GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #5

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That does not look fun to me. Gold Crown Rd is very busy (for the area) and leads to a lot of mines, so it makes sense that's how they got there.

Now you're out of my neck of the woods with huckleberry picking. Never been and wouldn't even know where to go to do it!

Not remotely close, sorry! My "drive" was on board (virtually) with these guys. Guess not right off 62 after all. I just got the impression off the main highway. Sounds like they started from Gold Crown Rd.

If I want this level of excitement, I'll go huckleberry picking.
I meant to ask: Early in this case, it was posted that EC went to JTNP to scope out hiking trails for her mother's visit. Then somewhere along the line something was mention about scoping out the place for a future camping trip, however I think that got discounted. Now I am reading that she supposedly was going to JTNP to look for places to take photographs. And yet, who knows if she even went to JTNP that morning. So which was it? Hiking trails, campsites or photography? TIA.
That first shot is Cottonwood Visitor Center, so they came in from the south, then turned east on Old Dale Rd. and went to out the mines near Gold Crown Rd. Interesting video!

Wish I really had hope for a safe return but I thinks the odds are unfortunately way too slim.

Just ran across this video visit of old mines in Joshua Tree. Gives good lay of the landscape, but there are a few spots in here showing some holes in the ground that guarantee I'd never visit there with anybody I didn't trust implicitly. Also demonstrates what LE is up against in their searches of these areas when specifically looking at mines. Personally, I can't see much else for places to "lose" a body out there. Question is, how many of these holes?

And honestly, you need 4WD to get to where these guys were headed so no way she walked any part of this or drove to these spots for photo ops.

Desolate. Praying for all those searchers. They are up against it, even without factoring in the heat.
Depends on who you ask and what day it is! lol Voice4thesilent had an excellent post with links for many of the articles, but of course I can't find it now. The quotes were from Erin's husband, sister and mom (some were paraphrased by the reporter) stating Erin was looking for place to photograph, picnic, hike, camp and something else I think. With as little info as they provide, you'd think the could get their story straight!

Found her post:

I meant to ask: Early in this case, it was posted that EC went to JTNP to scope out hiking trails for her mother's visit. Then somewhere along the line something was mention about scoping out the place for a future camping trip, however I think that got discounted. Now I am reading that she supposedly was going to JTNP to look for places to take photographs. And yet, who knows if she even went to JTNP that morning. So which was it? Hiking trails, campsites or photography? TIA.
Depends on who you ask and what day it is! lol Voice4thesilent had an excellent post with links for many of the articles, but of course I can't find it now. The quotes were from Erin's husband, sister and mom (some were paraphrased by the reporter) stating Erin was looking for place to photograph, picnic, hike, camp and something else I think. With as little info as they provide, you'd think the could get their story straight!

Found her post:

Oh gee, I didn't even know about the family outing and picnic reasons for her going out there. Unless she had done so between 7 am and 10 am, she never did go there for any reason. I'm not sure how reliable that report was that someone saw her drive in or rather her car drove in to JTNP at some point that day. Hard to keep the facts straight with so many stories and inconsistencies going around in the media.
Oh gee, I didn't even know about the family outing and picnic reasons for her going out there. Unless she had done so between 7 am and 10 am, she never did go there for any reason. I'm not sure how reliable that report was that someone saw her drive in or rather her car drove in to JTNP at some point that day. Hard to keep the facts straight with so many stories and inconsistencies going around in the media.

If she did go there at all, I tend to believe it was fairly early because it was so <bleeping> hot. Personally I'd choose not to go because I'm not a morning person but IF I went, it'd be early. I also tend to think LE thinks she was there because the searches have seemingly been so focused.

But beyond that, I don't even know what to think. Like you said the stories have varied so much.
Judges don't allow LE to go on fishing expeditions. A judge requires probable cause (evidence) that a crime has occurred before LE can legally gather evidence that a crime has occurred. LE pulls their hair out over this all the time.

IMO, No matter what LE is telling us, a judge signing off on 4 search warrants, AND night service, which is rare, shows that LE is pretty damned sure a crime has occurred.

I think we would all be shocked if we read the probable cause statements.

Do you think there's any chance that they also thought there could be a chance she was alive but in serious danger or being held against her will or something at that point? As in if they could search soon enough they might be able to find and save her?
[modsnip]I do not live in the USA, but I have noticed the preoccupation with polygraphs.

Does it have evidentiary value in your courts? If not, why the preoccupation? Is it used as a tool to "shortlist" persons of interest, or to put pressure on someone. I fail to understand.

Please note I am not judging, I am just curious.
I do not live in the USA, but I have noticed the preoccupation with polygraphs.

Does it have evidentiary value in your courts? If not, why the preoccupation? Is it used as a tool to "shortlist" persons of interest, or to put pressure on someone. I fail to understand.

Please note I am not judging, I am just curious.

I believe a polygraph is used primarily as an investigative tool; not as a prosecution tool. When police aren't sure who to consider a suspect, they can ask various people involved in the case to to take a polygraph. If someone fails it or refuses to take it, then that person likely becomes a target for further investigation and more intense interrogation. Secondarily, a polygraph also gives people an opportunity to show that they are innocent. That can be very important to a case because it lets police know that they may be looking at the wrong person. It can speed up an investigation.
Re..JC and CL

I am puzzled over the information the base spokesperson has released in media interviews regarding JC and CL.

statement about JC the DesertSun article on July 12th
"Cpl. Corwin is not restricted to the base and has been placed on 'Permissive Temporary Additional Duty,' base spokesman Capt. Justin Smith said. "PTAD orders are issued to military personnel for official time off. The time away from duty is not charged against the military personnel's leave balance."

This statement was made 2 weeks after Erin disappeared. By the time, JC has been questioned repeatedly by Military and Civilian LE, his duty roster, phone records , etc have been checked. IMO, if JC had not been cleared as a suspect the base spokesperson would of said " no comment " or " we do no release information during an ongoing investigation " or " please address any questions to the Sheriff's Dept. " Instead , the official statement from the military is
" Cpl. Corwin is not restricted to base "
IMO, this speaks volumes.

I was going to comment on the information released on CL by the base spokesperson, but when I found the link to include in this post, I reread it and saw where the information was released due to a public records request by CBS8. And do not believe the base spokesperson would have made a statement regarding CL since he was discharged on July 7th and the article was written on July 19th. Despite all that, I still feel if JC was a suspect or person of interest tthe official comment from base would not of been that JC was not restricted to base..

IMO and all that jazz..need more coffee ! :crazy:
It's Monday again, and I wonder what is happening with the search. Is it being trimmed down as far as how many searchers there are? I have to wonder how they are determining search areas. When it all first started, I thought they knew the general area due to pings or something else. But with the large mass of area being searched, I am clueless. I know it's frustrating for the searchers and I can't imagine what the family is feeling.
If the searching was based on pings, they probably should have found her by now, Imo. If based on simply knowing, somehow, that she went to JT and never left, it could be impossible to find her. And I don't know how they could be sure she had not been taken out in another vehicle.
If the searching was based on pings, they probably should have found her by now, Imo. If based on simply knowing, somehow, that she went to JT and never left, it could be impossible to find her. And I don't know how they could be sure she had not been taken out in another vehicle.

I got the impression there are not a lot of towers in the area. Just for comparison, we were recently in rural AR for a family event and towers are few and far between. If they were looking for me in AR based on tower pings, they still might not find me. I suspect JTNP is a similar situation.
Great post, thank you!!!

I am finally here! I took me 5 threads to get to posting! This isn't my first WS case I have been addicted to, this one drew me in when I first saw the news on Facebook a couple of days after she went missing since it's Marine Corps related. My husband is active duty and entering his 12th year of service (and deployed, so I can spend lots of time on WS!) and somehow I have managed to ride along for 11 of them.

Now I shall share my random thoughts.

Having worked in OB, I've seen just about everything. It doesn't seem all that odd to me that the pregnancy dates have varied. It's most likely just differences in how media is reporting it but the difference between 2 months and 3 months pregnant is pretty negligent in the medical field. A lot of people aren't sure when they conceived even if they've had only one partner. Many pregnancies that aren't sure are dated by ultrasound. It's pretty standard with Tricare to not have an ultrasound or be seen at all until 10-12 weeks. I've also historically seen a fair share of people come in not sure of the paternity of the child if they had more than one partner. When I first read the radio article about the suspicion of a father other than her husband I only really took that to mean that there existed the possibility of someone other than her husband, which is pretty clear to me that she was not monogamous. Unfortunately, in the military I don't think this scenario is unheard of either, not common, but not a stretch of the imagination by any means. It also seems more common than I would have thought for someone engaging in an affair to continue to sleep with their spouse, even if it's only a couple of times. Or sometimes the physical aspect of an affair doesn't extend beyond one time. Probably things we will never know unless we are a party in the relationship.

I paid attention the other day when I went on base to the cameras here. I went in a back gate that has one lane of traffic in and one lane of traffic out, with one guard shack. It's similar in set-up to the Condor Rd gate from what I've seen in pictures. There were 4 cameras I could readily see. One that would see the front of my vehicle approaching the guard shack and also into my vehicle when I stopped to show my ID, it would see my face. It's courtesy to remove your sunglasses when you hand over your ID, I always do, but I am sure a lot of people don't know to do that. If I had a passenger, they would be visible, but not sure about their face. A second camera would see my vehicle (and my license plate) as I was passing through the entrance. On the way out there is no stopping, but there again is a camera angled to see my vehicle as it approaches (no front plates in this state though) and the rear of the vehicle as it leaves, but nothing angled into the vehicle. I have heard there are even more cameras that I probably didn't see. But I would guess there is at least some circumstantial evidence to be gained from that footage.

As far as duty goes in the Marines, my personal experience is this. Duty is usually 24 hours. Marines use the term "duty" to describe the extra duty they are assigned outside of their normal "job". Coming in to your normal job is not negotiable but trading and switching on the duty schedule happens often. I don't think thing that I am thinking of as a "roster" is an official document. It might even get shredded after the month is over. Either a staff NCO or a junior officer usually makes it and then runs it by the CO/XO who signs off on it. It generally is just a calendar layout of the types of duty and who is assigned to them. I am not sure what the duties are in the type of unit Cpl Corwin is assigned to are, I am more familiar with smaller units of a different type. Anyways, there are usually many hand written notes and pen scratches and trading on this calendar/roster. Usually the superiors are more concerned that SOMEONE is there to cover the duty, whether it be the person originally assigned or not. It's often a "work it out on your own" type of thing if you have a conflict with your assignment. The duty log book however is an official legal document. Everyone makes notes in it a little differently but the basic elements are the same. Usually there is a duty corporal and a staff NCO or officer assigned the same duty. The SNCO or officer are usually always around or at the very least reachable by direct cell phone or radio call. If a corporal has a situation that he is directly involved in of course he will write his own notes, but sometimes the superior writes most or all of the notes and just writes the corporals name as being present. All this to say that it may theoretically be possible for someone to trade duties and it not be on that roster/calendar if it was last minute, but who worked would absolutely be in the log book.

I don't know where I stand on theories :/ I do agree that law enforcement believes a crime has been committed, the fact that they had probably cause for the warrants is pretty apparent, they just aren't going on the record about it.

It seems really odd to me how the Locate Erin page is being ran, but also fairly clear that they aren't out for the speculation and leads like a lot of missing person pages are. They should change the title of the page to "support" or something. Plenty of people would be happy to offer it, seems like, maybe it would cut down on some of the policing and drama.

/end thoughts
He doesn't fit the profile. He's too young and I think he would be carrying some SIGNIFICANT guilt if he did snap and killer her in a range over alleged affair. He has been scrutinized by LE and the media and amateurs alike, and no one could come up with anything suggesting a violent past or other behavioral indicators that he would be capable of something like this. Law-abiding men with no history of abusive or aggressive behavior don't just snap and kill their wives. True, maybe there could be a history of this and JC is not at all what he seems, but I find it unlikely. No evidence that he was in any way controlling or aggressive with Erin. If his whereabouts were unknown the day she disappeared, something would have come out about this. If his story didn't make sense, there is no way Erin's family would be as supportive. I understand that family inherently wants to trust the husband, but if there was something that didn't add up at least one would have spoken up by now. Nothing. Typically, if a wife disappears and the husband is a POI, something surfaces. Either accounts of prior abuse, controlling behavior, etc. (Drew Peterson) or an affair on the husband's part (Scott Peterson). There is absolutely nothing here. Though Erin is described as a quiet and private person, I think she would have confided in someone if she were at all afraid of her husband. According to some media accounts (I believe), there WAS knowledge about a possible affair.

In these cases, there is always a huge focus on the spouse or SO, and I understand that is warranted given the statistics. But given this focus, if you still have nothing and other very likely scenarios, I think it's likely that JC is completely innocent.

BBM I agree with most of what you said, except he's a Marine. I'd say that's pretty concrete history and a suggestive past.
BBM I agree with most of what you said, except he's a Marine. I'd say that's pretty concrete history and a suggestive past.

I think it's unfair to generalize Marines this way. Yes, your job might put you in a situation that would make you more likely to fight Someone but that doesn't mean that they're predisposed to be violent or a killer. If you are put in a situation where you would have to possibly fight for your life you wouldn't? I worked on 29 Palms and other Marine bases and there are so many good people that would give anything for each other, the Marines get a bad rap because of a small portion of bad seeds.
I think it's unfair to generalize Marines this way. Yes, your job might put you in a situation that would make you more likely to fight Someone but that doesn't mean that they're predisposed to be violent or a killer. If you are put in a situation where you would have to possibly fight for your life you wouldn't? I worked on 29 Palms and other Marine bases and there are so many good people that would give anything for each other, the Marines get a bad rap because of a small portion of bad seeds.

I agree Barbieart, that someone isn't more likely to commit murder simply by being a Marine any more than being young makes them less likely. Based on the number of people who are always shocked when someone goes off and kills someone, I submit that none of us know enough about anyone involved in this case to say whether any of them are capable of murder.

There are a number of retired Marines in my family and I still get chills whenever I see those trailers on the road with the sword and words "Earned, never given".
This is kind of an off-the-wall question so please indulge me. If a person drives another person out in to the middle of nowhere, leaves them there with no chance of being found is that considered a crime? TIA
This is kind of an off-the-wall question so please indulge me. If a person drives another person out in to the middle of nowhere, leaves them there with no chance of being found is that considered a crime? TIA

Yes. I think that could either be murder, if the court is into over-charging for a crime, or more fitting reckless endangerment or depraved indifference to human life. Manslaughter, or attempted manslaughter if the person somehow survives. In this case I think that would be INCREDIBLY risky - because if the abandoned person does somehow survive the abandoner would have some REAL 'splainin to do, and the goal of murder wouldn't have been accomplished anyway.
This is kind of an off-the-wall question so please indulge me. If a person drives another person out in to the middle of nowhere, leaves them there with no chance of being found is that considered a crime? TIA

I would think a case could be made for kidnapping, which is a felony, and if the person died as a result then they could be charged with murder. IMO
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