Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #2 *Arrest*

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Can we please not call an 8 yr old a "baby?" I mean I realize she is and always will be her mother's 'baby,' but she was a child. Most kids that age do not want to be thought of as "babies."
My 8 year old proudly claims she's my baby. And on the grand scheme of a say....70 year life span... 8 still seems so infantile to me. That's barely over 10% of what her life should have been! She couldn't survive on her own without the aid of someone more capable than her. That's a baby, IMO.
Well then I guess Mr Gonzalez is a 'baby' too since he's under the age of 18, is his parents' baby, legally is not an adult and can't vote or drink or drive or join the military. He snuffed out a child's life and basically ended his own. He'll sit in a small cell for many decades and probably the rest of his life.

There is a big difference between an 8 yr old and a 15 yr old. Like 'puberty', for one.

Maddy was closer to babyhood than AG was. Although he was an immature idiot, imo.
I remember 16 yr old Hannah Anderson was also called a "baby" when that family friend took her on the strange road trip/camping trip after killing her mother & brother. If a 16 yr old is a 'baby,' then a 15 yr old is a 'baby' too I guess.
Except that carrying out a death sentence costs about 3 times as much as incarcerating an inmate for life.
The tax dollars argument is moot when it comes to death penalty.


Yes, I'd read up a bit about the DP. Sad state of affairs.
A little different in cases of some in prison who were wrongfully convicted.

But after his trial and with the evidence they must have on Madyson's murderer....
It's fortunate they found her so quickly; there should be clear evidence on the cod , and the abuses the perp inflicted on her. :(
What a deranged teen. Wonder if there are other kids he abused at the Tannery apartments ? :maddening:
You did the right thing and sound like a wonderful parent. The internet opens up a world that is really too much for young people.

I agree. We got AOL on our home computer when I was 15ish (mid-90's.) I cringe when I think about all the strangers I talked to and whatnot. (To be fair, I did eventually meet my husband online...but I was of age by then.)

AJG's Instagram really wasn't out there to me. I wonder if his mom had access to it at all. I do find it odd that we can't find a current Facebook account for him though. I thought most 15 year olds these days had one.
None of his suicidal thoughts will come into play in saving him from being convicted and receiving a life sentence. This is a slam dunk case. He knew right from wrong. He's guilty, he'll be sentenced to LWOP. He won't be free for many decades and likely never since his crime was so heinous and involved a child under the age of 14.

You would think,but there was a stalker case that came out that when the guy was 14 he killed his entire family and was sent away til age 21 and quietly released into society.He later stalked a woman,sorry can not remember the name.
**warning GRAPHIC**

Not to mention that I daily see the size body, the delicate, tiny, immature parts that he so violently violated. Free of any signs of sexual development or capacity to participate willingly in such mature acts. The body of a baby. There's no other description for that in my mind.
AJG's Instagram really wasn't out there to me. I wonder if his mom had access to it at all. I do find it odd that we can't find a current Facebook account for him though. I thought most 15 year olds these days had one.

I've heard/seen some kids saying that Facebook is "for old people" now. :facepalm:
A lot of them are more into Instagram or Twitter lately.
Considering how young Madyson and all of these other kids are, they really are "babies" to us. These sentiments come from a place in our hearts that want to nurture and protect these little children rendered helpless by terrible people that rape, beat, and kill them. There is no offense meant. Just love.

Couldnt have said it better
This (below) was not normal imo esp that AJG was not with a larger mixed-age group (incl his peers) when he was with Maddy. He was winning her trust, in a sense grooming her. He was alone with her. It's a red flag:

Male Teen: "I'd seen them together literally dozens of times, behind the building, playing, having a good time..."

This was a longer interview of what appeared to be an older male teen (face not shown) that I saw this morning. It's no longer on the site.

In the longer version, the teen adds, and I'm paraphrasing this piece now: the only thing that was a little odd was the
difference in their ages


He also said that Maddy appeared very happy and that AJG was not aggressive during those times he saw them playing together behind the building.

I actually don't find it that odd that they would play together. My 12 & 15 year olds will play with younger kids in our "circle". They will play catch, ping pong, frisbee etc.
Come on now, he was a monster and he's being charged as an adult. I'm not going to get into semantics. How you feel comfortable spreading such negativity over people being NICE and COMPASSIONATE to the victim and family...I do not understand. I'm moving on.

My thoughts are how Madyson would envision herself. I will think of her as "little lady" or "young miss." It doesn't lessen the crime and how vile it is, and it also doesn't infanticize her, which most kids over the age of 5 are sensitive about (IMO).
I've heard/seen some kids saying that Facebook is "for old people" now. :facepalm:
A lot of them are more into Instagram or Twitter lately.

That could be true. Even my mother, who is in her 60's, is on Facebook now. So I wonder if he had a Twitter account at all.
I agree. We got AOL on our home computer when I was 15ish (mid-90's.) I cringe when I think about all the strangers I talked to and whatnot. (To be fair, I did eventually meet my husband online...but I was of age by then.)

AJG's Instagram really wasn't out there to me. I wonder if his mom had access to it at all. I do find it odd that we can't find a current Facebook account for him though. I thought most 15 year olds these days had one.

My teens tell me that Facebook is not cool. Too many parents on it. Instagram and SnapChat are their SM's of choice.
It only matters to me in sleuthing whether his father is absent or not. That, while not always, might have something to do with the crimes he committed. Some children, not all by any means, have a good bit of pent up rage about an uninvolved parent, or the feeling of being unloved (which he flat out said. Who knows who he was pertaining to?)

Blink. Wait, his national origin tells you whether or not his father was present? Um, perhaps I misunderstand...
I've heard/seen some kids saying that Facebook is "for old people" now. :facepalm:
A lot of them are more into Instagram or Twitter lately.

I've heard the same thing. My daughter and her friends use Snapchat and Instagram almost exclusively.
We don't know what Madyson is sensitive about, she was killed. She cannot speak for herself. People are coming together to embrace her life and family. No one should judge how a person chooses to show compassion, when the compassion is not harming anyone. JMO, 2 cents, etc
I remember 16 yr old Hannah Anderson was also called a "baby" when that family friend took her on the strange road trip/camping trip after killing her mother & brother. If a 16 yr old is a 'baby,' then a 15 yr old is a 'baby' too I guess.

You make an excellent point and that is all I will say regarding that other case. Don't want a vacay.
I actually don't find it that odd that they would play together. My 12 & 15 year olds will play with younger kids in our "circle". They will play catch, ping pong, frisbee etc.

My daughter always organized games and activities for younger cousins and neighborhood kids and loved participating in the mentoring program when she was in middle and high school. She wasn't too much into the makeup and boys scene (like her mom was), but sports and the arts and academics, so maybe it was natural that she enjoyed taking a teacher/leader role with younger kids.

I have also known teen boys/ young men who are WONDERFUL with young children and often provide much-needed male guidance that many children would otherwise not get.

That said, and this is admittedly sexist, I would be way more comfortable with a teen girl spending time with my young children than a teen boy. I guess I spend too much time reading here....
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