CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #5

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Acting out means not acting according to their standards... doesn't necessarily mean misbehaving. Him being in prison for robbery doesn't have anything to do with this situation. Sleezy journalism. And the fact that they would leave one child behind shows to me that they were SHOPPING and had a list of wants and needs including younger children.

We don't know that the child this couple did not adopt was even available for adoption. Perhaps he was adopted or fostered by another blood relative who was considered a better fit for a child who was "acting out" than two young and relatively inexperienced adoptive parents.
With the more detailed information coming out about the backgrounds of Devonte, Jeremiah and Sierra, we have some insight into the early years of these kids.

Jeremiah, Devonte and Dontay were removed from their mother's custody when Devonte and Dontay were old enough to remember her.

They then lived with an aunt who was old enough to be their grandmother for just short of six months. Sierra was too young to remember this, but the boys all would have memories.

They then went into foster care for perhaps 18 months before being adopted. Not stated in any of the articles, but the aunt was under the impression that the kids were still all together and the Harts did not want to adopt the oldest boy, who was two years older than Markis.

So these kids had already been bounced around at least three times when the Harts adopted them and split them from a brother.

One has to wonder what kind of abandonment issues these kids had and how Sarah and Jen handled things.
Of course you'd disagree. You missed my point completely.

My comment wasn't against any type of parent due to their identity or choice of the identity of their adopted children. As long as they're healthy minded loving and nurture the whole child they are on the path to success.

I am speaking of the power accessed and used through these institutionalized systems that aided them in manipulating the situation for their own good and reducing the amount of agency that the children (who are of non/white) background have. I'm discussing the power dynamics and processes which led them to be able to dodge accountability across states and convince people nearby, some people who witnessed signs of abuse to "play it out" or leave it alone or hope that they're defer to their educational training.

Black** people do face systemic racism. Not all Black people in America are African American. We don't know the cultural roots of this family but that's another conversation.

I think it's quite interesting that you label what I'm trying to discuss as "perpetual victimization." I'm only referencing the instances that have gone on and you seem reluctant to look at a single instance and examine how the things I mentioned may have played a MAJOR role in this situation.

Ignoring these issues will not make them go away. Instead it may leave you perplexed and wondering how this could have happened when the answers are right there for you to examine.


I think I'm going to have to agree to disagree with some of your assumptions about what role race played here for the Harts and the 2 sibling groups.

Because IMO, if Jen and Sarah had been 2 black (or biracial) college educated women with education degrees, who were lesbians, in the same financial and social situation, I think they *would have* been allowed to adopt the same 2 sets of siblings 3 years apart. I don't think their race as white women had anything to do with them getting "preferential" treatment to be allowed to adopt these 2 sibling groups. These kids were available inter-state, which means hard to place. Anyone who met the basic criteria would have been allowed to adopt them. Regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or fundamentalist religious ideology. The goal was to get these kids into permanence, as soon as possible, within existing guidelines.

I don't believe that the aunt's story, as it has been presented in the news, is the full story on "why" she was not allowed to adopt the kids. There is much more to that story, IMO, that we do not know, and it's not because 2 out-of-state white women were prioritized, and the kids were just whisked away from the aunt to be mean and bigoted. There are PLENTY of kinship cases that DO proceed to adoption-- just not this particular case. Evidence that white women adopted black kids in this case is not evidence of systemic preference.

Race may be "an aspect" of this case, but IMO, it's not the cause of any of the subsequent problems during, or after the adoptions. There is no evidence that trans racial adoption was a hot button issue that created problems, or created a preferential pathway for the Hart women.
Not that 20somethings can't be great parents but...Those who are knowledgable about adoption wouldn't being so young be a strike against you? Or are those willing to adopt sib groups so few and far between that the authorities can't filter out prospective parents by age, experience, stability.

Its not really a strike against you. And yes, by the time they are looking for out-of-state adoptive parents, the numbers willing to adopt sibling groups with significant history (and they have significant history if they have to look out of state) dwindle a good bit. They pick the best family still willing to accept the children after disclosure.

We were chosen for a child once, not because we were the best parents or family for that child. In fact, I would guess that our family structure alone should have cut us out of the running. But the adoption worker explained that out of the SIXTY people who originally showed interest, most backed out after a "full profile" (which isn't nearly as much as disclosure). A couple wanted to do the next step but we were the only ones who actually DID it. So we were chosen. Due to some things that happened after that, we did not accept placement and that child still has not been adopted though she has now been in care a decade. BTW, she is also one that it took the state forever to separate from a sibling. It is possible that she may have been adoptable had she been separated from the sibling sooner. Thankfully, the other child did eventually get a home.

We had another similar situation also. It is common that a family is one of just a few (or the only one) that has sustained interest in the child(ren) and so is chosen.

While other kids get hundreds of lasting inquiries and get a home, usually in-state, pretty quickly.
This case is complicated. Yes, it’s illustrative of racism. But, there is also a long history of the adoption of children of many colors and ehtniticites — inluding many white children by white parents — being abused, starved, caged, burned, abandoned, rehomed, and killed. See:

Many people adopt to improve their image as good semaritans or liberals but are anything but.
I know this will not be a popular opinion, because it's become "necessary" to demonize Sarah and Jen Hart's every move, every word, every picture, every perceived or ascribed motivation. They are now morphed from "saviors" and role models, into evil personified. I sure don't think that's the truth, either way. They were neither saviors and role models, nor evil personified, IMO. But that won't play well for most people, because it seems necessary to box them in as "all evil, all the time" so we can hate them *more* for driving off a cliff with the kids, who were isolated and exquisitely vulnerable.

To be sure, I think they were highly dysfunctional women who may have been "fine" together alone (before kids), but devolved into chaotic dysfunction as parents of far too many adopted kids with horrific and extremely difficult backgrounds. To me, that is the issue that precipitated the dysfunctional and chaotic years that ended up with Jen driving off the cliff. There was far too much willingness by adoption authorities to allow them to adopt SO MANY kids from such awful backgrounds, at their young ages--20s-- with limited life experience.

Frankly, the first three were WAY too many for Jen and Sarah, IMO. They were NOT good candidates for adopting children from that kind of background-- and I don't need a social work degree to make that observation. Adopting one child with that kind of background would have been about right (if at all), for 2 women who were far too young to have much life experience in their 20s, and NO parenting experience at all. Keep in mind that at their age, they would not have been eligible for international adoption at all in their 20s through most accredited, legitimate avenues. (And not just because they were lesbians-- but because of their age, length of marriage, lack of prior parenting experience, and apparently meager financial situation.) They did not appear to be open to using multiple professional resources to help the kids, and do not appear to have sought advice in parenting these kids from very difficlut backgrounds. They appear to be "winging it" with their ideas about what constitutes healthy family life, enforced isolation, "homeschooling" (we have no idea if, or to what extent they did any actual schooling beyond reading pleasure books), and their ideas about socialization and friendships (festivals, rallies, and protests), as well as their ideas about effective discipline and encouragement. Clearly, we can infer that Jen and Sarah did not appear to encourage or nurture any of the kids as individuals (by their report, as well as their advocates and critics), but related to the kids mostly as a group. (As they were taught to as teachers in their educational programs, IMO, which seems to be the only experience with kids that they had before the first foster child.)

I personally don't think they were "all evil, all the time". Nor do I believe hyperbole such as that they were "starving" the kids. I do believe they probably withheld, or controlled food choices and volume, which all parents do to some extent. I also believe they may have used food withholding as a "punishment"-- but without knowing WHAT they may have withheld, or when, or how long, I cannot buy into the fervor that they were "starving" the children. There is no evidence, none at all, that indicates "starving" children. Many, many, many adopted kids have "food issues", whether or not they had actual food insecurity at any point in their lives. Many, if not most, adopted kids from foster care or institutions (overseas) also have some degree of malnourishment, affecting their global development.

I don't believe the "eating garbage/ eating out of the garbage" story as it has been relayed by Jen about foster child "Lee". Nor do I fully believe Lee's story in the Seattle Times as "complete truth". Lee's story is decidedly one-sided, designed to present Lee herself, by her own words, in her own best image-- and that means she presented the story as idyllic, and herself in "full control" of her "out of control" behavior (she just called up the social worker and checked herself into foster care, like checking into a hotel on a vacation). Then everything was rosy and perfect, right up until evil Sarah and Jen "dumped" her at a "therapy" appointment. Just nothing at all sounds reasonable, plausible, or fully truthful about how that played out, IMO.

As an example of the "eating out of the garbage"-- that could be viewed/ slanted/ presented in both an innocous way, as well as a pathological way, depending on the reality of the situation. For example, last week I threw away a bag of chips that still had a handful left at the bottom of the bag, but had been open a while. In my estimation, it was stale, and beyond it's best flavor. One of my kids pulled open the trash compartment in the kitchen, saw the bag, and said "mom-- those are still good, and we don't have any more chips right now!" Whereupon she retrieved the bag and ate them. We were both laughing. She happens to be adopted. She is also quite thin. Also happens to have a very healthy appetite, and eats healthy food most kids wouldn't eat (tofu and veggies for breakfast regularly).

So if one wanted to villainize me as a bad parent, and my teen as dysfunctional about food because she's adopted, one could say I wasn't feeding her enough calories, was "withholding food" because I didn't have any more chips in the house, and she is too thin, she was "starving", and "eating out of the garbage." Or a reasonable person would have laughed that a teenager with an healthy appetite and desire for junk food rescued a half empty bag of stale chips out of the trash, and went on to eat a healthy dinner.

See how that works? Perspective is everything.

Yes, Jen Hart definitely appears to have intentionally driven off a cliff with the kids in the car, after getting yet another visit from CPS. I don't think that means she and Sarah beat and starved the kids all the time. For whatever reason, they were prone to circle their wagons and isolate themselves and the kids to cope, rather than reaching out for help, and allowing the kids to grow and develop friendships and interests outside of the family. Their frustration at containing the ever growing, and very needy teens (psychologically, socially, and developmentally) created a perfect storm where Jen (and possibly Sarah) could not admit "failure" and reach out and accept help. So they chose to drive off a cliff instead. I actually do not believe they ever "hated" the kids-- they simply had no idea how to REALLY connect to them as wounded children with deep needs, and how to parent them. They knew how to relate to them as a group, as a teacher would do, and to take them on field trips. They had a "savior" mentality, IMO, and co-used the kids to massage and groom their own image on social media. They "shared" their hobbies and passions for politics and social justice with the kids, who were a captive audience who could not refuse or opt out of these ideas and opinions-- and had no skills or tools to voice any different ideas, IMO. IMO, what is crystal clear from all we have learned is that Jen and Sarah did not know how to PARENT individuals who came from very troubled backgrounds. That intense and private frustration, and and equally intense need to save face, IMO, is what led to Jen driving off the cliff. Not "evilness".

I do agree with you on some points but I didn't see that article as the girl trying to "present Lee herself, by her own words, in her own best image". She doesn't even identify herself. No pictures of her. She is not asking for anything. She had zero reasons to try to "clean" her image because her image was never tarnished in the first place. The only thing she said was that she was hurt by the fact that Jen and Sarah might have told people that she took food from the garbage (which, by the way, was said by a third party). That's all. She said she was a difficult child. She said that, after she left the Hart's home she started acting up again. She is not saying "look, I was a good kid and they just messed me up really bad". She even goes on to say that she didn't even remember the "makeover" situation that clearly so, it probably didn't really bother her that much. I don't think it's fair to talk about her like that when she just talked about her experience with the family. She isn't trying to vilify anyone.

BBM. Isn't it even remotely possible that the "friends" Lee wanted to go and hang out with were not a good influence? Or were restricted by request of the court, or social workers?
It's more than possible that a parenting plan was in place, outlining curfews, allowable activities outside the home, people Lee was allowed to spend time with and others she was not allowed to spend time with.

Isn't it possible that separating Lee from being allowed to have unsupervised free time with some of these "friends" was a healthy break from influences that were encouraging Lee to be "difficult to handle"?

Do we know if Lee was restricted from any and all "friends" including any NEW friends? Was she allowed to go to the library? Shopping accompanied by Jen or Sarah? Movies with friends, chaperoned? This teen, by her own admission, needed structure and guidance. She wasn't in foster care because she had a happy home life with bio mom, with effective and safe parenting.

I don't think we can infer that Lee is telling the complete truth, or that Jen and Sarah Hart were "bad" or "evil" for restricting her from seeing certain people. We have NO idea what the real social services situation was for "Lee" beyond only HER report to a sympathetic reporter who desperately wants to write a story about the "private" experience in the Hart home-- and no one wants to present the Harts in any light except to pile on and present them as pure evil, all the time.

When I read the article I thought that they were restricting their outings with friends because they might have been worried about said friends. Maybe those were new friends. Maybe those were old friends. It must be hard to have a foster kid that still wants to go out with friends from their old setting that might be not so good influences. Probably they were worried about that, which is valid. Also, I don't think "making her" get a job at Subway was abusive or mean, it seems fine to me, many other teenagers have jobs while going to school. I think the article was badly written and she might have worded things differently.
If would add an entry for Hannah's middle-of-the-night escape and handover by neighbors.

March 2004: Earliest known public record that shows Jennifer Hart and Sarah Gengler, both from South Dakota, residing in Alexandria, Minnesota.

May 2005: Sarah Hart petitions to change her last name from Gengler to Hart.

September 2006: Jennifer and Sarah Hart adopt siblings Markis, Abigail and Hannah.

September 2008: According to a police report from Alexandria, Minnesota, Hannah, then 6, tells authorities that one of her mothers bruised her with a belt. Asked about the beating, Jennifer and Sarah Hart tell a police investigator and social worker the girl had fallen down the stairs.

February 2009: Jennifer and Sarah adopt Devonte and two of his siblings — bringing their number of children to six. An article from Paper Trail, a New Zealand-based news outlet, describes his adoption. The article said by age 4, the boy had been abused, neglected, shot at and had endured other traumas.

November 2010: Police in Alexandria, Minnesota interview Abigail Hart, 6 at the time, after a teacher discovers bruises stretching from her sternum to her navel. The girl says Jennifer Hart hit her with a closed fist, put her head in a cold bath, then hit her again, court records show. She was then grounded, the girl told police, which meant she had to stay in bed and miss lunch.

December 2010: Alexandria, MN home listed for sale.

April 2011: Sarah Hart pleads guilty to abusing Abigail Hart and is sentenced to a year of probation for misdemeanor domestic assault, court records show. Sarah told police she was the one who hit Abigail, even though the girl told authorities her mother Jennifer had done it. The next day, all six of the Hart children are taken out of public schools. They never attend public school again.

October 2011: The family lives in Alexandria, Minnesota, for a time and takes part in local activism. Hart family members including Devonte and Jennifer Hart participate in an Occupy Minneapolis demonstration.

2012: According to friends in Oregon, Sarah Hart travels to Portland to look for work. Jennifer Hart and their children later join her. Hannah loses front teeth after allegedly falling in house acceding to Jen's FB post.

August 2012: Alexandria MN house re-listed for sale.

October 2012: Sarah begins work at Kohls in Oregon (Sarah's LinkedIn resume).

December 2012: Jen and kids travel to Oregon, getting a ride with the Lees after rollover accident in Missoula According to Statesman Journal article.

April 2013- Alexandria, MN house sold. The family moves to West Linn, family friend Alexandra Argyropoulos tells Oregon child welfare officials that the Hart parents have been depriving their kids of food as punishment, she says. The Harts break off contact with her when they learn of it. Argyropoulos says she was told the Hart children had been interviewed by Oregon officials; it was apparent that each child had been coached by their mothers on what to say; and nothing more could be done by the Oregon Department of Human Services.

July 2013: The police department responds to a call to the Hart's house.

November 2014: Family members participate in a Portland protest of a Missouri grand jury declining to indict a Ferguson police officer in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. Devonte and a Portland police officer hug, and the photo of the moment goes viral.

March 2016: Family members join U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont onstage during a presidential campaign rally in Vancouver.

May 2017: Jennifer and Sarah Hart buy a two-story, 3-bedroom home on 2 acres of land in the Woodland area of Clark County, Washington, property records show.

June 2017: Jen's rough year FB post.

March 23, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services opens a Child Protective Services investigation in which the Hart children are "identified as potential victims of alleged abuse or neglect."

March 23, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services attempts without success to make contact with the Hart family.

March 24, 2018 - 3:00 AM: Sarah Hart sends a middle-of-the-night text message to friend Cheryl Hart, only hours after child protective services first visited the family's home, saying she was so sick she might have to go to the hospital. The friend never made contact again.

March 24, 2018 - 8:14 AM: The family is in or around Newport, Oregon, police say. It's believed they continue south on Route 101 until they reach State Route 1 in Leggett, California.

March 24, 2018 - 8:00 PM The Harts travel south on State Route 1 until they reach the Fort Bragg area in Mendocino.

March 25, 2018 - 9:00 PM: The family leaves Fort Bragg.

March 26, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services again unsuccessfully attempts to make contact with the Hart family. They call 911 and ask the Sheriff's Department to do a welfare check on the family.

March 26, 2018 - 1:15 PM: Cheryl Hart calls 911 and asked the Sheriff's Department to do a welfare check on Sarah Hart. "Nobody has been able to get ahold of her, talk to her or seen her since," she told the dispatcher.

March 26, 2018: A passer-by along Highway 1 in Westport, California, calls 911 after looking down a 100-foot embankment and seeing an SUV upside down on the rocky shoreline. Five people are found dead: three children outside the SUV and two women inside.

March 27, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services makes a third unsuccessful attempt to contact the Hart family.

March 28, 2018: The women are identified by the Mendocino County's Sheriff's Office as Jennifer and Sarah Hart and their children as Markis, Jeremiah and Abigail. Three of their other children: Devonte, Hannah and Sierra, remain missing. Sheriff Tom Allman said a search is ongoing for the remaining three children.

March 29, 2018: Police continue to search for the three missing children, including Devonte, and to investigate why the SUV plunged off the California cliff. Authorities don't know if the kids were also in the car, but are basing their search on the assumption that they were thrown from the car into the cliffs or the surf.

March 31, 2018: Officials reveal the speedometer on the Harts' wrecked SUV was "pinned" at 90 mph.

April 2, 2018: Officials say the crash may have been intentional, saying data taken from the family's SUV shows the vehicle came to a complete stop at the Route 1 pullout before speeding off the cliff. The search for the missing children becomes a "recovery effort."

April 2, 2018: "I'm to the point where I'm no longer calling this an accident, I'm calling it a crime," Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman tells HLN's Ashleigh Banfield.

April 7, 2018: An unidentified body, believed to be that of a black female, is found in the ocean near the site of the crash. Officials said an identification could take weeks

Around 2013 Max Ribner gave the children music lessons. Twice a month for a year. The kids also volunteer on the farm but I don't have the exact time frame at my finger tips. Those outside the home activities for the kids, if limited, are maybe important? Imho.
When I read the article I thought that they were restricting their outings with friends because they might have been worried about said friends. Maybe those were new friends. Maybe those were old friends. It must be hard to have a foster kid that still wants to go out with friends from their old setting that might be not so good influences. Probably they were worried about that, which is valid. Also, I don't think "making her" get a job at Subway was abusive or mean, it seems fine to me, many other teenagers have jobs while going to school. I think the article was badly written and she might have worded things differently.

And there are limits to what you *are* allowed to let foster kids do, especially at first. The supervision level is very high, one of my main issues with fostering older kids because some of it seems impossible to do in a way that is both developmentally appropriate AND meets the regulations of the state, not to mention takes in account their history, maturity, etc. Dumb things sometimes. Like a friend of mine uses Dixie cups to dole out shampoo to her teens because you can't just leave the shampoo on the side of the tub like normal people. What if they eat it? Goodness.

And foster parents are responsible for what happens to and what their foster children do. That can be a big issue with teens. I mean, supervision of a toddler is one thing; but preteens don't appreciate tight limits as if they are toddlers, for example. And yet, are you "letting" that 13yo smoke weed if you let him go down to the park to see his friends you suspect may do pot? Did you let that 15yo get pregnant if you let her see her boyfriend, go on dates, walk around the subdivision unsupervised? Are you a poor foster home if your 11yo foster child is caught with stolen items? or skips school? or gets in a fist fight? or digs in the garbage at school?

Its *really* hard to balance things with older kids.
We don't know that the child this couple did not adopt was even available for adoption. Perhaps he was adopted or fostered by another blood relative who was considered a better fit for a child who was "acting out" than two young and relatively inexperienced adoptive parents.

Ok but how does that work with the other narrative of Devonte Jeremiah and Sierra being born with drugs in their system and behavior issues due to that? Wasn't that the narrative earlier and possibility of it being hard to parent them? Which is it?

Lee doesn't seem to know why they sent her back and mentioned that they said it wasn't a good fit. She didn't have any major issues with them and enjoyed the trips. So what happened there?

I don't know exactly what we can "dismantle". We have no orphanage system. The foster care system varies tremendously by quality of foster parents, and geographically.

We have more and more kids entering the system every year, with ever more burdensome regulation imposed that grinds the system to a halt in many parental rights termination cases, and presents cracks and incentives to hurry up and provide permanence and close cases for kids in foster care.

The system is too large to be dismantled, and there are far too few quality foster parents and prospective adoptive parents. No one wants to re-start an orphanage system in this country.

So what DO we do? Encourage "some" women not to have kids? Do we insist that people only adopt racially similar kids?? Leave "certain" kids to languish in foster care? Why, that would be racist, classist, and bigoted, right? Haven't we been there before, and have now *evolved* in our thinking?

The system, IMO, isn't fixable. Not on a large scale. We could do some bandaid things like limit adoptions of older kids out of foster care to 1 or 2 per person/ couple. We could eliminate post adoption subsidies as incentives for domestic adoptions, to make it harder (international adoptions do not receive ANY subsidies-- they must prove financial ability to care for the child before the adoption is competed.) But how would that help sibling groups, who would certainly be broken up? How would that clear out the backlog of kids who need permanence? It would only make the problem worse, IMO.

I'm open to suggestions that might actually work. Kinship care is always considered, but is not always a good option. Often not a good option.

What are your suggestions? What do we do with older kids, and sibling groups, who are hard to place? How do we make sure they're okay long term? How do we properly evaluate prospective adoptive parents differently than we do now?

My goodness I don't know where to start. I'll just find comfort in you writing "IMO" and leave it there.

Jumping off your 'points well taken' post Starkville with some thoughts.

The things that stand out to me from Lee's time period with the Harts:

The twisted hacksaw incident with the mannequins. Lee didn't mention it but that it happened during this time period with a young woman in their care could be indicative of Jens's unresolved feelings about being a teenager? Maybe the make over thing was some kind of reenactment of something she, herself endured?

The emotional cut off after the football signing incident.

The garbage eating claims, if false, (which I believe it is) provides a window into their (the harts) cookie cutter claims about their adopted children later on.

The isolation: while it may prove wise trying to keep a foster teen separated from her previous influences, and possibly drugs, I wonder why they didn't open their home as a host to outside friendships. This also seems consistent with no visable outside peer friendships with all of their adopted kids.

And the utterly shattering cut off with no goodbye, no best wishes, by these two women for this teen to be leveled by a therapist. This, after the Harts were gone for a week in TX, and obvi planned and moved out all of Lee's belongings.

This teen was with them for what, eight months? That they made no effort to reassure her their decision was about them not her is, to me, about as cold hearted as it gets. And this is consistent with the inconceivable disconnect that led them to murder their children, animals, leaving animals behind with no care, etc.

To say Lee dodged a bullet in an understatement. She, it seems, found a good foster parent who helped her navigate her feeling of abandonment.

All jmo

All excellent points and I agree.
I'll tread lightly here, since there's no concrete evidence yet that gender-based jealousy was an issue. Strictly IMO, a lot of the dynamics that are being reported as fact do make that a logical possibility.

There's this picture from Jen's Facebook page, dated to August 2017, showing Jeremiah, Markis, and Ciera/Sierra. Even though they all look like they might still be underweight, they all look generally healthy. It's about the healthiest Markis looks in any of Jen's photos (no visible overbite, very low facial swelling). Jeremiah actually has some age-appropriate muscle tone. Sierra's hair is fixed up and it even looks like her eyebrows are shaped, so someone in the family (likely Sierra herself) felt a sense of pride in her appearance.

It must have been evident that all of them were gorgeous children who were going to be stunning adults. Most parents would be a little nervous about that. And if (*if*) there was an existing jealousy or panic about them aging out of an imagined family fantasy into young adulthood, the kids' apparent maturity at the end of last year *may*
have aggravated that.

It also seems to me that Sierra is actually the right height for her age here. Markis was about the same height as Jen and Sarah in the March 2016 photo from the Bernie Sanders rally. Ciera looks to be about 8"-10" shorter than Markis in this photo, which was taken 17 months later. Even assuming that Markis didn't grow at all between the two photos, that would put Sierra at between 4'8" and 4'10" which is at the low end of normal height for a 12-year-old girl. Despite any malnutrition/withholding of food that was taking place, the kids were still growing up.

Also noted, reference to blackberries in the yard.


Actually, the girl on the left looks skeletal to me.
I think I'm going to have to agree to disagree with some of your assumptions about what role race played here for the Harts and the 2 sibling groups.

Because IMO, if Jen and Sarah had been 2 black (or biracial) college educated women with education degrees, who were lesbians, in the same financial and social situation, I think they *would have* been allowed to adopt the same 2 sets of siblings 3 years apart. I don't think their race as white women had anything to do with them getting "preferential" treatment to be allowed to adopt these 2 sibling groups. These kids were available inter-state, which means hard to place. Anyone who met the basic criteria would have been allowed to adopt them. Regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or fundamentalist religious ideology. The goal was to get these kids into permanence, as soon as possible, within existing guidelines.

I don't believe that the aunt's story, as it has been presented in the news, is the full story on "why" she was not allowed to adopt the kids. There is much more to that story, IMO, that we do not know, and it's not because 2 out-of-state white women were prioritized, and the kids were just whisked away from the aunt to be mean and bigoted. There are PLENTY of kinship cases that DO proceed to adoption-- just not this particular case. Evidence that white women adopted black kids in this case is not evidence of systemic preference.

Race may be "an aspect" of this case, but IMO, it's not the cause of any of the subsequent problems during, or after the adoptions. There is no evidence that trans racial adoption was a hot button issue that created problems, or created a preferential pathway for the Hart women.

Race and racism does play a role. And to be clear, cause I feel as if I'm being misinterpreted, I do not think that transracial adoption is inherently laced with racism. I think that the Hart women were utilizing the affects of institutionalized, interpersonal and internalized racism to their benefit. It's difficult to try to look at it in isolation. We can agree to disagree. That works.

[h=1]'Punishment seemed unnecessarily cruel': Hart family friend seeks change to honor children[/h]
&#8220;The kids were regularly punished for common childlike and adolescent behavior, such as laughing too loudly or taking a small piece of food that was offered without permission from Jen. Her reactions were overblown, and the punishments seemed unnecessarily cruel,&#8221; Argyropoulos said.

She says the Hart family stayed with her for two weeks. That's when she realized Jen was not the loving mother she pretended to be. Instead, she says the family was run &#8220;like a regimented boot camp, where true kindness, love, and respect for the children was largely absent.&#8221;...Argyropoulos says on top of taking food away as a form of punishment, sometimes for a full day, Jen would also make them stand in a corner staring at a wall for extended period of times.
When people do such things, there's clearly something going on inside of them that isn't quite "right." My sympathy lies with the children first and foremost, but I have some left over for the mothers as well. I can't imagine being so depressed/angry/spiteful/defeated/paranoid (whatever they were) that driving over a cliff felt like the right option. And we're not yet entirely sure about the abuse or neglect that happened in the preceding years, and to what extent it existed,but it most likely was present. I wish they'd gotten help. I wish others had reacted sooner or faster, somehow in time to at least have saved the children.

And yes, I also personally fear that this case will allow people to demonize their lifestyle and look at it for answers, even though it wasn't their lifestyle that caused this to happen. Many of us live the same way. It's hard not to take some of the criticisms personally when you're literally doing the same.

Sorry, no sympathy here for the "mothers". They were monsters. There are many, many people in this world who have experienced SO MUCH WORSE.Yet they murdered the vulnerable children in their care.
Two page article worth a read:

[h=1]How the Hart parents isolated their children to hide signs of abuse[/h]7:34 AM, Apr 13, 2018
The Harts' experience highlights what experts told CNN are classic signs of abusive parents isolating their children from other adults, including those who are mandated by law to report suspected abuse to authorities, such as teachers, doctors and police.

The combination of frequent moves, home-schooling and seclusion from neighbors, along with using food as a means of control -- all in play in the Hart case -- can signal the possibility of abuse, experts said...."When you see families that are going to great extremes to keep their kids out of view," said David Finkelhor, the director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, "that's a red flag....

That kind of coercive control, particularly over food and finances, often is a key factor in domestic violence cases, Stolar-Peterson said.
"If I'm a (domestic) batterer, I want to isolate you, I want to isolate you from the rest of the world," she said. "How can I isolate you? I can keep you home, I can control finances, I can control your food, I can control every aspect of your life. That's what batterers do, typically. Everything is about coercive control."
The very last thing the two adult Harts tried to do was to raise up children to be healthy, happy, independent human individuals. The silencing and ultimate extinguishing of these six vibrant, potential-filled youngsters breaks my heart, and the betrayal they suffered from the legal and child welfare system, which never bothered to listen to them or to assess their inability to thrive in an adoptive placement, absolutely enrages me. Alarms were sounded, repeatedly, but no agency bothered to look beyond the glib words of the ‘saviors’ to whom these youngsters were entrusted, and investigate what their ‘salvation’ consisted of, exactly.

Not one article I have read about the Harts even mentions any of the six children’s individual personalities, achievements, or interests. The only child we have learned anything at all about is Devonte, the family’s golden child, apparently chosen by his moms to be the family’s designated ‘star’ – and we know something of the individual he was not because of the famously staged photo op he was subject to, but through his genuinely heroic efforts to find help and food for himself and his siblings. This family was all about its adult members and their carefully curated public image, an image maintained through the performance skills of their harshly trained troupe of coerced young actors.
The post about Hannahs teeth from Jens facebook. She claims Hannah was running around and fell over her own feet in the house. I will say this..having a little boy of my own (hes 9) they do tend to do this not intentionally but I know with mine at times he is being clumsy and just does not watch where he is going. It was worse when he was younger but even now he does this sometimes. Kids often when they get too excited dont pay attention so I would be half tempted to believe this store IF I didnt know better. Jen goes on to say Hannah was at the dentist this is the first lie she tells..we cant really assume how it happened was a lie because we weren't there and with this case I'm done assuming things but Jen did lie about Hannah being to the dentist or she did lie to the Dekalbs. Jen writes on fb how Hannahs at the dentist so yhey can see what can be done, she told the Dekalbs Hannah didnt want anything done about her teeth so which is the truth we may never know but Hannah in pictures speaks volumes. She is always looking so self concious with the tight lip smile then she goes on to say Hannah had to have the teeth removed at the dentist (she said Hannah fell at home and thats how the tooth came out regardless her photo of the tooth looks like Jen pulled it out) here comes the worst part a few hours later she says hannahs home resting and that she had to have the teeth removed and that shes gonna have no front teeth for a few WEEKS and that after that shed have a retainer with fake front teeth until she's 17. I highly doubt any of this was true or even happened. If it did I think the most that happened was they took Hannah to the dentist and never took her back. <modsnip>

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I originally was curious about this, but my 11 year old fell backwards off a swing the other day, kneed herself in the face and knocked her teeth out at school. So it can happen.
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