Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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Yes, thank you. LE has never confirmed that there were ANY persons of interest at any time unless I missed it. If he was cleared, it was early on when it was a missing person or possible abduction. The Sun interviewed J and declared he was cleared. Of course they don't have evidence of Nick's video footage, because LE hasn't released that info if they have it. Terrible reporting imo.

Also it states J "got back to Truckee" in the article implying he was in Truckee before that at some point which is sus.

I don't see how some can see this as a clear cut drunk driving accident. @RedHaus listed multiple theories that I think are still plausible.

I've seen other photos of Nick, the roadside assistant. There was someone who knew him and confirmed he's a stand-up guy on a YT livestream. She said he felt his tip got lost by LE and then went to find AWP, because he knew they were coming to town to work on the case. This isn't confirmed true, but others have found him.
I don't believe anyone is accusing Nick of not being a "stand-up guy", though hearing that he is from some random YT live-streamer wouldn't convince me. Even "stand-up guys" can be wrong or mistaken. In his initial interview, he wasn't even sure if the alleged encounter took place on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. He even said as much, and was asked to make a bet on which day it was, but I think somewhere along the way, that got edited out of the video. I think most here agree that NIck answered a call, possibly the morning after the events of Friday night, to someone he, a week later, thought may have been Kiely and her friend. Many of us just think he is MISTAKEN. That's all. Not a bad guy, not a liar, just a well-intentioned guy who is wrong. JMO
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I am not referring specifically to WS, but to society at large. I think whatever the final ruling is in this convoluted case, about half of the people who have followed it will think LE got it wrong. JMO
I took the bolded part to be confirmation, although I suppose you could say that NCSO worded it as being early in the investigation, so perhaps that could be leaving the present as open-ended.

Web sleuths have been circulating rumors of foul play for weeks since her death, and have been speculating her boyfriend, Jagger Westfall, could have been involved.”

“Nevada County Sheriffs told The U.S. Sun on Tuesday: "Early in the investigation, our detectives made contact with Jagger Westfall. After a detailed interview, he was ruled out as a person of interest."

Ahh.. but I was not talking about JW. I simply pointed out that the SUN did not say LE dismissed Nick the RA's story.

"The man [Nick the RA Guy] claimed in a YouTube video to have helped Kiely with her vehicle and described her being with a teen who fitted Jagger's description after he appeared on the local news. He alleged he couldn't remember what day he helped the couple, but claimed it may have been the morning after she was last seen alive at the party near Truckee Family Campground. The 'witness' did not disclose what company he provided roadside assistance for and his claims have never been verified, with no CCTV or other witnesses coming forward."

IMO, that is just the SUN describing the Nick RA Guy interview by Doug Bishop in the beginning of AWP's 9/2 public video.

1. It could depend on whether KR was coerced into fighting and whether anyone recognized the severity of her injury. Just the presence of an organized "fight club," if it contributed to her death, while not necessarily "foul play," would make it more than a simple "drunk girl drives into lake."

2. It would depend on whether she voluntarily ingested all substances in her system.

3-6. If nobody called for help, then it's foul play.

7. Seems to obviously be foul play.
You know, in this discussion about foul play v. accident, it strikes me that there is no "foul play" Manner of Death.

In the United States, a manner of death is expressed as belonging to one classification of a group of six possible:[9][4][8]

So I wonder if we'd be better served not throwing everything but accident into a 'foul play' category. Because as you say, there are many extenuating circumstances, modifiers, confounders, etc. that can turn 'accident' into something complex.

I think that is the grey area I am trying to get at today. Yes, it could be a simple accidental drowning. But if any of the seven scenarios I outlined above are true, many specific details would have to be resolved to understand any culpability.
Yes, thank you. LE has never confirmed that there were ANY persons of interest at any time unless I missed it. If he was cleared, it was early on when it was a missing person or possible abduction. The Sun interviewed J and declared he was cleared. Of course they don't have evidence of Nick's video footage, because LE hasn't released that info if they have it. Terrible reporting imo.

Also it states J "got back to Truckee" in the article implying he was in Truckee before that at some point which is sus.

I don't see how some can see this as a clear cut drunk driving accident. @RedHaus listed multiple theories that I think are still plausible.

I've seen other photos of Nick, the roadside assistant. There was someone who knew him and confirmed he's a stand-up guy on a YT livestream. She said he felt his tip got lost by LE and then went to find AWP, because he knew they were coming to town to work on the case. This isn't confirmed true, but others have found him.
I'm confused. You consider the article 'terrible reporting', yet accept the statement 'got back to Truckee' as true, or just more 'terrible reporting'?

In all cases, we can all come up with a multitude of theories that sound plausible. In the midst of all this though, we do have to stay rooted in the facts we know to be true.

J has been CLEARED and to still be questioning his movements is not rooted in fact, just wild accusations.

Certain youtube content is not allowed on WS for a reason. Rumour/opinion is not fact. He said, she said is where it becomes dangerous for someone like J, who let's not forget is still a boy, not even a man yet.
Following this case from the beginning I know for an absolute fact that there was a huge audience that desperately wanted to believe there was foul play despite this being a textbook "drunk person ends up in water" case.

I think Kiely's BF thought that someone in his social circle might know something that they would be afraid to tell the police and that by asking on his social media for tips to be given directly to him, he thought that he was offering an alternative route to finding her and improving the chances.

I think that AWP is falling victim to the celebrity virus. They are growing a huge following and believe that the more well known they are, the more cases they will be able to work on and the more good they will be able to do but they aren't experts at this kind of thing and they aren't criminal investigators at all. I think they have made what they at the time considered to be a small, vague statement so as to stay on the radar with this case while the case remains international news and they probably didn't anticipate how many people there are who still desperately want this to be something other than a drunken accident.

They need to be real damn careful about developing a reputation of being adversarial with law enforcement though. They could be right back to working exclusively cold cases before they know it.
I am sure I will not be popular with what I have to say but here goes:

AWP ARE experts in sonar recovery. They are not trying to be investigators. They found the car, period. That was their job. They then turned everything over to LE.They make videos of all their recoveries for their own YouTube channel, which helps with financing their recoveries that they VOLUNTEER their services for.

As far as the Criminal Investigators : They never activated an Amber Alert. How did they know she was not abducted, which her friends seem to think was the case. Then they fail to secure Prosser area after AWP found the car, and we all know how Efficient they were in securing the car and its contents during retrieval.
LE turned the questioning and interviewing over to the KIDS.....doubt as to weather this was an accident or foul play began the first day SAMI was interviewed. How irresponsible was this! They NEVER had control of this case.

I believe AWP was never planned to find that car, thus the reason LE said Not to search Prosser Lake. I will even go as far as to say Vehicle Retrieval Nick was allowed to intervene to have them search elsewhere. Leads me to believe this is why AWP wanted a video of their findings. Even they found it strange LE did not want them to search Prosser.
However, this turns out we have documentation that will document TRUCKEE final ruling.

Furthermore, I am sure AWP will not lose any support from other LE agencies as many believe this will be a prosecutorial nightmare if it is found to be a crime ---so much for proper chain of custody of evidence. What a nightma
Just a refresher of Nick's interview.

AWP - So we just got out of Best Buy after picking up some supplies here in Reno, NV. We're on our way to work the Kiely Rodney case just down the street in Truckee, CA and Nick, a long time supporter fan of ours... appreciate you for coming up to us, possibly has some information in regards to the Kiely Rodney case, so why don't you explain a little bit about what what you may have run into.

Nick - So my name is Nick. I work at a emergency roadside assistance programme. I got a call up in Truckee, Boca, for a battery call, so pretty much that means the vehicle can't start. So I went en route up there, found the vehicle. At the time I didn't realise that this was a situation until later on but...

AWP - Let me stop you right there. You said you went to Boca?

Nick - Yes sir.

AWP - So, over near Boca lake?

Nick - Yes Sir.

AWP - So, not Prosser Lake? Prosser Creek Lake?

Nick - It's right by Prosser Creek.

AWP - Yeah, so just north? So you went to Boca?

Nick - At first when I went there I realised after my test that, you know, everything was working great on the vehicle. At that point in time I did notice that like, she was very hesitant and very sceptical on everything that was going on. She was asking me really weird questions, like in the sense of - 'how do you put on your seatbelt correctly?' and like...okay and she asked me to show her on how to connect it to like her actual belt. After that she was stating on how she was there all night and she can't get her vehicle started due to the fact that, now we both realised, it was in neutral. She was wearing a sweatshirt, so it looks like she has been there for quite a while.

AWP - What colour was the sweatshirt?

Nick - It was a grey sweatshirt.

AWP - Was it dark grey, or light grey?

Nick - It was light grey, yeah. Also, there was a guy there that was with her, at time being. He was wearing a black San Francisco flat top ball cap facing forwards, brown hair sticking out just a little bit on the sides. It was kinda like...they were both kinda at unease, is what it looked like for me, like as if either had like a crazy night or a crazy day...there's something going on, I couldn't know and at the time I didn't realise what was going on, but other than that he was.... I mean a thinner built guy is the best way I could put it, with a bro tank and it was white bro tank. He had some freckles on his face, maybe, or maybe it's like acne or what not, but it was on both sides of his face. Oh and he was also a little bit like shorter than me, so I'm 6ft 3.

Image of Jagger that was circulating around that time.


AWP - In hindsight, you're realising all of this. When do you think that this took place? Was it before? During the day? After she disappeared?

Nick - To be honest with you, it's either right after she disappeared or right before she disappeared, but it was around noon ish, like 11 o'clock in the morning when I got out to her. During that period of time....after the period, I told her that I was gonna leave and hope you have a great day. Vehicle - I told her to keep it running for a couple of hours to obviously make sure everything's working good on the vehicle, charging system wise. At that point in time, then I left and a week later is when I saw, at a coffee shop, that she was gone.

AWP - You saw this on a flyer or something?

Nick - Yeah, but then everything spiralled out of control and I got in contact with the detective and tried to do everything I could and..yeah... and then I saw you guys.

AWP - Now we know we probably have a tie to Boca, you know, which was already on my radar. Do you know who placed the call to your roadside company?

Nick - So I can't get details. Calls don't go through me, they go through...

AWP - Dispatch? So, you don't have...

AWP - So, when you were digitally dispatched, did you call them to say you were coming or you just showed up?

Nick - I did call and nothing went through, it went straight to voicemail.

AWP - Do you know if she had a phone on her at the time?

Nick - She did say that her phone was dead and so she used whatever died. Whoever this was, she used his phone. So that's how she did get in contact.

AWP - And what mentioned like she was asking funny questions and acting weird.

Nick - Right and at the time I didn't realise, again, that's..

AWP - Yeah, yeah, I mean, being I... I've been in the towing industry my whole life, so you see a lot of crazy stuff, a lot of weird stuff and it's actually pretty normal, you know. So I can see why at the time it's just....just a normal call.

Nick - She kept on going over that like - 'How do you like, you know, how do you secure your seat belt, like, firmly and like do it correctly' and that's when I...

AWP - When she was asking this - was the guy that she was with right there too?

Nick - He was on the opposite side of the car.

AWP - So he could hear the conversation as well?

Nick - Every single time the guy would come over to us, she would go on to the other side and it was just like a back and forth, like a tag team, but say like one person would come over, she wouldn't stay near him and then they would go vice versa. Or if we were at the front of the car, going about the battery and talking about the battery, he was always on one side, she was on the other. They were never close to each other.

AWP - She was uncomfortable? Yeah, yeah, yeah that screams awkwardness and someone being uncomfortable and when in that the scenario - If he was there with her, he should have been right next to her. If not, if not. Dealing with you the entire time and not not not her. Did she seem high or intoxicated or...?

Nick - I thought that maybe she was either hungover or just had a really rough day. She looked distressed.

AWP - Can you show me on the map where you saw her?

Nick - Absolutely.

AWP - So we're here in Reno. Let's go down to Truckee, there's Prosser, there's Boca. Just drop a pin on the road, exactly where you saw her.

Nick - Boca, you come follow this road down. I think that is a turnout right there Yeah this is it. And so, right there - how she was coming out this way.

AWP - So her front end was facing 84 from A94?

Nick - Yeah.

AWP - And did you leave before her? Or did she leave before you?

Nick - I left before her.

AWP - Was there anybody else around?

Nick - There was people far back here, yes, but not near her, no.

AWP - Did you notice anything in particular in her car at all? I mean...

Nick - I mean, besides perfume bottles and like...yeah actually there was a perfume bottle that was in the centre consul and that was all that I recall to be honest.

AWP - Did she have anything on her keys at all..?

Nick - I don't remember.

AWP - Did you say that you guys have cameras that could possibly get some sort of facial recognition on...

Nick - Yeah, so we do indeed. We have cameras facing front and rear of our vehicles as well as that we do have like audio, so we could pick up audio from inside and outside of the truck. So we did have that and I'm guaranteeing, I mean, my vehicles facing directly towards hers. So that's how I normally do it for my protection.

AWP - What's the window you're giving us, of when this happened?

Nick - Either Friday, Saturday or Sunday, I believe one of the...cos.... the weekends I usually cover Truckee. So, that Friday I also worked in Truckee. So, yeah.

AWP - If you were to make a bet on what day it was, what would you say?

Nick - I.....I mean when I was looking back under my GPS on my phone, where I've been.. I was there both on Saturday and Sunday, farther into Boca.

AWP - Everything you just heard unfolded right here where I'm standing. Talking about where Nick described him parking his service van when he pulled up to give the battery service to Kiely he parked his van right here, facing that direction. Her vehicle was parked right over here, facing A94. That way..
I'm confused. You consider the article 'terrible reporting', yet accept the statement 'got back to Truckee' as true, or just more 'terrible reporting'?

In all cases, we can all come up with a multitude of theories that sound plausible. In the midst of all this though, we do have to stay rooted in the facts we know to be true.

J has been CLEARED and to still be questioning his movements is not rooted in fact, just wild accusations.

Certain youtube content is not allowed on WS for a reason. Rumour/opinion is not fact. He said, she said is where it becomes dangerous for someone like J, who let's not forget is still a boy, not even a man yet.
I didn't say I accepted ANY of the Sun's article as truth to be honest. I was confused with the reporting, and I thought it was peculiar wording that J went "back to Truckee."

J is not a boy, he's 18 and an adult.
I took the bolded part to be confirmation, although I suppose you could say that NCSO worded it as being early in the investigation, so perhaps that could be leaving the present as open-ended.

Web sleuths have been circulating rumors of foul play for weeks since her death, and have been speculating her boyfriend, Jagger Westfall, could have been involved.”

“Nevada County Sheriffs told The U.S. Sun on Tuesday: "Early in the investigation, our detectives made contact with Jagger Westfall. After a detailed interview, he was ruled out as a person of interest."

i take it to mean just what it says, that early on, they questioned him and ruled him out.
I didn't say I accepted ANY of the Sun's article as truth to be honest. I was confused with the reporting, and I thought it was peculiar wording that J went "back to Truckee."

J is not a boy, he's 18 and an adult.
an adult who has been declared NOT a suspect. Not sure if he should be put into any more scenarios at this time even speculations because he has been firmly cleared by LE, my perception and understanding only. JMO, but when LE interviewed him, they stated it was a thorough interview, I am sure they also questioned him about providing any drugs or booze to her before leaving town before she went missing and coming back AFTER she disappeared..

He was so distraught, at one point we worried he might kill himself. This is just me, IMOO, IMHO, all along he seemed the least likely person of all to harm Kiely. After reading his tortured posts, I truly believe he would have called 911 no matter what.

As far as not believing what we see and hear, no one has to. Because from the moment Nick RA said he couldnt remember what day it was on that service call, I did not believe him so yeah.
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Take Jagger completely out of the roadside assistance scenario and it doesn’t necessarily change anything about Nick’s story. Going on pictures posted on SM, there are a lot of men in that area with longish hair wearing that cap. Same with girls who look like Kiely. Same with Kiely’s car for that matter. That story doesn’t hinge on that person being Jagger - it hinges on if that car was Kiely’s.

When company has a an eyewitness account its not sensationalism. Those who don't want to accept odd circumstances in a case are really defeating the purpose of a case being investigated at all and just accept the status quo. Nothing happened it was due to merely such and such reason That's it nothing more. Even though there could be culpability and its just the victim's fault for bringing it on themselves. All MOO.
When has his company ever confirmed anything about his story? You keep saying they have. If you could please tell me where and provide a link that would be great. Thanks.
When has his company ever confirmed anything about his story? You keep saying they have. If you could please tell me where and provide a link that would be great. Thanks.
It all depends on if you believe AWP or not. They are the ones that say it was handed over to LE and they “assume it had to have been” confirmed. We know law enforcement remains silent.
I don't believe anyone is accusing Nick of not being a "stand-up guy", though hearing that he is from some random YT live-streamer wouldn't convince me. Even "stand-up guys" can be wrong or mistaken. In his initial interview, he wasn't even sure if the alleged encounter took place on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. He even said as much, and was asked to make a bet on which day it was, but I think somewhere along the way, that got edited out of the video. I think most here agree that NIck answered a call, possibly the morning after the events of Friday night, to someone he, a week later, thought may have been Kiely and her friend. Many of us just think he is MISTAKEN. That's all. Not a bad guy, not a liar, just a well-intentioned guy who is wrong. JMO
exactly, in fact I stood up for him and said he wasnt a suspect, at the very beginning there were even a few hints that he should be checked out for abduction!! SB came on and warned us he was not a suspect so....pretty sure that happened.
Take Jagger completely out of the roadside assistance scenario and it doesn’t necessarily change anything about Nick’s story. Going on pictures posted on SM, there are a lot of men in that area with longish hair wearing that cap. Same with girls who look like Kiely. Same with Kiely’s car for that matter. That story doesn’t hinge on that person being Jagger - it hinges on if that car was Kiely’s.

ok, going with that, say he did see someone who looked like Kiely and a guy who looked like Jagger in a car resembling KRs. Awesome, believable, but why does Kiely have to be dead in the car and these 2 on their way to dumping her in a lake% If it had been her car, everyone in the supposed RA video would have been arrested except of course not Nick RA. There would be no reason on earth for LE to sit on that kind of case solving bombshell, IMO and just MOO

ETA: “The episode included an interview with a tow truck driver who said he helped someone matching Kiely’s description after she was reported missing. Law enforcement would not say whether the tow truck driver's claims were investigated.”
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I find this very interesting from the 2018 NIH Forensics article I posted earlier, and again here.

Homicidal Drowning can be ascribed to a drowning victim incapacitated by intoxication near water.

Homicidal drowningForcibly holding or pulling victim under water; pushing of victim into water; victim incapacitation by inflicted injury or intoxication while in/near water

Excerpted from Table 1
It all depends on if you believe AWP or not. They are the ones that say it was handed over to LE and they “assume it had to have been” confirmed. We know law enforcement remains silent.
By "it" do you mean the video, audio and call logs held by the roadside assistance company? I believe that AWP believes RA Nick's story but I'd be surprised if they were able to actually confirm with the company whether the information was turned over to LE.

If so why wouldn't they just come out and say "We talked to the roadside assistance company and they said ..." or "We spoke with LE and they said ...." Why play coy now after sharing so much all over YT and msm? JMO.

It gets a bit frustrating when statements stop being clear and concise and instead we all have to start guessing the meanings behind them. "Yes," "no," "I don't know" are all really easy to say. There's no shame in not having an answer.

Like you say, LE remains silent and I'll add that when they do share it's on their terms not ours. MOO.
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