GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #11

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I don't think any wife would be happy to find out her husband has fathered a child with another woman, whether she could get pregnant or not. However, it adds insult to injury if she is having problems getting pregnant and he's out impregnating another woman.

Thing is, I wouldn't take it out on the other women, I'd take it out on the person who made vows to me and who betrayed me. IMO
I don't think any wife would be happy to find out her husband has fathered a child with another woman, whether she could get pregnant or not. However, it adds insult to injury if she is having problems getting pregnant and he's out impregnating another woman.

Thing is, I wouldn't take it out on the other women, I'd take it out on the person who made vows to me and who betrayed me. IMO

Would setting him up to spend life in prison qualify as "taking it out" on him?
Would setting him up to spend life in prison qualify as "taking it out" on him?

It would. I'm still on the fence about NL and any involvement she had in this. I feel so knew something. To me, it's obvious that she was aware that CL killed Erin. I think she was part of the cover up based on what she supposedly told IM. The "No body, no crime", the "they'll never find her body", and the "we" stuff when talking about what LE had on them. Not to mention her tirade about CL "not keeping is lies straight" when she "kept hers straight." I know there are questions about IM's credibility at this point but I don't feel like she pulled those words out of thin air. And then her lame back peddling attempt about why they were discussing this whole thing. Add to that, her lack of sympathy for Erin, someone who worked at the horse ranch with her, someone she knew.

Whether NL has a bigger part in this has yet to be established, but in the very least, she's involved after the fact. IMO, MOO, JMO.
It would. I'm still on the fence about NL and any involvement she had in this. I feel so knew something. To me, it's obvious that she was aware that CL killed Erin. I think she was part of the cover up based on what she supposedly told IM. The "No body, no crime", the "they'll never find her body", and the "we" stuff when talking about what LE had on them. Not to mention her tirade about CL "not keeping is lies straight" when she "kept hers straight." I know there are questions about IM's credibility at this point but I don't feel like she pulled those words out of thin air. And then her lame back peddling attempt about why they were discussing this whole thing. Add to that, her lack of sympathy for Erin, someone who worked at the horse ranch with her, someone she knew.

Whether NL has a bigger part in this has yet to be established, but in the very least, she's involved after the fact. IMO, MOO, JMO.

Absolutely Seajay. I think she's in it up to her eyeballs and it's just a matter of time before there is another arrest.
What IF NL and CL had struggled with infertility issues being they only one 6-7 year old child and rumor of a possible miscarriage (which I think was misspoken and meant to have been about Erin's MC), but yet together/married since 2006-2008 until 2014 so, ~6-8 yrs together? I can see the huge "pregnant lover" radar go way, way up IF his wife had indeed had an issue with not getting pregnant, thus making it an even bigger reason to get rid of the possible pregnancy the affair produced. I just am not buying the child support, messing up his career, etc. as being enough motive to fit the crime in my opinion. There's more we don't know behind it.

Also, someone mentioned CL not wanting his parents to find out about the affair but how about Nichole's parents/family finding out? I am *assuming* but by my research she does not look very closely connected to family at all and I can't help but wonder if that is the case and/or if that wedge happened due to NL and CL being together. As in like her family couldn't stand him, told her he wasn't right for her, etc., kind of disowned her for staying with him, and then to find out he had an affair producing another child when her family already had such major issues with him. Just food for thought, my opinions/thoughts of course.

BBM. Agreed! JMO
Since the statement about CL not getting to see his kid if NL found out about the affair is hearsay, maybe it was more along the lines of not wanting to share custody and not seeing the child as often. Divorce doesn't equal no visitation or no joint custody. Maybe it was taken out of context and is now being made bigger than what was actually said. I'm leaning more towards that idea.

My gut feeling is that the reason this whole "if my wife finds out, she'll keep me from my daughter" thing isn't making sense is because it was never true. I suspect it was the same sort of crap guys dish out to their mistresses about why they can't divorce their awful wife, who they would leave in a nano-second except for XXXXX, when in fact, they never had any intention of leaving the wife at all. JMO, of course.
My gut feeling is that the reason this whole "if my wife finds out, she'll keep me from my daughter" thing isn't making sense is because it was never true. I suspect it was the same sort of crap guys dish out to their mistresses about why they can't divorce their awful wife, who they would leave in a nano-second except for XXXXX, when in fact, they never had any intention of leaving the wife at all. JMO, of course.

So you're thinking NL never made the statement and CL just told Erin that's what NL said? That makes sense.
I think either NL and/or EC both threatened CL in some way. Gave him ultimatums about what he needed to do. To the point he felt he was backed into a corner and felt that murder was his only way out. We don't know something regarding this, things that were said between him and the two ladies.

He may have blew smoke up EC about his wife finding out and him not seeing his daughter again. He may have not considered his military career as a motive. But the fact remains, something about this whole thing made him feel like murdering Erin was a way out of this. Something was important enough to him that he murdered Erin. We can discount every possible motive he might have as not being important enough to commit murder but the truth of the matter is, something was, because he did. IMO, JMO, MOO.
So you're thinking NL never made the statement and CL just told Erin that's what NL said? That makes sense.

Well, almost. I could be wrong but, if I remember correctly, the only information we have about the whole "keep me from my daughter" thing is where EC texted her friend that he was worried about that. Is that correct? So, we don't know exactly how it was stated. We only know how LE worded it in their affidavit and they are only going to lay out what they must to move the case forward. I'm thinking CL may have used that as his excuse, but not necessarily that he quoted NL as saying that. Cheaters (both men and women) say all sort of things that aren't true, to keep their shenanigans under wraps. As some WSers have pointed out, people with stars in their eyes will believe all sorts of crap their lovers dish out that everyone else can see through immediately and insist their guy/gal is different and would never lie like that.

If EC was unhappy with Jon and pushing CL for some sort of commitment, then "Honey, you know I'd rather be with you but, if my wife finds out I cheated on her, XXXXXX will happen and I'll never get to see my daughter" is a cheap and easy way to try and put a damper on any demands EC may have been making. It makes more sense to me that he never intended anything permanent with EC and was simply playing for time, until he could leave for Alaska and put EC in his rearview mirror. When that didn't work, he became desperate enough to kill her.

But, maybe I'm giving the piñata candy tosser too much credit. :D

Credit where credit is due with the correct quote that you had on hand so quickly thanks! Shout out...yooooooouuuu hooooooo... rsc you are making quotable memories for us! (Do we have a thread for quotables in general down in the jury room? I know we had such for the FCA trial, but don't know of a general WS one... RSC's post should go there if we do lol)
Well, almost. I could be wrong but, if I remember correctly, the only information we have about the whole "keep me from my daughter" thing is where EC texted her friend that he was worried about that. Is that correct? So, we don't know exactly how it was stated. We only know how LE worded it in their affidavit and they are only going to lay out what they must to move the case forward. I'm thinking CL may have used that as his excuse, but not necessarily that he quoted NL as saying that. Cheaters (both men and women) say all sort of things that aren't true, to keep their shenanigans under wraps. As some WSers have pointed out, people with stars in their eyes will believe all sorts of crap their lovers dish out that everyone else can see through immediately and insist their guy/gal is different and would never lie like that.

If EC was unhappy with Jon and pushing CL for some sort of commitment, then "Honey, you know I'd rather be with you but, if my wife finds out I cheated on her, XXXXXX will happen and I'll never get to see my daughter" is a cheap and easy way to try and put a damper on any demands EC may have been making. It makes more sense to me that he never intended anything permanent with EC and was simply playing for time, until he could leave for Alaska and put EC in his rearview mirror. When that didn't work, he became desperate enough to kill her.

But, maybe I'm giving the piñata candy tosser too much credit. :D

:goodpost: you put my thoughts in much better words. I agree.
It's the ole Lie, Deny, Demand proof. proof was on the way. proof had to be destroyed.

Since not a lot will be happening for a while, I'm willing to answer questions about Search & Rescue if anyone is interested.

RSC made that post (my favorite statement I have read on Websleuths, to date! lol!)

"First, one can presume that the brain of a murderer, and in particular one who leaves evidence strewn about like pinata candy, is not necessarily swift enough to come up with the idea of spiking a drink with birth control pills (which may not work, btw...)"

Love it! :loveyou:
I have always been very curious exactly how that text was worded. The "two hours away" part stands out to me in particular.
The ONLY way that makes sense to include, IMO, is if the friend specifically said "where are you guys going" and she responded something like "I don't know, but he said it would be about a 2 hour drive."

If EC brought it up without being asked, I think that her gut was telling her that someone needed to know where she was going and who she was with. She may have loved CL, and been excited to "celebrate" with him, but she may not have trusted him fully, either. Perhaps, however, she didn't want to admit it either to her friend or to herself.

Well, almost. I could be wrong but, if I remember correctly, the only information we have about the whole "keep me from my daughter" thing is where EC texted her friend that he was worried about that. Is that correct? So, we don't know exactly how it was stated. We only know how LE worded it in their affidavit and they are only going to lay out what they must to move the case forward. I'm thinking CL may have used that as his excuse, but not necessarily that he quoted NL as saying that. Cheaters (both men and women) say all sort of things that aren't true, to keep their shenanigans under wraps. As some WSers have pointed out, people with stars in their eyes will believe all sorts of crap their lovers dish out that everyone else can see through immediately and insist their guy/gal is different and would never lie like that.

If EC was unhappy with Jon and pushing CL for some sort of commitment, then "Honey, you know I'd rather be with you but, if my wife finds out I cheated on her, XXXXXX will happen and I'll never get to see my daughter" is a cheap and easy way to try and put a damper on any demands EC may have been making. It makes more sense to me that he never intended anything permanent with EC and was simply playing for time, until he could leave for Alaska and put EC in his rearview mirror. When that didn't work, he became desperate enough to kill her.

But, maybe I'm giving the piñata candy tosser too much credit. :D
Since not a lot will be happening for a while, I'm willing to answer questions about Search & Rescue if anyone is interested.

Do you welcome volunteer searchers or are they a hindrance?
You know what? I think they must have used JC's phone pings to find her. They supposedly offroaded together, and target shooted. Police might have gambled that she'd be where he spent a lot of time already. His favorite spot. JC must've gone out with the search team and pointed out locations from memory to fill in the blanks, IMO . Remember there were those three mining districts. Big area to search, but manageable, might be why it took so long...
Has the idea ever been discussed here (tried to keep up) that CL actually killed Erin because she told him that day that she would be choosing to stay with her husband?
I thought about that, but it doesn't really fit with the text to the friend in TN

Has the idea ever been discussed here (tried to keep up) that CL actually killed Erin because she told him that day that she would be choosing to stay with her husband?
Do you welcome volunteer searchers or are they a hindrance?

This is a tough one. Officially, the county sheriff will never encourage volunteer searchers because they don't want to be responsible for them. And anyone who has worked much with the general public knows that a lot of folks have "widely ranging" amounts of competence, despite what they might say.

That being said, if you have deep local knowledge, specific information or some type of skill or resource to offer, you can always offer it up. Example: You have access to a snow cat, you're a Winter guide, you know all of the local mountain climbers, etc. I've also seen folks offer to put up flyers or get food donated from their restaurant.

If you want to search on your own and have the skills needed for the terrain, your group will want to be self-contained and try not get in the way of stuff that's already going on, such as a team following tracks.

If you send someone up to the command post and say something like "Our club is planning to hike the mountain today, is there anything we can look out for?" you're likely to get a good response, vs. showing up alone and asking for an assignment.

When someone isn't found right away, the weeks after are often when volunteer searchers go out on their own and sometimes find the victim. At that point, you're doing something that organized SAR doesn't have the resources for, and it's not going to slow down other efforts.

I think the main thing individual SAR folks are worried about is well-meaning people that don't have the skills going out and getting lost or hurt themselves. When people are lost, it's usually in bad conditions or weather to begin with, so anyone going out after them has to be on their 'A' game. We fairly often end up losing contact with our own people on a search, so the fear is having to stop and begin a new search or rescue right in the middle of the original one.

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