CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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I actually assumed it was either hot chocolate that had gone cold or literally nothing and it was just a prop.

Yes. Props are us. But why a post like that? I cannot picture my parents, any of my friends or any of my kid’s friends who have children that age posting pics of “ha ha” drunk teenagers,

And to possibly “prop” it is totally bizarre. Stuff in insulated cups stays warm a long time.
Is there a media thread for the Harts?

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Do you have a link for the 25%. That is low imo.

Yes, it's much lower than most people assume. It surprises me how often the question comes up after someone has completed suicide, as if not leaving a note is evidence it wasn't a suicide.
Yes. Props are us. But why a post like that? I cannot picture my parents, any of my friends or any of my kid’s friends who have children that age posting pics of “ha ha” drunk teenagers,

And to possibly “prop” it is totally bizarre. Stuff in insulated cups stays warm a long time.

ITA. I’m 36 and my husband is a couple years older, there are cute pictures of me at 2 years old at a family picnic turning up an unopened bottle of wine and him at about the same age running around with an unopened beer pretending to drink it. I’ve had kids for 18 years now and this is not something that I see at all from my friends on SM. The photos were completely bizarre and I’m trying to find the article with the huge gallery that had those photos.

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When I suggested slowing for 70 feet I was responding to Deugirtni who initially suggested it so I don't have a link. You said the vehicle stopped at 70 feet then accelerared off so I asked you for a link for that. I wanted to compare to the links I posted (twice now) that mentioned 90mph, If you don't have a link for the stopping at 70 feet then accelerating off then I'll take it as opinion, as mine was. HTH.

Is it even possible to go from 0-90 mph in only 70 feet? I seriously doubt it.

I know the facts because I watched the press conference, but here, I found a few links for you:

Before the SUV was found at the bottom of the cliff off US Highway 101 on March 26, Jennifer Hart's blood-alcohol content was over the legal limit to drive and some of the children were sedated when she, possibly intentionally, got a 70-foot start and accelerated off the cliff without braking, according to police, who are investigating the crash as a crime.

On Sunday, April 1, CHP said the Hart family SUV's on-board computer shows that the vehicle stopped at a gravel pullout and then accelerated over the cliff, a distance of about 70 feet. A CHP spokesperson described it as: "Pure acceleration all the way."
MOO but I’ve truly encountered more people acting like drugged out whack jobs at Walmart and walking our city market than I ever did at any music festival and the few I have seen at music festivals have been the most non threatening people I’ve ever encountered. People are off their rockers literally everywhere, the person in front of me in the checkout line this morning at 10am was slurring her words and smelled like a distillery.

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Exactly. Kajo made some good points but it's one thing to think your friends were good parents despite facts that have surfaced by it is another to outright lie and claim you never saw them drink.

And Ive seen more disgustingly inappropriate or violent behavior at ball games or race events or county fairs and amusement parks than I can count. You know how much of that I've seen in front of kids at "hippie fests"? Exactly
zero. Seriously none. And I've been going all my life.

Fist fights, cursing, sexual harassment, groping and leering, domestic violence, falling down drunk, adults purposefull exposing private parts (*advertiser censored* and penises or rear ends) to others while drunk because they think it's funny or sexy. I have seen all of that at various venues in the presence of little kids. I have not once seen any of thatbehavior at a hippie type festival. I'm 49. Been going all my life.
Wow. Who did these for the family? I am super confused. They are not listed as married and the children's obituaries don't even all list all the siblings.

Holy cow, just read it. They worded it like she basically threw away her education and life to “help” raise the kids. Definitely gives a bit of perspective on the familial relationship.


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I think they were at a crisis point at that time. She probably felt like hospitalization due to nervous breakdown could explain away what the kids were going to say to CPS. She took the fall before and may have been setting it up todo so again. Or she felt cornered and suicidal and did think she needed help but her crazy spouse added to the paranoia and suggested fleeing instead of seeking help. She could have even had and/or discussed suicide plans with Jen by then but wasn't sure and/or realized that was sick thinking and was reaching out for help.

I don't think suicide and murder are easy or quick decisions. Just look at the terrible case of of Conrad Roy III.

Very interesting idea, gitana. If she made an attempt or was admitted for being suicidal it could give them some time to cover up and deal with CPS. It would make more sense for the stay-at-home parent to check in and they could have used that as their reasonings, like Jen was sick and at her wits end and needs help, not for CPS to take away the kids. It might have worked. Who knows, maybe they used a similar technique in the past.

No. I haven't seen those pictures. People who interacted with them sad they weren't drinkers. It's not uncommon for parents to joke about their kids drinking or getting drunk (like pretending they were or are but they actually aren't). Weird but I've seen so many jokes like that.

But maybe if I saw the photos I would understand better.

My impression was there was an indication that the women drugged the kids in order to sexually abuse them. Earlier posts even inferred they purposefully kept them small even giving them puberty blockers and insinuated pedophillic motivations for such conduct despite not a shred of evidence any of that was done.

I will see if I can find the pics.

I do not recall any of the posts about the pedophilia and the “parents”. Perhaps they were removed before I saw them.

As a college student of the sixties, we were not hippies. Hippies were the kids who dropped out and lived on communes or wherever.

We were labelled as hippies cuz we wore the clothes, protested, had the hair, and many used the drugs of all kinds.

My husband lived in the Haight and wrote a book about it. He and his friend would get the runaway girls back to their homes before they became statistics.

Anyone who had a needle habit was moved out instantly because of the stealing everyone blind issue.

My husband’s buddy from MN was a Vietnam vet who just got treatment for PTSD. He used to charge the tourists for getting his picture taken with a hippie. Those were incredibly intense times. My college bf unloaded body bags at the airport.

My friend in my freshman year of college became anti drug. She married a guy who had lost use of one of his legs because of drugs.

The entire Univ of MN campus (50,000 students )shut down spring quarter. I forget if it was because of Kent State or something else.

I lived next to the Vietnam Vets Against the War. On the other side, my next door neighbor shot himself in the head. His gf , the daughter of a professor, was a heroin addict.

I can go on and on about those days. So intense. The immolation by Tibetan monks. Napalm. Civil rights. Women’s rights. The Weathermen. So much
Jens obituary makes me so mad. Sorry if it’s been discussed already.

Jennifer had attended college, but ultimately chose to devote 16 years of her life helping to raise six adopted children.

What strikes me as really bizarre is that Chapel by the Sea is located in Ft. Bragg. And they have no services listed for anyone.

They may have taken it upon themselves to publish these obits on their website.

Jen adopted her first children in 2006. Granted new math may be different, but last I checked 2006 to 2018 was 12 years, not 16.
Jens obituary makes me so mad. Sorry if it’s been discussed already.

Jennifer had attended college, but ultimately chose to devote 16 years of her life helping to raise six adopted children.

This obituary doesn't sound like it was written by a loving family member. Sounds more like someone from the

funeral home composed it based on info provided by family. So where and when are the services? You can pay

to send flowers, but send to where? Also it makes no mention of her adopted, deceased children, or her married,

deceased spouse, or her siblings OR the town she was from or where she lived? Maybe they don't want people

from hometown seeing this or coming to the service. Strange obituary, and no photo.
Yes, it's much lower than most people assume. It surprises me how often the question comes up after someone has completed suicide, as if not leaving a note is evidence it wasn't a suicide.
Mtnlites has since posted a link showing 33% so I'll go with that.
Yes. Props are us. But why a post like that? I cannot picture my parents, any of my friends or any of my kid’s friends who have children that age posting pics of “ha ha” drunk teenagers,

And to possibly “prop” it is totally bizarre. Stuff in insulated cups stays warm a long time.

Because her teens didn't act like regular teens. She had no idea what they should be doing or what they might do so she just made up a ridiculous scenario she thought was funny. To me it just showed how out of touch she was with her kids, with kids in general, with the world.
What strikes me as really bizarre is that Chapel by the Sea is located in Ft. Bragg. And they have no services listed for anyone.

They may have taken it upon themselves to publish these obits on their website.

Jen adopted her first children in 2006. Granted new math may be different, but last I checked 2006 to 2018 was 12 years, not 16.

Perhaps they included the foster child years also.

Also Fort Bragg is maybe the closest chapel to where the deaths occurred.
This obituary doesn't sound like it was written by a loving family member. Sounds more like someone from the

funeral home composed it based on info provided by family. So where and when are the services? You can pay

to send flowers, but send to where? Also it makes no mention of her adopted, deceased children, or her married,

deceased spouse, or her siblings OR the town she was from or where she lived? Maybe they don't want people

from hometown seeing this or coming to the service. Strange obituary, and no photo.

We do not know if Sarah ever legally adopted the children so the info probably came from Jen’s family. There is acknowledgment that they were both parents but no mention of the marriage. An article on Jen’s family mentioned they are Catholics so that might be why the marriage would not be mentioned. Agree, Jen’s family might not want this event acknowledged in their hometown but it would also be a huge expense to bring Jen and her adoptive family to her hometown for a service.

There may never be a formal announcement for the service if they do not want any media there. While it would be nice if the birth family, who have already spoken to the media, could be included, Jen’s family may want to avoid any possible negative confrontations with them.
Very interesting idea, gitana. If she made an attempt or was admitted for being suicidal it could give them some time to cover up and deal with CPS. It would make more sense for the stay-at-home parent to check in and they could have used that as their reasonings, like Jen was sick and at her wits end and needs help, not for CPS to take away the kids. It might have worked. Who knows, maybe they used a similar technique in the past.


Didn’t Sarah say it was her that was sick, not Jen?
Mtnlites has since posted a link showing 33% so I'll go with that.

Okay good. Now you can see why not leaving a note in this case doesn't prove anything. The absence of a note at the scene doesn't change the facts and doesn't make it any less likely the drive off the cliff was 100% intentional.

In my original post I said "about 25%" so... :dunno: :wink:

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