Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

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I think Margaret Chauncy does have the same long length between her upper lip and nose, and if her hair was not naturally blonde, there would have been time for it to grow out dark. It actually doesn't look blonde to me in the photo, and I'm guessing it's not a good one. She looks much older than 24.

Once again though (sigh) her nose just doesn't look 'snubby' enough.

What I really want to see is a picture of someone with a really snubby nose, NOT smiling, then a picture of them with a wide smile. Noses seem to flatten when a person smiles, and I can't work out what Andrea's would have looked like with a big smile. And so many of our missing have a big, wide smile in their case photos. It's very sad.

ETA: Can I see acne marks at the side of her chin, or is it just the photo? And is a bridge a set of teeth all in one, as opposed to individual caps?
I'm completely lost with the accent thing. I can tell the difference between an American accent and a British one, and I can distinguish between a Deep South accent and...well, somewhere else, but that's about all. O/T but, has anyone noticed in old movies how there didn't seem to be much as much difference between British and American accents?

What I really want to see is a picture of someone with a really snubby nose, NOT smiling, then a picture of them with a wide smile. Noses seem to flatten when a person smiles, and I can't work out what Andrea's would have looked like with a big smile. And so many of our missing have a big, wide smile in their case photos. It's very sad.

Chelsea Davy had a snub nose... not hugely snubby but snubbier than you'd find on most celebrities... although recently it appears her nose and lips have changed a bit, probably with the help of a surgeon. Maybe photos of her, if you can find what you want from prior to her getting work done?
As for Morales and Porrin where they were from there's not the kind of money people would have to get expensive dentistry. Bridgton NJ is not wealthy and DuBois, PA is in the middle of nowhere off of Route 80.

If the parents had dental insurance; it would have covered the work. There are lots of places parents could have worked living in Bridgeton. Atlantic City isn't far; Philadelphia. There are power companies; a refinery. I had an adopted friend in North Jersey; all 4 top front teeth were capped; her father worked for PSE&G which I believe was the electric company; not sure if they also did gas.
She actually has 4 upper front teeth that are capped with bridge work link. Andrea has regular caps.
Margaret Jane Chauncy

Blonde wavy shoulder length hair; green eyes- Was pregnant at the time of her disappearance
Jinisina Stonehouse - Also mentions four teeth treated. From Canada though.

Sandy blonde hair; green eyes
Ellen Linda Akers
Mentions extensive dental work and that first photo is spookily alike (at least to me)

Stacey has a round freckle-type mark on her left ankle and a six- to eight-inch scar on her elbow
Stacey Kelekoma
Photo isn't too clear but I can see a resemblance. Also: "In 1986, a steward with an airline claimed he had seen her in California"

Better pics here.
Tamara Dawn Porrin

Long brown hair; gray eyes. Freckles. Wears contacts. Think her hair is too straight to be Andrea
Deborah A. McCall
I wonder if the 'A' stands for Andrea?

We've mentioned her; I haven't gotten to the page that she's on.
Marjorie Alice Knox I think she looks quite similar.
Dark blonde curly hair; brown eyes. has moles on her neck.
Mary Ann Hogland - Has a history of being a runaway and was 'large busted' even at a young age.

I think she looks too ethnic. Andrea is more Italian looking from everything I've read.
Frances Morales
Diann Lynn Tatum

Above Images: Tatum
Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance

Missing Since: October 21, 1988 from Jeffersonville, Fayette County, Ohio
Classification: Missing
Date Of Birth: December 25, 1962
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: White
Gender: Female
Thanks for the comments on my list. I added in the ones with blonde hair as blonde hair can darken as you age (at least in my family it does - mum & brother were blonde until late teens/early 20s before their hair darkened to brown).

Roselvr - the info re Stacey Kelekoma's scar - was that info on a different site?
Thanks for the comments on my list. I added in the ones with blonde hair as blonde hair can darken as you age (at least in my family it does - mum & brother were blonde until late teens/early 20s before their hair darkened to brown).

Roselvr - the info re Stacey Kelekoma's scar - was that info on a different site?

I've seen the postmortem and yeah, Ellen Akers is spookily like in that photo. I don't know whether the features etc. line up -- I'm still dealing with a broken shoulder and can't do much computer work. Attached thumbnails with both the official recon and Carl's version (she still looks too dark in Carl's.)

If she was 14 when she ran away in 1981, she'd be 23 in 1990, so that fits. Height and weight match. She's from the east coast.

Her hair already looks darker than sandy blonde to me, and hair does often darken with age sometimes. My father was white-blond and curly when he was a kid, but by the time he graduated from high school, his hair was straight and dead black.

The eyes are a bit of a problem. Green isn't brown. But Ellen's eyes look quite dark in the photos and Andrea's seem to be a relatively light brown.

I dunno. It's probably two girls who just look astonishingly alike, but we should probably try to find out more about Ellen and whether she might be a possibility.


  • AndreaDoe CA 1990 40UFCA.jpg
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Once I have the list of girls mentioned; we can go over it & decide who to submit & do them all at the same time.
I still like the girl who supposedly jumped on the bridge
I've seen the postmortem and yeah, Ellen Akers is spookily like in that photo. I don't know whether the features etc. line up -- I'm still dealing with a broken shoulder and can't do much computer work. Attached thumbnails with both the official recon and Carl's version (she still looks too dark in Carl's.)

Actually, her complexion is darker in the postmortem photo, and her skin has sort of an olive tone that I believe is a postmortem effect. I lightened it up and increased the magenta and cyan, and reduced the green and yellow to make her skin look more alive.
Presuming that Andrea's chin is exactly as shown in the pic, then I have to say I think it doesn't match Ellen's. Ellen's is shorter, wider and her jawline squarer, I think. Andrea seems to have quite a pronounced chin, but her round cheeks sort of disguise it, if you know what I mean.
Actually, her complexion is darker in the postmortem photo, and her skin has sort of an olive tone that I believe is a postmortem effect. I lightened it up and increased the magenta and cyan, and reduced the green and yellow to make her skin look more alive.

Okay, this sort of explains something I've wondered about in your recon. In the version I saw, and unfortunately did not save, she had a mediumish complexion. Now I'm wondering if the one I saw had been lightened to try to remove that post-mortem darkening?
I'm posting this as I know no-one will be able to say it doesn't look like Andrea. No-one will be able to say it does, either of course. The picture's terrible. Seriously though, there is something about the face shape and feature spacing (that I can make out) that makes me think it could be Andrea. The tee is baggy, but maybe big busted?

The 'blue' eyes are also listed as brown elsewhere and as there is absolutely no other info about her disappearance, I think the height estimate may be a little flexible too. Seems like a very strange case.

Cynthia Carmack:
Diann Lynn Tatum

Above Images: Tatum
Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance

Missing Since: October 21, 1988 from Jeffersonville, Fayette County, Ohio
Classification: Missing
Date Of Birth: December 25, 1962
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: White
Gender: Female

I'm sounding like a stuck record but....the nose looks wrong to me. On the profile pic, it seems to have a distinct, pointy, downwards droop?
Presuming that Andrea's chin is exactly as shown in the pic, then I have to say I think it doesn't match Ellen's. Ellen's is shorter, wider and her jawline squarer, I think. Andrea seems to have quite a pronounced chin, but her round cheeks sort of disguise it, if you know what I mean.

I see what you mean, but it's the kind of thing that's so hard to judge from just a couple of photos. A slight difference of camera angle or head tilt can totally change the appearance. Sometimes it's an illusion of light and shadow. Ellen's photos appear to be studio portraits, heavily airbrushed (to hide acne, I wonder?) and might be giving an entirely erroneous impression.

I dunno. I kinda don't think it's her, but...too close not to include?
Alicia Bernice Markovich

Amber Carrie Potts*

Amy Billig

Andria Ann Bailey

Andrea Darlene Allen

Andrea Durham

Andrea Jean Coyle

Andrea Joy Hall

Angelica Longoria* -

Aundria Michelle Bowman (Finger print rule out)

Christina Hermert

Christina Lee White

Christina Monteiro

Christine Miller - located

Cynthia Lorraine Perry
she had a heart tattoo on her left arm

Dean Marie Pyle Peters

Donna Barnhill*
A mole / birthmark on her right arm. Prior to her disappearance, she had never been to a dentist. Donna's nose is boxier

Doreen Jane Vincent

Elizabeth A. Eisel** Eisel was last seen in Washington in 1985. Eisel's adoptive mother died in 1977 and Eisel began to show interest in locating her birth mother afterward.
After attending the University of Minnesota she moved to Orange County, California, and lived with a relative.

Ellen Linda Akers*

Hazel Klug

Ilene Beth Misheloff

Jackie Boyer*

Jennifer Lynn Pandos

Jonelle Renee Matthews

Justine Gabrielle Flynn***

Karen Lynn Zendrosky

Kelly Morrissey

Launa Renee scar on abdomen

Lois Marie Hanna*

Maria Gabriela Madina

Marjorie Alice Knox*
*Has a mole

Martha Wes Dunn

Meredith Ann Medina

Michelle Marie Ashley Nicholaou*

Pamela Lynne Neal
*pierced ears - scar on her chin and hand

Patricia Anne Osborn
Biracial- presumed victim of Gary Ridgeway

Patricia Schmidt

Paulette Susan Jaster

Rhonda Lynn Yocom
Asian or Pacific Islander *tattoo

Shannon Potter

Sheryl Tillinghast

Susan Anne Swedell

Susan Caldwell**
*No photo Seattle

Stefanie Stroh

Tammy Mahoney

Theresa M. Fischbach
tattoo of a cross between thumb and index finger

Vicki Sundgaard

Wendy Jamie Abrams-Nishikai
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