Deceased/Not Found CA - Heidi Planck, 39, left son’s football game in Downey, dog found in Los Angeles, 17 Oct 2021 #4

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They would have known almost immediately if enough tissue/blood was found to indicate a fatal incident. It may have taken some time to confirm the DNA was hers but you might presume that it was for investigative purposes. Something was learned very recently however that pointed them to the landfill and had a very specific date associated with it- to search a specific area of the landfill they would need to provide the landfill operator with a date (they keep meticulous records of what gets dumped where and when). To me date means time stamp which means video. I presume they looked at video from the date she went missing first and then had to look at more days and locations before they identified something- which may explain the delay. There may have been many dozens of cameras inside and outside the building and the parking area where her car was located. 100's if not thousands of hours of video.
I am wondering if it is more that they just had to wait to make sure whatever they found in the building was her DNA before they sent dozens of workers to excavate and search the area as that is a lot of resources to use on a hunch without confirmation. We know they said they located her vehicle on Nov 4th and I believe JW said that was the same day that they recovered evidence from the building as well. At that point, she had only been reported missing a couple of weeks and they did have to wait to get a warrant for the building but if they are saying they obtained evidence on Nov 4th then it could have taken weeks to get back the results on the forensic evidence.

I am inclined to think that is what was learned very recently as opposed to any camera footage as if they started from the day she went missing they would have most likely seen something right away or gone straight to the 28/29 floor the dog was found on now that they had a warrant. I would assume that they found enough evidence in either or both the RR and H+F to lead them to believe she was not alive as they stated which would also line up with the somewhat radio silence from LE as they were no longer investigating what happened as much as waiting to hear back DNA confirmation on what they found. I would think once they had that, which was clearly very recently they had the go-ahead to search the landfill and my assumption would be that the reasoning for the specific site and area within was based on where the H+F trash was dumped shortly after she was seen and the incident occurred. I am not sure how often they have their trash removed, could be 1x, 2x weekly, every or every other day but either way I would think based on their findings they would have a good idea of where that trash is dumped in the landfill according to the timeline of their pickup/dumps.

Also, I still am very hung up on the term "incident" but at the same time, I don't know what else they could say with certainty until they have further evidence maybe. But with it being investigated as a homicide would that not have been kosher to use that word without a body/autopsy/COD determination? I wish we knew what evidence they had...was it just her entering the building on video and never exiting or did they actually have footage of someone/something happening, is their surveillance on elevators, each floor and or in or in view of the trash shoot...I cannot remember if that has been confirmed. Or if they knew exactly what apt she was in and got direct evidence from there but nothing video-wise explaining what exactly the incident was that they believe occurred and just needed to wait on results? I know some have speculated they might construe this as accidental and either someone disposing of her body or even possibly her alone falling down the trash shoot but if that were the case I wonder what evidence they would be going off of? It seems like the accidental trash shoot fall/death happens a lot more than one would think and I dont understand how...I have lived all over NYC and Chicago in highrises and although they were almost always large enough to fit in (especially someone as small as she was) you would have literally had to open them, climb in I just dont see how one could accidently do that?
IMO the 1-5 people JW appealed to may or may not have direct knowledge of what happened to Heidi. They could be people who unknowingly disposed of evidence and moved Heidi's car at the behest of someone else.

The photos of the garbage chute at H + F with the trash piled up next to it in the hallway, leads me to believe that a petite woman could fit inside intact (or not) and subsequently be buried under debris in the dumpster at the bottom, that may be compacted prior to pick up. Depending on what day the dumpster is emptied, it probably was gone by the time LE got inside the building.

I don't think that Heidi was in fear of her life when she was captured on CCTV walking her dog in the alley, or she could have departed the area right then and there, getting her purse and car back would not have been her highest priority at that point in time. IMO this will prove to have been a clumsy, panic driven cover-up of a homicide that occurred in the heat of the moment.

IMO based on the SEC filings, JS is at the very least conniving, greedy and manipulative and I have to wonder if he is the successful businessman he purports to be, since the $9MM he netted was used to buy luxury items and shore up other businesses he owns. As the song goes, "A man with a briefcase can steal more money than any man with a gun" (Don Henley, Gimme What You Got). That said, what goes around, comes around, i.e. Alex Murdaugh.

I am optimistic LAPD will find what they are looking for at the dump and justice for Heidi will prevail. My heart goes out to her young son and her family.

The foregoing is strictly my opinion.
New to Heidi’s case, and still learning the details, but based on the landfill search, I anticipate an arrest soon, jmo. They don’t search a landfill unless there is something specific leading them there.
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More than ever before, I can not envision a scenario where Seven was left alive and intentionally released in a hallway.
I guess I will go back to him jumping out of an elevator and the accomplice could not get back to the floor in time to find him. Or then just left the building.
Could an apartment where a fatal incident ocurred have been short term rented out to someone with forged ID? I’ve always wondered about that.
The mandatory mask rule in effect, coupled with gloves and a cap would complicate identifying persons, for sure.
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Did anyone else notice JW’s sudden body language response in the full interview yesterday when asked about any leads related to Heidi’s employer?

Scratching and rubbing the back of his neck, covering his throat and then covering his mouth?
He denied any knowledge but firmly reiterated that LAPD is “in force” and will discover whatever there is to discover.
It’s in the Fox news interview posted previously several times.
Not to sound dense, but would a trash chute be located in common area?
Wouldn't common areas have cameras?
Or does each apartment have it's own chute?
I have zero knowledge on the subject.

From what residents have said, there's a chute on each floor. I don't think there are cameras in the corridors.
It’s surprising that DTLA waste would go to Castaic.
The landfill is closed on Sundays and whatever happened was early evening anyway.
It does accept waste from the public and small
Commercial haulers.
This is what it accepts:
The following materials are accepted for disposal by Chiquita Canyon:

  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Green Waste
  • Construction & Demolition Debris
  • E-Waste for recycling
  • Using Chiquita

Nearly all trash from LA goes up that way. There's a corner of LA county that is too steeply canyoned for housing to be built and so, they use the canyons and ravines (which they have sort of tiered out) for trash.

I do believe that the trash collection from DTLA is by a contractor that keeps track of which area of the canyons they use each time they dump.
IMO the 1-5 people JW appealed to may or may not have direct knowledge of what happened to Heidi. They could be people who unknowingly disposed of evidence and moved Heidi's car at the behest of someone else.

The photos of the garbage chute at H + F with the trash piled up next to it in the hallway, leads me to believe that a petite woman could fit inside intact (or not) and subsequently be buried under debris in the dumpster at the bottom, that may be compacted prior to pick up. Depending on what day the dumpster is emptied, it probably was gone by the time LE got inside the building.

I don't think that Heidi was in fear of her life when she was captured on CCTV walking her dog in the alley, or she could have departed the area right then and there, getting her purse and car back would not have been her highest priority at that point in time. IMO this will prove to have been a clumsy, panic driven cover-up of a homicide that occurred in the heat of the moment.

IMO based on the SEC filings, JS is at the very least conniving, greedy and manipulative and I have to wonder if he is the successful businessman he purports to be, since the $9MM he netted was used to buy luxury items and shore up other businesses he owns. As the song goes, "A man with a briefcase can steal more money than any man with a gun" (Don Henley, Gimme What You Got). That said, what goes around, comes around, i.e. Alex Murdaugh.

I am optimistic LAPD will find what they are looking for at the dump and justice for Heidi will prevail. My heart goes out to her young son and her family.

The foregoing is strictly my opinion.

I agree. She didn't run across random bad actors either. She left the football game without giving a reason, she went home and got her dog (perhaps to help manage anxiety and maybe she knew she was meeting someone who could be...dangerous in some way). Her car was parked near H+F, she and dog went into the building, LE knows approximately where the incident occurred but may not have proper camera footage of who was going in and out.

She could very well have been in fear of her life, but with an incentive to behave calmly to try and get out of whatever it was she was in. I think this was a financially or legally motivated crime.
I wonder if le found the evidence in the garbage bin in the parking garage . I cant see evidence in the common area when LE searched . It’d be easier to bring her down in a suitcase or something and toss it in the bin the chutes seem to tiny jmoo
What’s hard for me to imagine is what happened to Heidi in such a short time frame—only a half hour—from the time we see her walking down Flower Alley towards H+F building, and Seven being found alone in the hall of that building.

It has to mean whatever happened, happened practically immediately upon her (re?)entering the apt bldg. But, what? Poor Heidi.

Do you think when we see her walking with Seven at 6:30pm she had already been in the H+F? Or did she leave her purse in the car? Doesn’t seem like she would have done that, leave her purse in the car, in case of a break-in.
I agree. She didn't run across random bad actors either. She left the football game without giving a reason, she went home and got her dog (perhaps to help manage anxiety and maybe she knew she was meeting someone who could be...dangerous in some way). Her car was parked near H+F, she and dog went into the building, LE knows approximately where the incident occurred but may not have proper camera footage of who was going in and out.

She could very well have been in fear of her life, but with an incentive to behave calmly to try and get out of whatever it was she was in. I think this was a financially or legally motivated crime.

I don’t know that it’s been established Heidi stopped at home after the football game. She already had her dog with her at the game.
I wonder if LE NEEDS the body or WANTS the body to make a prosecutable case.
JMO, but LE always wants to find the remains for the sake of the family, they will delay proceeding with an arrest in the hopes that, under the pressure of anxiety, a perp or accomplice will reveal the location.

As someone said above, IMO they do every possible investigation before they put boots on the ground for a search: it's a huge waste of resources and demoralizing if they come up empty. And how long do they search before they give up?

The prosecution of the case will be easier with remains, as well. But I think it is for the resolution of the family and public uncertainty. People want something they can mourn over, even if it's just a little box of bones.
Does anyone besides me wonder if LE authorized JW to speak to the media yesterday, or whether he just took it upon himself to do so after they released their statement. He seemed to reiterate, over and over, "1-5 people know what happened to Heidi. We need your help...". Was that done on behalf of LE, or were they just his words? I get the strong sense LE has most everything they need, except Heidi's remains, which I expect they soon will have. JMO
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We lived in a loft in a downtown LA building. A body could have fit through the garbage chute.

Editing to add: at least the way I remember it. There was a large hinged door that opened downward.
Thank you for that. I think it was just the H & F bldg someone referred to as being too small for a whole body. I do believe bodies could fit down as there are plenty of people dead from them according to articles.
Thank you for that. I think it was just the H & F bldg someone referred to as being too small for a whole body. I do believe bodies could fit down as there are plenty of people dead from them according to articles.
Yes, it could. And Heidi is slim. The chute door is big enough to put a kitchen garbage bag of trash. I remember having to stuff it in every so often, but that’s the whole purpose of the door - large enough to throw away a large garbage bag of trash. Otherwise people would be dragging their dirty, leaking bags all over the halls, elevators, and stairs (I’ve lived in that kind of building too).
Nearly all trash from LA goes up that way. There's a corner of LA county that is too steeply canyoned for housing to be built and so, they use the canyons and ravines (which they have sort of tiered out) for trash.

I do believe that the trash collection from DTLA is by a contractor that keeps track of which area of the canyons they use each time they dump.
I looked at the LA city and county sanitation and waste disposal sites last night. 5o%of waste goes to landfills in Orange County.
There is a searchable page with maps and details of all the landfills serving LA county that also sllows a search by residence address to figure out where one could dispose of one’s own waste- there are 3 sites that pop up for 1201 S. Hope. None are Chiquita.
That said, Chiquita Canyon gets the bulk of its waste from LA county communities surrounding the landfill. DTLA does not exactly fill that bill. But then who knows- maybe her clothes, purse or electronics went down the chute. Maybe there’s a lead to someone out around Castaic.
My guess is that someone with means and connections called in a depraved and sloppy crew to deal with the aftermath of Heidi’s demise.
The area that is being searched seems to correspond to the free dumping days offered to the Val Verde and Castaic, originally set for December 4 but postponed by the landfill on 11/27, now set for 12/18. So LE informed the landfill on or before 11/27 that they would be searching.
Also, that area seems to contain very processed waste from what I can distinguish on the ground.
What’s hard for me to imagine is what happened to Heidi in such a short time frame—only a half hour—from the time we see her walking down Flower Alley towards H+F building, and Seven being found alone in the hall of that building.

It has to mean whatever happened, happened practically immediately upon her (re?)entering the apt bldg. But, what? Poor Heidi.

Do you think when we see her walking with Seven at 6:30pm she had already been in the H+F? Or did she leave her purse in the car? Doesn’t seem like she would have done that, leave her purse in the car, in case of a break-in.
Not only that, but didn't JW say, in the PC, that there was a text message from Heidi at 7 pm to BW congratulating him on the win at the football game? Something to that effect? JW didn't know until BW told him later. Maybe the boy was mistaken with the time, but wouldn't LE have that text now?

I agree that whatever happened, happened quickly, and if so I lean to Heidi having been lured and set up. imo
I just wanted to throw out too that even if a body didn’t go down the chute, it’s possible that material belonging to her personally, or from the apartment she was in, might have. And perhaps LE was able to collect DNA from a specific area or areas of the chute.
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