CA - Foster parents arrested in connection with murder of Hasanni Campbell - #2

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ITA panthera...I posted that the other day that they acted to quick, but I'd rather them wait till they have all of thier t's crossed & thier i's least JC knows now that if she did anything LE will one day have her right back :behindbar's:!!!

Now that she got the weekend to think about....just maybe she did give them info or she will now that she was released.

I do hope & pray that LR dosen't get released tomorrow, than JC may feel that she is safe from LR to tell everything she knows. Though I doubt this since the articles said she refused to talk to them once she was booked. :(

John Burris is talking with Nancy! He is officially off the case.

I understand I don't know much about my space but I'm totally with you, Can't loose Spnge Bob

Thanks 4 the Love your spilling all over 'Little Man, "I can hear him giggling off in the distance".............. :sponge:

Shutter you're the BEST I thank-U, 'Little-Man thanks-U and Sponge Bob thanx-U !!!! .:dance: :sponge: :thumb:
Off the criminal case?
Or removing himself completely including future civil suits against the county?
I understood him to say he wasn't representing LR in the murder charge (if filed tomorrow). Sorry but I didn't get to hear everything I got a phone call. :(
I don't think being pregnant has much pull any more when there's sufficient evidence, but it is possible it might make them pause if they are not sure of a conviction - why incur the costs of delivering a baby in prison (or the lawsuit resulting from a mishap) if they may just end up letting her go afterwards?

If they had enough evidence, I don't think the pregnancy would bother them.

I think the PG excuse is a bunch of malarky. Have you seen the number of PG women in prison. I don't know why she's getting such special treatment, while other women do not. I'd like LE to take the PG out of the equation and get down to the facts. If they don't have sufficient evidence, that's fair. I just hope they're not overlooking anything merely because she's pregnant.


:idea::idea::idea: Call me crazy (so what's new, right? :) ) but I had a sudden flash of insight (and that, my dear friends is *rare on a Monday eve when I'm dog-tired from a long day (including a trip to the dentist (ick)) ............................

.....................but is it remotely possible, that JC *did talk, did turn someone in - - and *that's why the decision was made to release her, hours before court today????

I don't want to get anyone's hopes up - mine included - but once the thought occurred to wouldn't go away easily......

That's a great, and hopeful thought. It's my hope she's help building a case with LE, and isn't part of the crime (keeping fingers crossed).


Jennifer Campbell spoke to ABC7 on her way out of jail. She said she didn't do anything wrong and wants the focus of the police investigation to be on Hasanni's whereabouts.


"I don't want to comment on the police. All I know is I'm putting my faith in God to lead me in the right direction and steer me in the right way, and I can't say anything else about it," said Campbell.

Ernie Allen, president and CEO of the Virginia-based National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which has included Hasanni in its online database of missing children, expressed disappointment at the latest developments in the case.

"The response of the city of Oakland and the surrounding area was extraordinary, and our greatest concern in these cases ... is that the next time a child disappears, people will stay home or will fail to get involved because they'll assume that a family member, that a foster parent is involved," Allen said. "It's important that the people of Oakland understand how grateful we are for the way they responded, for the way they cared about Hasanni.

"We are as disappointed as anybody that we've not found Hasanni, ... but our hope is that this does not deter people from wanting to help in the future."

Jennifer Campbell spoke to ABC7 on her way out of jail. She said she didn't do anything wrong and wants the focus of the police investigation to be on Hasanni's whereabouts.


"I don't want to comment on the police. All I know is I'm putting my faith in God to lead me in the right direction and steer me in the right way, and I can't say anything else about it," said Campbell.

Bold mine.

Hmmm...the above bolded portion makes me wonder if JC did talk to LE and placed all the blame on LR. The fact that she "doesn't want to comment on the police" and that she "can't say anything else about it". What do ya'll think? :waitasec:

Campbell was held over the weekend, during which, she said, police tried to raise doubts in her mind about Ross. The Fremont couple are expecting a child in about two months.

She said she had no such doubts. "I told them that they were lying to me," Campbell said.

"Anybody who knows me knows what I'm capable of," Campbell said. Hurting the boy, she added, is "not in my character."

"You live your life to be a good person," Campbell said, "and all that disappears, and you're interrogated and treated like s-."
For someone who didn't wanna comment on the police, she sure did a lot of 'commenting'. :rolleyes:

Jennifer Campbell spoke to ABC7 on her way out of jail. She said she didn't do anything wrong and wants the focus of the police investigation to be on Hasanni's whereabouts.


"I don't want to comment on the police. All I know is I'm putting my faith in God to lead me in the right direction and steer me in the right way, and I can't say anything else about it," said Campbell.

Oh I think JC sang like a canary. I think her arrest was very well orchestrated by LE to get her into a safe environment, away from LR. I think she gave LE everything they need to charge him and I think he is responsible for Hasanni's murder. We will pretty much know for sure after tomorrows arraignment.
JMO of course

Campbell was held over the weekend, during which, she said, police tried to raise doubts in her mind about Ross. The Fremont couple are expecting a child in about two months.

She said she had no such doubts. "I told them that they were lying to me," Campbell said.

"Anybody who knows me knows what I'm capable of," Campbell said. Hurting the boy, she added, is "not in my character."

"You live your life to be a good person," Campbell said, "and all that disappears, and you're interrogated and treated like s-."

:eek: okay, maybe she didn't
Dayum...wrong again! lol
:eek: okay, maybe she didn't
Dayum...wrong again! lol

I think she sounded rather bitter about the whole weekend. I really don't think she was very helpful to LE. But, mom, there's nothing wrong with hoping she put Hasanni first and told everything she could to find him. :)
I don't know . . . I'm left with a really unsure feeling right now. I was so happy when they arrested them, but something has me worried. What if they don't have anything and there's no justice brought for Hasanni? :slap: Ok, sorry. Just worried.
Just thought I'd mention that my wife gave me her take on tonight's vigil, which I'll be posting about later. She didn't take any photos this time since it was held in a house of worship. But she had some interesting insights I will post later on.

My gut feeling, for whatever it's worth, is that JC is not as innocent as she seems. I really believe that between what I have discerned as the over the top acting and the calm and cool behavior when interviewed the rest of the time, there's just something very wrong here. She doesn't simply strike me as only distraught and under control. I don't doubt LR is in control and/or possibly abusive, but I'm beginning to wonder if they both were responsible. Or, if he may be "handling" the situation in a controlling manner, but she may have been the instigator.

With all due respect to all the wonderful women out there, it seems sometimes the biggest mistake we can make in these cases is to assume that stereotypes make someone innocent (pregnant, woman, passive). Susan Smith, etc. have shown us that simply being female does not mean you have all the "typical" female traits. Right now I have nothing to back this up with other than a general gut feeling, but the more I see and hear from her, the more I feel there's something really not right with her demeanor.

For the sake of argument, what if JC was responsible for Hasanni's death? What if LR's disinterest in raising him was threatening the "relay-shun-ship!" and the engagement (and perhaps the lifestyle)? She wouldn't be the first woman to take that out on a child, or perhaps want to eliminate her problem, and she might have added reason to if she felt it threatened her biological child's welfare.

LR could still have been lying when he said he didn't know what happened or where Hasanni was in this scenario. He could still be "managing" the entire situation with control (and with good reason -- he does a lot better on camera than she does -- she has shown she can't even keep the basic story straight). He has the vested interest of his child as well. He's no saint, don't get me wrong, but I really hope LE has examined her thoroughly as well. I'd hate to think they are overlooking evidence that points at a "less likely" person.
I have a bad feeling about LR today (Tuesday)... I reckon he and all his righteous indignation will be back on the street very soon.
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