GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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Not open for further replies. would they know unless Erin told them? Shes the only one who knows who is possibly the father or if one or more men could be responsible.

Perhaps JC has known all along that there is another man and there's a chance the baby isn't his. He may have told his family and they are/were pissed (at least the aunt) and don't care if the world knows, especially if their JC is getting the finger pointed at him.
Re: Any Marine suspects, I doubt any wives were actively involved in the disappearance of Erin.

However, they may be actively involved in providing alibis for their husbands/SOs
Hypothetically, several people could have know....depending on who Erin told. She may have told JC, a friend, the father of the baby, etc.
If they live on Jasmine, then they live in Condor Terrace, those are the apartments. I can't remember when Jon got promoted vs when Erin moved to 29. If he was a LCpl when he signed up for housing or if Erin did the move without Jon using POA, then that's where they'd put him and you don't move just because you get promoted (although I'm sure there are cases where it has happened, it's few and far between and usually involves adding family members mores than adding rank.)

The commissary, Housing Office and all housing areas and buildings on that end of base, on base. And you do need to go through the gate (with MP checking ID) to get to them. If you enter or leave while the Condor Gate is closed then you drive to the Main Gate that is open and manned 24 hours.

801 housing is "out in town". However they have added unmanned gates.

The school property is not Base property but is butted up to the base. The school busses do go through the gate to get to the school. I don't know all the logistics of it nor do I even know if only military kids attend? or town kids attend?

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping someone could confirm where the couple lives. I notice you replied, "if they live in Condor", so like me, I guess you're not sure of their neighborhood either.
Two threads back or so someone linked Jon's promotion announcement and it was on the day he returned stateside.
I believe housing had already been assigned. Still, we don't know where that is I guess.

In the Army, a soldier gets promoted and the list comes out in advance to the promotion. A major would be a major(P) for awhile prior to wearing the rank of the promotion. So, if moving during that time, they would take the 'P' into account when assigning housing. Since JC's promotion was so close to his move in date, I wondered if housing would take his pending promotion into account when they assigned the housing.
In the Army, a soldier gets promoted and the list comes out in advance to the promotion. A major would be a major(P) for awhile prior to wearing the rank of the promotion. So, if moving during that time, they would take the 'P' into account when assigning housing. Since JC's promotion was so close to his move in date, I wondered if housing would take his pending promotion into account when they assigned the housing.

They are much more likely to do that for Officers rather than Enlisted.
Question was raised that how could Mr. Beasley tell the man in the red car was about 5'9" tall when the man was sitting in the car?

Also, why is that the only witnesses to the said rendezvous are siblings (who saw her on separate occasions)?
Question was raised that how could Mr. Beasley tell the man in the red car was about 5'9" tall when the man was sitting in the car?

Also, why is that the only witnesses to the said rendezvous are siblings (who saw her on separate occasions)?

They live close by.
No wonder more people do not come forward as witnesses...
Question was raised that how could Mr. Beasley tell the man in the red car was about 5'9" tall when the man was sitting in the car?

Also, why is that the only witnesses to the said rendezvous are siblings (who saw her on separate occasions)?

it is what it is. you dont get to pick and choose who will be around when a crime occurs. it would have been great if a news team was out there filming about the sand and dust storms but they were not. just some people who live on the street happened to see what they saw. MOO
No wonder more people do not come forward as witnesses...

I have thought this on cases before too. I had no idea how much scrutiny they get put under until the Elizabeth and Lyric case in Iowa. Ever since then I've said I'll be first in line to talk to LE if I think it will help, but no way would I talk to the press. I happen to see something shady outside my window and next thing I know people are suspecting me of something awful? No thank you!
So if Col Smith told Pvt Jones to go kill LCpl Smuckatelly, you're telling me that it's going to happen?

If it did, it is NOT A DEFENSE because it was NOT a lawful order.

Absolutely not, but a good defense attorney could certainly spin that to a jury : /
Question was raised that how could Mr. Beasley tell the man in the red car was about 5'9" tall when the man was sitting in the car?

Also, why is that the only witnesses to the said rendezvous are siblings (who saw her on separate occasions)?

JMO and all but I got the impression the height was an educated guess. I can see that being a good guess but fairly inaccurate unless the person they saw was exceptionally tall or short. I took this to mean the person was taller than Erin but not super tall. (ETA this is not meant to be a dig on the witnesses in any way, just a way to explain how the height could be hard to tell).

I assume the reason they noticed is that it's a pretty remote/isolated house and they probably notice most activity, especially a stopped car or two.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I've been feeling thing same thing!

I keep coming back to a Heather Elvis type scenario for some reason. Just can't shake it.
Question was raised that how could Mr. Beasley tell the man in the red car was about 5'9" tall when the man was sitting in the car?

Also, why is that the only witnesses to the said rendezvous are siblings (who saw her on separate occasions)?

About the height, I imagine he was guessing how tall he thought the guy was because LE would have asked him when he reported the sighting to them. He probably guessed based on how tall he felt he would sit in the car and then shorted it because he thought he would sit a bit higher than the guy in the car. That is how I would go about making a guess as to how tall someone was in a car. I might be off by a foot but if LE asked me how tall I thought the guy was I would give them an answer as accurate as I could.

We don't know if he was the only witness. All we know is that he is the only witness that the news was able to track down. If he is the only witness, I don't find that strange, either. He lives right by where her car was left. Makes sense to me that someone who lives there would be a witness to her leaving her car.
How about a little experiment. Next time you're out take a look at male drivers. I bet over and over you can tell if he is short or tall. It's not rocket science. The witness, who I believe is very credible, says the driver appeared short. Once his identity is released, I bet the guy is short!
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