CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #5

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Now if they happen to find Hasanni at Lake Elizabeth:waitasec: does that mean LE will be @ Burris's home...???:eek:
I can't stop thinking about that big box.

We know that our Little Man was reported missing on a Monday. JC says that she kissed him goodbye while he was sleeping as she was leaving for work that day.

Do we know what day garbage pickup is in that neighborhood? Are there garbage men that have to pick up large rubbish containers, or is it all done by a robotic arm type mechanism? (I hate to even think what I am thinking.)

It is possible that Little Man WAS still at home on that Monday when she went to work and after he awoke he did something to enrage LR. LR could have gone ballistic and taken his rage out upon the little one.

That box would have been a handy way to disguise a little body, and if garbage pickup was that day, well....

Also, a lot has been made about little Hasanni not having been seen since the 6th. He was reported missing on the 10th. That is only 4 days.

I can remember when my son was little and there were times that we wouldn't leave the house for a week at a time. Grocery shopping had already been done, and we had no plans to go out--or he might have had a little cold, so I wanted to keep him at home.

I guess I just don't see a whole lot of relevance to Hasanni not having been seen for less than 4 full days.

I am also not so sure that JC knows what happened to Hasanni. I think that LR is solely responsible for his disappearance/demise and that he has "snowed" JC with whatever BS story he could get her to believe.

cleo612 - regarding the garbage pickup: Terrific and important question! The other day I googled waste pickup in Ross' neighborhood at the address (5997 Roxie Terrace, Fremont Ca.). Seems that a waste management company by the name of Allied Waste Mgt. does the pickup (I think). There were no schedules that could be found. Not sure if any locals read my request for pickup times. There was a # so maybe someone today will call and get the schedule or I can call later.
.....with all the missing children in this country... we may need to start having
the 2nd Sat of the Month every month as
"Search Saturday"... everyone is required to go out and look around for 3 hours for all of these missing babies...
What is wrong with this country that we do take better care of our kids, so that, they will take better care of thier kids, so that, they will take better care of thier kids, so that, they will take better care of thier kids.......
.... and then some day, all of the babys born will grow up to be old men and old women !
I know some members here do visit other boards, but I came across another one that had a local perspective and thought it was worth mentioning since she shared conversations with people involved.

I hope this is okay to quote here. If not, let me know and I will merely link to it.

I have been meeting with Sherri (organizer) and the rep from Ascending Sisters and they both feel strongly from conversations with the FP's that Hasanni may be in Monterrey. Ross had lived there prior to moving to Fremont and then he set up the website that has a beach theme plus he mentioned more than once that Hasanni loved the water.

Also, I found this post by the same person interesting. Her estimations of vigil attendance seem too high (probably counting media), but I'd confirm the rest. Also, she had conversations with key people that may be worth paying attention to:

Hasanni Campbell , 5, Oakland, CA, 8/10/09 - Page 44 - Help Find The Missing
FF, your post is fine. I don't think anyone will hit an alert on it. You haven't posted but just a sentence. For future reference, (it's here somewhere on one of the subforums, if you want I can go find the post) the mods prefer we just link other crimeboards and not quote other crimeboards.

I think it's just a blanket request that came because there was a lot of problems with topix comments being brought and posted here.

Your post is fine:) IMHO.

It doesn't sound to me like there is much in the way of organization of searches for Hasanni after reading those links.

I did check Hasanni's website again and nothing new has been added that I can tell. That's frustrating because many ppl don't read crimeboards and would only access that if they did a search for his name.
It doesn't sound to me like there is much in the way of organization of searches for Hasanni after reading those links. .

Thanks for the reassurance. I absolutely agree about the organization of the searches. I think if it weren't for Sherri (tshirt lady) and her efforts, nothing would really have gotten off the ground. I have felt the efforts have lacked some direction, organization and perhaps general savvy, though I don't doubt they are ultimately sincere.

A few thoughts along these lines:

1. I found it very interesting that LR apparently has insisted on full control over the FindHasanni website. On the one hand, if it were my kid missing, I might be a control freak too, especially if the public was scrutinizing it and me. However, I think knowing this allows us to believe that anything on that website is a) intentional and b) straight from LR.

2. I don't know if it's apparent, but the community has begun to come together. A small group of residents combined efforts to create the sign, message board, stuffed animals, and trinkets you now see on the news, adding a lot to the existent ones left for Hasanni to create a much warmer feel and less anemic display (wilted flowers and balloons, etc.). The pastor of the church has been wonderful too. Even Courtney Burris and the steadfastness of Sherri have helped, as much as I felt CB had an agenda.

I believe these two components have made a difference. People have a place to go to express themselves. They have an option (church/sign/etc.) that isn't necessarily tied to the story of the abduction. When I've walked by, I see people stopping and reading and writing and talking about it. The last comment I saw on one of the cards read, "Your community loves you, Hasanni." To me, this is a huge change of heart here and really the point.

3. Can someone post the Nancy Grace interview with John Burris? In both that interview and other news articles, he keeps making statements that I find highly interesting (even when NG called him on it on national TV). Statements to the effect of the arrest being traumatic, especially for JC, who has never been in custody. Or carefully saying that "JC has committed no crime" but saying that "from LR's perspective, he's innocent." There have been a few others. I'm wondering if OPD presented evidence this last weekend that casts even John Burris into suspicion. Perhaps he sees that a civil case on behalf of LR is pretty futile at this point and is looking to eventually advocate mainly for JC. I think Burris may sell LR out if needed. Pregnant, female and under less suspicion, she's the better civil case anyways.
FF- I would think that if Hassani was put on the bart by himself, MANY people would have had flags going off and would have seen him. IMO
We've seen cases where the woman is responsible. Is there any chance that LR handled clean-up/etc. and that he concocted this for JC, because it's a threat to him as well and he doesn't trust her to handle it (control freak behavior again)? I know he's the more likely candidate with his past, being male, and his unbelievability, but I really don't think she's displayed more sincerity.

I know I've been in the minority, but my wife and I really feel that it's easy to keep projecting a little when it comes to JC. We almost put ourselves in her shoes, and figure she must be Stolkholmed and abused, and lied to and thus fairly innocent (though perhaps still guilty of putting the children at risk with someone like LR appears to be). I just don't want to give her innocence or character credit for being female and pregnant.

I just want to make sure we remember that women can be sociopaths and abusers, too, to ones weaker than them. Not every pregnant woman is warm or has maternal feelings or is selfless. Most are, but just as LR initially tugged at my heartstrings as a father (hey, I could really empathize with what the guy must be going through), JC could be doing the same, too. I agree the worst we've heard so far makes LR look more likely, but my gut says she's more involved than it might appear. Only my opinion. I think I just want to see justice for this little guy, even if that means JC is the culprit instead or too.
FF- I would think that if Hassani was put on the bart by himself, MANY people would have had flags going off and would have seen him. IMO

That's a good point. I can't imagine inconspicuously making your way through a BART station at any location with a probably distressed, possibly crying child who walks with a somewhat stilted gait.

Also, BART stations do have their own dedicated police officers who would presumably help an abandoned five year old (though BART police do not have a great record in the recent past).

I think it's technically possible, which is why I'm intrigued (stranger things have happened, as evidenced in other cases), but not probable
Other than comments from the accused and their advisor or news from volunteer searches, I have a feeling that, for a while, news will be scarce in this case.

After their rather tight lipped comments yesterday, I think LE won't waste time with news conferences until they have something huge to report. They made their position and their intentions crystal clear. They will be working to solve Hasanni's case. Best wishes to LE. May they be suscessful.
Other than comments from the accused and their advisor or news from volunteer searches, I have a feeling that, for a while, news will be scarce in this case.

After their rather tight lipped comments yesterday, I think LE won't waste time with news conferences until they have something huge to report. They made their position and their intentions crystal clear. They will be working to solve Hasanni's case. Best wishes to LE. May they be suscessful.

I have to wonder Paintr. LE flat out called LR a bare faced liar on national television. They've got to be angry. I wouldn't be a bit shocked if some damning evidence is mysteriously 'leaked.'
FF, it's not out question to think that JC could have been the one that caused Hasanni's death. I do believe he's no longer alive.

At this point, given we don't know what happened to Hasanni I think it's safe to say it was one of those two adults. Either one.

I am of the opinion that being an accessory isn't a lesser crime morally. I'll have a looksee and see if anyone recorded NG for Burris' comments.

I noted a few days ago, that Burris hadn't come right out and stated clearly that he believes LWR to be innocent. I find that curious.
I would think that if LR had left that big box out for garbage pick up it would have raised a flag, especially if it had a fair amount of weight to it. Does Fremont have residential pick up for recyclables? Here, the garbage truck will not pick up boxes and for the recycle truck to pick up cardboard boxes they need to be broken down to a maximum size of 2'x2'.
I have to wonder Paintr. LE flat out called LR a bare faced liar on national television. They've got to be angry. I wouldn't be a bit shocked if some damning evidence is mysteriously 'leaked.'

LE get used to being slammed in public by perps and defense lawyers. LOL! It just makes them more determined and more careful to dot all the i's and cross the t's. They don't want their case thrown out because someone got careless.

As much as I want to know what they know, I would rather they have a solid case. So, hopefully, no leaks.
I have to wonder Paintr. LE flat out called LR a bare faced liar on national television. They've got to be angry. I wouldn't be a bit shocked if some damning evidence is mysteriously 'leaked.'

We can only hope... :D
I can't help but wonder who the criminal defense lawyers are that Mr Burris has lined up for when JC and/or Ross is charged. Wonder if Mr Geragos is busy? :waitasec: :)
This may be way out there but here it goes. I was google/earth the junk yard area, street level, going straight past the junk yard there is nothing, dirt roads etc etc. Could he have put Hassani out there, during that time receive a phone call/make a phone call which means a ping would have him near there. So then he thinks he has to make it look legit, goes to the junk yard and acts like he's going to buy something. The people at the junk yard said they heard a child crying, it could be the younger one since she would have just seen what took place with her brother. On the way to dropping off kid(s) comes up with the left child in car etc etc. Does this make sense?
I really hope that LE has some kind of evidence and not just blowing smoke to save face. I think these two are believable. Very strange case. Just watching and waiting.
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