Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

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Great recap Roselvr. Thank you! Does anyone recall any mention whatsoever to any discernible accent of any sort? If she's from upstate New York she certainly wouldn't have that bronxy sound. And depending on where in Virginia, would determine more of a D.C. sound, or a little southern influence in her speech.

Without sounding vulgar, I'd like to point out that someone with such ample a bosom would be memorable.
I am strongly leaning towards the theory that her family knows of this accident, and has chosen not to claim her for whatever reason.
I know that the circumstances don't line up, but I wonder if Catherine Malcolmson has been looked at? I've seen a resemblance for a while. Ms. Malcolmson's eyes look very dark in the color photo and I wonder if there could be a mistake about her eye color.
View attachment 57964View attachment 57965

Funny, I was looking at her pic last night but ruled it out due to the eye colour also.

I know that this one's very unlikely but her first pic compared to the new recon is spooky imo:
I'm hesitant to suggest the next one as the only photo doesn't look overly similar to 'Andrea' but a few things stick out for me:

Cassandra Lalonde:

- Firstly the name: CassANDRA
- Was fostered
- Went missing 1st April 1988 - exactly two years to the day that Andrea committed suicide.
Whoa who said anything about suicide?

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It has been discussed back further in the threads that she might have stepped into the traffic on purpose due to the ring, which in some circles is known as a mourning ring. Since she cut her hair and made the ring the morning she died.
I'm hesitant to suggest the next one as the only photo doesn't look overly similar to 'Andrea' but a few things stick out for me:

Cassandra Lalonde:

- Firstly the name: CassANDRA
- Was fostered
- Went missing 1st April 1988 - exactly two years to the day that Andrea committed suicide.

She has family on FB. Just sent them a link to our album "Andrea" Jane Doe Huntington Beach CA, April 1, 1990 on Never Forget Me. What I know about Cassandra "Candy" being missing; I do not think she is our Andrea but would love to get them ruled in/out

Finding Cassandra "Candy" Ann Lalonde.
You should send this in it's a great match!

Is it though? I'm starting to wonder if I'm just trying to make things fit and just seeing what I want to see.

I wish there were more photos if Cassandra to compare. I did come across the Facebook page that roselvr posted and was disappointed that there weren't more on there (apart from one of her as a child)
Is it though? I'm starting to wonder if I'm just trying to make things fit and just seeing what I want to see.

I wish there were more photos if Cassandra to compare. I did come across the Facebook page that roselvr posted and was disappointed that there weren't more on there (apart from one of her as a child)
She was missing for two years she could of lost weight making her face appear little thinner.
A longgggggggg, but fascinating read. How sad this case is. :(
Andrea's old sketch, new sketch, and Cassandra's photo


  • AndreaDoe CA 1990 new sketch with Cassandra Lalonde.png
    AndreaDoe CA 1990 new sketch with Cassandra Lalonde.png
    277 KB · Views: 503
Wow - that image is.....well...

Carl - what do you think?

I'm on the cell. Carl & I were discussing it this morning. We think her nose was damaged in the accident. She doesn't look as Italian to me now

Just to be clear, I was commenting to Roselvr on the fact that none of the four official reconstructions of Andrea Doe depict a pug nose.

What I said to Roselvr was that the other artists are probably presuming that her nose was turned up as the result of the accident. I said that I don't think that it is smashed down by the accident, but maybe that is what they are thinking.

The PM photo that I have shows a stitched-shut laceration that runs from the inside corner of her right eyebrow, diagonally all the way to her hairline (just to her left of center). Her right eye is blackened as the result of the laceration. There is also a minor road-rash style scrape on her left cheek.

The bridge of her nose looks a little askew, and it is possible that the bridge of her nose was broken. That may have caused the tip of her nose to turn upward. But I kind of doubt it. If her nose was turned up by a break at the bridge, there would probably be asymmetry at the tip. The tip of her nose is perfectly symmetrical, and looks identical to the nose of the girl on the Time Magazine cover shown earlier on this thread. And the photo that I have is very clear and high-resolution.

All in all, I'm having trouble reconciling that new NCMEC image with the photo that I have.

The NCMEC recon does not depict the very pudgy cheeks that I see in the PM photo. The PM photo shows a woman with very pudgy cheeks. There might be a slight bit of postmortem sagging at the jowls. But these are definitely naturally pudgy cheeks. The pudginess isn't swelling that resulted from the scrape, as both cheeks are equally pudgy, and very symmetrical.

The NCMEC artist also minimized the fullness of her lips. I think her lips are just a little bit more full than NCMEC has depicted.

I do like the way they depicted her hairstyle, though it looks kind of strange how they show her left ear and hid her right ear. Her eyebrows are accurate. Her chin is pretty accurate. They show her with big wide eyes, and perhaps that is the case. But they minimized the fullness of her lower eyelids, which is evident in the not-blackened left eye.

They didn't do a very good job of finishing the image, as they do with most of their recons. It is smudged all over the place and the color isn't consistent. They didn't even completely photoshop out the laceration. There is still a shadow where the laceration was. It looks like they quit about halfway through, and went ahead and published it.

Perhaps it might turn out that she does look like that. But I'm not seeing it.
I redid the recon, lightening up her skin, removing a little jowl, and turning down her nose a slight bit.

I still say when all is said and done, and she is ID'd, she will look something like this:

I redid the recon, lightening up her skin, removing a little jowl, and turning down her nose a slight bit.

I still say when all is said and done, and she is ID'd, she will look something like this:


I think her nose needs to a little bit longer and narrow.
I think her nose needs to a little bit longer and narrow.

Even if we accept that the tip of her nose turned up as the result of a broken nasal cartilage, Her nose isn't long and narrow. The nostrils might point down a little more than I previously depicted, but it is still short, wide, and stubby, almost like a baby's nose.
Yeah, I dunno -- I've still got the same reservation that I've had all along, which is that your recon looks like her but it doesn't, y'know? You're right about the features and so forth as you explain them, but the overall sketch makes her look almost Mexican and I don't get that from the PM at all.

I might be the only person that thinks this, but all three recent sketches look like different pictures of the same girl to me. Different ages, different expressions, different moods.
Yeah, I dunno -- I've still got the same reservation that I've had all along, which is that your recon looks like her but it doesn't, y'know? You're right about the features and so forth as you explain them, but the overall sketch makes her look almost Mexican and I don't get that from the PM at all.

I might be the only person that thinks this, but all three recent sketches look like different pictures of the same girl to me. Different ages, different expressions, different moods.

The trouble is that repeatedly, I try to come up with different versions of Caucasian eyes which usually are a different color, and she looks somewhat Caucasian. And then when I change the color back to brown to match the description given, she looks Hispanic again. I do need to stay within the constraints indicated by the lower eyelids, the thick eyelashes, and the shape of the flesh above her eyes, and it bothers me that the new NCMEC recon shows big wide eyes (with almost no lower eyelid) that isn't evident in the PM photo.

You can't just drop a set of eyes onto a PM photo without staying within the constraints of what is shown.

The shape and contour of her face is what it is, give or take a few very minor modifications to adjust for possible postmortem effects (e.g., lowering the eyebrows, reducing the jowl, and now lowering the tip of her nose), and I still end up with the same overall look.

Here's another try using light-brown eyes that are almost hazel. Still, I have a look that is either Hispanic or Mediterranean.

Just to be clear, I was commenting to Roselvr on the fact that none of the four official reconstructions of Andrea Doe depict a pug nose.

What I said to Roselvr was that the other artists are probably presuming that her nose was turned up as the result of the accident. I said that I don't think that it is smashed down by the accident, but maybe that is what they are thinking.

The PM photo that I have shows a stitched-shut laceration that runs from the inside corner of her right eyebrow, diagonally all the way to her hairline (just to her left of center). Her right eye is blackened as the result of the laceration. There is also a minor road-rash style scrape on her left cheek.

The bridge of her nose looks a little askew, and it is possible that the bridge of her nose was broken. That may have caused the tip of her nose to turn upward. But I kind of doubt it. If her nose was turned up by a break at the bridge, there would probably be asymmetry at the tip. The tip of her nose is perfectly symmetrical, and looks identical to the nose of the girl on the Time Magazine cover shown earlier on this thread. And the photo that I have is very clear and high-resolution.

All in all, I'm having trouble reconciling that new NCMEC image with the photo that I have.

The NCMEC recon does not depict the very pudgy cheeks that I see in the PM photo. The PM photo shows a woman with very pudgy cheeks. There might be a slight bit of postmortem sagging at the jowls. But these are definitely naturally pudgy cheeks. The pudginess isn't swelling that resulted from the scrape, as both cheeks are equally pudgy, and very symmetrical.

The NCMEC artist also minimized the fullness of her lips. I think her lips are just a little bit more full than NCMEC has depicted.

I do like the way they depicted her hairstyle, though it looks kind of strange how they show her left ear and hid her right ear. Her eyebrows are accurate. Her chin is pretty accurate. They show her with big wide eyes, and perhaps that is the case. But they minimized the fullness of her lower eyelids, which is evident in the not-blackened left eye.

They didn't do a very good job of finishing the image, as they do with most of their recons. It is smudged all over the place and the color isn't consistent. They didn't even completely photoshop out the laceration. There is still a shadow where the laceration was. It looks like they quit about halfway through, and went ahead and published it.

Perhaps it might turn out that she does look like that. But I'm not seeing it.

Yeah; you did a better job explaining lol Sorry; was caught in the moment.
I agree with the lips as well as they did not finish it. You can see the damage on her forehead. I'm unsure of her nose; if you have it right now or if you had it right before. Wish we saw the autopsy report to know her injuries. Wouldn't surprise me if her nose was broken to smash it up some considering where her injuries were.
To me; "Andrea's" PM photo looks very Italian. "Spaghetti woman" looking; full blooded Italian! The NCMEC image; not so much on the Italian.

I think her nose needs to a little bit longer and narrow.

How do you know that? Did you see the PM photo? The nose Carl used is her actual PM photo nose...
Bringing the dead to life: The work of a forensic reconstructionist
When Carl Koppelman was a kid, he sat in the back of the class and did sketches of the people around him. As an adult, he has discovered this was not exactly time wasted in school.

This young woman stepped onto Pacific Coast Highway on April 1, 1990. A Mazda MX-6, then a Lincoln Continental struck her. She died instantly.

Carl Koppelman is now a CPA by trade, with an impressive resume that includes Princess Cruises and Walt Disney. But it was his hobby, drawing portraits, which led him to something more impressive. Koppelman is a forensic reconstructionist, meaning he will look at the remains of unidentified deceased persons and complete a portrait of how they appeared in life. Then his work is released into the public with the hopes of identifying the deceased and helping their loved ones find some closure.
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