CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020 #2

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In fact the search took place on June 9th (and filed on June 16). Three days after Dia’s «disappearance», people working at High Sky ranch were aware and had time to leave. The drone flew over on June 9th.
Interesting views on Google Earth for 28893 Bonita Vista Road: on 3/2015, nothing visible except for the house; on 7/2016, 3 white structures are visible behind the house; on 4/2016, same are replaced by bigger structure with 2 similar ones nearby; on 4/2917, 3 large white structures still visible; on 2/2018, the 3 structures seem to have been gutted, framework still visible; on 8/2018, nothing left; on 12/2019, nothing either; no satellite pictures for 2020; today leftover of structures visible…
So was the operation on in 2016/17, stopped then restarted? By whom?

Diane Fedder was second trustee and second power of attorney.

She cast suspicion on Keith Harper in her interview with CBS8 as well as the children. If something happened to Keith Harper such as his arrest, death, or incapacitation Diane would inherit the trust and all control because of her secondary position.

IMO, If the adult children were cast in a negative light and she were to be held above suspicion because of her law enforcement background she could have inherited everything and been free of suspicion. IMO that was her plan.

Diane Fedder, ex-secret service, is the one who IMO positioned herself as a "friend" of Dia's close enough to manage her estate because, according to her, Harper is highly suspicious as are the adult children. IMO Harper is a shadowy and unsavory individual. IMO As is Diane Fedder. IMO Diane Fedder, however, has the law-enforcement background to orchestrate a disappearance this confusing to local LE. Could Harper be that good to single-handedly disappear Dia? IMO There were multiple other people involved.

IMO it could have been the plan after Dia's disappearance to harm Keith Harper or expect his arrest which shifts control of everything over to DF and her allies.

From what I have heard (and MOO), DF was married to LE before, she had a long career in LE, and now is getting married to LE again. Just my thoughts, Could she have allies in LE in Riverside that would allow this investigation to be so confused and delayed? IMO she is hiding the most here.

IMO, it is possible DF's allies planned to all get some take from Dia's estate while Harper faces all suspicion.

IMO, DF and her law enforcement credentials, especially being secret service, make this case unique and IMO might explain why LE is being so coy about any information. IMO it is possible she is being protected, even at a federal level.

IMO If DF is involved in a possible homicide with a career criminal sex-offender in KH.... has a secret service agent, ever, in history, been in so much trouble or done something so evil?

This situation has to be very serious on many levels to all of LE, federal, state and local. It is sad we don't know if they are even working on it seriously or if they are protecting DF.

All MOO.
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It was dark and rainy and there are no « Christmas trees » on that property - unless you’d cut a young pine tree, not recommended.
The house belonging to Dia that Jodi rented was probably not the big house, but a smaller house in Garner Valley where she kept her horses.
Hey everyone,

Cahuilla has been verified as Dia's friend. As a VI, they do not have to provide links to what they state as fact about their knowledge of this case.

Please be respectful to Cahuilla at all times, and if by chance you disagree with something they have to contribute, do not argue with them or challenge them. You may ask questions of our VI but if they are uncomfortable answering for any reason, just scroll on by.

Thank you Cahuilla for being here for your friend, and to all our other VIs and members who are here to discuss Dia's case.
to both @RDJ0091 and @Cahuilla. Thank You both for becoming Verified Insiders for Dia's sake, and also for Jodi. The cases reek of criminal intent, and yet LE has let so much time pass and not made any arrests. Gee, anyone following Dia's case has to be "totally frustrated waiting for LE to conclude their investigations". Are they even still working on these, now two cases, they said were suspicious and both being "possible homicides"? :( No formal statements to the public either.

Both your posts have stimulated thoughts. Please know we greatly appreciate any thing you can share that will shed light on what really happened to Dia. It's highly questionable, as it was from the very start, that she apparently changed the Trustees of her estate, and then mysteriously disappeared only weeks later. MOO, either she was tricked or coerced into changing her legal paperwork. There are the newly named Trustees to look at, which I'm sure they knew they'd be subject to investigation, so I wonder...

Are we seeing all the relevant players in this scheme to get Dia's property? Just wonder, perhaps there were / are powerful others behind the scenes motivated to set this devious plan in motion? Does the fact that there was a "grow site property" even figure in?

It seemed an odd plan to gain control of Dia's estate without being noticed because surely you'd expect her children to fight over the rights. Dia's property must have been the motivation and criminal intent. Is it so hard for LE to figure this out? Please keep sharing your thoughts. Someday we might see Justice.
One of my first reaction back in 2020 was: Where is there a lawn that takes 5 hours to mow at Bonita Vista ranch? Still searching for it.
My focus now is on the marijuana grow and the dubious deals and dealers it involves.
I read here that Dia was complaining about marijuana growers being squatters. Seems hard to believe that people could grow and occupy the house at Sky High ranch, so close to her own ranch, and she would not know about it and did not see the traffic on the road (where there is almost no traffic).
Once after selling a crop of apples, she mentioned the idea of growing marijuana. The only exchange we ever had about that matter.
I learned later from people at a ranch nearby that she had done it.
One sees on Google Earth (28893 Bonita Vista Rd) that the structures appear in 2016, still there in 2017, then gone for 2 years until they reappear. What happened? Who happened?…
Notice that Dia went to a Palm Desert attorney on May 22, 2020 to execute a Power of attorney and name KH and DF as beneficiaries of her trust.
Same attorney Dennis Healey now represents KH. Doesn’t he have a fiduciary duty towards his primary client Dia Abrams? And can he ignore KH is somewhat suspected, even more since Jodi Newkirk’s death?
When one adds the « WE » used by Diana Fedder (if not taken out of context), was this done by Dia under some kind of pressure (a kind of collateral she was forced to surrender)?
And many thanks to David Gotfredson for his reporting on CBS8.
...Same attorney Dennis Healey now represents KH. Doesn’t he have a fiduciary duty towards his primary client Dia Abrams?...
Hmm... and their handwriting is so much alike. Their D's are almost identical. I don't think Dia used this attorney before. I have often wondered if she was forced to do it, or if it was even Dia. Now, that attorney is sticking up for and vouching for KH. I agree, seems wrong.
My focus now is on the marijuana grow and the dubious deals and dealers it involves.
She might've gotten involved with a very dangerous, ruthless bunch? She wasn't getting rich on it though if she still had to try to rent Airbnb's. (MOO, the grow business sounds wild and out of LE's control up there now.) Well, LE is full aware of the grow site aspect, so what does that mean if they're looking the other way?

Thinking out loud-- how is KH managing to keep up with the expenses of running the ranch, he says he's using his own money? This is just speculation on my part, but it seems there might be more powerful people in the background willing to help with expenses of any kind, promising protection including legal. If the main objective was to get Dia's estate and property, they can't give up now. What really bugs me is how does DF fit into any of this?
In a July 2021 filing, KH says he’s known Dia for 5 years. So they met in 2016. Same year, the marijuana grow appears at Sky High ranch (for everyone to see on Google Earth).
Thank You for all your replies. I really appreciate your posts. KH hadn't changed his RSO address still in 2019. (2nd on list in article) I bet LE in the area was well aware of him then. Quality of life improvement saturation patrol • Idyllwild Town Crier Oct 2019

I know Dia may have wanted help and a "ranch boss" which Isidro says KH was; however, not sure if the grow site property was something she was setting up and then brought KH in to help, or if he was the one that talked her into it, or perhaps neither of them were involved and it wasn't included in their running of it. We've heard how it was "rented out property".

However, money was tight, so it'd seem likely both Dia and KH may have been more involved with any money making idea like the Airbnb rentals. It just me, but everytime I start to bring in the grow site as a theory, it starts to get like a Netflix series or a movie.

I don't know, bear with me for sounding naïve, but figuring the grow site was there already up and running. Would it have to be be part of the motive? Sure, it's a handy theory to have a grow site be the reason for Dia's demise, and greedy people wanting to grab that estate from her. Then again, why?

If everyone was getting a cut from the business and Dia was going along with it, and all the players were making money, then why would you try to pull off such a suspicious murder making her sign those questionable legal documents, and mysteriously disappear? Did she suddenly not want to cooperate? It's terrifying to think about, seems there must be more people involved, not just KH or DF, but ruthless, don't-care, powerful people brought in and took over pushing some cut throat agenda. Not to mention how quiet it's been from LE.
All my own speculations, thoughts, and maybes.
Whichever came first, KH or the weed, I’m sure Dia had some kind of involvement in the grow, and the rental agreement for Sky High ranch could not have been the same as for a typical Airb&b vacation home! I strongly suspect KH was involved in the dealings (in cash of course). The operation stops in 2018. A problem with the « agreement »? Then it resumes. With the same people? Or not?
Which handwritings look alike?
It's in the May 2020 legal paperwork Dia is to have signed. Bumping the list of other legal proceedings that have occurred.

Hearing set for July 21-22 regarding Dia's adult children's request to have the current trustees removed.

There's been many different legal actions going on having to do with this case. Time has gone by, and memories start to fade or links get lost. This is just my attempt to get some of the links to legal actions all in one post in some type of order.

Dia's Petition:

Pleading Wizard (

Her Children's Opposition to Petition:
37-2019-00030018-PR-TR-CTL_ROA-17_11-01-19_Objections_Other_1598084000131.pdf (

Check out the signatures of Dia and the Notary's here.
Former La Jolla woman transferred property before disappearing near Idyllwild |
The changes Dia made in May 2020:

Family of Idyllwild missing woman seek removal of 'fiancé' as tru |

Dia's Children want current trustees removed:
abrams_petition_redacted.pdf (

Power of Attorney copies submitted to New Mexico court in KH's attempt to get a refund KH wanted from a boot store for a refund on boots Dia bought. (hard to explain)
Abrams_POA2.pdf (

@Cahuilla, we had lots of discussion about the legal paperwork not looking right. Here's links to only two posts by our astute members, but there were many concerned posts. Everybody saw flaws in the legality of that paperwork Dia supposedly signed in May 2020.
CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020
Enlarge and take a look.

CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020
Whichever came first, KH or the weed, I’m sure Dia had some kind of involvement in the grow, and the rental agreement for Sky High ranch could not have been the same as for a typical Airb&b vacation home! I strongly suspect KH was involved in the dealings (in cash of course). The operation stops in 2018. A problem with the « agreement »? Then it resumes. With the same people? Or not?
Definitely not the same type of rental agreement as the Airbnb rentals, but those were mentioned to prove the need for money; hence, the grow site would be appealing, as well, to Dia being somewhat property rich but cash poor.

It's hard to believe they would have a grow site and all the dangers that might bring to their Airbnb guests nearby. I guess the properties aren't that close. KH being a RSO is not comforting for guests either.

A peek into my mind and all my questions: What was DF doing working there if she was formerly secret service and obviously knew about this grow operation?

DF says Dia wanted to break up with KH that week. If he had married her, there'd have been less suspicion of him taking over with trusteeship. Did Dia find out some big thing after signing those papers or did she even sign them? Did Dia want the grow operation to stop, or demanding some other big change they didn't like? MOO and thoughts.
Yes, and Healey is both her attorney and the notary.
Definitely not the same type of rental agreement as the Airbnb rentals, but those were mentioned to prove the need for money; hence, the grow site would be appealing, as well, to Dia being somewhat property rich but cash poor.

It's hard to believe they would have a grow site and all the dangers that might bring to their Airbnb guests nearby. I guess the properties aren't that close. KH being a RSO is not comforting for guests either.

A peek into my mind and all my questions: What was DF doing working there if she was formerly secret service and obviously knew about this grow operation?

DF says Dia wanted to break up with KH that week. If he had married her, there'd have been less suspicion of him taking over with trusteeship. Did Dia find out some big thing after signing those papers or did she even sign them? Did Dia want the grow operation to stop, or demanding some other big change they didn't like? MOO and thoughts.
Both properties are more than a mile part on Bonita Vista road, but nothing happening at Sky High ranch could be visible or noticeable from Dia’s property and for her guests.
Have scrutinized all documents as soon as they were available. Never suspected forgery, Dia’s signature pretty coherent throughout; but problem with 2016 trust (notarized) when 2018 handwritten changes are not.
Dia’s signature pretty coherent throughout; but...
It's very odd that the Notary / Attorney makes his D's the same way. Yes, Dia's signature looks coherent, but that doesn't prove she signed it herself. I'm sure you agree that the signing to change the Trustee(s) is of the utmost importance and it's all certainly questionable if it was legit.
Prior post with the signature copies:
CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

I care to see Dia get Justice and hope you don't mind my lengthy posts and links of info collected. What do you think LE did to investigate the connection between Dia's disappearance, it being a possible homicide they said, and the grow site being the motivation by others? You don't have to answer, but I wonder why you think that was the reason someone made Dia gone?
Any lengthy and caring post is so welcome, thanks @Curious Me!
The Lydia Abrams signature is definitely weird, especially the first name Lydia (not Dia) with all letters separated. Let’s hope LE as well as the kids private investigators have looked at all angles. But the marijuana biz does not leave any paper trail.
In her CBS8 itw, DF talks about Dia having a confrontation with the guys from the marijuana grow, 2 weeks before she disappeared. So she definitely had a connection with them.
...In her CBS8 itw, DF talks about Dia having a confrontation with the guys from the marijuana grow, 2 weeks before she disappeared. So she definitely had a connection with them.

Thanks. Bumping to review. I'll have to listen to it again.
Hmm... Two weeks before she disappeared she had a confrontation with the grow site people, and also two weeks before Dia, suddenly it seems, decides to go change her trustees for her property. There's some strange coincidence there. So, DF knew all about the grow site. If there was a grow site confrontation, and they maybe harmed Dia, then why did KH, and DF too, let those people back renting the Sky High grow site. Isidro said they were back on the property. Whose side were KH and DF on then?... maybe not Dia's? All JMO and thoughts.

This is the recording in Nov. 2020 of an interview with Diana Fedder and a PI hired by Abrams's son.

Audio released in disappearance of Dia Abrams |

"Two weeks prior to her disappearance, she put her properties into a trust, naming Harper as first trustee and Fedder as second."

“So, we did the power of attorney. We did her trust. We put all her properties in a trust,” said Fedder.

"What was the purpose of the power of attorney?” asked the private investigator.

“She wanted to redo the will because the old will had the kids in it. She wanted to remove her kids,” responded Fedder.

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