CA - Katherine Jackson, 82, Michael Jackson's mom reported missing

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She's going on, on her way home, not yet left for home. Whatever it is, it is pretty clear her children will not allow her to make a statement alone. Why is it they are so adament about not letting her out of their sight?

They make me sick, every last one of them. Grandma is lucky Paris is watching out for her safety. It's pretty clear none of her children are... :maddening:
IMO those apples didn't fall far from the tree;)

Forgive me for that TJ SMOKING HOT or what? Wow!
IF These statements are all true I am very concerned about those children. If she just decided to leave 3 kids for a week without any communication then I'm not sure she should have guardianship of them.

ITA. How can a guardian leave three children without contact because they need a break?
Reading Paris' tweets... omg, they really do call the youngest one Blanket. No wonder the little boy always looks mad... I thought it was only a name the media called him. Poor kid... horrible extended family and a no-so-great nickname to boot.

At least it's not like a little girl's nickname that grew up near my grandfather's house. Her family called her Poot. That was the only name she answered to... :|


Michael Jackson nicknamed him "Blanket". He called him Blanket in the Martin Bashir interview.

Michael Jackson nicknamed him "Blanket". He called him Blanket in the Martin Bashir interview.
I remember when I heard what he called him and thought it was Blank It. I totally lost it.
I do agree that if that comment was made by a family member, the media better never find out it was one of was very disrespectful.

But it just seemed to be quite personal and knew a lot of info, but then again MJ did have alot of obsessive fans.

The part that made me think it was close to home, was the bit about Janet recording it all on her IPHONE for legal purposes. Has that been mentioned in any news article?????

I am sorry I havent read the whole thread. If it hasnt been mentioned, how did that poster know that?

Hi ReVampz,

Yes, you can see Janet with her cell phone apparently recording Paris in the video posted on various websites (looks like security footage to me) plus it's been mentioned in articles and on tv news reports.

There were several errors of fact in the comment in question at; so while the poster chastised others for not doing research, s/he was guilty of exactly that hirself.

btw, the nasty anti-Semitic comment has been removed. I see I still have it on my screen from earlier so I've saved it. <g>

How did Janet and Randy get access to KJ's home? Why didn't security stop them?
I'll give Paris a great deal of credit here...
BUT I really think the "staff" also sat her down and said "Paris? You/WE have a problem"...

They (body guards) have not been brain washed. I would hope that they just did the right thing....
They know how the "fam" operates. Why else would they be taping with personal cell phones?
They suspected the "security video" would be taken by a relative...
So Katherine was in need of rest & relaxation so badly she had to be flown to AZ. Doctors orders and all. first it was a mini stroke ...followed by chaos at home, then high blood pressure now the latest...a little planned vacation

She is made aware of the "situation" back home and finally decides to call at 2am and 4am? Is it really acceptable to be calling & speaking to a child at that hour of the morning when Paris has school? Seriously? Or is it more Likely that she was dragged outta bed when her children caught wind of the move to remove her as guardian?
So Katherine was in need of rest & relaxation so badly she had to be flown to AZ. Doctors orders and all. first it was a mini stroke ...followed by chaos at home, then high blood pressure now the latest...a little planned vacation

She is made aware of the "situation" back home and finally decides to call at 2am and 4am? Is it really acceptable to be calling & speaking to a child at that hour of the morning when Paris has school? Seriously? Or is it more Likely that she was dragged outta bed when her children caught wind of the move to remove her as guardian?


That's what I think.
How did Janet and Randy get access to KJ's home? Why didn't security stop them?

They didn't get into the actual home. Cousin/Bodyguard Trent put a stop to that. They were only able to get past the gate by rushing in behind the kids coming home in another vehicle.
I don't think anyone with the last name of Jackson should be a guardian. I bet those leeches can't manipulate Katherine when it comes to the kids money, but they will be able to manipulate TJ.

They all hate the executors, even Katherine, so maybe they are all on the same page.
Well I watched the Nightline interview(well not interview, they weren't allowed to ask questions) and, well, she is alive anyway. I was starting to have doubts about it.

Does anyone know if she made it home? In the prepared statement she said she was coming home today.
I say make Bill Gates their guardian, he has more money than the kids do, and security to keep them safe.

Well maybe not Bill, but you know what I mean!
So Katherine was in need of rest & relaxation so badly she had to be flown to AZ. Doctors orders and all. first it was a mini stroke ...followed by chaos at home, then high blood pressure now the latest...a little planned vacation

She is made aware of the "situation" back home and finally decides to call at 2am and 4am? Is it really acceptable to be calling & speaking to a child at that hour of the morning when Paris has school? Seriously? Or is it more Likely that she was dragged outta bed when her children caught wind of the move to remove her as guardian?

BBM: All of these "excuses" have been made by Mrs. J's children ... so who knows what to really believe as all these "excuses" are coming straight from the Jackson clan ...

JMO and MOO ... but the only thing I will believe is when I hear it "straight from the horse's mouth" -- from Mrs. Jackson HERSELF as to what really happened ... that is IF and WHEN they allow her to show up ...

I'm betting the minute they knew KJ was being removed as guardian and would therefore lose her maintenance money, she became the hot potato none of her deadbeat kids wanted to be left to support. Bet they fought over who was gonna have to keep and support Mom and ended up deciding to ship her back pronto. Then they read somewhere like "Sleuths", harhar, that she'd be tested for drugs and needle marks. Darn, gonna have to keep her a bit longer and figure out a cover story for that problem too. What a tangled web they wove. And the 2:00am and 4:00am phone calls? That sounds more like a desperate person on some kind of speed or having a bipolar manic phase than an 81 year old custodial grandmother. Pretty creepy, as much for its stupidity as for the depravity.

All my own questions and suppositions, just supposing. iMO

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