Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

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Someday, we will give her back her name.
Great job Carl!
Yeah; you did a better job explaining lol Sorry; was caught in the moment.
I agree with the lips as well as they did not finish it. You can see the damage on her forehead. I'm unsure of her nose; if you have it right now or if you had it right before. Wish we saw the autopsy report to know her injuries. Wouldn't surprise me if her nose was broken to smash it up some considering where her injuries were.
To me; "Andrea's" PM photo looks very Italian. "Spaghetti woman" looking; full blooded Italian! The NCMEC image; not so much on the Italian.

How do you know that? Did you see the PM photo? The nose Carl used is her actual PM photo nose...

I tend to agree on the Italian, or possibly Jewish. The first time I saw her I thought she looked just like the cute Long Island girls I used to teach in freshman English back in the SUNY days...
carl just rocks!! no doubt about it. I just want Andrea to go home, i hope she does have a family looking and missing her instead of making up names and backgrounds because she was lonely and unwanted.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that she occasionally wore bangs or had just worn them the prior year or two. They were the style back then and it is possible that people knew her like that. She seemed to take care to have "a look".
The trouble is that repeatedly, I try to come up with different versions of Caucasian eyes which usually are a different color, and she looks somewhat Caucasian. And then when I change the color back to brown to match the description given, she looks Hispanic again. I do need to stay within the constraints indicated by the lower eyelids, the thick eyelashes, and the shape of the flesh above her eyes, and it bothers me that the new NCMEC recon shows big wide eyes (with almost no lower eyelid) that isn't evident in the PM photo.

You can't just drop a set of eyes onto a PM photo without staying within the constraints of what is shown.

The shape and contour of her face is what it is, give or take a few very minor modifications to adjust for possible postmortem effects (e.g., lowering the eyebrows, reducing the jowl, and now lowering the tip of her nose), and I still end up with the same overall look.

Here's another try using light-brown eyes that are almost hazel. Still, I have a look that is either Hispanic or Mediterranean.


This is much closer. She does have a bit of a Mediterranean look but the PM photo kind of does too.

Would it help to make the shadows a little lighter so there's not so much contrast?
Maybe it's worthwhile to think about this young woman's family for a bit, and see if we can't somehow connect a dot or two that way?
Under what circumstances could someone in the US disappear, die, and not be identified? (I know there are many, many, but should we delve in to those potential circumstances?)
And, under what circumstances would a family member *know* about the death of this young woman and choose not to claim her?
1. her family was extremely religious and she had been a troublesome, wayward child (smoking, drinking) and they had disowned her prior
2. her family was abusive and neglectful (not much of a family)
3. She was a foster child
4. Her family were immigrants and poor (thought they couldn't afford to bury her) (her teeth don't match this story)
5. her mom/caregiver was constantly going from guy to guy and self centered. no other family*

*sadly, I personally many people who grew up living on some guy's or friend's couch or another with no stable home environment. Their mom wouldn't contact them for weeks on end because she was too busy to care.
No matter what the scenario, I have no trouble believing that the family never heard about a traffic accident victim way off in California, assuming she was from back east like she said. News from there just doesn't get back to the northeast much.
Although it's been many many years since you left this earth and left us without knowing who you are, you are not forgotten. Someday, we will give you back your name.

Not forgotten. God Bless
Although it's been many many years since you left this earth and left us without knowing who you are, you are not forgotten. Someday, we will give you back your name.

Not forgotten. God Bless

Merry Christmas Andrea & everyone!
Andrea is one of the very few that actively follow & advocate for. She is very dear to my heart! <3
it's been a while since i have seen andrea's case pop up in my list. still hoping to find a name for her some day.

looking at the most recent version of carl's recon, her coloring reminds me a lot of my brother's wife - she is italian and jewish.
A new article on this case....

Huntington Beach hit-and-run victim remains Jane Doe after 25 years

You’d think with so many clues, we’d know who this girl was.

But we don’t.

She was found dead just minutes after being struck by a car on the Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. She had no ID on her.

According to news coverage that followed her death on April 1, 1990, there were at least two individuals who recognized the girl as “Andrea,” but they didn’t know her last name or birth date.

Okay, I know I'm way off in left field here, but I can't get it off my head. And when all the obvious possibilities have been eliminated, then maybe it's worth looking at the long shots. And Deborah Dean ( is a very long shot. She went missing in 1985 during a cross-country trip from PA to AZ; she was last known in Missouri but her luggage turned up in California and the circumstances make it possible that she decided not to come home.

Her physical stats are in line though "blue/green" to brown might be a bit iffy, but she was 23 when she went missing and would have been 28 when Andrea was found, which is at the upper end of the highest estimates (on the Orange County coroner's website,, they say 18-30) and a lot of the details about piercings etc. don't match. I haven't gone through to see whether they're in ways that could be possible.

It's mainly the picture. And we know how misleading that can be.

Carbuff I'm with you on the possibility, I wonder if piercings can close up to the point it's not obvious they were there? It also said she wore tinted contacts, maybe the eye color is misleading because people were used to her wearing green tinted contacts? People who wear tinted contacts generally have brown eyes.

I think it's worth sending in for sure.
Did we ever establish if the parents who were "well known" were her adoptive parents? Or was she insinuating that her birth parent(s) were someone well known? I never really understood which ones she was referring to.
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