GUILTY CA - Leila Fowler, 8, murdered, 12yo charged, Valley Springs, 27 Apr 2013 - #1

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okay, I am now confused.

so according to this LE says it appears the intruder intended to attack the little girl, and this does not appear to be a botched robbery or other crime gone awry. from this link

but from the presser during the Q and A a reporter asks if LE believes this was random and the officer says "we don't know, that is still part of the investigation. Investigation has taken a number of different avenues and we don't want to give any one part of the investigation lighter than any other . . ." [paraphrased]

in response to Q "how much concern should the public have that this person could strike again?" A "Do we fear? No. Are we concerned - absolutely that is why we have staffed up accordingly . . "
As to their request about negative comments, I think they are making a huge mistake and reading online. Every article I have read there are the usual "where were the parents?" "Look at the son" "this story stinks, the 12 year old did it"

I think those sorts of comments are what they are reading and find negative.

Oh thanks, I have not seen any of those comments. I'm sure that's what they were talking then, I thought I'd read everything but I must have missed that. How awful.
Thoughts on the man approaching reporters at the presser who were telling them he picked up a bloody guy on the side of the road and gave him a ride and who claims at the time he did so he did not know there had been a stabbing?

My own:

Knowing there had been a stabbing or not, who picks up a strange bloody man from the side of the road and gives him a ride??

Supposing he did, why is he randomly showing up at the presser telling his tale to every reporter within earshot and not at police station giving a report about this "sighting"?


Could be an attention seeker, or perhaps an excuse someone would make to explain how THEY themselves got the girls blood on them. Hypotethical statement: "Oh, well, it must have got on me when I picked up this bloody guy at the side of the road"...but he would have to be very bold and not-so-bright to show up at a presser announcing it, since LE would certainly check out a story like that thoroughly and run DNA tests.
I am leaning towards attention seeker on the bloody guy ride witness but who knows, just because he wants to milk his five minutes from it doesn't mean its not possible I guess. Waiting to see whether he is vetted by LE before taking his account into consideration.
Mom's demeanor at presser: I felt bad for her. I got the impression she wanted to speak but just could not bring herself to or compose herself enough. You can tell the effect the LEO's description of COD had on her. She broke at that point.

Dad's demeanor at presser: Rock. Tightly wound. Stiff. Trying to maintain control. I have a feeling dad is the sort who takes care of business. He looks like the type that people would say "LE better get the guy first, cause if Barney gets a hold of him . . ." about. No aspersions, just observation. I think Barney could put a hurt on someone and the someone who killed his baby girl would be first in that line.
Usually when a victim is stabbed the perpetrator will also cut themselves because the knife becomes slippery from the blood of the victim.

Didn't LE say to watch for anyone that may have injuries?

Anyone know if they found any blood outside of the house? The guy allegedly fled on foot...

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Alex Savidge ‏@AlexSavidge KTVU
Leila Fowler's home surrounded by crime scene tape this morning-8 yr old attacked here Sat, killer still loose. @ktvu

Elissa Harrington ‏@EHarringtonNews CBS San Francisco
Valley Springs - CCSO just re-secured house where 8-year-old Leila Fowler was stabbed. Home still a crime scene.
Mom's demeanor at presser: I felt bad for her. I got the impression she wanted to speak but just could not bring herself to or compose herself enough. You can tell the effect the LEO's description of COD had on her. She broke at that point.

Dad's demeanor at presser: Rock. Tightly wound. Stiff. Trying to maintain control. I have a feeling dad is the sort who takes care of business. He looks like the type that people would say "LE better get the guy first, cause if Barney gets a hold of him . . ." about. No aspersions, just observation. I think Barney could put a hurt on someone and the someone who killed his baby girl would be first in that line.

Yes I agree, however I was kind of shocked to see how the father didn´t do anything whatsoever to comfort the "mother" who indeed was broken down and sought comfort from him but didn´t get it in ANY way whatsoever, he simply didn´t respond to her emotional state of mind for a second, both his hands in his pockets even though she tried to hold on to his arm/hand and leaning her head on his sholder etc, VERY odd IMO.
It almost looked like he was ice cold/angry at her or somthing like that.

And I write "mother" in quotation because it seems like she is not Leila's birth mother due to that at the press conf. it was said that she wanted to be considered as Laila's mother, which IMO mean she is NOT her birthmother.

Also the fact that; quote from newsreport:

"Kuntz said it appears that the intruder intended to attack the girl, and that the incident was not a botched robbery or other crime gone wrong."and:
"Sheriff’s officials said they have checked on registered sex offenders and people on parole and probation for sex crimes as part of their investigation.
But they stressed they were doing this as a matter of good investigative procedures and not because Leila’s slaying is a sex crime."

( I read/understand that as Leila was NOT sexually assulted, I could be wrong though, and if I am, then my theorie is tottaly wrong)

Add to that the "mother" and fathers kind of odd request to the public about not make negative comments.

So do the "mother" and father know somthing we don´t know? thought/theorie of mine:

Could the killer be som man from the "mothers" past, a jalous man poisend by rage and vindictiveness who wanted to punish the man, Leilas father (AND the "mother"), for "taking his woman"? by killing his daughter?

Does anyone know how long the "mother" and father has been together?
And who is the birthparents of Leila's 12 year old brother ?
Why did they not have it secure in the first place?
Were they done with investigating it and then realized they weren't?
Alex Savidge ‏@AlexSavidge KTVU
Leila Fowler's home surrounded by crime scene tape this morning-8 yr old attacked here Sat, killer still loose. @ktvu

Elissa Harrington ‏@EHarringtonNews CBS San Francisco
Valley Springs - CCSO just re-secured house where 8-year-old Leila Fowler was stabbed. Home still a crime scene.

That's not good.

They are going back and relooking at the crime scene. Maybe rerunning scenario's. Looking for new evidence.

Are they thinking about a new theory?
I saw his interview on Channel 2 and he said he gave a hitchhiker a ride and (his words) "thinking back, something wasn't right about the look in his eyes and he had blood all over his arm...blood everywhere".

I didn't hear him say where he dropped the man off. I personally don't believe his story. They would've impounded the vehicle for evidence and would have probably been able to do a sketch since he was allegedly sitting right next to him in a vehicle.

I saw this too. I hesitated to post because I was only half paying attention and couldn't find a video/article at the time that confirmed it. Glad I wasn't hearing things! Who the h*ll would give a bloody person a ride? Call 911!!
That's not good.

They are going back and relooking at the crime scene. Maybe rerunning scenario's.

Are they thinking about a new theory?

I suspect that the DNA results may have came back confirming some "things". I will leave it at that for now. I had a long conversation with my friend in Valley Springs last night, and she has spent pretty much her entire life in the area.
I am a bit surprised they had released it as a crime scene in the first place. Had not seen it reported that they had. I wonder if this is from LE or based on what reporters are visually seeing and interpreting. I can't see them releasing the home yet so there should be no need to "re secure" it.

Family is staying with relatives I believe so its not like they are being unhomed again. I don't think they had returned to the house yet as far as to reside/stay.

More thoughts on Dad's body language at presser. I too saw that he was not offering much comfort to mom. My first thought was that he was afraid if he hugged, touched or acknowledged her pain, he would lose that tightly held control. I mean he looks like he is holding a lot in. anger, grief, frustration, rage. I got the sense he was literally doing all he could to maintain composure. He strikes me as one of those guys who would not be comfortable being vulnerable or emotional in front of people. JMO

I do not think this crime was sexually motivated. I can't explain it, I just don't. If a person were watching the house with an eye toward assaulting Leila, he would be aware that the brother was there. IMO such a perp would locate the brother first, kill or incapacitate him and then get to the business with Leila that brought him there. That is just logic. Otherwise, he breaks in and risks getting interrupted or caught before he achieves his goal. Nope. Not tracking for me.

I am leaning toward meth or cracked out perp looking to rob a place and things went awry.

And yes, I am aware of the quote from the Modesto Bee from sheriff, but I watched that presser the article implies it came from. And that sheriff did not say anything like what is quoted. I am getting ready to listen a third time but I just don't think its there. And if he did say such a thing, I believe he is wrong. I do get the feel that this was a relatively random crime and not aimed at this child specifically.
Alex Savidge ‏@AlexSavidge KTVU
Leila Fowler's home surrounded by crime scene tape this morning-8 yr old attacked here Sat, killer still loose. @ktvu

Elissa Harrington ‏@EHarringtonNews CBS San Francisco
Valley Springs - CCSO just re-secured house where 8-year-old Leila Fowler was stabbed. Home still a crime scene.

That is NOT where I thought the house was from previous videos. Are they sure this is their house? I thought it was 2 north and across the street. At least, that is the house they seemed to be showing in previous videos. Hmmm....

I wonder why they re-secured it.
Th LEO giving the presser during the Q and A with reporters was asked about the ride giving alleged witness and that LEO said they did not have any information about it or something to that effect. Heading back to listen again for another reason but will note the time that question occurs for those interested.
Today's newsreport:

April 30, 2013 11:42 AM PrintText

Leila Fowler Murder: Rural Calif. community on lockdown as killer of 8-year-old is sought


"The parents were at a Little League game at the time their daughter was attacked, Campbell said. Leila's brother found her and notified the father, who called 911 and went home, he said."

I´m not from US, so sorry f this is a dumb question:
but isen´t "Little League game" baseball played by children?
And if so, why was the parents at this childrens game without Leila and her 12 year old brother?
Is there additional siblings that was with the parents and/or playing in that Little League game that the parents was watching?
Today's newsreport:

April 30, 2013 11:42 AM PrintText

Leila Fowler Murder: Rural Calif. community on lockdown as killer of 8-year-old is sought


"The parents were at a Little League game at the time their daughter was attacked, Campbell said. Leila's brother found her and notified the father, who called 911 and went home, he said."

I´m not from US, so sorry f this is a dumb question:
but isen´t "Little League game" baseball played by children?
And if so, why was the parents at this childrens game without Leila and her 12 year old brother?
Is there additional siblings that was with the parents and/or playing in that Little League game that the parents was watching?

I saw somewhere that there are 7 children in the home. They may have been at another child's game and not one played by Leila or her brother. I know I didn't like to go to my brother's games when I was little.
sheriff begins speaking in presser at 1:36 and stops at 2:31. Nowhere does he make anything even resembling the quoted statement located in the Modesto Bee in regards to Leila being targeted or this not being a botched burglary. Nowhere. So it is either bad reporting or a statement given to them exclusively at another time separate from the presser. MOO

re perp ride giving alleged witness: Q is asked about 9:18 A is that LE is familiar with the report but has nothing to relay regarding that report at this time.
I thought perhaps he saw her alone in her room and was going to go in and remove her from her home so he could rape her or rape her right there in the room but Leila fought him and he killed her right there to shut her up and so she couldn't ID him.

What he didn't plan on was the brother seeing him. Thank God for that and thank God he did not attack her brother with the knife or this family could have two children dead.


Thank you for your post, these are my exact thoughts on why the man would have entered the home and then killed her immediately. Although, I do wonder why he thought she was alone. He would have had to watch the house to see who left, saw the majority of the family leave and thought she was alone. But if he had been watching the house for awhile he should have noticed another child stayed behind. Remember that the Groene children were watched playing in their yard for some time before JED broke in to take them. Perhaps this person planned a similar event and things got out of hand. Maybe the child injured him and he became enraged. Perhaps she hit him in the face or head with an object, and the police can tell that somehow (maybe blood on it) and that is how they know he is injured, other than knife marks. I also want to say that this type of crime makes me so furious. Our children seem to just be some kind of prey these days. I often feel that I need to behave as a Moma Wildebeest with her babies and lions prowling around.
WOW , like literal LOCKDOWN ? As in people cannot leave their home or as implied lockdown of everyone hyper aware and hyper vigilant about who's around the kids?
I saw this too. I hesitated to post because I was only half paying attention and couldn't find a video/article at the time that confirmed it. Glad I wasn't hearing things! Who the h*ll would give a bloody person a ride? Call 911!!

Maybe that guy is the perp and he gave that account to explain blood in his car? IDK just blabbering out loud but it is an odd story for sure.
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