GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #8

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I'm not surprised. Anything with our armed forces ends up being convoluted. They may have told him not to say anything but then released a public statement that he was free to grant interviews and leave it up to him to refuse because he was ordered to. Otherwise they would be the ones refusing the requests instead of him, and that would have looked like a cover up. Am I making sense? I've been up all night and haven't been to bed yet, I'm delirious. :shame:

My guess is they "asked" JC not to comment on the situation. Even though they may not be legally tell him he can not speak of it, if your CO "ask or request" you to remain silent, as a Marine you are going to honor that request! Also if JC plans to remain in the Marines, not complying would, not might, hurt he career. I also believe the military is as responsible as LE for the lack of information being released. This is a major PR problem for both. Eight years service and a Vietnam vet. I realize the military has changed over time, but not that much as to not to attempt damage control. Hope I am wrong here. Peace to all and I hope this weekend is a success!
Just curious what you find disturbing about it?

Well, either the Army is lying, or they really did say these things to JC officially but then said something else unofficially, or JC had every opportunity to speak to the media. In any of these three cases, the implications are deeply disturbing.

Most disturbing of which would be JC willingly not saying anything at all. It is absolutely unconscionable for a husband to say nothing when his wife goes missing. Even Hannibal Lecter would have said something if his wife was missing for this long.

I just barely believed him not saying anything because the army told him not to. What made that make some sense was the fact that he cared so much more about the army than he did for his wife, that he dragged her half way across the country to the middle of a sparse and scorching desert away from her friends, family and beloved animals, just to advance his marine career.

To say nothing when you are fully able to, that level of uncaring for your wife, no matter what she did, is unfathomable to me.

MW, frankly, I'm a little surprised at your reaction to Jonathan's silence given your statements in post #684 regarding IM. Why should you expect so much from someone who barely knew her, who actually managed to say something about Erin. Yet be content with so little, in fact absolutely nothing, from the person who professed to love her so much that he vowed to spend the rest of his life with her.
From Locate Erin:
"....we are continuing to only ask for assistance in the investigation into Erin's disappearance from local law enforcement. They are working ceaselessly to find Erin and have brought in others they believe are best qualified to assist in the investigation and search. If you want to offer any services in the case or if you have any information regarding Erin's disappearance, please contact the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department directly at 909-884-0156. Otherwise, we ask that everyone continue to respect our wishes that the ongoing, active investigation that the Sheriff's Department is leading be left undisturbed by the public's interference. Thank you all for the support."

And in other news.......
Mr. Garcia has been asked to withdraw from the search.


That's laughable!!!

First of all, the Sheriff's Department refuses to state where they are searching or where they plan to search - and if someone stumbles upon it the day of the search, they will OBVIOUSLY be kept out of there by LE. How the #$%* are people supposed to stay out of area if they aren't told where the area is located???

Second, from what LE has stated about the areas they already searched, they are public property. The only way to keep people out of public property - especially JTNP which is a tourist attraction - is to completely close the areas to the public. That is something only LE can do, and clearly they haven't done so. So realistically, this statement can never be carried out, unless LE makes the statement publicly and puts the resources into the closing the areas.

Sorry for the rant, but I don't live in Kooksville, so this lack of critical thinking skills in Erin's family is annoying. But, yes, if they have asked Bill Garcia to stay out of it I think he should oblige them out of respect for Erin. However, the choice is entirely his. Frankly, If LE doesn't find Erin, I would prefer a private detective would do so, because the hikers or whatever who usually discover these things don't realize what it is until they've compromised the area far more than a private detective would.
Well, either the Army is lying, or they really did say these things to JC officially but then said something else unofficially, or JC had every opportunity to speak to the media. In any of these three cases, the implications are deeply disturbing.

Most disturbing of which would be JC willingly not saying anything at all. It is absolutely unconscionable for a husband to say nothing when his wife goes missing. Even Hannibal Lecter would have said something if his wife was missing for this long.

I just barely believed him not saying anything because the army told him not to. What made that make some sense was the fact that he cared so much more about the army than he did for his wife, that he dragged her half way across the country to the middle of a sparse and scorching desert away from her friends, family and beloved animals, just to advance his marine career.

To say nothing when you are fully able to, that level of uncaring for your wife, no matter what she did, is unfathomable to me.

MW, frankly, I'm a little surprised at your reaction to Jonathan's silence given your statements in post #684 regarding IM. Why should you expect so much from someone who barely knew her, who actually managed to say something about Erin. Yet be content with so little, in fact absolutely nothing, from the person who professed to love her so much that he vowed to spend the rest of his life with her.

Sitting on hands big time

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My guess is they "asked" JC not to comment on the situation. Even though they may not be legally tell him he can not speak of it, if your CO "ask or request" you to remain silent, as a Marine you are going to honor that request! Also if JC plans to remain in the Marines, not complying would, not might, hurt he career. I also believe the military is as responsible as LE for the lack of information being released. This is a major PR problem for both. Eight years service and a Vietnam vet. I realize the military has changed over time, but not that much as to not to attempt damage control. Hope I am wrong here. Peace to all and I hope this weekend is a success!

Shadetree, Thank you for your service during that particularly difficult time in our nation's history. My son's been in the Army 10 years, with three tours in the Middle East, and he always says how much respect he has for Vietnam Vets. He will stop and chat with any of you whenever he can because he appreciates so much what you went through. Our entire family does. We are honored to have you with us!

That's laughable!!!

First of all, the Sheriff's Department refuses to state where they are searching or where they plan to search - and if someone stumbles upon it the day of the search, they will OBVIOUSLY be kept out of there by LE. How the #$%* are people supposed to stay out of area if they aren't told where the area is located???

Second, from what LE has stated about the areas they already searched, they are public property. The only way to keep people out of public property - especially JTNP which is a tourist attraction - is to completely close the areas to the public. That is something only LE can do, and clearly they haven't done so. So realistically, this statement can never be carried out, unless LE makes the statement publicly and puts the resources into the closing the areas.

Sorry for the rant, but I don't live in Kooksville, so this lack of critical thinking skills in Erin's family is annoying. But, yes, if they have asked Bill Garcia to stay out of it I think he should oblige them out of respect for Erin. However, the choice is entirely his. Frankly, If LE doesn't find Erin, I would prefer a private detective would do so, because the hikers or whatever who usually discover these things don't realize what it is until they've compromised the area far more than a private detective would.

I fully agree with you here. It's been many years since I lived there, but I can't imagine LE having control of any search areas in JTNP unless they close the park to the entire public. Not all areas discussed on this board have been within JTNP. Are they asking people not to search those or anywhere? What happens if LE does not locate her and they stop searching? Will they notify the public of areas they have thoroughly searched? And if that day comes, will the public be interested enough to put together searches?
Well, either the Army is lying, or they really did say these things to JC officially but then said something else unofficially, or JC had every opportunity to speak to the media. In any of these three cases, the implications are deeply disturbing.

Most disturbing of which would be JC willingly not saying anything at all. It is absolutely unconscionable for a husband to say nothing when his wife goes missing. Even Hannibal Lecter would have said something if his wife was missing for this long.

I just barely believed him not saying anything because the army told him not to. What made that make some sense was the fact that he cared so much more about the army than he did for his wife, that he dragged her half way across the country to the middle of a sparse and scorching desert away from her friends, family and beloved animals, just to advance his marine career.

To say nothing when you are fully able to, that level of uncaring for your wife, no matter what she did, is unfathomable to me.

MW, frankly, I'm a little surprised at your reaction to Jonathan's silence given your statements in post #684 regarding IM. Why should you expect so much from someone who barely knew her, who actually managed to say something about Erin. Yet be content with so little, in fact absolutely nothing, from the person who professed to love her so much that he vowed to spend the rest of his life with her.

First, and this is just technicality: JC is a Marine, not Army - There is a difference there.
Second, He was given orders for 29 Palms, it is not your choice when in the military. You can request a transfer or field assignment but the final decision is not in your hands.
Third, It would have been their choice (the couple) that EC follow him there.
Fourth. I don't see any viable reason he needs to say anything at time time as I don't feel it would advance the investigation. I think just the fact of him coming forward at this time would only cause added distraction.
I don't know, at this point who in involved in EC's disappearance, but allow JC the privilege of deciding when and if he needs to come forward.
Guys, I don't have a dog in this fight, I only want this young lady found and those responsible, if warranted, dealt with as required by law.

That's laughable!!!

First of all, the Sheriff's Department refuses to state where they are searching or where they plan to search - and if someone stumbles upon it the day of the search, they will OBVIOUSLY be kept out of there by LE. How the #$%* are people supposed to stay out of area if they aren't told where the area is located???

Second, from what LE has stated about the areas they already searched, they are public property. The only way to keep people out of public property - especially JTNP which is a tourist attraction - is to completely close the areas to the public. That is something only LE can do, and clearly they haven't done so. So realistically, this statement can never be carried out, unless LE makes the statement publicly and puts the resources into the closing the areas.

Sorry for the rant, but I don't live in Kooksville, so this lack of critical thinking skills in Erin's family is annoying. But, yes, if they have asked Bill Garcia to stay out of it I think he should oblige them out of respect for Erin. However, the choice is entirely his. Frankly, If LE doesn't find Erin, I would prefer a private detective would do so, because the hikers or whatever who usually discover these things don't realize what it is until they've compromised the area far more than a private detective would.

You're SO right Nora. This is the first time I've heard of a family asking for there to be less people searching for their missing loved one. It's insane!
Shadetree, Thank you for your service during that particularly difficult time in our nation's history. My son's been in the Army 10 years, with three tours in the Middle East, and he always says how much respect he has for Vietnam Vets. He will stop and chat with any of you whenever he can because he appreciates so much what you went through. Our entire family does. We are honored to have you with us!

Thank you! here are many of us out here who appreciate the thanks! Peace!

Most disturbing of which would be JC willingly not saying anything at all. It is absolutely unconscionable for a husband to say nothing when his wife goes missing. Even Hannibal Lecter would have said something if his wife was missing for this long.

I just barely believed him not saying anything because the army told him not to. What made that make some sense was the fact that he cared so much more about the army than he did for his wife, that he dragged her half way across the country to the middle of a sparse and scorching desert away from her friends, family and beloved animals, just to advance his marine career.

To say nothing when you are fully able to, that level of uncaring for your wife, no matter what she did, is unfathomable to me.

Heck, he could even be helping the investigation right now by begging the Sheriff's to release more information to the public to get more sightings and possibly tack down a search location. Is his army career really worth all this?

That's laughable!!!

First of all, the Sheriff's Department refuses to state where they are searching or where they plan to search - and if someone stumbles upon it the day of the search, they will OBVIOUSLY be kept out of there by LE. How the #$%* are people supposed to stay out of area if they aren't told where the area is located???

Second, from what LE has stated about the areas they already searched, they are public property. The only way to keep people out of public property - especially JTNP which is a tourist attraction - is to completely close the areas to the public. That is something only LE can do, and clearly they haven't done so. So realistically, this statement can never be carried out, unless LE makes the statement publicly and puts the resources into the closing the areas.

Sorry for the rant, but I don't live in Kooksville, so this lack of critical thinking skills in Erin's family is annoying. But, yes, if they have asked Bill Garcia to stay out of it I think he should oblige them out of respect for Erin. However, the choice is entirely his. Frankly, If LE doesn't find Erin, I would prefer a private detective would do so, because the hikers or whatever who usually discover these things don't realize what it is until they've compromised the area far more than a private detective would.

Thanks for putting it out there. Problem is LE is hampered by the justice system and if not VERY careful, whoever this(these) worthless wacko(s) could walk on a technicality. It is frustrating watching the questionable handling of this case, but also we aren't privy to all the data that LE may have on hand. I am hoping this weekend is happening because they have some solid info to guide them. Lets Hope!
Correct. He was going back to San Diego.

Thanks for clarifying, Mrs. Gladden!

I'm glad he honored Erin and respected her family's wishes. This is a point in favor of him...since he seems to draw either approval or scorn. Curious to see where he pops up next! lol

However, I'm disappointed that means fewer people looking for Erin this weekend, and now the areas near Pioneertown and the horse ranch will remain unsearched. Why, oh why, LE??? What lead are you pursuing??? (I know they won't tell us...just frustrated with the lack of progress in this case.)

Praying LE's group find her!!
Heck, he could even be helping the investigation right now by begging the Sheriff's to release more information to the public to get more sightings and possibly tack down a search location. Is his army career really worth all this?

Marine career, you mean.
I am an Army Brat and there is a Difference.
My father was a Career Soldier in the United States ARMY.
My father was Not a Marine. I am NOT a Marine Brat.
I Hv issues w her husband not making a personal public plea to his wife to come home. Unless he knows something we don't I agree it's unconscionable to not make a statement. Marine or not. He is hiding behind his uniform. He could, on his own time, not MILITARY time make a plea for her to come home if able. Not making a plea makes him look heartless, marine or not. I agree it's a decision they both made to go w the marines, put their life in their hands. The fact that the marines are also not actively searching for a missing spouse is also unacceptable to me. She lived on base. She went missing from that base.
not wanting a PI to search is one thing. Requesting no civvies search is another.

At at this point I have huge concerns this is being handled by a sheriffs office as this type of investigation is way over their heads. Better to Hv the FBI, the military and local LE not sheriffs conduct this search! Erin must be found. I hope that all Hv searched even womens shelters, for the pregnant and abused from ca az nvr and tn. This needs to be done. By LE, as they won't gv info to the public. Erin could Hv sought such a group. Usually an anti abortion type group...planned parenthood, etc, ALL should Hv bn checked, and it seriously doubt that this sheriffs dept has done any of these steps. It is imperative that Erin's family hire a PI or find one on pro bono, just ask. Call mark Klasse! He will help! And he coordinates well w LE. Please, Erin's friends, and family you must take charge in order to find the truth. LE should Hv also investigated the man who claimed he saw her as well. Sorry but it has to be done. I doubt these steps Hv been taken....and I'm seriously worried about the direction this case has taken to date. Jmmho
Are there wells on or near that horse ranch?
excellent question which the owner needs to answer. She just does not seem concerned at all for Erin and this concerns me greatly. Esp since she was helping the Lees. All wells cisterns and esp any storage facilities must be put on alert and checked. Figs, they did a personal move they didn't use the military, which is free. Did they have a storage facility? So many questions, and no movement in this case.
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