CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #6

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Someone should post a good summary of JC's education in the JC thread as a reference; we should aim to make histories of the main players on their threads so people don't have to search all over hyde and back for answers to such things.

I have kind of wondered myself if she is trying to get her masters degree in psych. Wouldn't this case be an interesting psychological drama to disect for
a master's thesis?
It seems so sad that before Aug. 10, 2009 none of us here at
WS nor LE nor most anyone else, as it seems had heard of nor met
Hasanni C. We now seem to be the only ones concerned with his


It seems that the people who did Know him or were related to him
DO NOT seem to have much if any concern for him or his whereabouts
since Auc. 10, 2009. including LR, JC, the Aunts, the Godmother,
the Grandmother,

:waitasec: :furious: :waitasec:



I wonder if LR still calls the OPD every day asking if they have any new leads?
LOL my nephew just graduated with degree in psychology too. He has no job, so her manager of a shoe store was a step up from his situation.

And it's all coming back to me because someone posted that she had a degree in psychology too and someone else then wanted to know who else had a degree in psychology (and I thought of my nephew who is totally unrelated to this case).
Not sure what this means, but it struck me that these search locations fall into two sweeping categories:

1. Places that LE has thoroughly searched (Rockridge, Coyote Hills, Don Edwards)

2. Bodies of water that are heavily populated (where a body would likely have shown up due to heavy perimeter traffic unless a boat was used).

They checked the perimeter of Lake Elizabeth by feel, but if I recall correctly, that's it. Also, Berkeley Marina, Lake Temescal and especially Lake Merritt are all heavily trafficked around the perimeter.

Some info on these places of the next search:

Berkeley Marina (which has restaurants, trails, facilities and plenty of hikers/bikers, especially with Cal students returning in August):

Lake Merritt (with lots of dwellings and businesses surrounding as well as people walking around the lake and people boating and giving gondola rides):

Lake Temescal (very popular, especially on the weekends):

Unless Hasanni's body was very securely anchored in the water, I would think that if he were in the water in any of these lakes, his body would have surfaced and he would have been found.

LR did not strike me as the type that would dig a grave, but then again, if he is trying to make it look like someone else did it, he might.
I wish I had a better grasp on the times things occurred on August 10. There is lots of yada yada room.

7 a.m. JC kisses Hasanni good-bye (he is sleeping) and leaves for work.

___ a.m. LR goes to bank

___ a.m. LR goes to salvage yard

4:15 p.m. LR arrives at Shuz
something that's been bothering me & perhaps it's been addressed & I missed it? I saw somewhere that LR said he left Hasanni by the car (or in the car?) and walked with his daughter to the front of the store to tell JC to open up the back door. He said this is something he's done every Monday and Wednesday for months.

if this is a routine, wouldn't JC know to already be by the back door waiting & if the timing was off somehow (he was late, she was busy etc.), could he not just have called her in the store or KNOCKED on the back door to alert her, instead of leaving a disabled child alone???

it doesn't make sense to me
something that's been bothering me & perhaps it's been addressed & I missed it? I saw somewhere that LR said he left Hasanni by the car (or in the car?) and walked with his daughter to the front of the store to tell JC to open up the back door. He said this is something he's done every Monday and Wednesday for months.

if this is a routine, wouldn't JC know to already be by the back door waiting & if the timing was off somehow (he was late, she was busy etc.), could he not just have called her in the store or KNOCKED on the back door to alert her, instead of leaving a disabled child alone???

it doesn't make sense to me

"Routine" didn't consist of leaving Hasanni by the back door. Routine was calling ahead and having Jennifer meet him at the back door. That is, if you believe anything he says. He was "running late" that day, so he didn't call. :waitasec: I guess walking all the way around the store was faster....go figure.
"Routine" didn't consist of leaving Hasanni by the back door. Routine was calling ahead and having Jennifer meet him at the back door. That is, if you believe anything he says. He was "running late" that day, so he didn't call. :waitasec: I guess walking all the way around the store was faster....go figure.

thanks for replying
hmm, & now it's bothering me even more ...
My issue with the dog search is what they gave the dog to key on 'Little Man,
I just feel there should have been at least 1 dog hot on that back door. I hate to say it but could they have tried to trick the dog. It has been done before in this business. If you don't want the person found you give an item that does not have the persons scent on it. Now, do I think LR is capable of thinking that far ahead and trying to pull that scam? WELL YES I DO. I just know that the dog or dogs should have led straight to the back door of Shuz if the rest of the Mon and Wed Hasanni had been brought there and entered through the back door.

There is the possibility that the dogs went to the door and were averted and were sent to the car to try over in a diff direction, but if there was a diff direction the dogs would have realized that and stopped going to shuz back door.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the dogs found no scent of HC. Not at the door or in the parking lot or out to the street. LE probably used the car seat to give the dogs his scent. Even if LR switched car seats, the dogs would have followed the scent to the HCs' sister. Sort of proves HC was never there and it was all a lie.

Within minutes of not getting a scent for HC, they knew LR was lying. I guess his only option was deny, deny, deny. My kids tried that trick. So we'd sit down and go over the issue point by point until they were bored to tears & confessed.
There is another search warrant floating out there somewhere I think. The FBI search warrant. LR showed the reporter the receipt for the stuff FBI took, the seats, etc, from the BMW, but I never actually saw that warrant. Maybe the FBI searched the other car? The garage was shut when LE searched the house while LR and Jennifer were in jail. Do you suppose they could have searched it then?!? :waitasec:

Does anyone know if the FBI releases search warrants on open cases?
That's AWESOME Noway, thank you!!! I wanted to know, if I was driving up the 880 or the 580, exactly when I'd really be IN Oakland. I was going with the pre-school " give very specific intructions" version of what OPD said, and what they said, was that Hasanni was never "In Oakland" on August 10th. So I wanted to know exactly where everything that constitutes Oakland is.
No, it probably doesn't make two cents worth of difference, but I tell you no lie I've spent hours every day staring at this Virtual Map. I suppose I'm waiting for Hasanni himself to send me mirrored morse code or something.
It's my feeling that if LE says "not in Oakland" then that has to mean some witness or some camera,caught LR before he got into Oakland, and Hasanni wasn't in the car. And because eye witness testimony isn't always reliable, I assume it was video. I'm also going out on a limb and assuming this video or eye witness put the sighting directly in line with the time he arrived at Shuz. "Not in Oakland" potentially takes several miles off of the total distance he had to dump Hasanni if he did it between Roxie and Shuz.
I don't know what I'm digging for, but I keep doing it in hopes that I'll have one of those "ah ha" moments. No stone unturned, right?

Shutterfly, that's very perceptive of you! The dumping ground has to be somewhere he's familiar with. How are we suppose to know that? Maybe he spent his days driving around or going for walks with the kids.(yeah right!)
something that's been bothering me & perhaps it's been addressed & I missed it? I saw somewhere that LR said he left Hasanni by the car (or in the car?) and walked with his daughter to the front of the store to tell JC to open up the back door. He said this is something he's done every Monday and Wednesday for months.

if this is a routine, wouldn't JC know to already be by the back door waiting & if the timing was off somehow (he was late, she was busy etc.), could he not just have called her in the store or KNOCKED on the back door to alert her, instead of leaving a disabled child alone???

it doesn't make sense to me

What gets me is that in one of his TV interviews, he said something like that JC was already out front and that he didn't even need to go inside -- and that he just motioned to her. Seems strange to me that he didn't call to let her know he was running late. She just anticipated it, or what?

Also, keep in mind that though we don't know this for a fact, I assume the "straight through" route from front to back of store (even factoring for a hallway or second door to the outside) would be probably more direct and quicker than LR's round-the-corner route, cutting down Hasanni's alone time even further.
It was reported in the media that the scent dogs didn't detect Hasanni in the parking lot.

...On Thursday, police search dogs were unable to detect Hassani's scent in the parking lot of the shoe store...

That the scent dogs never picked up a trail leading away from the parking lot:
...Law enforcement sources told KTVU that search dogs never led their handlers on what's called a "hot trail" on the afternoon Hasanni disappeared, meaning the dogs never picked up a scent that led handlers away from the lot...

There is a video on the threads somewhere where LWR says that the dogs did hit and argues that LE isn't reporting that correctly if IIRC. I can't remember his exact words.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that the dogs found no scent of HC. Not at the door or in the parking lot or out to the street. LE probably used the car seat to give the dogs his scent. Even if LR switched car seats, the dogs would have followed the scent to the HCs' sister. Sort of proves HC was never there and it was all a lie.

Within minutes of not getting a scent for HC, they knew LR was lying. I guess his only option was deny, deny, deny. My kids tried that trick. So we'd sit down and go over the issue point by point until they were bored to tears & confessed.

One additional thought -- I wonder if the dogs traced from Hasanni's car seat TO the car door. Would there still be a (short) scent trail within the car if Hasanni had (God forbid) not been around for several days, and the car -- but not the car seat -- had been cleaned?
Another discussion about scent dogs...

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: Well, they are saying that they know that now. What we do know is that dogs were there immediately after his disappearance. They did not pick up Hasanni`s scent in the lot where the car was that day.

GRACE: Matt Zarrell, explain to me again, the canine evidence. What did police say the scent dogs picked up or didn`t pick up?

ZARRELL: Well, the scent dogs went there and they did pick up Hasanni`s scent inside the BMW but they did not pick up the scent in the lot where the car was or moving away from the lot...
One additional thought -- I wonder if the dogs traced from Hasanni's car seat TO the car door. Would there still be a (short) scent trail within the car if Hasanni had (God forbid) not been around for several days, and the car -- but not the car seat -- had been cleaned?

yes there would be a scent even if 'Little Man had not been in the car for a few days.

It would make a difference if the car seat had been cleaned with an oxidizing cleaner or bleach solution.

there would be what you refer to as a ( Short trail ) but the car isn't that wide across so it would be almost be a mute point to a S & R dog

* note, these are just my opinions from my experiences helping with laying scent trails, helping w/planning of training goals and caring for S & R dogs with my husband :)
:behindbar We have all wondered why LR was released by LE...could it be WHERE they charged him with murder??? If Hasanni is found in Fremont, Hayward or a different area, would THAT change the jurisdiction??? Being in Texas, I'm not sure of LE bounderies in CA.

The 911 call at 4:18pm Aug 10 was made LR's cell phone, (911 dialed on a cell phone in Oakland will be received by the California Highway Patrol.) SNIPPED FROM: So CHP is the one to get the 911 call...then OPD gets there...Hasanni shown not there by search dogs...maybe he's in Freemont, Hayward etc...

Would the DA let him go, pending 'finding' Hasanni to see what jurisdiction he was found in?? With other cases w/o bodies, were they charged in the county/city where the person was LAST SEEN, or LIVED, or THOUGHT TO BE WHEN DISAPPEARED?? :waitasec:
:behindbar We have all wondered why LR was released by LE...could it be WHERE they charged him with murder??? If Hasanni is found in Fremont, Hayward or a different area, would THAT change the jurisdiction??? Being in Texas, I'm not sure of LE bounderies in CA.

The 911 call at 4:18pm Aug 10 was made LR's cell phone, (911 dialed on a cell phone in Oakland will be received by the California Highway Patrol.) SNIPPED FROM: So CHP is the one to get the 911 call...then OPD gets there...Hasanni shown not there by search dogs...maybe he's in Freemont, Hayward etc...

Would the DA let him go, pending 'finding' Hasanni to see what jurisdiction he was found in?? With other cases w/o bodies, were they charged in the county/city where the person was LAST SEEN, or LIVED, or THOUGHT TO BE WHEN DISAPPEARED?? :waitasec:

and jumping off of your post, I can't understand why they don't at least charge him with felony neglect or SOMETHING. He himself has confessed all over the place that he left a handicapped, mentally impaired child standing by the back door in a business district, alone!
Okay, so you can't lock him up for what he did because you have no proof. Then lock him up for what he SAYS he did...then let's see him talk his way out of that.
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