Found Deceased CA - Jadianna Larsen, 6, Sacramento, 28 May 2015 *Arrest*

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This reminds me of Teghan Skiba too, whose mother left her in the care of a vile, disgusting bag of flesh and bones she called her boyfriend, who tortured and murdered little Teghan. :tears:

Fly high, Jadianna, you deserved so much better in this life. Justice is coming.
I am SO with you 2Hope4!
These subhumans have been charged with the death of this beyond precious little girl, who we can see with our own eyes was worth treasuring beyond her oh so short life. Yet, we have yet to see the monster who is actually responsible for the crime itself?
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot!
Once again, I am incensed at the absolute lack of rights Victims have in a Court of Law - because they have none.

The defendants are guaranteed many, while they proceed through adjudication. This must change. I will continue to plead for a federal Amendment, because this is simply unacceptable.

Jadianna shouldn't have gone unnoticed for a week at school. The facts of this case bring me to :tears: quite often, especially when I look at my own daughters. I can't imagine leaving them unattended, for any amount of time, much less to fend for themselves every day! It baffles me that Jadianna wasn't valued for the beautiful soul she was, every minute of every day - from the moment she took her first breath! :no:

I thank you, 2Hope4, and everyone who posts and reads here, for your love, care, concern, and outrage! We will make a difference in this case - somehow, some way. It may not have made a difference in Little Jadianna's life, but it will leave an imprint in her legacy!


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Finally a look at these two, albeit a sketch, but it is something.

Lisa Burton (Credit: Vicki Behringer)

Juan Rivera appears in court. (Credit: Vicki Behringer)
And.....right away, moms sister set up a fund raising scheme in front of the apt. complex. To say this all makes me sick is way too mild....

And a . With a goal of 50k. People are commenting and asking questions. Rightfully so. I know fundraising is the least of concerns right now but it really angers me when people - not just this family - immediately start soliciting money.

And is it a good idea to hand over a lump of cash to a woman in rehab who's now grieving over the murder of her child? Seems like it could tempt her to spend it on drugs.
And a . With a goal of 50k. People are commenting and asking questions. Rightfully so. I know fundraising is the least of concerns right now but it really angers me when people - not just this family - immediately start soliciting money.

And is it a good idea to hand over a lump of cash to a woman in rehab who's now grieving over the murder of her child? Seems like it could tempt her to spend it on drugs.

I took a peek at the and it is highly suspect IMO. The wording of the description (cringeworthy typographical error and just poorly written) and a commenter made a great point (paraphrase):

There's NO need to set a $50K goal for funeral expenses - the California Victim Compensation Fund covers these costs:

The page is created, with Jadianna's name as an unverified user (so I guess you could say it is in her name :confused: ) but linked to an IG account. IDK who that belongs to. :dunno: FWIW, it is directly linked within the CBS news story MsM posted above as created by "family."

Bottom line: ITA, this makes me REALLY upset. It appears others agree.

It is HINKY!
:stormingmad: :cow: :notgood:

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Mother Of Jadiana Larsen’s Alleged Killer Accused Of Helping Son Avoid Arrest
June 2, 2015 10:22 PM

There new and disturbing allegations in the murder case of 6-year-old Jadiana Larsen. Prosecutors say the murder suspect got help from his own mom.

The prosecutor named Larsen’s murder suspect’s mother as an accomplice, alleging she knew about the murder and “harbored, concealed, and aided her son Juan Rivera” to help him escape arrest.

The new allegations reveal the mother/son team was arrested together after questioning late Friday night at a Sacramento Sheriff’s Department major crimes bureau.

The new details in the criminal complaint also reveal “Juan Rivera, personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon…a blunt-force instrument…” to kill the child.
Maybe I've become too cynical but these "help me bury my baby" fundraisers get on my last nerve. Our county recently passed an ordinance prohibiting people from soliciting money at the entrances/exits to grocery stores (also at banks/ATMs). For the most part security people keep them away, but they've discovered that the "help me bury my baby" scheme works and even prevents security from making them leave. Just in the past few months I've seen different people using the same posters and same deceased child to try to solicit money. It's gross. If I see them start showing up for Jadianna I will be calling the cops for sure.

I can't believe his own mother helped in this whole thing. I always thought something was fishy but that maybe she was something of an innocent bystander or unaware of what actually happened. Where was she when her son got overwhelmed caring for Jada and maybe needed some help, BEFORE she was abused and killed?

Poor Jada.
At least we have a few more images of this precious little girl to remember her by. :cry:
This first one took my breath away. I know I keep saying this, but in this first one, she looks exactly like my youngest. I am posting this, with :tears: streaming down my face...

I don't understand how this could have happened, even more so now that we know that JR and his own "mother" were arrested together. He had help! :stormingmad:
How could you!?!?!

She was absolutely reliant upon you both. She needed you to care for her, to look out for her! Instead, you did this!?
I hope they throw the library at you BOTH!
Image via embedded video here:

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This reminds me of Teghan Skiba too, whose mother left her in the care of a vile, disgusting bag of flesh and bones she called her boyfriend, who tortured and murdered little Teghan. :tears:

Fly high, Jadianna, you deserved so much better in this life. Justice is coming.

Omg! So I started reading through Teghan's threads last night...and all I can say is that regardless of how much we are exposed to on Websleuths...I honestly went to bed traumatized! Horrific torture inflicted on such a precious little girl. I had to stop reading. As the mother of a 6 year old life revolves around her! I can't for the life of me understand how these mothers did not protect their little angels. Even worse, they served their babies to these monsters on silver platters. There is no excuse. NONE! I'm soooo upset right now!
Omg! So I started reading through Teghan's threads last night...and all I can say is that regardless of how much we are exposed to on Websleuths...I honestly went to bed traumatized! Horrific torture inflicted on such a precious little girl. I had to stop reading. As the mother of a 6 year old life revolves around her! I can't for the life of me understand how these mothers did not protect their little angels. Even worse, they served their babies to these monsters on silver platters. There is no excuse. NONE! I'm soooo upset right now!


Your post resonates deeply with me :hug: This case shatters the :heart: as a mother, and as a human being. I look at these images, and I literally feel pain! The empathy for this child stops me in my tracks!

RBBM: it angers me so much when we learn that a parent (it can happen in either situation, sadly) chooses their partner over their own child(ren)! I do NOT understand this, and NEVER will! :no:

How can a child survive against such odds?

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Omg! So I started reading through Teghan's threads last night...and all I can say is that regardless of how much we are exposed to on Websleuths...I honestly went to bed traumatized! Horrific torture inflicted on such a precious little girl. I had to stop reading. As the mother of a 6 year old life revolves around her! I can't for the life of me understand how these mothers did not protect their little angels. Even worse, they served their babies to these monsters on silver platters. There is no excuse. NONE! I'm soooo upset right now!


I apologize for not putting a warning on my post about Teghan.
In depth write-up in the Sacramento Bee:

Suspect’s mother also charged in connection with death of Jadianna Larsen | The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento County court records show Rivera and his mother have criminal records. Burton was convicted of several crimes in the county during the 1990s. In 1998, she pleaded no contest to a prostitution charge. That same year, she pleaded no contest to a charge of driving under the influence. In 1995, she pleaded no contest to illegally distributing hypodermic needles. That same year, she pleaded no contest to a theft charge.

All of those convictions were misdemeanors and resulted in brief stints in jail or on a work-release crew, county records show.

Court records also show Rivera has a criminal history dating to 2010, when he pleaded no contest and was convicted in Yolo County of felony methamphetamine possession with intent to sell and felony burglary. His probation was transferred to Sacramento County.
Tuesday’s arraignment raised fresh questions about Tanecia Clark’s role and responsibility in the death of her daughter. One relative, Debra Woldridge, a great-aunt, wondered why Clark allowed Rivera to care for Jadianna.

"That’s the biggest question,” Woldridge said. [...] “Why didn’t she hand over Jadianna to David?” Woldridge asked.


Read more here:

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Another extensive write-up by the Sacramento Bee (dated May 31, 2015):
Slain girl’s mother described as loving, troubled | The Sacramento Bee
She went for help about a week ago. She knew something was wrong,” said Clark’s father, David Clark of Sacramento, adding that his daughter has struggled with mental health issues throughout her life. “While she was trying to straighten it out, she trusted someone she shouldn’t have trusted.”
Tanecia’s sparse Facebook page doesn’t list work, school or family details. But it features happy photos of Jadianna. One thing Tanecia shares about herself on the page: “I am a single mother to a beautiful girl who is very smart and that I can say I am proud to be her mother.”

Rivera remains an enigma to Jadianna’s family. “I met him one time, and I didn’t like him,” said David Clark. “I took my granddaughter away from them the day before Mother’s Day, and Tanecia came and got her back.”

Stokes said Rivera, who had been living with Tanecia for several months, “may have taken her to school, he may have played the parent, but we know nothing about him. He’s an empty box.”
Direct link to video of Vigil for Jada (via SacBee youtube channel:




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That sketch of the monster....I spewed my drink. I was NOT expecting that look for some reason. No I'm not making fun of anyone's looks, but that sketch is something else!

As for the monsters....I can't imagine calling my parents and asking them to cover for anything I've done. No way would they! I'm trying to think of one person who would. My husband even wouldn't cover a child's death!! He might would in something simple, then again, he might throw me to the wolves! As a parent, yes I have unconditional love my for kids, however, that doesn't mean I don't get upset with them. And if either called me for something like this case, well, they know they would look like a mountain lion found them by the time the police showed up to arrest them. No...a precious, innocent GIFT FROM GOD loaned to us...and life was so bad, God has her back now. Every case with these kids is just as heartbreaking to me. I don't want to know why. I don't want to hear his mental health, drug past, or how he was raised used as excuses. I just don't ever want to know HOW anyone could kill a child!! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW! Because if I knew how, then I would think like a murderer, and I just don't want that EVER!!

So Grandpa had sweet Jadianna the day before Mother's Day, and mom and bf came and got her. Makes me wonder if Grandpa saw something that he felt Jadianna didn't need to be there. Or was he simply visiting with her that day, and they picked her up?

Here the govt was providing all living means for the two monsters...and yet still....wasn't enough. I'm frustrated that there is no way to stop these killers! If it hadn't been Jadianna, it would be another child.
thanks, i think i found it :(

if it is the right one, i found a few pics of him on there

I was able to find a POSSIBlE facebook page (not much to it) for his his mom by searching her first and last name and Sacramento, CA using the FB search. If that's her...there is a (old) pic of her son which would seem to match up age-wise with J Rivera
Jadianna Larsen missed kindergarten often, school officials say | The Sacramento Bee
June 1, 2015
Throughout the school year, Bowling Green staff and Sacramento City Unified School District personnel “went above and beyond in attempts to support Jadianna’s family and remove the barriers that kept Jadianna from attending school regularly,” district spokesman Gabe Ross said.
“The interventions included phone calls home, letters, several family meetings and a visit to Jadianna’s home,” he said.
At Bowling Green Charter on Monday, Principal Sue Gibson said when Jadianna made it to school, she was a star.
“She was a bright, happy child – learning came easily to to her,” Gibson said. “She saw the best in everything, was always glad to be around other kids and was easy to get along with.”
Jadianna, who used to have long hair, recently had come to school with a new bobbed haircut. “When I told her I liked it, she made a face at me – I guess she didn’t,” Gibson said.
Read more here:

I will be beside myself if it is revealed that JR or LB had a hand in making Little Jadianna cut her beautiful hair off! I can attest that her curls were more than likely high maintenance, and she probably wasn't yet able to wash, condition, detangle, and style (e.g. braid) it all by herself (she was only SIX FCOL!! :gaah: ).

So, logic dictates that her mom was primarily responsible. If she was having problems (and we know she was - she checked herself into a facility and out of Jada's daily life), then the other "adults" would have to take over. :scared: Perhaps the haircut happened before T left home. :dunno: The timeline isn't clear.

Based on the recently released sketches of the perps, we can reasonably assume they were all familiar with the ins-and-outs of Jada's hair texture. It would NOT have been foreign to anyone living in the house. :no:
So, WHY make her cut it off? To make their lives easier? The above quote makes it clear she was NOT HAPPY with her super short haircut (to her EARS / above her jaw, no less!). It must have been for convenience! UGH! I realize caring for her (hair) takes time, and Heaven forbid if Jada was "tender-headed" during the times this needed to be done. It takes patience. Both my girls have long curls to their hips. It takes hours to do their hair (they're 8 & 11).

I cringe at the thought of what she was going through at home! This is making my blood boil! Having children means being responsible for all their needs! Her long hair was SO pretty, and they made her cut it SO short. She probably felt like NO ONE cared how SHE felt AT ALL! She had NO voice! :stormingmad:
:tears: :cry:

I'm SO sorry, Sweet :angel:
I honestly believe you are flying high and free now, with tiny angel wings and long hair flowing down your back. I envision you, at peace, protected from all evil, and surrounded by His love.

You have brought SO many people together, in your own community, and globally, across the world.
You will be forever remembered in our hearts. :heartbeat:

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