GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #7

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Oh... I hate it when "know-it-alls" really DO know it all...


Did he provide you with the complete spin on what he thinks happened? If so care to share or would it be against the rules what his thoughts are?
OK. More spinning by IM. In that first video interview she said Cassy couldn't be moved to Base but I don't recall her saying Erin was giving her up. She said after 30 days of no contact then the horse was considered abandoned and would be put up for adoption.

Spin your tales some more, IM.

Exactly! I remember her saying that none of EC's family had been out to see the horse, and she was wondering if they would release the horse so she could find another place for it. So, in one interview she says EC relinquished the horse and in another, she's waiting for EC's family to do it.
In this second video - IM says the Lees came there for a year and a half and that is how Erin found her. So, clearly. either Erin asked around about horses and someone directed her to the Lees, or she heard them discussing horses and gravitated to them. And then the carpooled with them. More than acquaintances I would say.

Question: How could she carpool with them when IM said the "family" rode during the week and EC rode on weekends?

ETA: I see other folks are wondering the same thing. I just need to play catch-up and quit posting until I do!
Exactly! I remember her saying that none of EC's family had been out to see the horse, and she was wondering if they would release the horse so she could find another place for it. So, in one interview she says EC relinquished the horse and in another, she's waiting for EC's family to do it.

Sounds like the horse is an easy distraction to deflect the conversation. It's just my opinion but I bet IM knows as well as anyone else does if Erin will coming to claim her horse. I highly doubt the horse is on the radar for any of Erin's family at this point. MOO
Gas might be a reason, the ranch was 45 minutes away. Also, don't know if she was getting a better board deal where she was since base stable was you feed, you clean, ect.

If you care to check it out, there is a nice center not too far from you You can go check out the shows.

For those of us who know nothing about horses (Los Angeles city girl here). What's the deal about boarding at the base rather than at the ranch? Why would Erin have had to move her horse to the base that was going to be closed down in a year? Couldn't she have continued to board her horse at the rescue ranch? I know nothing about adopting vs sponsoring a horse or relinquishing her ownership of the horse or shots or anything like that, just wondering why she would have to give up her horse because she wouldn't have a place to board it on the MCB.
I played IM first interview and she said EC stated in May she couldn't keep horse. IM went on to say that Cassie was available to EC for 30 days or abandonment/rehomed. In recent interview she mentioned none of EC's family have inquired about the horse.

I really feel IM is just not good at expressing herself. In new interview I think NL downplayed what happened at apartment to IM. LE was not doing voluntary/optional apt. next door search and then theirs looking for EC, they came armed with a warrant.

As far as CL suppose to meet up with friends, I think she was repeating what she was told by NC. With body not found comment I'm doing a bit of speculation that while being interviewed she compared real life LE work to TV and that's how they started to discuss CSI, ect.

IM knew the Lees a lot longer than she knew EC. She liked them enough to have them stay on ranch for a bit. She might not be able to say negative about them since she never experienced any reason to not to trust them. I believe we got some insight to what CL's story is, just wonder if his friends can back him up.

'Nuff babbling for the moment

I know there is a link somewhere in all 7 forums to the very first interview with IM. If you have it, could you please link it? The first one I saw was IM stating that EC had 30 days to return or the horse would be considered abandoned, but I didn't hear anything discussing EC wanting to give up her horse in May (except for the most recent interview that actually states that EC relinquished her horse in June). I would love to hear/read the interview that you heard/read.

Never mind, found the link!

She definitely does say May! I think I may have taken that a different way the first time I heard it (EC could not board the horse on base, but did not relinquish her. IM states that Cassie is still ECs horse at the time... <-- a little confusing). You may be right that she is just bad with words in this case!
Sounds like the horse is an easy distraction to deflect the conversation. It's just my opinion but I bet IM knows as well as anyone else does if Erin will coming to claim her horse. I highly doubt the horse is on the radar for any of Erin's family at this point. MOO

BBM From the scuttlebutt that we've heard her family has returned home so unless JC wanted to take on the task who would be left? Like you I seriously doubt a horse is at the top of their priority list at the moment. In fact, I'm sure it's the least of their concerns.
Question: How could she carpool with them when IM said the "family" rode during the week and EC rode on weekends?

ETA: I see other folks are wondering the same thing. I just need to play catch-up and quit posting until I do!

IMO, IM has told so many :liar: lies, she can't keep up with them thus her ever changing story.

:liar: IM constantly contradicts herself, blamed LE for the "spin". She has shown very little concern for Erin.

IM = :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar:

BBM From the scuttlebutt that we've heard her family has returned home so unless JC wanted to take on the task who would be left? Like you I seriously doubt a horse is at the top of their priority list at the moment. In fact, I'm sure it's the least of their concerns.


Do you know when they returned to Tennessee or about how long they stayed in 29 palms?
I had wondered if Erin agreed with JC to stop going to the rescue after being caught in the affair.

Good point except it could not have been a secret that CL's enlistment was up and he was leaving for Alaska.
What if, after the affair was revealed combined with Erin's miscarriage, Erin and Jon weren't doing well in their relationship. Combined with the stress of military life especially (as described by some) the harsh environment of 29 Palms.

Erin's mom's visit may have been planned to support her daughter and help her work through some of her problems. Also to provide a distraction as they were going to Sea World away from base. What if, at the end of her mom's visit, Erin was planning to leave Jon and go back to Tennessee. Or, at least, that might have been an option being considered under the circumstances.

Someone posted the stables on 29 Palms are closing down soon. Anyone know if true or not?
This may be one reason Erin couldn't own or take care of her horse unless it stayed at the ranch. Didn't NL and CL keep their horses at the ranch? Why wasn't it possible for Erin to do so too? And, why doesn't Erin's horse need the same shots to live at the ranch?
We had a veterinarian at Fort Belvoir and the fees were cheaper to have our dog vaccinated and cared for there versus veterinarian prices off post.

How much does the upkeep of a horse cost? Vet bills covering our dog's care cost a bundle every year now.
Plus, what happens to the horse when a military family gets change of station orders? For us, we didn't have a dog until we knew he was retiring because he kept being sent overseas. The Lee's got the horses when they knew it was his final station and must have known they would be taking the horses back with them to Alaska.
I think I know exactly what you're thinking and I agree with you. Maybe CL and IM had a "special" relationship and she feels like she needs to back him up. But... if they aren't speaking to her anymore you'd think she would be angry and do the opposite. Okay, I'm back on the fence.

Why did IM have CL potato gun in her car?

Was she attempting to hide it from LE?

Why wouldn't CL have his potato gun in his vehicle?

I don't get this. Maybe the perks of the "special" relationship? :facepalm:
I see I'll be reading the answers to all of my questions coming right up! Well, at least I'm asking the right questions!
Regarding the horse rescue -- this is a rescue, not a boarding stable, right? If it was a boarding stable, it would not be a non-profit. My understanding generally about a horse rescue is that people can "sponsor" a particular horse, i.e., pay for all or most of its food, vet needs and so forth, and they can also come to the location and ride that horse to exercise it or whatnot. But that horse does not belong to a person unless he or she actually adopts it under whatever terms the rescue center has. If a person adopts a horse, then the horse is taken elsewhere to be kept (boarded, or whatever the new owner plans). If someone is sponsoring a particular horse and actually comes to the location and cares for the horse at times, rides it, etc., then the owner of the rescue would likely refer to the horse as "so-and-so's horse", but that doesn't mean the sponsor actually owns the horse.

If the above is true, then it is likely that the horses that were CL's and NL's at the rescue were not horses that belonged to them actually.

Also, although the rescue probably would allow someone who actually adopted a horse to keep it there until other arrangements could be made, I doubt the horse could be boarded indefinitely at the rescue. A rescue needs to adopt out what animals it can in order to make room for more rescued ones.

Just my thoughts ....
Regarding the horse rescue -- this is a rescue, not a boarding stable, right? If it was a boarding stable, it would not be a non-profit. My understanding generally about a horse rescue is that people can "sponsor" a particular horse, i.e., pay for all or most of its food, vet needs and so forth, and they can also come to the location and ride that horse to exercise it or whatnot. But that horse does not belong to a person unless he or she actually adopts it under whatever terms the rescue center has. If a person adopts a horse, then the horse is taken elsewhere to be kept (boarded, or whatever the new owner plans). If someone is sponsoring a particular horse and actually comes to the location and cares for the horse at times, rides it, etc., then the owner of the rescue would likely refer to the horse as "so-and-so's horse", but that doesn't mean the sponsor actually owns the horse.

If the above is true, then it is likely that the horses that were CL's and NL's at the rescue were not horses that belonged to them actually.

Also, although the rescue probably would allow someone who actually adopted a horse to keep it there until other arrangements could be made, I doubt the horse could be boarded indefinitely at the rescue. A rescue needs to adopt out what animals it can in order to make room for more rescued ones.

Just my thoughts ....

BBM: According to IM the Lee's had their horses professionally shipped to Alaska so I think they did in fact own theirs.

For my own clarification are we questioning the horse thing because of the timing or ? I feel like we're beating a dead horse. Sorry - I couldn't resist. Shame on me!
I've been wondering if the Lee's were planning to move back to Alaska when they did or if their move got hastened in light of the situation. I can't understand why they would move to the ranch just to repack and move to Alaska. I feel like they intended to live at the ranch for a while but things quickly changed and they wanted to get as far from Cali as possible.
Why did IM have CL potato gun in her car?

Was she attempting to hide it from LE?

Why wouldn't CL have his potato gun in his vehicle?

I don't get this. Maybe the perks of the "special" relationship? :facepalm:

According the probable cause statement - the potato gun was in a Green Honda driven by CL which arrived at the ranch when detectives were there talking to IM. The potato gun was at CL's house according to the person who accompanied them to the ranch.

So by IM's own words, the Green Honda was her vehicle which she must have let CL use to move stuff to the ranch.

Is it possible that at this time CL and NL's vehicles were still in possession of LE? And if not, where are they? IM said they both had Jeeps.
I've been wondering if the Lee's were planning to move back to Alaska when they did or if their move got hastened in light of the situation. I can't understand why they would move to the ranch just to repack and move to Alaska. I feel like they intended to live at the ranch for a while but things quickly changed and they wanted to get as far from Cali as possible.

This is what I thought as well. Why would you move yourself twice if you didn't have to? Though them shipping their horses home doesn't fit with that unless they also arranged that at the last minute as well. I have no idea how long in advance you would need to do that.
Um.......just an observation here:
Scott Peterson was convicted in 2004, and we have some 20 something year olds talking about THAT case? My son is 27 and he wouldn't have a clue, he was a teenager and didn't have the least interest in that stuff back then.
Maybe the horse rescue gal, IM, would have some knowledge of it, but the rest of the "players".........they would have been pre-teens, 10, 11, 13, and 14 at the time of Peterson's conviction, NOT the actual disappearance, which would have made them 2 years younger.
I'm not going to give this "story" from IM any credence, sounds like she's just making it up as she goes.

Well.... they do play the Lacy Peterson's story on Lifetime all the time. I just watched it a few weeks ago.

Even though I'm not a Dean Cain fan- he plays Scott pretty well.
Well.... they do play the Lacy Peterson's story on Lifetime all the time. I just watched it a few weeks ago.

Even though I'm not a Dean Cain fan- he plays Scott pretty well.

But Lacy was found, so it is not really "no body, no crime" anyway.
The Lee's were in the midst of moving when Erin was reported missing. Their on base unit was in shambles (due to wrapping, packing and stacking boxes) so they arranged to stay at the ranch for (have no idea how long). When Erin went missing, the Lee's had all their stuff, at both locations, searched by LE. It seems, they were in the middle of the move and were doing a do-it-yourself (DITY) move. This made searching more complicated for LE.
There isn't a way to tell if anything was moved to the ranch for any other reason than they were in the midst of the move afaik.
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