GUILTY CA - Faith Tsarnas & Kiya Kitchen, Both 14, Die In Hit & Run, Fortuna, 12 July 2016

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Has anyone else noticed that the publicized 911 call on the night of the hit-and-run (as I believe there may be "unpublicized" calls also)--in most media reports that call is said to have been received at approximately 9:11 PM PDT? Granted: the word 'approximately' is being stated in these reports. I think it's down to an almost exact science when LEO logs an incoming ER call, but apparently: the exact time is given as an estimate in media releases?


Kiya Kitchen's Celebration of Life is today, Sunday July 31 at 1:30 pm at the River Walk Lodge in Fortuna. Prayers and good thoughts for those who loved her.



Speaking of time discrepancies, did anyone else notice the time mentioned in Kym's piece?

Kiya Suzanne Kitchen left us at 6:26 on July 13th at the precious age of 14. Kiya was a beautiful soul full of life and love that loved the outdoors and everything that it had to offer.
Never expected the details of a hit and run case to be so hauntingly sad, shocking, and beyond heartbreaking. I realize I'm not going to forget this real life story, or the sick feeling of disgust at the way "the driver" handled it including anyone who has helped prolong the truth from coming out. I'll be following all your posts. There's got to be some justice for these two young ladies -- :rose: Faith and Kiya. :rose:

Speaking of time discrepancies, did anyone else notice the time mentioned in Kym's piece?

Kiya died at a hospital in Oakland at 6:26 the next morning after being airlifted from Humboldt. Faith died at the scene the night before. I think that may explain the discrepancy you're referring to. Please correct me if I've misunderstood.
OMG! Seeing the front end of the Jeep while it was being towed away on the flat bed is shocking. And terribly sad.

Yes... was SHOCKED at the damage... she didn't just 'bump' those girls. No way she didn't know what she did. That looked head on to me. WOW. Just WOW.

Please, I've looked and not found. Where can I see this photo of the damage to the jeep you're talking about? Can a photo be posted here on this thread?

Were the two girls cousins? Was the mother of Kiya by her side at the hospital the whole next day? Thanks for any info you can fill me in on.

At approximately 9:16 p.m., an unknown driver was driving a light gray colored, newer model Jeep type vehicle southbound on Eel River Drive, s/of Kenmar Road at an unknown speed.

Two young female teenagers were skateboarding northbound in the southbound lane of Eel River Drive, s/of Kenmar Road. For unknown reasons the Jeep struck the teenagers. The Jeep fled the scene and was last seen heading eastbound on Drake Hill Road. One teenager was pronounced deceased at the scene and the other was transported by ambulance to Redwood Memorial Hospital for major injuries before being flown to the Oakland Children’s Hospital. On July 13, 2016, at 6:30 a.m., the second girl succumbed to her injuries and passed away at Oakland Children’s Hospital.
Please, I've looked and not found. Where can I see this photo of the damage to the jeep you're talking about? Can a photo be posted here on this thread?

Were the two girls cousins? Was the mother of Kiya by her side at the hospital the whole next day? Thanks for any info you can fill me in on.

Here you go:

Please, I've looked and not found. Where can I see this photo of the damage to the jeep you're talking about? Can a photo be posted here on this thread?

Were the two girls cousins? Was the mother of Kiya by her side at the hospital the whole next day? Thanks for any info you can fill me in on.

You can catch a quick glimpse of the front of the jeep at about 1:45 in this video.

They've been called friends in most articles but I heard that they might be cousins. I don't have a link. It might have just been an SM comment.

Yes, Kiya's mother was with her at the hospital until she died early the next morning about 6:30. I'm pretty sure she flew with her on the flight. Whether she was by her side literally, I don't know. I suppose it depends on whether she was in surgery and ICU. In the attorney's letter linked below it says that an attorney contacted CHP on Marci Kitchen's behalf within 60 minutes of her return from her daughter's deathbed in Oakland.
Whoa, look at that jeep!

Thank You so much perfectingpink and Lilibet. Oh, the damage to the jeep is much worse than I imagined! She must've been driving like a bat out of h3ll. I can't imagine how she proceeded to go to the hospital to watch her daughter die while going through a deceptive plan to save her own skin. It's unconscionable! This was a kind of test of character that begs for remorse and honesty, and instead brought out such unscrupulous morals. MOO, it sure reeks of selfishness. I'm not sure I'd even want an attorney. I think I'd feel so horrible about myself I'd just want to come clean and face the consequences. Sometimes, I feel such disappointment in some humans, and this is definitely one of those times.
Whoa, look at that jeep!

Thank You so much perfectingpink and Lilibet. Oh, the damage to the jeep is much worse than I imagined! She must've been driving like a bat out of h3ll. I can't imagine how she proceeded to go to the hospital to watch her daughter die while going through a deceptive plan to save her own skin. It's unconscionable! This was a kind of test of character that begs for remorse and honesty, and instead brought out such unscrupulous morals. MOO, it sure reeks of selfishness. I'm not sure I'd even want an attorney. I think I'd feel so horrible about myself I'd just want to come clean and face the consequences. Sometimes, I feel such disappointment in some humans, and this is definitely one of those times.

I feel the same. Also, I've been thinking so much of Faith's mother... I'd probably need to be sedated to prevent me from attempting to hunt down the driver and dragging her to the police.
I just don't understand. I feel I would maybe grasp more if I lived there and knew what was going on in these people's lives before this happened. I don't know the background of the people involved or the local politics. So, as an outsider looking at this, I'm naïve and stunned at the legal wrangling and battle now over a deceased girl's remains. I don't understand the mother at all.

Kiya's remains have not been released to the family. I'm truly at a loss to understand how this has turned into such a chess game. I've gathered that there's connections to legal representation assisting "the driver" and those involved in the deception, and now there's a battle going on between the parents. It just seems so uncalled for. In my world, this is no way to lay your daughter to rest.
Marci Kitchen (IMO) is most likely checked in at a psychiatric hospital, where the LE can't get to her.
I just don't understand. I feel I would maybe grasp more if I lived there and knew what was going on in these people's lives before this happened. I don't know the background of the people involved or the local politics. So, as an outsider looking at this, I'm naïve and stunned at the legal wrangling and battle now over a deceased girl's remains. I don't understand the mother at all.

Kiya's remains have not been released to the family. I'm truly at a loss to understand how this has turned into such a chess game. I've gathered that there's connections to legal representation assisting "the driver" and those involved in the deception, and now there's a battle going on between the parents. It just seems so uncalled for. In my world, this is no way to lay your daughter to rest.

It's really hard to imagine this legal tug-of-war even if there had been a messy divorce. Cremate Kiya and split the ashes like most civilized families do (unless cremation is against their beliefs). Honestly, why Kiya's Mom feels she has any right to control what is done with Kiya's remains after she herself killed her is beyond me.

I wonder how much of this can be blamed on the attorneys.

One thing about Humboldt, where people have made a living for decades growing and selling illegal marijuana, is that there is a culture of lawlessness and disrespect for legal authorities among many. It's kind of an outlaw mentality. Us against the establishment. I don't know Marci's background, but if she grew up in a family of growers or if she is a grower that can kind of skew how you see things. It can distort ones moral compass, although it's not true of all growers. Her partner's father is a marijuana defense attorney. Her own attorney is deeply involved in defending DUI, drug offenses, and hit-and-runs with fatalities. I suspect they just see things differently than you and I do...and frankly it disgusts me. :furious:
Marci Kitchen (IMO) is most likely checked in at a psychiatric hospital, where the LE can't get to her.

LEO has stated that this is a "complex" case, but I don't see it as being a "difficult" case. I mean to say that it appears obviously labor/man-hour intensive, time-consuming, but FAR from impossible to solve. Based on what little LE has made public thus far: they already had a large amount of facts available to them the night of the incident, and more pieces came together the next day...and now almost three weeks later: (you get the idea.)

I actually want them to take the time necessary to build a strong case so the suspect(s) have very little legal "wiggle room" and can be prosecuted on as many charges as possible. The POI(s) reps have already made it known that their client(s) are available--but what good is that to LE since they also said nobody will talk?

I don't think it's far-fetched to consider that MK's attorney's might try to develop a temporary insanity defense--in which case her being in a psych hospital can be used to her legal advantage. Insanity defenses rarely "win" in court--but honestly! OMG HOW ELSE can this piece-of-work "Mother" reasonably answer to the majority of things which will be questioned? She told her own son to "keep quiet" during questioning--it wouldn't surprise me if she's trying to convince someone else to "give her marital privilege."

JMO but time and other factors have a way of distancing romantically-involved couples facing serious legal and moral issues. As in so many other cases: IMO it's just a matter of time before one person has motivation to "turn" on the other. Also: MK's boyfriend's father is an attorney. I just don't see this couple presenting a united front for much longer.
This burns me up... :furious:

I know there are people who believe that Kiya's ashes should be evenly distributed between MK and JK, but I tend to lean strongly in favor of JK (and his son) as the only ones who should have Kiya's ashes. As you stated Lilibet: I do believe her attorney's advised her to attempt to take possession of Kiya's remains--JMO. I think they're grasping for any possible straws available to attempt to paint Marcia in a softer, gentler light to the public (and for legal reasons.)

Regardless of what may have gone before in their marriage and later--after they divorced, I see this one as a totally separate issue. I do not know any of the Kitchen's personally, but based on facts released thus far and just pure principle: I can honestly empathize with why JK wishes MK to have absolutely none of Kiya's remains. I don't know their son's opinion on this: but IF he feels the same--then I fully support the parties closest to her that had absolutely no part in her death.

I would hate for this to have to be heard in civil court--although IF MK would have to make any appearances in person: I'm not convinced she would take that risk with public sentiment being what it is toward her now in Humboldt County.

I have never made a petition before, but at the very least: it would show just how many people side with JK on this. Anyone else would also be welcome to create same on MK's behalf.

I would never do this without full consent and final approval from a few parties. I'm just wondering if this could help JK and possibly get hit-and-run mom to stand down.

Opinions and comments from WS would be most welcome!



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This burns me up... :furious:

I know there are people who believe that Kiya's ashes should be evenly distributed between MK and JK, but I tend to lean strongly in favor of JK (and his son) as the only ones who should have Kiya's ashes. As you stated Lilibet: I do believe her attorney's advised her to attempt to take possession of Kiya's remains--JMO. I think they're grasping for any possible straws available to attempt to paint Marcia in a softer, gentler light to the public (and for legal reasons.)

Regardless of what may have gone before in their marriage and later--after they divorced, I see this one as a totally separate issue. I do not know any of the Kitchen's personally, but based on facts released thus far and just pure principle: I can honestly empathize with why JK wishes MK to have absolutely none of Kiya's remains. I don't know their son's opinion on this: but IF he feels the same--then I fully support the parties closest to her that had absolutely no part in her death.

I would hate for this to have to be heard in civil court--although IF MK would have to make any appearances in person: I'm not convinced she would take that risk with public sentiment being what it is toward her now in Humboldt County.

I have never made a petition before, but at the very least: it would show just how many people side with JK on this. Anyone else would also be welcome to create same on MK's behalf.

I would never do this without full consent and final approval from a few parties. I'm just wondering if this could help JK and possibly get hit-and-run mom to stand down.

Opinions and comments from WS would be most welcome!


This seems like a simple fix to me: the one who shows up at the funeral home first, gets the ashes. We all know she's going to remain in hiding like the coward she is.
This seems like a simple fix to me: the one who shows up at the funeral home first, gets the ashes. We all know she's going to remain in hiding like the coward she is.

I suppose IF Marci had full custody of Kiya (rather than shared), her attorney might be able to block Joe from picking up Kiya's remains on that basis. Just a theory. I'm not an attorney. The poor funeral home is stuck in the middle. In any case, this is going to get uglier before it gets resolved IMO.
It's really hard to imagine this legal tug-of-war even if there had been a messy divorce. Cremate Kiya and split the ashes like most civilized families do (unless cremation is against their beliefs). Honestly, why Kiya's Mom feels she has any right to control what is done with Kiya's remains after she herself killed her is beyond me.

I wonder how much of this can be blamed on the attorneys.

One thing about Humboldt, where people have made a living for decades growing and selling illegal marijuana, is that there is a culture of lawlessness and disrespect for legal authorities among many. It's kind of an outlaw mentality. Us against the establishment. I don't know Marci's background, but if she grew up in a family of growers or if she is a grower that can kind of skew how you see things. It can distort ones moral compass, although it's not true of all growers. Her partner's father is a marijuana defense attorney. Her own attorney is deeply involved in defending DUI, drug offenses, and hit-and-runs with fatalities. I suspect they just see things differently than you and I do...and frankly it disgusts me. :furious:

Thank You. It helped a lot. You confirmed some of what I thought concerning the dynamics going on in the area and how that affects local residents. I know you lived there at one time. I've vacationed up there years ago, and loved the beautiful nature and trees, imagining how pleasant it'd be to live there, but oops I forgot to include the disadvantages of there being those big grow businesses.

Oh, bf's father is a growers' attorney, and her attorney handles just this kind of fatality DUIs. I still don't expect her to get off easy, even if she's been in a psychiatric hospital. Hoping the other girl's family isn't going to let her get away with it. MOO, this is right up there as one of the most sad, disgustingly callous DUI hit and runs ever.
I feel the same. Also, I've been thinking so much of Faith's mother... I'd probably need to be sedated to prevent me from attempting to hunt down the driver and dragging her to the police.

ITA, and it has been admirably quiet on the family front. They are doing the right thing and letting the CHP get their ducks in a row, in order to get justice for the girls.
I suppose IF Marci had full custody of Kiya (rather than shared), her attorney might be able to block Joe from picking up Kiya's remains on that basis. Just a theory. I'm not an attorney. The poor funeral home is stuck in the middle. In any case, this is going to get uglier before it gets resolved IMO.

They were once a family, and for the love Kiya they need to come together to give Kiya the dignity of being laid to rest without anymore ugliness. This ownership of the remains seems pointless. Scatter the ashes and set her free, or bury her together as a family, and pray she is in joy and peace now. JMO
I respect all opinions stated here regarding the disposition of Kiya's ashes, and in an ideal world: all of this would never have happened. I'm simply of the opinion that Marci's ex-husband and her son may need time in order to forgive, grieve, and hopefully eventually "rise above" any justifiable resentments or anger they may have over this tragedy--brought on by Kiya's mother--which could have been prevented. I also have not seen nor heard of a single iota of remorse or taking of responsibility by Marci herself, I have only seen her looking out for her own interests from the very start.

Suffice is to say: if Marci had made some different decisions since the night of 7/12/16: I'd probably have reason to feel differently.

On another note: I believe Kiya is already 'free,' and 'in joy and peace now' without need for her ashes to be scattered. I truly believe she is at rest and in a far better place now.

There's far more to parenthood than simply the ability to bring life into this world.

Great post carpeverum.

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