GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #7

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Tractor Supply opened Feb 15, 2014 per a picture on the Horse Rescue FB site dated Feb 14th.

In one interview IIRC IM said that EC worked for Tractor Supply in Jan, at the time I thought perhaps this is what caused the miscarriage, EC helping set the store, maybe lifting things. Now IM says she never worked there...

IM says CL and NL started at the Rescue Feb 2013, Someone at the base said CL deployed from Nov 2012 to April 2013 (don't have link right now but it was in an article posted here)

IM says EC started at Rescue Oct 2013 carpooling with CL and NL, same month she arrived alone at 29 Palms.

I don't know what the truth is when IM speaks!!!!!
I am surprised that so many people here seem to think that giving up her horse means she ran off. I think there are many possible explanations:

1. She didn't actually "give it up." IM's first video said that the horse was still Erin's. She is the one who changed her story here.
2. If Erin did give it up, it could very simply be that she is pregnant following a miscarriage and doesn't want to ride.
3. Perhaps as part of an agreement with Jon to stop the affair, she agreed to give up the stables for awhile, considering that is where she started the affair.
4. Finally--I haven't heard any talk about this: Perhaps Erin was thinking about leaving JC and moving back to Tennessee to be with her family, and raising the baby on her own. Or at least was pondering it, and planning on getting advice from her mom.

We just don't know. But NONE of this smells like a simple case of running away to me. There have been too many pieces of this puzzle.

I'm thinking in this group, Erin was the scorned one. They have no love loss for Erin. They are dripping with animosity. Things may have been so uncomfortable for Erin, and that may be the reason she gave up the horse. I prefer the word gave up, rather than abandoned. These people are something else.
Can someone please repost the latest interview with IM? I can't find it.
Tractor Supply opened Feb 15, 2014 per a picture on the Horse Rescue FB site dated Feb 14th.

In one interview IIRC IM said that EC worked for Tractor Supply in Jan, at the time I thought perhaps this is what caused the miscarriage, EC helping set the store, maybe lifting things. Now IM says she never worked there...

IM says CL and NL started at the Rescue Feb 2013, Someone at the base said CL deployed from Nov 2012 to April 2013 (don't have link right now but it was in an article posted here)

IM says EC started at Rescue Oct 2013 carpooling with CL and NL, same month she arrived alone at 29 Palms.

I don't know what the truth is when IM speaks!!!!!

To borrow from the Casey Anthony trial again, I'm starting to think that IM and the truth are strangers!
For many different reasons I don't think for one minute that Erin has made herself disappear. For starters she doesn't strike me as the type that would do that to her family, friends or Jon. While she may not have been in love with JC anymore (pure speculation) I don't think she would purposely hurt him like this. It would take a special kind of evil and mean to put her family, etc. through all this pain and agony and I don't believe this is the EC that we've come to know.

I do, however, believe that CL and most likely NL have made EC disappear. A baby by another woman would bring out all sorts of different emotions and problems, especially at this time when they were going to be moving on with their happy little family and lives. EC being pregnant with CL's child would have thrown a monkey wrench in to the whole works. Child support, visitation, possible dishonorable discharge, etc. A dishonorable discharge in and of itself would have created a whole different level of havoc in their lives. No more benefits, embarrassment, having to explain the mess to family and friends.

I don't really think either one of the Lee's had the brains to pre-plan any of it, however, I think once CL did whatever he did, NL was completely on board with helping him cover it up. I just can't get the words "no body - no crime" out of my head. We here on WS are kind of sick and twisted (and I say this with the utmost love :heartluv:) and kind of think like this only because we are involved with true crime stories but I don't think the average person thinks like that.

I would love more than anything to be wrong about this theory and have EC come waltzing back in with whatever excuse she had for leaving, but I just don't think it's very probable at this point. Thirty-one days is a loooong time for a 20 year old young lady with no resources to be gone.
FYI, if I can say this here:
The official Locate EC website posted this comment 20 hours ago:
"The investigators do not believe Erin left on her own"
If this is what EC's family believes from their conversations with investigators, that is good enough for me.

For many different reasons I don't think for one minute that Erin has made herself disappear. For starters she doesn't strike me as the type that would do that to her family, friends or Jon. While she may not have been in love with JC anymore (pure speculation) I don't think she would purposely hurt him like this. It would take a special kind of evil and mean to put her family, etc. through all this pain and agony and I don't believe this is the EC that we've come to know.

I do, however, believe that CL and most likely NL have made EC disappear. A baby by another woman would bring out all sorts of different emotions and problems, especially at this time when they were going to be moving on with their happy little family and lives. EC being pregnant with CL's child would have thrown a monkey ranch in to the whole works. Child support, visitation, possible dishonorable discharge, etc. A dishonorable discharge in and of itself would have created a whole different level of havoc in their lives. No more benefits, embarrassment, having to explain the mess to family and friends.

I don't really think either one of the Lee's had the brains to pre-plan any of it, however, I think once CL did whatever he did, NL was completely on board with helping him cover it up. I just can't get the words "no body - no crime" out of my head. We here on WS are kind of sick and twisted (and I say this with the utmost love :heartluv:) and kind of think like this only because we are involved with true crime stories but I don't think the average person thinks like that.

I would love more than anything to be wrong about this theory and have EC come waltzing back in with whatever excuse she had for leaving, but I just don't think it's very probable at this point. Thirty-one days is a loooong time for a 20 year old young lady with no resources to be gone.
In the new IM video, IM says the potato gun was found in the back of HER car. Did we know that??

Ugh. Listening to this extended audio is actually making my stomach drop.

IMO, THIS kind of thing is why LE is biding their time. IM is going to continue to flap her lips, and perhaps some Alaska folks with flap their lips, etc. They WILL get information. This case will be prosecuted.
Did they have a search warrant for IMs car, too? Every car on the premises? Or, were they permitted to search for any weapons owned by CL?
While investigating the missing person, Deputy Mackewcn made contact with the Corwin?s next door neighbor,
Christopher Lee, Lee denied knowing much about Erin and said he and his wife only knew her as an
The last time lee spoke to Erin was approximately two months ago. Lee told Deputy Mackcwen
be last saw Erin a week ago but: they did not speak to each other. Deputy Mackewcn learned from another
neighbor that Erin and Lee were having an affair.

The lie began with LE..I bet CL was SHOCKED to find out EC had been telling her friend in TN about the affair... I wonder why CL mentioned his wife in that exchange with LE.
On IM and CL:
I think the simplest plausible explanation for IM's behavior is a combination of fear, uncertainty, and manipulation by CL. Charismatic psychopaths tend to be very well-liked, or distrusted/disliked, with not much in between. I've seen this firsthand many times. CL may have very carefully and thoughtfully manipulated IM's opinion of him, so she can't see him as capable of killing Erin.

Professor Paul Ekman (world's expert on facial expressions) was asked how he can tell if someone he recently met is a psychopath. His response was that he can't, but looking back over his life, one big clue is if he quickly found the person to be very charming, and found himself sharing personal details about himself quicker than he normally would. CL probably successfully massaged IM's image of him. She's now in a maelstrom of self-doubt, fear, and confusion.
I would have to ignore too much info to entertain the idea that Erin left voluntarily, or that someone else besides CL and NL are responsible for Erin's disappearance.

In this second video - IM says the Lees came there for a year and a half and that is how Erin found her. So, clearly. either Erin asked around about horses and someone directed her to the Lees, or she heard them discussing horses and gravitated to them. And then the carpooled with them. More than acquaintances I would say.
IM said the Lees came to the ranch during the week but Erin came on weekends. But they carpooled?

Makes a person say: Hmmmmmmm?????
Listening to the extended clip again. :thinking: So, how man of us have ever had someone they knew, even just in passing, go missing and it prompted you to say "no body no case"? Hands up now. No one? Me either.
IM practically stood on her head to make it sound like they made this totally innocent leap from "Poor, sweet Erin, who the Lees barely know, but who carpooled with them (snort), is missing" to "no body no case" and Scott Peterson. :jawdrop: Sent my hinky meter straight into the red zone.
Listening to the extended clip again. :thinking: So, how man of us have ever had someone they knew, even just in passing, go missing and it prompted you to say "no body no case"? Hands up now. No one? Me either.
IM practically stood on her head to make it sound like they made this totally innocent leap from "Poor, sweet Erin, who the Lees barely know, but who carpooled with them (snort), is missing" to "no body no case" and Scott Peterson. :jawdrop: Sent my hinky meter straight into the red zone.

I can't disagree with you.

The thing I find puzzling -- and is it deliberate or not? -- is that the way she's doing it, it's making her story sound more made up and making CL sound more and more guilty. Like she's desperately trying to cover for him and just making it worse.

And that could be what she's doing. Or is it trying to deflect attention from something/someone else?
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