Thank you bluesneakers for the Dr Oz heads up. I caught part of it.
Thursday March 15 Devonte came over and asked for tortillas, the DeKalb's gave him a package.
Friday night 3/16 he came over and asked for a jar of peanut butter.
Then it escalated to him asking for 6 jars of peanut butter and 6 packages of tortillas.
The last night he came over was when Devonte asked if they'd called yet. When they shut the door after that visit they decided it was time to call authorities.
(So approximately a week after he first asked for food is when they called CPS.)
They said when Devonte came over he never came inside, he would be at the door briefly, nervous, watching the driveway, and leave.
The DeKalbs said what they saw of the Harts was nothing like the what has been portrayed on SM. Kids didn't play outside, they'd have a snowstorm, there was no sledding, nothing.
They also said when the story broke on the Turpins they both watched it and Dana said 'that's what's going on next door'.
She did say she regrets not calling sooner.
Thursday March 15 Devonte came over and asked for tortillas, the DeKalb's gave him a package.
Friday night 3/16 he came over and asked for a jar of peanut butter.
Then it escalated to him asking for 6 jars of peanut butter and 6 packages of tortillas.
The last night he came over was when Devonte asked if they'd called yet. When they shut the door after that visit they decided it was time to call authorities.
(So approximately a week after he first asked for food is when they called CPS.)
They said when Devonte came over he never came inside, he would be at the door briefly, nervous, watching the driveway, and leave.
The DeKalbs said what they saw of the Harts was nothing like the what has been portrayed on SM. Kids didn't play outside, they'd have a snowstorm, there was no sledding, nothing.
They also said when the story broke on the Turpins they both watched it and Dana said 'that's what's going on next door'.
She did say she regrets not calling sooner.