, I have a big bump on my head, someone hit me on the head at the park. (crying) They took my baby.

The sirens can be heard in the background and BB asking her "Are you OK sweetheart?"

SB: I am hurting.

Disp: OK they are there to help you now - the line disconnects.

BB had told Nick she was frantic - could have fooled me...

According to Tori and Ange the crying sounded fake - like she had just woken up. What she was saying sounded rehearsed, she did not sound like a woman who's only child was abducted and was worried about what was happening to her, at the hands of a stranger. She seemed more concerned about her pain and the bump on her head! As usual it was all about HER!!

The State rests.

Gary Barker - For the defense

Gary Barker was the first witness for the defense; he praised SB for being a good mom, taking care of herself during pregnancy, how hard her labor was that resulted in a C Section. How she read books and prepared baby food. He said SB and Emma were both his princesses! They fixed the office into a nursery for Emma - they hung shelves and put princess dolls on them for Emma to look at.

All the while, SB is nodding at what he is saying, she has a smile on her face! Completely different then the looks she had for her mom and brother, when they were on the stand!

RD asks about Sue's drinking; GB said that Sue used to have a couple shots of tequila after work - 2 or 3 times a week with a diet Dr Pepper. Asked if she had a drinking problem all her life GB said, "No, she didn't start drinking heavy until this happened with Emma." So much for RD'S claim that SB grew up with Sue as a controlling alcoholic.

After lunch, Ms Cromer played a home video of SB with Emma on her shoulders. The jury was not in the room yet, SB was not smiling or crying at seeing this video of Emma. It will be interesting to see if SB puts her sad face on when this video is played for the jury. We'll see.

Ms Cromer will cross GB this afternoon.

Next up Larry B (SB's paternal gfather), Amber B (BFF) and Jennifer G (SB's former supervisor at BofA).

Judge Zackey said that the case should be wrapped up by today and he will give the jury their instructions. He told them they can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!

This jury has appeared to be paying attention. They used their notebooks (to double check facts) and have been taking lots of notes. The amount of attention paid to BB is bothering me. On day one Ms Cromer said SB is the only one implicated in the murder of Emma Leigh. I hope all the added talk about BB hasn't confused them - that SB was the last person with Emma and SB admitted she held her hand over Emma's face until she stopped breathing.
I am so grateful for the "Welcome" :seeya: ...I have great hope that BB's involvement will come out and he will face the Iron Fist of Justice~For Adorable Emma

Hi LglNrs welcome to WS. This case got me too. I am waiting for the day SB is convicted and sentenced. If BB is involved, as it now looks he may be - then we'll do this again for him too.

FWIW he has adamantly denied involvement (to his friends and coworkers), but he has apparently lied about somethings on the stand - I guess we'll know soon.

:greetings: :welcome:
I just can't stop shakin' my head, every time I spend some time reading about SB and ICA: what they are accused of is beyond any amount of my comprehension. I am a Mom of 3 and Grammie of 3 more...They are all my angels and blessings and I would lay down my own life for them. How these 2 so-called Mother's of these gorgeous babies: Emma and Caylee can play this pretend game of innocence is just Way Beyond Me! I would be crying non-stop if anything happened to my sweethearts and these gals :loser::loser:
just make up stories and have delusions of getting outa jail to return to their destroyed families...What gall and insanity...I just had to get it off my chest...Both of these cases are going on at the same time--my heart is on overload.
Praying for Justice for Emma and Caylee :praying:
I just can't stop shakin' my head, every time I spend some time reading about SB and ICA: what they are accused of is beyond any amount of my comprehension. I am a Mom of 3 and Grammie of 3 more...They are all my angels and blessings and I would lay down my own life for them. How these 2 so-called Mother's of these gorgeous babies: Emma and Caylee can play this pretend game of innocence is just Way Beyond Me! I would be crying non-stop if anything happened to my sweethearts and these gals :loser::loser:
just make up stories and have delusions of getting outa jail to return to their destroyed families...What gall and insanity...I just had to get it off my chest...Both of these cases are going on at the same time--my heart is on overload.
Praying for Justice for Emma and Caylee :praying:

I am so sad that Emma isn't getting the attention she deserves. I don't understand for the life of me why SB isn't facing 1st degree murder and it bugs me that she will probably be out of prison before she is too old.
Gary Barker on the stand with the defense said that SB was being harassed at their home. Someone(s) put signs in their yard reading BABY KILLER - people were driving by and screaming things at them. (Including during the party the night before Emma was laid to rest.)

While being questioned by the State, Gary's demeanor was much less forthcoming.

He testified that he never threatened to leave his wife over SB or Emma's death. He claims he loves his wife very much. (Sue was in the courtroom for the first time since she testified and heard this.) He said what happened did not do anything to their marriage - that is not what we heard under oath!

Gary said that they found out Emma was dead over the Internet - they had waited at the Sheriff's Office for SB for hours and they were told to go home, that SB was in an interview. Several hours later the detectives came and told them that SB had led the officers to Emma's body. GB said they were mad because they took SB to Sylmar without him.

Ms Cromer asked; "When the detectives told you Emma was dead and SB led them to the body, were Sue's first words How did she die and She killed her didn't she?!" He said "Yes, but she was in shock, we were trying to process everything, we couldn't believe it..."

Ms Cromer asked if he was told his LE interview was being recorded he said "No!" She showed him the recorder and asked if it was on the table during his interview and he said he was in too much shock to notice if it was or not.

RD asked him why were you in shock? He answered, "I just found out my daughter died!" This caused a stir in the courtroom as everyone looked at each other - he then added "I mean my grand daughter." RD asked, "Was Emma your princess?" He replied "She was my princess and more."

Ms Cromer asked. "If SB had told you and Sue, Here take her - I don't want her anymore what would you have said?" GB answered he would have been disappointed in SB, but they would have taken Emma.

Ms Cromer asked about BB coming over at night (after Emma was asleep), GB said he only came over once or twice a week. She replied, "So if he testified on the stand that he came over 4 or 5 times a week, he would have been lying?" Gary said, "Well, no I guess not, I guess I wasn't aware of it..." GB testified he was asleep by 8PM to get up at 3AM, to leave for work. He stated he is home by 3:00 PM, 40% of the time and between 4:00 and 9:00 PM 60% of the time.

Ms Cromer asked him "If you get home at that time, how did you see SB come in from work?" He said "Because I was there.." KC said, "Aaahh what time does SB get off work?" GB said 4:30 or 5 PM. KC asked, "What if I said it was 2:30 PM when she got off work. Could you have been there to see her?" GB said "I guess not..." (He had testified earlier that he was always at home when SB got home from work.)

Asked about the Beer Pong game, GB said that he had played for about 45 minutes, he had already drank 7 beers before he started playing. He sent BB to get SB from her room to play so she could cheer up. She loosened up after she played a few games...

Three weeks after Emma's death SB moved in with her paternal gfather, when Ms Cromer asked about this Gary said Stacey was lying in bed and Sue attacked her! He had to pull Sue off SB!

The Video:

Dager played the video of Emma being bounced around on SB's shoulders to the jury - they were playing, Emma was laughing and giggling. Several jurors started crying - so did SB! No response on Monday when it was played, but in front of the jury SB put on her sad face!

RD said he was not able to find two of the witnesses for the defense, Amber B and Jennifer G were not at the courthouse yesterday...

Judge Zackey had been hoping for closing statements and planned on giving the jurors their instructions today.


Stacey Barker is on the stand! I'll fill you in ASAP.
Gary Barker on the stand with the defense said that SB was being harassed at their home. Someone(s) put signs in their yard reading BABY KILLER - people were driving by and screaming things at them. (Including during the party the night before Emma was laid to rest.)

While being questioned by the State, Gary's demeanor was much less forthcoming.

He testified that he never threatened to leave his wife over SB or Emma's death. He claims he loves his wife very much. (Sue was in the courtroom for the first time since she testified and heard this.) He said what happened did not do anything to their marriage - that is not what we heard under oath!

Gary said that they found out Emma was dead over the Internet - they had waited at the Sheriff's Office for SB for hours and they were told to go home, that SB was in an interview. Several hours later the detectives came and told them that SB had led the officers to Emma's body. GB said they were mad because they took SB to Sylmar without him.

Ms Cromer asked; "When the detectives told you Emma was dead and SB led them to the body, were Sue's first words How did she die and She killed her didn't she?!" He said "Yes, but she was in shock, we were trying to process everything, we couldn't believe it..."

Ms Cromer asked if he was told his LE interview was being recorded he said "No!" She showed him the recorder and asked if it was on the table during his interview and he said he was in too much shock to notice if it was or not.

RD asked him why were you in shock? He answered, "I just found out my daughter died!" This caused a stir in the courtroom as everyone looked at each other - he then added "I mean my grand daughter." RD asked, "Was Emma your princess?" He replied "She was my princess and more."

Ms Cromer asked. "If SB had told you and Sue, Here take her - I don't want her anymore what would you have said?" GB answered he would have been disappointed in SB, but they would have taken Emma.

Ms Cromer asked about BB coming over at night (after Emma was asleep), GB said he only came over once or twice a week. She replied, "So if he testified on the stand that he came over 4 or 5 times a week, he would have been lying?" Gary said, "Well, no I guess not, I guess I wasn't aware of it..." GB testified he was asleep by 8PM to get up at 3AM, to leave for work. He stated he is home by 3:00 PM, 40% of the time and between 4:00 and 9:00 PM 60% of the time.

Ms Cromer asked him "If you get home at that time, how did you see SB come in from work?" He said "Because I was there.." KC said, "Aaahh what time does SB get off work?" GB said 4:30 or 5 PM. KC asked, "What if I said it was 2:30 PM when she got off work. Could you have been there to see her?" GB said "I guess not..." (He had testified earlier that he was always at home when SB got home from work.)

Asked about the Beer Pong game, GB said that he had played for about 45 minutes, he had already drank 7 beers before he started playing. He sent BB to get SB from her room to play so she could cheer up. She loosened up after she played a few games...

Three weeks after Emma's death SB moved in with her paternal gfather, when Ms Cromer asked about this Gary said Stacey was lying in bed and Sue attacked her! He had to pull Sue off SB!

The Video:

Dager played the video of Emma being bounced around on SB's shoulders to the jury - they were playing, Emma was laughing and giggling. Several jurors started crying - so did SB! No response on Monday when it was played, but in front of the jury SB put on her sad face!

RD said he was not able to find two of the witnesses for the defense, Amber B and Jennifer G were not at the courthouse yesterday...

Judge Zackey had been hoping for closing statements and planned on giving the jurors their instructions today.


Stacey Barker is on the stand! I'll fill you in ASAP.

Don't leave us hanging!
Oh my, I NEVER thought they'd let her on the stand!!!!! Waiting with baited breath!

And thanks so much LCoastmom for filling us in like you have... Bravo!!!! :yes:
Don't leave us hanging!

I know, I know!! I got a text from Tori right as I was finishing the update from Tuesday - SB was on the stand at that minute and she was giving Kelly Cromer a bunch of attitude! That's all I know until Tori is finished feeding her family!

I promise I'll be back as soon as I know anything!!!!

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