GUILTY CA - Manuel Ortega & others for gang rape of 15yo girl, Richmond, 2009

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If you are bothered by parents protecting their sons after a rape has taken place, read: "Our Guys", by Bernard Lefkowitz -- High School jocks who lived in the toney suburb of Glen Ridge N.J. raped a mentally retarded teenager. After you start to read the book, I doubt you will put it down.

there was a movie about that one, too, i believe.
very sad and extremely shocking. they raped the girl using foreign objects, too ... i believe one was the handle of a baseball bat. :furious: :sick:

there are some sick, crazy, cruel people in this world...
I wonder how much help the girl has been. She must have known some of her attackers.

Did these idiots really believe they would get away with such a terrible crime? Did they think the girl might die, and they would be off the hook? Or, didn't they care at all?

Waiting to hear that the brandy was laced with something. Given that possibility, I hope, hope, hope that she cannot remember anything. I am sure she may have an idea who was in the crowd prior to her downing the drink, and perhaps that is what was used for the intial list of suspects. I am assuming that DNA of the 5 still in custody or some kind of photographic evidence is keeping them where they are. JMO.
I wonder how much help the girl has been. She must have known some of her attackers.

Did these idiots really believe they would get away with such a terrible crime? Did they think the girl might die, and they would be off the hook? Or, didn't they care at all?

The day after the attack, she still could not speak--that's how badly beaten she was. And she was unconscious right away, after drinking that brandy.

I'm not sure how many of the people in the group drinking she would have known, even if she couldn't say specifically which ones attacked her (although I assume it was all of them). Some were former students at RHS, and I believe only two were currently students there--one was her so-called "friend" who had led her over to the "party". She was only a freshman or sophomore at 15 years old so those guys might have been attending before she even enrolled.

I'm afraid if the police hadn't shown up when they did, someone would have tried to solve things by killing her. It's hard to tell what goes on in the mind of these demented creeps who are really only children. Do they start sobering up and then realize the enormity of what happened, and go a step further -- thinking they had better silence her permanently? I don't know.
Waiting to hear that the brandy was laced with something. Given that possibility, I hope, hope, hope that she cannot remember anything. I am sure she may have an idea who was in the crowd prior to her downing the drink, and perhaps that is what was used for the intial list of suspects. I am assuming that DNA of the 5 still in custody or some kind of photographic evidence is keeping them where they are. JMO.

The date-rape drug aspect occurred to me, too. However, I think that brandy can pack quite a wallop, especially to a young girl who is not used to drinking--then chugs a lot in a short time.
Hey, not all of us.

Agreed, . There are many, many good men and boys out there. Hard to find, yes. BUT they are there.

Evil actually lurks in the hearts of all mankind. It is up to us as individuals to hold it at bay and allow the good in us to be all the rises up. I have felt the evil in me as I want to personally have a hand in the punishment of beasts like these. I will not do it....but Lord...I think about it. These young men made a I pray that they are served great consequence for their actions. Not sure that any punishment that the justice system meets out would be sufficient.
Agreed, . There are many, many good men and boys out there. Hard to find, yes. BUT they are there.

Evil actually lurks in the hearts of all mankind. It is up to us as individuals to hold it at bay and allow the good in us to be all the rises up. I have felt the evil in me as I want to personally have a hand in the punishment of beasts like these. I will not do it....but Lord...I think about it. These young men made a I pray that they are served great consequence for their actions. Not sure that any punishment that the justice system meets out would be sufficient.

partly bolded by me. ("Hand" was already bolded)

I was talking to a young man who is a friend of mine about this very subject. I told him I "hate to say it, but they deserve life in prison". He said "Why do you hate to say it? " My thought was that kids do stupid things, thus the hesitation to condemn them to life in prison. He responded that "stupid" is when you hot-wire a car and take it for a joy ride. Gang raping, beating, and robbing a helpless victim for 2.5 hours is not stupid; it's sick. He was fully for giving them life in prison (and recreational time with "Bubba"). Since this conversation I solidly say, give them life in prison.

I have to add there are times when it seems as if euthanasia would be too good a punishment for these idiots.
The family of the victim has asked that any donations or cards (no flowers at this time) be sent to the Pastor of their church, Jim Wheeler.

"Victory over Violence Fund"
First Presbyterian Church of Richmond
3415 Barrett Ave
Richmond, CA 94805

His name and address, email, etc are in this link:

There's also been an account set up at Mechanics Bank:
for our young Jane Doe victim.

Mechanics Bank
3170 Hilltop Mall Road
Richmond, Calif 94806

account #: 041-30-1188
please make checks payable to Jane Doe of Richmond

You can also send donations to the High School, as previously posted. Thanks.
I just hope they get all those directly involved in the rape AND are able to charge the by-standers, especially those who took pictures.
OMG, police say as many as 10 people were involved in the rape!

thanks--I'm a local and I didn't even hear that yet.

The pastor of their church is saying what a hard time the parents are having with this. At a community meeting re violence, ex-students at RHS stood up and said that the area where she was raped was a problem area 30 years ago (estimating that by the age of the speaker). Kids got away with everything in that remote area. A younger guy stood up and said that violence is "out of control" at RHS; his parents had to pull his younger sister out of there because she got jumped too many times.

It's hard for me to comprehend. I guess I grew up in a more civilized time. It's hard enough to be a teenager; how can they go to school and learn in constant fear of harm?
It's hard for me to comprehend. I guess I grew up in a more civilized time.

IMO, it is NOT the time, so much as the place.

Once a long, long time ago (I was 17), I was coming back from a trip, going through a part of LA I did not belong, and running out of gas. I called my father who's advice was "Do not stop for gas, do not get off the freeway - drive as far away from the area until you run out of gas and call back". I am a Watts riot and LA riot survivor.
I can think of several spots where I went to school a hundred years ago that might house this kind of activity. I can think of situations that occurred when I was a student which, in retrospect, might have been hinting on unsavory behavior where a female was victimized. I think it has always been around-the difference here, perhaps, is that someone actually made the call that brought it all down. And this child did not have to try and recover, and then go back to school where she would be pointed at and whispered about in the hallways...and where she would have to sit next to the perps.

I think of episodes of bullying in my high school-broken bones, bloody noses, kids being ground emotionally into dust. I am not sure that it is something new either to hear that high school freshmen get "jumped."

What I think is different is that now we say that it is unacceptable, AND when something makes it to this level we demand some kind of consequences.

What has me fearing for society is what will happen to those children who did nothing? What consequences will they receive from the people in their lives for letting it happen?
IMO, it is NOT the time, so much as the place.

Once a long, long time ago (I was 17), I was coming back from a trip, going through a part of LA I did not belong, and running out of gas. I called my father who's advice was "Do not stop for gas, do not get off the freeway - drive as far away from the area until you run out of gas and call back". I am a Watts riot and LA riot survivor.

It's absolutely true, there are some areas that have a higher concentration of criminals and criminal activity. I guess it's always been like that. You were lucky to get such sound advice from your dad!

I think that the degree of violence has escalated since I was a kid because children see too much aggravated behavior these days, and I think they get desensitized. The most violent thing we had was the Three Stooges, which my mom did not want us watching ! Of course, we did watch them, but I don't go around hitting people over the head with hammers...
More information is surfacing about this rape and beating. It's horrifying and sad.

Yes I did read that this morning, and I was furious. An area known to be problematic, they called this inevitable. :doh:

Inevitable and they did not assign a guard specifically for that area? that should have been assigned 24/7/365 - especially knowing there will be a party on that night, a couple of guards should have been placed near by - somebody should be sued.
I think her family is saying we need to focus on what we can do that is positive, and that is commendable at this difficult moment...But I hope they are not going to humbly walk away....This Town owes them big.
I am still banging my head at the on lookers....:sick:
Yes I did read that this morning, and I was furious. An area known to be problematic, they called this inevitable. :doh:

Inevitable and they did not assign a guard specifically for that area? that should have been assigned 24/7/365 - especially knowing there will be a party on that night, a couple of guards should have been placed near by - somebody should be sued.
I think her family is saying we need to focus on what we can do that is positive, and that is commendable at this difficult moment...But I hope they are not going to humbly walk away....This Town owes them big.
I am still banging my head at the on lookers....:sick:
They said they did a "sweep of the campus" after the party. Not much of a sweep imo. One attendee also said there was a group of uninvited boys/men loitering outside the dance and admin and security were made aware of them. But she also said they didn't question them,ask for ID or otherwise investigate this group during the evening.
Did anyone besides me read that the aunt who cares for one of the suspects (the 15 yr old?) is screaming racial discrimination?
Yes, Ironic since it occurred in Richmond, where the majority population is black!!! She's as bad as the family of the guy who shot the 4 cops in Oakland, defending him and also crying racism:razz:, e.g. not my poor innocent nephew who was arrested on a whim! (my words)
Yes, Ironic since it occurred in Richmond, where the majority population is black!!! She's as bad as the family of the guy who shot the 4 cops in Oakland, defending him and also crying racism:razz:, e.g. not my poor innocent nephew who was arrested on a whim! (my words)

Would I be wrong in saying that is racist behavior? If he was a white man and claiming that he was only being prosecuted because of his race, that would be called racism wouldn't it?

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