CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #16

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LOL They can't talk!!! I mean, the trial has progressed at the rate it has because the Judge had dental appointments, among other things. This trial has been moving at a snails pace for a very long time now! There have been many excuses from both sides, heck all sides lol which has caused delays, i.e. dental appointments, doctors appointments, witness delays (both sides). Having said that, I refuse to blame only, one side, for why this trial is taking so long to get through and to be honest, find it rather amusing that so many folks are! To each their own though!

On a brighter note...looking forward to having the camera's back in the courtroom! :D

While there were delays in the state's case, I don't think it's even comparable to the defense delays once the state rested.

I cant even remember when the state rested? It seems so long ago now.

But then I've never followed another case with these many delays, and completely dark days, including other CA trials I've followed.

I do understand someone every now, and then, may have a previously scheduled appointment, that can cause one day delays, but nothing like what has happened in this trial.

I've never seen one like it...not even close, and I hope I never follow another trial like this one.

Jmo though
LOL They can't talk!!! I mean, the trial has progressed at the rate it has because the Judge had dental appointments, among other things. This trial has been moving at a snails pace for a very long time now! There have been many excuses from both sides, heck all sides lol which has caused delays, i.e. dental appointments, doctors appointments, witness delays (both sides). Having said that, I refuse to blame only, one side, for why this trial is taking so long to get through and to be honest, find it rather amusing that so many folks are! To each their own though!

On a brighter note...looking forward to having the camera's back in the courtroom! :D
Totally agree. Would have been nice to have some reporters there that could have asked someone that knows. Seems odd to me that everyone was outside the courtroom. Can't wait to have the cams back! This delay today works out well for me, so I am not complaining haha:D
Totally agree. Would have been nice to have some reporters there that could have asked someone that knows. Seems odd to me that everyone was outside the courtroom. Can't wait to have the cams back! This delay today works out well for me, so I am not complaining haha:D
The reason everyone was still outside of the courtroom is because they aren't brought in until the defendant has arrived from the jail.
Can I make a suggestion? Unless a lot of people enjoy repeating themselves through hundreds of posts..wouldn't it be easier to scroll down and ignore any constant postings that you feel are not relevant to the evidence? You have read and reflected on all posts, and there comes a time to ignore some. Everybody has the right to express their views, but I believe that it is a WS rule that you are not allowed to continuously repeat them over and over and over. Scroll down and ignore, it might save my sanity. lol
While there were delays in the state's case, I don't think it's even comparable to the defense delays once the state rested.

I cant even remember when the state rested? It seems so long ago now.

But then I've never followed another case with these many delays, and completely dark days, including other CA trials I've followed.

I do understand someone every now, and then, may have a previously scheduled appointment, that can cause one day delays, but nothing like what has happened in this trial.

I've never seen one like it...not even close, and I hope I never follow another trial like this one.

Jmo though
I only noticed how many delays the state had (can't remember what exactly their excuses were) while going back over Cathy Russon's tweets. I was like, why is everyone complaining about the defence re delays when the state was just as bad lol.

I agree, I have never followed a trial quite like this one, it's mind boggling! :eek:
I only noticed how many delays the state had (can't remember what exactly their excuses were) while going back over Cathy Russon's tweets. I was like, why is everyone complaining about the defence re delays when the state was just as bad lol.

I agree, I have never followed a trial quite like this one, it's mind boggling! :eek:

I don’t remember the state having so many delays that I was downright shocked when there WAS a full half-day of testimony. Maybe I wasn’t noticing?
Totally agree. Would have been nice to have some reporters there that could have asked someone that knows. Seems odd to me that everyone was outside the courtroom. Can't wait to have the cams back! This delay today works out well for me, so I am not complaining haha:D
lol oh I'm not complaining either. We put our clocks back an hour a couple of weeks ago and I'd have slept in today and missed the first couple of hours of testimony had court gone ahead today and there would have been camera's there too lol. Setting my alarm for 3.30am tomorrow! :D
I don’t remember the state having so many delays that I was downright shocked when there WAS a full half-day of testimony. Maybe I wasn’t noticing?
I might go back over the tweets if I get time and repost those in regards to delays. Both sides and the judge, oh heck even the jurors, have all played a part in delaying this trial, in my opinion.
Let see it seems to me we had maybe 2 delays for the Judge, Doctor, Dentist. Then there was a sick juror, a jurors doctor appointment, a juror injured there arm or something and went to the hospital and then later another day had a doctors appointment for that. There were countless holidays (so many I can't even remember) on top of every Friday dark. Several times because the accused wasn't present caused by mix ups. Countless delays by the defense for no witness available or not scheduled. Then the witness schedules caused them to be unavailable. Then the delay from CM sister. Now the prosecution had a delay for MM and I think the QB witness which they then had him skyped and one time for scheduling. There may have been one more by the PT for an investigator unavailable.
The question I have is we have 12 jurors so why are there 6 alternate jurors, what is their function if not to replace a juror for a given reason. I thought they were there to take the place of a juror if a juror was excused for cause i.e., as discussing the case outside of the courtroom, sick or violated the court rules. So why when a juror missed a day for a doctors appointment why weren't they excused and an alternate take that persons place. Then when they returned if needed they could take the place of the alternate that was seated in their place. I guess that would make to much sense. Same thing for the person that had the injury. Why weren't they replaced immediately and the trial to go forth as schedule. I thought that was some of the reason there are alternate jurors. Just few of my questions.
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Let see it seems to me we had maybe 2 delays for the Judge, Doctor, Dentist. Then there was a sick juror, a jurors doctor appointment, a juror injured there arm or something and went to the hospital and then later another day had a doctors appointment for that. There were countless holidays (so many I can't even remember) on top of every Friday dark. Several times because the accused wasn't present caused by mix ups. Countless delays by the defense for no witness available or not scheduled. Then the witness schedules caused them to be unavailable. Then the delay from CM sister. Now the prosecution had a delay for MM and I think the QB witness which they then had him skyped and one time for scheduling. There may have been one more by the PT for an investigator unavailable.
The question I have is we have 12 jurors so why are there 6 alternate jurors, what is their function if not to replace a juror for a given reason. I thought they were there to take the place of a juror if a juror was excused for cause i.e., as discussing the case outside of the courtroom, sick or violated the court rules. So why when a juror missed a day for a doctors appointment why weren't they excused and an alternate take that persons place. Then when they returned if needed they could take the place of the alternate that was seated in their place. I guess that would make to much sense. Same thing for the person that had the injury. Why weren't they replaced immediately and the trial to go forth as schedule. I thought that was some of the reason there are alternate jurors. Just few of my questions.

Regarding the alternate jurors: I believe that a juror must be present for every bit of testimony—whether a regular juror or an alternate. So, if a juror missed a day for a doctor’s appointment, if the trial continued, that juror couldn’t take the place of an alternate, he would simply be gone, and couldn’t return. So, you could use the alternates up, and then would have to declare a mistrial, which would be no good. I think they try to make every effort to keep jurors—obviously, if someone got seriously sick, they’d have to be replaced.
So with this delay, I am back to listening to Perlin, uggghhhh......I just don't understand how those DNA tests can be considered valid if they came back negative for the known contributors (the Mcstay Family). IMO, they manipulated the data way too much to reach those conclusions. Makes no sense.
How the family felt the day they made the police report probably went through lots of changes, as new info came in.

When we are confronted with an emotional, horrible situation, we are going to go through lots of changes as we process new info, day by day.
I think people have pointed out things, in their opinion, that make him smarmy. In isolation, those particular smarmy things

Funny. The only occasions I saw the word "smarmy" in recent weeks, more than once, were in the context of describing another player in this case, that's why upon seeing the beginning of your post I thought you were talking about the same person. :D
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Does it really matter? Michael McStay is NOT on trial and is still considered a victim.

He's both a prosecution and a defense testifying witness, and the quote was in the testimony, Day 34, part 2, around 9:35:

(by the way, my original quote was correct, "voluntary missing", not "leaving")

P.S. Is he considered a victim or victim's family/relative? (Sincere question)
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I only noticed how many delays the state had (can't remember what exactly their excuses were) while going back over Cathy Russon's tweets. I was like, why is everyone complaining about the defence re delays when the state was just as bad lol.

I agree, I have never followed a trial quite like this one, it's mind boggling! :eek:
And Cathy sometimes said much more in the L&C chat. Like when the defense didn't have a witness the next day when the prosecution rested, it was the judge that decided to wait until after Liscio testified for the defense to start. Then all those days off (almost 2 weeks) was not all the defense, I know I read somewhere, not sure whether it was a tweet or in the chat but it was a combination of a whole bunch of things, appointments, lawyers needed in other cases. I can't believe all the days off they have had though, been ridiculous IMO.
He's both a prosecution and a defense testifying witness, and the quote was in the testimony, Day 34, part 2, around 9:35:

(by the way, my original quote was correct, "voluntary missing", not "leaving")

P.S. Is he considered a victim or victim's family/relative? (Sincere question)
Both. He lost an entire beloved family including 2 toddler nephews.
So with this delay, I am back to listening to Perlin, uggghhhh......I just don't understand how those DNA tests can be considered valid if they came back negative for the known contributors (the Mcstay Family). IMO, they manipulated the data way too much to reach those conclusions. Makes no sense.
They never should have been allowed in, IMO, and in the opinion of other courts around the country.
Oh, and I did reach out to someone who is more knowledgeable about dna than I am. He is a professor of chemistry. He said he didn’t have too much of an opinion other than the black box algorithms are controversial if they don’t release their source code. The same thing stated in the paper Missy posted. This Cybergenics company is pseudo science, as far as I am concerned. At least until their algorithm can be validated by outside sources.
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