Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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Not really. I think we get a little biased here because we are elbows deep in violent crime on a daily basis. But the reality is that violent crime has dropped dramatically since the 70's when the violent crime rate was 729.6 per 100,000 thousand. By 2020 that rate had dropped to 398.5. The violent crime rate is currently drastically lower than it has been in the last 50 years.

and let everyone protect and saveguard each other through each hardship we see
I don't think anyone questions or doubts that there are company logs, video footage, car registration and license plate.

What we do NOT yet know is if these actual kinds of evidence proved that the service call Nick made was indeed for Kiely.

If by now LE, through scouring these records, has found that the service call was in fact Kiely, Kiely's car, and Kiely's friend, then IMO LE would have updated the timeline and interviewed the friend. They probably would not release interview details, but I believe they would have confirmed that this was a sighting of the actual Kiely.

So far this has not been done. Therefore as of now, we only know that Nick the RA says he was on a service call that he thought might be Kiely, that he said this a week after she went missing, that he told this to AWP, and that LE has spoken to him.
One can't dispute what is recorded evidence such as from the standpoint of the vehicle, but I have to disagree with you in that LE would have said something by now. IMO, LE doesn't have to for the integrity of a case. There are a number of reasons that they could be doing that, one would be so that evidence isn't tampered with by a suspect or whatever. I'm not saying that there is only one reason why Kiely and her car were found in the lake, but to not accept such evidence as the RA company would have is not conducive to finding out what happened to Kiely. An open reasoning is always the best especially whe there is such an odd circumstance as the RA company's witness account with full vehicle/description details and persons details.
The idea that Nick RA had a sliding scale of days with from Fri morning to Sunday morning
as to when he might have seen KR, at this oint not someone who looked like her, that came later..
not critique proof but, to the public especially mainstream SM, if Nick RA saw her on...

Friday morning....probably an accident, could be abduction
Saturday morn....foul play definitely because other person is still alive
Sunday.......just muddying the waters, abduction, runaway, foul play

awp put a grinding halt to the would be abduction, runaway theories by finding her also to
the extra funding, multi task forces, overtime, FBI help, MOO, gone.

Unless the foul play theories are enabled by saying MAYBE it was Saturday, no more sensationalism money comes in, just the regular adulation donations. and so it still goes on, the teasing for money.

As long as awp keeps embroidering and embellishing the foul play theories, everyone on SM makes money feasting on the sensationalism. Nature of the beast. As to who started it,
who triggered this mess, surely some other podcaster will eventually get to the bottom of it.
When company has a an eyewitness account its not sensationalism. Those who don't want to accept odd circumstances in a case are really defeating the purpose of a case being investigated at all and just accept the status quo. Nothing happened it was due to merely such and such reason That's it nothing more. Even though there could be culpability and its just the victim's fault for bringing it on themselves. All MOO.

This case really got me shook. I had to step away for awhile because I couldn't delete my own rage-posts fast enough :/ The frenzy over AWP and the ensuing pain to the family became just way too much; out of respect for the Rodni family I tuned out for awhile. But I'll weigh in (again) on why I think (MOO) Roadside Nick's sighting is bogus and why I am still firmly in the camp of "tragic accident until I see evidence to the contrary."

AWP claimed in their interview that they confirmed the roadside call took place (I'd like to know how). They also claimed that it was confirmed to be KRs car, and also that Roadside Nick's company furnished dash cam video of the RA call to LE. They have not seen the video; they only "confirmed" it took place. My question is this:

If LE received footage that was relevant to KR's disappearance (I.e., her whole *advertiser censored** car!), why then did they never update their published timeline once any “footage” reached them? Remember, there was a furious ACTIVE search for KR at the time that Roadside Nick would have sounded the alarm and his company would have submitted that footage to LE. If that footage was of KRs car, why on earth would LE not have asked the public once again for tips from folks who may have seen the car at Prosser on that Saturday?

This can mean:

A) LE never received any footage because it was never actually submitted (my #1 theory here);
B) LE received but just sloppily never reviewed the footage (really?);
C) LE reviewed the footage but determined it was not KR’s car and was irrelevant to the case (my #2 theory here);
D) LE received and reviewed bombshell footage of KRs car, but decided not to tell the public that new information had come to light that changed the timeline, and that KR's car was in fact seen the day after KR's disappearance. This would also mean that KR's car was somehow hidden in the reservoir after this fact with no other folks seeing it, despite the presence of searchers etc. in the area (this is just preposterous, IMO, as someone who knows that area--there are campers and swimmers, etc. Not possible.).

In case of D, the car's EDR (car equivalent of a black box, discussed ad nauseam on these threads) will provide data about when it went into the reservoir IF the engine was running when it happened; it will also provide data about the occupancy of the seat(s), speed, gear, etc. The MAIT report will include this information, and will hopefully be available to the public under a FOIA request.

Also, why did AWP edit their original released video wherein it was said that Roadside Nick's gf confirmed that is was definitely that Saturday when Nick called to tell her about the weird RA call, because it was her grandfather's birthday, so she remembered the day? AWP published that in their initial release of the video, and then edited that out. Why?

I really believe that footage just doesn’t exist, or, if it does, it is completely irrelevant to this case. While some folks have attempted to paint the NCSO as incompetent fools, I've observed them sticking to facts, looking after the victims in the case (KR and her family), playing this case close to the vest, and absolutely following procedure. Missing locating a car in a reservoir is hardly evidence that this LE agency is somehow not doing their job properly; cars are notoriously hard to find in water (just ask AWP, they're in the very business of finding cars in water that LE all over the country, in multiple cases, have previously missed; this is not unique to NCSO, and IMO should not be used to impugn and impeach their professionalism). And yet at every turn, certain folks have used this as an opportunity to disparage LE. Did they fail to dive after the FBI extracted the car? Yeah, that's a drag. But my guess is that the mountain of evidence they have (that we do not) is already pointing toward a solo accident, so they didn't feel the need to press a criminal angle.

The FBI processed the car. LE *already have* autopsy results (and probably already have tox screen results as well). They *already know* if there's evidence of SA. They *know* exactly where she was found in the car, and whether her position in the car was consistent with where drivers are found after driving into lakes. They *know* whether she was tied in to the car. They know so much more than we do. They *may* be able to say that so far there isn't evidence of a crime having been committed beyond that of (possibly) impaired driving.

It's not the mission of LE to create a crime where none happened; it's their job to look at all the evidence and determine whether a crime occurred, and if so, to gather evidence, find the perpetrator, and help get them prosecuted. I have every reason to believe they are doing their jobs (with a hiccup here or there) and that the truth will come to light, one way or the other. I fully expect them to rule this a tragic accident, based solely on how LE have behaved since the evidence began pouring in after KR was found.

All amateur speculation and MOO.

Edited for a typo.
I have to disagree with this the fact that Kiely and her car ended up in the lake and no one saw them going into the lake disputes the assertion that camper's or people were in the area at the time. So if the event were to be seen then why wasn't it reported. So no one saw her car going into the lake, and whenever it happened it had to be at a time when no one witnessed this sad event.
I'm tuning back into the case to see any of this stuff verified but for now, to me, it's in the same category as speculation about sus pixels in a still image cropped from a low resolution security camera of Kiely at an oblique (foreshortened) angle in the middle of what looks to me like adjusting her top.

I'm pretty confident it was law enforcement that captured and cropped that image from actual video provided by the store. If the store felt some kind of legal liability I don't know why they would bother to manipulate their footage when they could just delete it and claim it never existed.

Likewise if there is verifiable evidence of Kiely's CRV elsewhere the following morning I would assume it would be all over the place - unless law enforcement got to it first and gagged the people who had it. Possible but, to me, unlikely.
Remember it was only the RA company who was privvy to this no one else has what they have in terms of what they would give and LE would not want that made public for their reasons.
Thought for you all.

In the first LE presser they state they used divers, swimmers and an ROV among other things.

this is straight from the sheriffs office own YT page.

How could they really miss the CR-V if it was there at the time of their search?
Please provide a link to proof that there are indeed RA company logs, video footage, car registration, and license plate. Please provide a link to proof that her car was identified in the footage the company provided. I have seen links that document any of this as existing or as verified.
I will explain again obviously a roadside assistance company keeps logs for their work. Video footage would be possibly dashcam for driver's own safety so it may have captured what Nick saw in terms of Kiely/car the "guy" with her. The dashcam would have time stamp on it. Its possible the dashcam or oher camera to record license plate. Equipment to check registration so roadside assistance company can get paid. Nick the RA nor would his company just say something when they have to back up what transpired.
Regarding general AWP/LE comments -

We need to keep in mind that nothing is black and white. There are no pure or perfect heroes.

Both AWP and LE are doing great work, and both AWP and LE have made serious errors.

We can and should simultaneously praise AWP for finding Kiely, while we also respect many of LE’s processes.

We can acknowledge that AWP erred in going beyond their expertise of sonar / dives into hasty and questionable *public* investigative interviews and analysis.

*And at the same time we can acknowledge that LE erred in flipping the car and not wrapping it before extracting it from the water, losing countless pieces of evidence.

We don’t have to be in the AWP camp or the LE camp.

We can admire the positives while acknowledging the negatives.

I’ve seen 3 different retired LE folks on video who are very appreciative of AWP’s skills and contributions.

I’m grateful for AWP’s sonar/dive skills, which LE admits they lack.

**And I’m grateful for LE’s careful and methodical processes, which AWP seems to be still developing.

All this to say - we don’t need to choose sides here. Hopefully this process, while obviously tragic, will be a learning experience for both AWP and LE.

Like any of us imperfect beings, both AWP and LE have a lot to contribute and some room for improvement.
Thought for you all.

In the first LE presser they state they used divers, swimmers and an ROV among other things.

this is straight from the sheriffs office own YT page.

How could they really miss the CR-V if it was there at the time of their search?
They could have gone right over the top of it with sonar, but if the person reading the sonar wasn’t as expert as AWP, that person may not have recognized it.

Also LE may have been more rushed or at least had less time than AWP. I recall that AWP went over the same spot several times trying to ascertain if it was really something. At first AWP even thought it might be a boat.

And what if the CRV wasn’t even there at the time of the LE search….as in, she was already missing and being searched for but the car was not in that position yet when LE searched it….definitely possible but I’m not expert or informed enough to dive into that, perhaps others can. Not sure we have enough info on that front.
Looks like the NCSO continues to get tips... This is from yesterday, and of course I am presuming the VI is KR.

View attachment 367262

This tip, IMO, comes across as LE knew what day the car went into the water and that the witness saw the vehicle the day before that happened. It does not mean that somebody saw K's car the day before the party; of course people would've seen it around, given she had a job and an active social life.

We, the public, do not know what day the car went into the water. LE, on the other hand, may already know, hence the strangely worded tip report.

grammar edit: changed K's actions from present to past. :/
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This tip, IMO, comes across as LE knew what day the car went into the water and that the witness saw the vehicle the day before that happened. It does not mean that somebody saw K's car the day before the party; of course people would've seen it around, given she had a job and an active social life.

We, the public, do not know what day the car went into the water. LE, on the other hand, may already know, hence the strangely worded tip report

grammar edit: changed K's actions from present to past. :/

Really good point!
omg i actually have to go to work tomorrow lol gnite everyone.
When was JW “cleared?” When it was a missing persons case? Or after her car & body was found? He can still be later named a POI at anytime.
he was cleared after thousands of false accusers descended on him also death threats. Dude is time stamped by LE as somewhere else leave hime alone!
The Sun is coming out and saying no one has verified anything from Roadside Nick though. Not Law Enforcement, right? As far as I have understood, over the past few days and other linked articled, the NSCO declined to comment on AWP's video when asked specifically?

I don't see the issue with Roadside Nick sharing his encounter. He never said he saw Jagger. People who are not capable of critical thinking, and who obviously have some deep issues if they are making death threats and stalking the guy, jumped to that conclusion.

Even though I lean towards there being more to this than a simple pair of wrong turns into water, I 100% agree with you guys that there is some wacky crap out there. I don't personally think the AWP video caused it. It may have added fuel to the fire. I will not argue there. I think there were people who were truly monetizing and sensationalizing this situation, with content that has absolutely nothing to do with solving a crime. Every time I have looked to see if there are new developments, I know I've found a flood of utter horse poop. Sprinkled in there might be one or two bits a partygoer shared that could be relevant, but the rest is just prurient interest in lives, or really freaking weird. i.e. Not discussing the events around the disappearance, but dissecting everything anyone who has ever known Kiely may have done, ever. And getting TONS of clicks. I personally find that in a category worthy of disgust.

I'm not an AWP "apologist." Only stating that I feel their first hand experience is relevant. It's relevant what Roadside Nick saw, even if it turns out to be unrelated. (We would then know for future cases to be more skeptical of anything they include in videos, right?) It's bonkers and totally uncool that people are making death threats or stalking anyone, especially someone who just lost someone they care about.
The Sun is coming out and saying no one has verified anything from Roadside Nick though. Not Law Enforcement, right? As far as I have understood, over the past few days and other linked articled, the NSCO declined to comment on AWP's video when asked specifically?

I don't see the issue with Roadside Nick sharing his encounter. He never said he saw Jagger. People who are not capable of critical thinking, and who obviously have some deep issues if they are making death threats and stalking the guy, jumped to that conclusion.

Even though I lean towards there being more to this than a simple pair of wrong turns into water, I 100% agree with you guys that there is some wacky crap out there. I don't personally think the AWP video caused it. It may have added fuel to the fire. I will not argue there. I think there were people who were truly monetizing and sensationalizing this situation, with content that has absolutely nothing to do with solving a crime. Every time I have looked to see if there are new developments, I know I've found a flood of utter horse poop. Sprinkled in there might be one or two bits a partygoer shared that could be relevant, but the rest is just prurient interest in lives, or really freaking weird. i.e. Not discussing the events around the disappearance, but dissecting everything anyone who has ever known Kiely may have done, ever. And getting TONS of clicks. I personally find that in a category worthy of disgust.

I'm not an AWP "apologist." Only stating that I feel their first hand experience is relevant. It's relevant what Roadside Nick saw, even if it turns out to be unrelated. (We would then know for future cases to be more skeptical of anything they include in videos, right?) It's bonkers and totally uncool that people are making death threats or stalking anyone, especially someone who just lost someone they care about.
not sure if what Nick saw was relevant to KR but it sure was relevant for someone. iykwim
Finally the rumours about Jagger have been put to bed once and for all, thank god.

Now, i maybe nit picking here.?

Nevada County Sheriffs told The U.S. Sun on Tuesday: "Early in the investigation, our detectives made contact with Jagger Westfall. After a detailed interview, he was ruled out as a person of interest."

A source exclusively said: "Jagger was in Napa Valley until 8am on the Saturday. He didn't get back to Truckee until noon and then joined the search to look for Kiely.

If LE had released a statement similar to this:

"Early in the investigation, our detectives made contact with Jagger Westfall. After a detailed interview, we were able to discern that Jagger was not in, Trukee, at the time of Kiely's disappearance. "Jagger was in Napa Valley until 8am on the Saturday. He didn't get back to Truckee until noon and then joined the search to look for Kiely."

IMO, this still gets across the message he was not there. Yet, LE felt the need to include, "person of interest." What do they mean by this?. I know it is a small detail but why include it.? Does this mean LE are looking at other "Persons of interest" and if so, is this LE telling us (Yes i know they haven't) that Kielys death was not an accident?

The question is. What do they mean by "Person of interest"?

Definition of "person of interest":
A person who is believed to be possibly involved in a crime but has not been charged or arrested.


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I will explain again obviously a roadside assistance company keeps logs for their work. Video footage would be possibly dashcam for driver's own safety so it may have captured what Nick saw in terms of Kiely/car the "guy" with her. The dashcam would have time stamp on it. Its possible the dashcam or oher camera to record license plate. Equipment to check registration so roadside assistance company can get paid. Nick the RA nor would his company just say something when they have to back up what transpired.
LE, IMO, is telling us without telling us that they checked out Nick RA story and it isnt about KR disappearance. Yes, he did go on a service call, hopefully, or some people are going to be in a lot of trouble. That remains to be seen. MOO MHOO
Hmmm? That's interesting.

I read it more as Jagger was ruled out early on--i.e. when they were treating Kiely's disappearance as a possible abduction, but you could be on to something there?

Personally, I find "The Sun " one of those sources where the reporting/writing can be a bit shaky/slanted/salacious at times. Similar to The Daily Mail. Still technically MSM, and sometimes they know things before anyone else, but also can relay the info in a confusing manner.
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