CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #2

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heck they could have just dumped them somewhere to further hurt the remaining kids.

This is what I've thought since day one. There are three missing children and two missing dogs. There are fresh raised flower beds in the backyard. I wonder if the police have walked a cadaver dog around the Woodland property. If they haven't, they should.

Jen was home with the children when CPS came on Friday. It's just as likely she killed the three "troublemakers" before Sarah got home as is it that they left with the remaining five for that drive along the coast.

I think Jen would be much more likely to kill the kids than the dogs (dogs don't talk), though, so I wonder whether the dogs were dropped off with a "friend."
Come to think of it, all the pics I've seen have everyone facing out toward the camera. The pics seem posed, not spontaneous.
IMO Everything they seem to do in front of cameras is posed and forced! The dancing in his underwear appalled me!
While I think these children were exploited in the predominantly white "peace love" community in the north west, because their moms were white, I wonder did anyone ever give a thought to their roots in Texas?

Was there any knowledge of their roots? Did anyone go to Texas?

What I get is two white chicks, a bunch of black kids and no real connect. Sorry, I know that sounds harsh.

These two women, I am sure didn't start out that way, but omg, how wrong it will go when it became about them. And it did. And then they killed their children, before they could ever discover their own roots...

What a journey that could have been.

Eta: wish I were feeling more hopeful, tonight.
I just saw this video from HLN

The sherrif is now calling it a crime. JH was the driver. Someone reported something in the water 30-40 miles south that looked as if it was wearing clothing. Dive teams were sent immediately and they are rushing to find out information. JH was driving and both women were found inside their seats secured with seatbelts. They are unsure if everyone was alive at the time the SUV went over the cliff or if there was a struggle between JH and SH. Pathology should answer those questions.
This is truly a strange and upsetting case. I can't yet wrap my head around all of the details. I'm sure there are more details yet to come which may be further upsetting.

My gut reaction was that it was an intentional act. A family annihilator. I stand by that for now, but obviously things may change when more information is released.

When I looked at those family photos, I didn't see outward signs of physical abuse (like Lucas Hernandez). However, I did think they looked unheathily thin in some. And that the smiles seemed a little forced. Like they have to smile wide with their teeth showing as a matter of course. The exception being the little girl with the front teeth missing (who doesn't want them fixed?? WTH???). To me it looked like every pic was arranged/staged to some extent. I have not seen a single one that looks truly candid, where someone was caught looking away or focused on something else. They appear more like family photo ops than true snapshots of their busy life, if that makes sense? This reminds me of the Turpins and their public photos. All smiles, look at us, the idyllic big happy family. The reality, of course, was a living hell behind closed doors. I do think that one of the parents was a control freak in terms of the family image and totally agree with whomever mentioned the idea that the children were almost being used as 'props' to show just how wonderful Jen and Sarah were as mothers and human beings. Time and time again, we discover that a beautiful 'loving' public mask can cover a truly disgusting, ugly and cruel personality.
Wondering if the three children ran away and this prompted the murder/suicide? If the children are still alive, they may be afraid to seek help considering their life history so far.

Or did something happen to one of them? Hannah was rattled to the bone in fear a few months ago and reached out to neighbors. Then, some time later, one of the missing kids is asking for nonperishable meal rations from the same neighbors he visited to reassure them his sister is just having a rough time. He, the golden child, shows interest in CPS awareness of his family. No doubt he is aware that when bad things happen and/or those people start asking questions, his mothers change course. I read, too, the statement that they were "starving him to death", unfortunately no link, atm.

Did something happen to Hannah? Is her age misreported or did she have a disease/deficiency to attribute her small stature and features to? Is there a reason she (and her biologically related brother) did/could not perform like Abigail and the others?

Someone else shared this pic with no link. Hope I don't get in trouble for reposting. Is Abigail on the lap and Hannah in the middle? They were supposedly 2 & 4 when adopted? The middle girl looks more like 2 and the one on the lap looks more like 4... who's who? What's going on?

This one strikes me as a more recent pic than some. Also posted earlier w/ no source :(
cache (1).jpg
I should have phrased that better.

The CPS is after them and they know it is for good reason.

So they load up the car with six kids and two dogs and go for a drive.

A long long drive which is hard enough when you are an adult. Apparenty not stopping to enjoy things along the way. There was not time if they left on Friday.

Where is the joy in sitting in a car for all of those hours if you are a kid?

We went to visit friends in Louisiana and stopped to,admire the Ozarks, We told the kids, they said , “Oh, yeah”, and went back to their musical devices or whatever they had.

Same thing with the Rockies.

Now maybe these kids were different and enjoyed sitting in a car for hours.

“Are we there yet. How much longer?”

“He’s hogging my space. When are we going to eat. I have to go to the bathroom. “

They probably did not have electronics to occupy their time in the car.

I do not see it as a trip for six kids. Not unless it is broken up along the way with things for kids to do.

Well, seeing how the 6 year old was bruised front and back for having a penny, I think the kids probably were programmed to limit whining or complaining. Look at how thin they appear in pictures but there are only 2-3 times that people have mentioned the withholding of food. They were surrounded by lots of peace love "everything is beautiful" free spirits but not a peep. Saddest story in the news but no al Sharpton, no jesse Jackson. Handful of people who tried to help and yet here we are.
There's been nothing found to indicate the 3 missing children were in the car. LE has no idea what happened to them
or the dogs. Very little of the contents of the car has been found.

I keep reading this, though, in numerous articles.
Mendocino Sheriff Tom Allman told CBS affiliate KOIN there is "every indication" all 6 children were inside the SUV when it plunged over the cliff.

Hart family crash: Surveillance image reviewed as search widens for 3 missing kids
I see this article describing it in a way that makes me think, now, the distance (70 ft, it seems) from stopped car to going off cliff is coming from somewhere.

On April 1, 2018, a spokesperson with the California Highway Patrol told KOIN 6 News that a preliminary investigation shows the crash, which happened off a cliff in Westport, California, on March 26, was an "intentional act," and not the result of a traffic accident. The CHP spokesperson told KOIN 6 News that the vehicle, a 2003 GMC SUV, came to a stop 70-feet from the edge -- approximately 5 feet off the highway -- before it accelerated and plunged off the cliff.

I have a lot of catching up to do, so sorry if this has been mentioned. Maybe did the car come to a stop before turning left into the cliff area, and then the driver gunned off the cliff?
Or did something happen to one of them? Hannah was rattled to the bone in fear a few months ago and reached out to neighbors. Then, some time later, one of the missing kids is asking for nonperishable meal rations from the same neighbors he visited to reassure them his sister is just having a rough time. He, the golden child, shows interest in CPS awareness of his family. No doubt he is aware that when bad things happen and/or those people start asking questions, his mothers change course. I read, too, the statement that they were "starving him to death", unfortunately no link, atm.

Did something happen to Hannah? Is her age misreported or did she have a disease/deficiency to attribute her small stature and features to? Is there a reason she (and her biologically related brother) did/could not perform like Abigail and the others?

Someone else shared this pic with no link. Hope I don't get in trouble for reposting. Is Abigail on the lap and Hannah in the middle? They were supposedly 2 & 4 when adopted? The middle girl looks more like 2 and the one on the lap looks more like 4... who's who? What's going on?
View attachment 132448

This one strikes me as a more recent pic than some. Also posted earlier w/ no source :(
View attachment 132449

There looks to be 7 children in photo? Who is 7th?
I just saw this video from HLN

The sherrif is now calling it a crime vs an accident. JH was the driver. Someone reported something in the water 30-40 miles south that looked as if it was wearing clothing. Dive teams were sent immediately and they are rushing to find out information. JH was driving and both women were found inside their seats with seatbelts. They are unsure if everyone was alive at the time the SUV went over the cliff or if their was a struggle between JH and SH. Pathology should answer those questions.
Quoting the sheriff:
„I‘m to the point where I‘m no longer calling this an accident. I‘m calling this a crime.“

And he seems very adamant about it.
Or did something happen to one of them? Hannah was rattled to the bone in fear a few months ago and reached out to neighbors. Then, some time later, one of the missing kids is asking for nonperishable meal rations from the same neighbors he visited to reassure them his sister is just having a rough time. He, the golden child, shows interest in CPS awareness of his family. No doubt he is aware that when bad things happen and/or those people start asking questions, his mothers change course. I read, too, the statement that they were "starving him to death", unfortunately no link, atm.

Did something happen to Hannah? Is her age misreported or did she have a disease/deficiency to attribute her small stature and features to? Is there a reason she (and her biologically related brother) did/could not perform like Abigail and the others?

Someone else shared this pic with no link. Hope I don't get in trouble for reposting. Is Abigail on the lap and Hannah in the middle? They were supposedly 2 & 4 when adopted? The middle girl looks more like 2 and the one on the lap looks more like 4... who's who? What's going on?
View attachment 132448

This one strikes me as a more recent pic than some. Also posted earlier w/ no source :(
View attachment 132449
This is the picture I was talking about earlier (the second one). I believe it is from within the last year and all the children look close to their actual ages (except perhaps Hannah). Devonte, Jeremiah, and Markis all look like young men. Abigail and Sierra look more like young women than children.

The first picture makes me think Hannah might have been seriously malnourished when they got her. Perhaps targeted for abuse in home of origin, or born with serious disabilities that weren't adequately treated.


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I have a lot of catching up to do, so sorry if this has been mentioned. Maybe did the car come to a stop before turning left into the cliff area, and then the driver gunned off the cliff?

I think it means they turned “five feet off the highway”, onto the turnoff.
I have a lot of catching up to do, so sorry if this has been mentioned. Maybe did the car come to a stop before turning left into the cliff area, and then the driver gunned off the cliff?

I can’t edit my posts for some reason lately. Anyway, it looks like they turned right into the cliff area, not left, so disregard. My bad
I just can't get over how terrifying it would be to drive a car off of a cliff. Even for the driver...the will to live is strong, and I would think it would be next to impossible to go against that. That's why I am guessing they (or maybe just she) had already done something that she couldn't fix or change, and felt that this was the only course of action.
There looks to be 7 children in photo? Who is 7th?

I don't know why it isn't bigger/clearer when we zoom in. I'll see if I can find the post in which I found it. The other person may be one of their musician/festival friends. It is an adult with the kids, but I'm not sure who it is.

ETA original posted in post 1115 of thread #1.
Not sure how to improve the pic I posted, but if you find that post the picture is clearer to zoom in on.
I can’t edit my posts for some reason lately. Anyway, it looks like they turned right into the cliff area, not left, so disregard. My bad

If they came from Fort Bragg, they turned left onto the turnout.
Unless, as some have suggested, they passed the turnout, turned around and drove south, back to the turnout, and turned right.

I think LE assumed they were coming from the north until they tracked the cell phone pings to Fort Bragg.
Warning long and anecdotal. I just feel a lot for this family, they were so much like my own...and not.

In my experience, sometimes the black community is not very welcoming of white, transracially adoptive parents. I have lots of black friends and my children live in a diverse community, however, by in large there can be some issues.

Just yesterday I asked a black woman about product she was buying at the store because she bought a lot of it and I'm looking for something better for my child's hair. I told her I had a black daughter and she asked what grade of hair she had. I said thick tight curls and she said, "so she's black," which I had already mentioned, she turned away from me and walked away...didn't even say another word.

I also had a black friend offer to hang out with my kids without me, because he wanted them to know a good black man so they could marry one someday. He's a great guy but, I finally told my friend the approach was a little heavy handed. I didn't really like to leave my children alone with anyone that often and maybe just hanging out with all of us and being himself would give them a good impression of a good man, not necessarily a black one...for the purposes of marrying a black man, cause my kids are pretty young and color of their future partner isn't on their radar. He wanted to make sure they married a black man and I told him they should marry someone they love...whatever the color.

I mention this to say, I wouldn't readily accept a "forever friend" who wants to help. From the looks of things though the Harts had some black friends (or at least one) as the picture denotes. The community they are in (festival going free hug community) is the same community I'm in and there are lots of black women and men in the community, but they have to subscribe to the ideas of freedom, love, open warm inclusiveness...and that sometimes is a leap if you weren't raised to perceive the world that way. However it was at the Holi festival where our family met a bunch of black women who danced and hugged and played with us all day, just because they got what we were all about.

I wonder if the lack of support in their community like the warm welcome they got in the festival world were offered in their area, they would have reached out and gotten help...or not, maybe they were malicious, white saviors who just wanted to torture their kids.

When my child was seven (who I'd adopted from birth) tried to kill herself, broke my arm by body slamming me into a ditch and did things that were scary and dangerous, it took every ounce of courage I had to reach out to my community and risk being shamed, accused and criticized for not being a good enough mother to her to get her help. I gained sixty pounds, got a bleeding ulcer and was in general ill health because of the stress it caused. Luckily we were able to get her diagnosed, medicated, in therapy and she's doing great...after two years I finally have my little girl back. Imagine six kids or even two with severe issues and no, I can't even think of the stress that would cause and add control issues on top of that...these women needed support...these children needed services, therapy, another home perhaps. There is no shame in admitting your world isn't perfect, even if you wanted it to be.

It can't be dismissed that after Sarah/Jen lost control of her/their anger and the child abuse charges they "reached out" to Texas for another handful of victims.

Black hair care-Have you told that story to any of your black women (or men) friends?. Maybe "grade" is something specific and the lady in the store took your answer as too general, like "duh, she's black she has kinky hair" IDK I'd be curious to find out what "grade" means.

Bless you & yours by the way!
I have a few theories about the missing Kidd please know this is only my opinion:

1. I feel like Devonte took on a more big brother role than the other kids. I feel like Markis and Hannah were disabled to a point tho this hasn't been proven. I don't think I ever heard markis or Hannah speak and they never seemed to be the focus of any video or photos. I think Devonte as of late reached a breaking point. He was growing up and maybe he was seeing through Jen and Sarah and how abuse they were to his siblings. Maybe he was challenging Jen like threatening to seek help or run away. Maybe he came up with a plan to free himself and his siblings but only two went along with it. Abigail tho she did previously report abuse seemed close to Sarah which means maybe she was brainwashed into believing whatever Sarah told her. So maybe Devonte took off with the other two siblings and when cps came knocking maybe they thought it was for that reason and they took off considering just relocating but realizing it would eventually catch up to them so they just decided ended it was the best option for them.

2. Maybe Jen and Sarah hurt the other three siblings and accidentally or purposely hurt the other three kids before cps came to the house and discarded the bodies and so maybe when cps came to the door they maybe thought someone seen them discarding the bodies or found the bodies.

3. Maybe Hannah and Sierra did go with the family and are in the ocean and only Devonte escaped.

Regardless of what scenario played out I pray authorities find out soon and I pray by some miracle of god those Kids are alive. I'll adopt them as I'm sure any of you who could would. Those kids deserve the best and to be loved unconditionall as does any child.

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I just can't get over how terrifying it would be to drive a car off of a cliff. Even for the driver...the will to live is strong, and I would think it would be next to impossible to go against that. That's why I am guessing they (or maybe just she) had already done something that she couldn't fix or change, and felt that this was the only course of action.

My opinion and speculation...

Maybe Jenn's will to live was no longer strong?

Obviously, but what I was thinking is that maybe she had severe depression?

Damn, more thoughts, IF she was depressed and suicidal and going to take the family with, my gut is that she wouldn't do it without everyone in the SUV :( I think I just lost hope for the 3. Heartbreaking.

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