GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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By golly, I'm finally caught up on this fast moving thread and might know it's after midnight here in Virginia and it's time to go to bed...I won't be surprised if I wake up in the morning and there's 35 more pages to read. The one thing that stands out in my mind right now are photos of the mines in the park that were posted earlier. The thoughts of her being thrown down the shaft of one of those mines is more than I can bear. Unless the good Lord performs a miracle, I don't think Erin and her precious baby will be coming home alive. :(
Thanks, Nora Charles. I think the traffic you saw on Valle Vista was due to this news story. I do know that there were serious traffic jams with looky-loos trying to see Laci and Scott Peterson's house. Literally, traffic jams. Grisly. My guess is, before this news story broke there was NO traffic on that road - the road leads absolutely no where.

Well can't we just say that if you click on the person's profile picture (of a girl posing with Erin) next to the comments she posted it will bring you to the same FB account that Erin has linked on her Facebook account as being her sister? That's not sleuthing a family member as much as it is just looking at Erin's FB page, right? (Sorry Mods if I am incorrect.)

I'm not picking on you, Voice, but I do want to respond to this. You are incorrect. That would be considered sleuthing family/friends from Erin's facebook and that's not allowed here.

I notice there is a lot of sleuthing and discussing of the sister and a couple of other friends on Erin's facebook. I don't have time to go back and read the entire thread, but EVERYONE should make a note that from this point forward, posts will be removed and TO's may be issued.

Here is the social media rule:

Social Networks

Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay. (Exception: If the Twitter or Facebook post belongs to a verified news station, it may be copied. But a link should still be provided.)

Also, social networking pages may only be linked if they are directly related to a case, i.e. the victim or suspect. We don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman, or postal carrier just because they know the main player. We also NEVER link to minor's pages (unless they are the victim). And be sure that the page actually belongs to the person being discussed. Do not link to someone if you are not 100% sure it is the correct person. And if a social networking is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!

Please post accordingly. Keep in mind that there may be times when you find some snippet of info that can't be posted here. Just keep it under your hat until it breaks in the media and/or the person comments to MSM.

We drove out there yesterday and took a look around. After joking with the hubby about driving out alone to see what he would say, he said he wanted to go for a drive we went and he actually is getting into this sleuthing thing! lol Some things we noticed...

1. At Valle Vista Rd & Ranch Rd (where her car was found) a car drove past approx. every 5 minutes.
2. There were some houses scattered about in the area, but mostly open space.
3. Just west of there, at Valle Vista Rd & Utah Trail, we saw approx. 1 car per minute.
4. Slightly west of that, at the NE corner of Valle Vista Rd & Adobe Rd, there were several parked, unattended cars (made me wonder if that was the location that someone mentioned buy baby clothes when she lived there). There were some out of state plates, and also a U-Haul. Wondering if these were cars not allowed on base due to expired insurance or registrations or some other military rule???
5. Didn't see a single LE vehicle anywhere in 29 Palms.
6. Drove through JTNP, from 29 Palms to Joshua Tree (on the very well maintained, paved road, with lots of people on it), and saw no LE vehicles of any type...until just after we exited JTNP. A sheriff was parked on the road (but wasn't paying attention so missed a chance to ticket my speeding hubby lol).
7. Saw lots of photographers in JTNP, and once again I was struck with how hauntingly beautiful that place is when you see it in person. A cousin of mine once told she read a quote that went something like this, "Instead of color, God painted with texture in the desert." Sooo true! Don't write off the entire desert if you've never been there - even out near Gold Crown Road where it's desolate, it can be so peaceful to hear nothing but the sand under your feet and know you are completely alone with creation.
8. Drove east on Hwy 62 to the old Star's Way Out building (just past Gold Crown Road), and didn't see any LE vehicles.
9. MOST DISTURBING OF ALL: Didn't see a single poster about Erin, including at the 2 grocery stores (Staters & Save A Lot), the Circle K, or a gas station.

My husband wondered if LE was so intent on searching JTNP because they found a park map in her car. They give you a map at the entrance and, even if she didn't make it there the day she disappeared, it's likely she's been there previously since there's not a lot to do in the area, so she could have a map from a previous trip with notes on it of where she wanted to go. (Or something she printed online, or a just a written list of places.) There are certain places that look best at sunset, so maybe there are some that look best at sunrise and that was why she wanted to scout locations.

Of course, now I see the activity was on Amboy Rd so we missed that - maybe my hubby will want to go for another drive tomorrow! lol I encouraged him to visit Websleuths but he's not big on the computer so not sure that will happen. He did ask what name I use, so if you see a new person named Nick Charles (I'm guessing he would play William Powell to my Myrna Loy) give him a big welcome! :)

Thank you two!!

One question, who will play Asta?? :)
If he mentioned an affair, I could totally see that happening.

Also, people in the military are human and fallible, just like you and I. A 19 year old's very young husband reports to his superiors that his wife, who may be having an affair, and another man's baby, didn't come home. I think it's logical that his superiors, probably older than him and experienced with military affairs, would tell him to go home and wait a few more hours while they sent the word up the chain of command.
If he mentioned an affair, I could totally see that happening.

Right, and I should state that my theory above applies only IF John knew his wife might be having an affair. We have no proof that he knew, but someone certainly knew. Hence, the comments and Z1077 article.
It most definitely is! The below is a pretty straight forward outline of LE requirements regarding Missing Persons. Not only is LE required to take a report on any missing person reported to them immediately but as they take that first report the clock starts ticking on how much time they have left to report the circumstances of the missing person case to the appropriate agency; mostly dependent on age and circumstances.
We were actually the only car stopped, and none were going slow or looking around - everyone else was moving fast and not paying any attention to what was on the side of the road. Most people were turning south on Utah Trail (about 1 per minute) but some were turning south Bullion Mountain Rd which is just past Ranch Rd (about 5 per minute). We were guessing they were getting off work at the base perhaps, because more seemed to be leaving than arriving.

I got the impression people use Valle Vista as an alternate route to/from the base to anywhere east they may be going on Amboy Rd or Hwy 62. (And surprisingly, there's a decent amount of cars that go by all the time on those 2 roads.) If you take Utah Trail or Bullion Mountain Road south, you can take Amboy or the 62 East from there. That would be quicker than going south on Adobe Rd from the base entrance to connect to these roads, because Adobe takes you through the center of town where there is a lot more traffic (still not tons, by city standards) and there are slower speed limits there. Adobe and Hwy 62 are the center of town.

Thanks, Nora Charles. I think the traffic you saw on Valle Vista was due to this news story. I do know that there were serious traffic jams with looky-loos trying to see Laci and Scott Peterson's house. Literally, traffic jams. Grisly. My guess is, before this news story broke there was NO traffic on that road - the road leads absolutely no where.
No kidding. What is with this guy. I thought military men were supposed to be all manly and macho and whatever. If this were my wife wild horses couldn't keep me away from reporting her missing and searching and pleading to the media and anyone else who will listen. [modsnip]

I'm sorry, i'm just irritated that's all
With all due respect, you are not in the military, nor does it sound like you are in close contact with someone in the military.

Men (and women!) in the military can be 'manly' and 'macho', among other attributes. However, no matter how 'manly' and 'macho' (or strong or brave or smart or respectful or industrious) said person in the military might be, they...above all other things and in all circumstances...
obey their commanding officer.

And if their CO tells them to shut the eff up and let LE do their work, said soldier will do just that. Soldiers follow orders.

In all likelihood, at some point on the Saturday when Erin did not come home, Jon called his commanding officer (no matter if he is 'guilty' or 'innocent', at some point, he had to call his CO...this kind of event is not something he would be able to avoid telling command structure about). More than one source has indicated that he actually called friends looking for Erin on Saturday well before he officially reported her missing to LE. Common sense (and knowledge of how those in the military operate) tells us that if it is true that Jon was calling around looking for his wife on Saturday, at some point, he called his CO to let him/her know what was going on...and it may very well have been his CO who advised that he had to wait until the next day to officially report Erin missing.

Likewise, once Erin was officially reported as missing, it is very likely (as indicated from various sources), that the military put Jon (and anyone else on base with knowledge of the events) on notice that they were not to talk to the media. Period.

Everyone I have ever known in the military follows orders. Every single one of them. Discipline comes before 'manly' and 'macho' in the soldier/marine/sailor vocabulary always.

IMO, Jon was in touch with his CO early on, and his actions since then (lack of public appeals, lack of public appearances) have been guided by military protocol.
It is possible her husband knew or suspected about an affair and only confided in family sometime later, when it was clear she was truly missing. If so, his initial reports to them may have been elusive or seemed a bit vague. I doubt he would want to announce something like that right away, in case she was home in a day or two. But if true, I have a feeling he told LE and that may be how they got onto to the other man, all assuming this (affair) is a fact.

I found one of the original videos when the story first broke and they showed their unit number as 6652c if that helps anything. Maybe someone can send them flowers or something.
I found one of the original videos when the story first broke and they showed their unit number as 6652c if that helps anything. Maybe someone can send them flowers or something.

I'm not sure that's really their address. Press is not normally allowed on Base. (Plus who's going to sponsor them to get on Base?) Whenever there are stories related to anything military, the press vans park off-base and show pictures of the front gate. I'm wondering if that video is actually a picture of 801 housing? (Which is off Base)
With all due respect, you are not in the military, nor does it sound like you are in close contact with someone in the military.

Men (and women!) in the military can be 'manly' and 'macho', among other attributes. However, no matter how 'manly' and 'macho' (or strong or brave or smart or respectful or industrious) said person in the military might be, they...above all other things and in all circumstances...
obey their commanding officer.

And if their CO tells them to shut the eff up and let LE do their work, said soldier will do just that. Soldiers follow orders.

In all likelihood, at some point on the Saturday when Erin did not come home, Jon called his commanding officer (no matter if he is 'guilty' or 'innocent', at some point, he had to call his CO...this kind of event is not something he would be able to avoid telling command structure about). More than one source has indicated that he actually called friends looking for Erin on Saturday well before he officially reported her missing to LE. Common sense (and knowledge of how those in the military operate) tells us that if it is true that Jon was calling around looking for his wife on Saturday, at some point, he called his CO to let him/her know what was going on...and it may very well have been his CO who advised that he had to wait until the next day to officially report Erin missing.

Likewise, once Erin was officially reported as missing, it is very likely (as indicated from various sources), that the military put Jon (and anyone else on base with knowledge of the events) on notice that they were not to talk to the media. Period.

Everyone I have ever known in the military follows orders. Every single one of them. Discipline comes before 'manly' and 'macho' in the soldier/marine/sailor vocabulary always.

IMO, Jon was in touch with his CO early on, and his actions since then (lack of public appeals, lack of public appearances) have been guided by military protocol.

You think I don't know what goes on in the military? Yes he is a soldier, with a commanding officer, who follows orders. But he's also a husband, and father. And when the point comes where you are asked to choose between the two of those responsibilities, that's an easy decision. If you choose against your wife, then you know what, you don't deserve to wear that ring. Period.

but alas this is off topic so I give permission to modscratch this conversation
Soldiers follow orders.


Yep. Back in the day, when I was a child on an air force base, a "base alert" signal went up on a Sunday morning. Many military women were at church and their husbands and children were at home. When the alert went out, my mother immediately rose as did many women at the Catholic church service - they knew the military men would leave their children unattended when the base alert went out. It's true. Yep. Soldiers follow orders. They will leave their babies at home unsupervised if called by a base alert.
To paraphrase, the sister said that EC told her that if she ever goes missing to wait 24 hours or until her phone gets shut off to call LE. Something like, give her a chance to get away or to someone she knows? It was a very odd phrasing. She tried to explain later but it was even more vague.

In another telling comment, she says that EC is so independent she would never listen to anyone telling her not to go out in the heat.

The rest of her comments are in defense of the husband and the 24 hour wait to report EC missing.

This is PURE speculation. Sheesh! Where are your links?

Most Sincerely. MoeJoey
Huh, are you talking about JC? He's not a father. Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
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