Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #1

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A couple of things. First of all, GREAT JOB on getting a search together and finding more solid info than most people find in many months or years. It is unfortunate you are not getting more "official" help.

Next thing--- Once, my house flooded and I moved into a hotel for a few weeks with my toddler child. One day, I stuck him in the stroller and was going to ride him to the bounce house place. I went through the back parking lot of the movie theater, no doubt as large as that parking lot you showed. When I got the then end, I was SO frustrated to see that I was fenced all in. I really thought there would be a way to exit out that way- a car driveway, a pedestrian gate, anything! Had I not had my son with the stroller, I can tell you I would have tried to jump that sucker. I would not have turned around and walked back. But, since I couldnt, I strolled on back to the hotel and called it a day. All that is to say that if there is a way over the wall from the dumpster, I would not discount it. She might have gone through that lot (possible hiding from Sarah), not realizing she couldn't get out the other side. I wish the dogs would have been taken around the front side of that wall to see if the scent picked back up at all.

Lastly, I worked in mental health for 16 years. Yes. A person who is who is having active auditory or visual hallucinations will definitely smash a phone. Have you ever seen the parodies of a guy wearing a tin foil hat? Well, that is actually not far off, in many cases. I once had a client tell me that he had to because the government was trying to control his brain. Many times, the delusions have to do with God, the devil, government, the police, television signals, phone signals, or anything else the think can interfere or control brain activity. It is quite sad. The best way I can describe schizophrenia to people is imagine that your dreams and your awake realities combined. They are all mixed up and you can't tell which things are real or which things are your dreams appearing in the real world. It is especially terrifying for people who are first starting to experience mental health issues. Many of my clients can remember the first time they felt differently, and most tell me it was one specific drug experience. Might have been the first, might have been the 2000th, but they usually remember exactly which one it was. I am not claiming that she has Scizophrenia or was having mental health issues, I just wanted to explain a little about what is possible in that situation. Also, during those times, it would not be unlikely to be more concerned about what was going on with herself rather than thinking she needed to get a family member home. I definitely had someone tell me once that the devil had taken over his sister and he needed to get far away from her.

I will say, this doesn't usually come on without any realization from family/ friends. Has she been talking about people after her or rambling things that others perceive as odd? Or become fixated on things that weren't always an issue? (the end of the world, government take overs, etc). Was she driving fine? I would have them find out if the punching the coworker actually happened. That is a good place to start. If there was in fact no co-worker and no punch, then we might be dealing with persecutory delusions, rather than something that actually happened.

I know a couple of people have mentioned both of these things. I just wanted to elaborate. Also, I know it is super hard to track down people in hospitals, for confidentiality reasons. But, I would try to press the police for any psych calls they had. Do yall have a website that lists the 911 calls? I know we do in New Orleans. Search for suspicious person (female) or erratic behavior or anything of that nature. And try calling psych units, maybe, and ask them the best way to proceed. Ask if there is a way to fax them the missing person flier. They will ask her if they can contact family, if she is there.

Sorry its so long, yall!
Wow mpnola, you can view the 911 call logs online in Louisiana? Never heard of that before. If you can do it in CA, that is a really great idea for Maricela's family to do.
A couple of things. First of all, GREAT JOB on getting a search together and finding more solid info than most people find in many months or years. It is unfortunate you are not getting more "official" help.

Next thing--- Once, my house flooded and I moved into a hotel for a few weeks with my toddler child. One day, I stuck him in the stroller and was going to ride him to the bounce house place. I went through the back parking lot of the movie theater, no doubt as large as that parking lot you showed. When I got the then end, I was SO frustrated to see that I was fenced all in. I really thought there would be a way to exit out that way- a car driveway, a pedestrian gate, anything! Had I not had my son with the stroller, I can tell you I would have tried to jump that sucker. I would not have turned around and walked back. But, since I couldnt, I strolled on back to the hotel and called it a day. All that is to say that if there is a way over the wall from the dumpster, I would not discount it. She might have gone through that lot (possible hiding from Sarah), not realizing she couldn't get out the other side. I wish the dogs would have been taken around the front side of that wall to see if the scent picked back up at all.

Lastly, I worked in mental health for 16 years. Yes. A person who is who is having active auditory or visual hallucinations will definitely smash a phone. Have you ever seen the parodies of a guy wearing a tin foil hat? Well, that is actually not far off, in many cases. I once had a client tell me that he had to because the government was trying to control his brain. Many times, the delusions have to do with God, the devil, government, the police, television signals, phone signals, or anything else the think can interfere or control brain activity. It is quite sad. The best way I can describe schizophrenia to people is imagine that your dreams and your awake realities combined. They are all mixed up and you can't tell which things are real or which things are your dreams appearing in the real world. It is especially terrifying for people who are first starting to experience mental health issues. Many of my clients can remember the first time they felt differently, and most tell me it was one specific drug experience. Might have been the first, might have been the 2000th, but they usually remember exactly which one it was. I am not claiming that she has Scizophrenia or was having mental health issues, I just wanted to explain a little about what is possible in that situation. Also, during those times, it would not be unlikely to be more concerned about what was going on with herself rather than thinking she needed to get a family member home. I definitely had someone tell me once that the devil had taken over his sister and he needed to get far away from her.

I will say, this doesn't usually come on without any realization from family/ friends. Has she been talking about people after her or rambling things that others perceive as odd? Or become fixated on things that weren't always an issue? (the end of the world, government take overs, etc). Was she driving fine? I would have them find out if the punching the coworker actually happened. That is a good place to start. If there was in fact no co-worker and no punch, then we might be dealing with persecutory delusions, rather than something that actually happened.

I know a couple of people have mentioned both of these things. I just wanted to elaborate. Also, I know it is super hard to track down people in hospitals, for confidentiality reasons. But, I would try to press the police for any psych calls they had. Do yall have a website that lists the 911 calls? I know we do in New Orleans. Search for suspicious person (female) or erratic behavior or anything of that nature. And try calling psych units, maybe, and ask them the best way to proceed. Ask if there is a way to fax them the missing person flier. They will ask her if they can contact family, if she is there.

Sorry its so long, yall!

Don't apologize. Very insightful. My brother is schizophrenic and when he first started having episodes they were believable .. he had done something wrong and now someone was after him etc.... he even disappeared for a day and told us and LE he was carjacked . Twenty years later we now realize we missed some major flags not understanding the disease. It may not be the case for M however great information you provided.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mistivon, you are a Godsend to MG's family! I can't imagine the frustration they are feeling, but it has to be lessened with you jumping into action. I've spent a few hours catching up, but forgive me if my memory fails. From what you've stated regarding the ex (incarcerated/having moved on) and the spontaneous trip to GW, IMO, he's not likely connected. Could also be a new interest (or spurned woman of that interest) that was stalking her, but being that she was with her sister all day, they had to see this would not be the best day to attempt an abduction. So, while MG's guard may have been up, it seems this is more random given the reports of the area being sketchy and her disappearing after dark. A few thoughts:

1) I also thought the sighting at the church may be a mistaken identity. Doesn't make sense that if her sister had been in GW for 30 minutes and she stepped outside for a smoke that she would then walk all the way across the lot to pray not knowing when her sister would be finishing up. It's also odd she wouldn't have turned her phone back on in case her sister tried reaching her. Can you refresh me on whose idea it was to stop at GW? I thought it was DG's, but could be wrong. She may not have found what she was looking for and decided to wait on her sister in the car. Oddly, I don't recall any mention of the dogs following her trail to the car, but I know cigarette butts were found there. If there were someone in the parking lot, she may have walked to Jon's rather than back into GW to protect her sister.

2) Going into the church could also have been because she felt she was now being watched. Maybe she went to several rooms looking for help? If there were a lot of people in the church for confession, she may not have been able to distinguish staff from visitors. I'm not Catholic and I don't know how common it is to have confession on a Thursday night at these hours. But maybe she saw people going in and out of the church and felt someone could help. It's my understanding that at this point, she's believed to have walked behind Jon's where her phone was found by the dumpster (without the battery and SIM card). If this were a heavy traffic area, it may not be where she was abducted, but could she have encountered someone who forced her to walk through the back parking lot of the church and down Lindley where she backtracked? It looks like a residential area, but whatever is directly behind the church may also have given some cover for a crime. There are 21 RSOs with a mile of GW. I think it's possible she encountered someone on foot.

3) Here's where I go out on a limb, stay with me. If something occurred down Lindley or behind the church, is it possible that the perp could have enough of MG's scent to lead the dogs on the rest of the journey (presuming she stayed in that location)? I'm amazed by the ability of the search dogs, especially given that it was raining that night and possible there has been additional rain in the last couple of weeks that could possibly diminish the scent. I just can't see her randomly running in and out of places (without approaching someone for help). But I could see someone carrying her scent, maybe even kept a keepsake of hers and stopped in the opening of the Kaiser building and rather than going through it, went around to the back of the parking lot to dispose of her belongings. Maybe MG never made it to this location and whoever it was snuck through the bushes, caught a ride or walked home.

4) The phone being damaged could be a result from it being thrown after being wrestled from MG. If it were crushed, it could've been run over when the dumpster was being emptied. Sadly, I think it's critical at this point to find where the contents of any and all of the dumpsters in the area were taken. I recently followed the case of Ashley Brown in Nashville, TN. She left a friend's apartment alone to either smoke or get cigarettes, taking only her phone, leaving her keys and purse behind. A worker discovered her body a few days later at the landfill. She had been placed in a dumpster somewhere in the vicinity of the apartment where she was last seen. I pray this isn't the outcome for MG. She obviously cares deeply for her family and I can't see her intentionally leaving her sister behind without access to the car in a sketchy area. We may be focusing too much on the secret and she could've been a random victim of a crime. All MOO. Sending prayers up for MG and her family (and you) for strength as you continue on this steadfast journey to bring her home.

Ok Gigtu. Really close. The street Wyandotte is not marked on any street signs. The handler said Mari walked partway down Wyandotte but we were not sure exactly where she was referring to...I thought maybe it was further down Lindley. After seeing it on your map, these is what I have come up with.
The green line indicated Mari's path of travel. Out of GW, down the strip along the sidewalk close to the building (although my lines are in the parking lot) then into Jon's. Out the front door of Jon's, then cut across at an angle to the front door of the church (there is a fence there, that's pretty much the only way to that entrance and we know she went in there). Then out the side door to the back left of the parking lot. See the little's just a little dead end (full of needles and drug paraphernalia) BUT that entire church parking lot is also fenced on the Jon's side. The only entrance/exit back into the parking lot is through that roundabout and back up. Therefore, she had to have gone to the back of Jon's AFTER the church. From there, she cut back across the church parking lot and out at the back corner onto Lindley. She went up a little further than what my map shows but not much. She then doubled back down the same side of the street and cut across to Kaiser. On the map, I drew the green arrows just going in one door out the other, but she could also have walked around either side of the building...although the side next to Lindley would be the most probable of the two. Then to the far corner of the parking lot.

The red x's are where we found items that might be hers. We suspected she might have gone out behind Jon's first, where she spent a few minutes, before heading to the church. Now, I am not sure that item was Mari's. Or that theory is still correct and she doubled back to the church also.

The purple dots are where the dogs indicated a hiding/chasing pattern or "holding". There were three. In the church. Right outside the front door of Kaiser tucked by a wall and beside/behind the dumpster.

The blue in the two and a half parking lots are because we are not exactly sure what her exact path was. The dog became "animated" in those two lots and there were "multiple" points of interest. Not sure if this means she criss-crossed, was moving quickly or the dog was just unsure. I know where the entrances/exits are to those lots and have noted where there were more definite type hits.

Does this help at all or just make it more confusing?
After this, I really have to finish up a bit for work and get some sleep. Otherwise, I'll be useless tomorrow.
I don't think this case will have much to do with her work at PostMates. I doubt she ever saw or did anything illegal there.

My husband has used their services at his office before. A quick and easy way to get food or supplies delivered when everyone else in busy on a deadline. But you cannot ask for any particular delivery person or anything. You have no idea who will be coming to drop things off.

It is much like UBER. You have the App on your cell and they have all of your info. So you can only ask for them to go to legal, legit, locations. They will pick up food or simple supplies from a store for a fee. Husband ordered printer ink and special paper when they ran out in the middle of a big project. But usually they order food.

I don't think her deliveries will have much to do with her going missing.
Don't apologize. Very insightful. My brother is schizophrenic and when he first started having episodes they were believable .. he had done something wrong and now someone was after him etc.... he even disappeared for a day and told us and LE he was carjacked . Twenty years later we now realize we missed some major flags not understanding the disease. It may not be the case for M however great information you provided.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Exactly the same in my brother's case. He was sincere and upset but it seemed believable at first. I thought he just got mixed up with the wrong people. IT took awhile for us to realize he was having a mental health crisis. he had no history of such incidents so it was like a blindside to us all.
Maricela and Sarah live 15-20 minutes from GW and to the family's knowledge, neither of them had been there before or were familiar with the area.

The dogs did NOT walk towards the car. That leads me to believe the sister was mistaken. The cops have searched nothing. They do not want to examine the dumpster, subpoena her phone and delivery records or review security footage. Can someone please explain to me why not? I keep thinking there must be something the family is not telling me but they swear there is not. They are frantic.

One of the items found was a half smoked cigarette behind Jon's. Granted, it may not be hers but her brand is fairly rare and the dog tracked her to that area. Mr Mistivon says it looks as though she was smoking and something spooked her. He thinks that is the point that she began to feel afraid.

We don't know when the phone was smashed. We don't know the phone was hers. ATT will not release phone records to the family and the police have not asked.

She might have had some kind of debt. However, everyone I have spoken with describes Maricela as very shy. They are adamant, she would not have wanted to meet anyone in a dark parking lot and definitely would not have gotten into a vehicle, no matter who it was or the reason.

I am doing everything I can to get the word out. The Daily News at this point has the scoop and I am trying to get it to the visual media before hand. If someone is going to release all the details, I want it to be on the news with an interview. I don't know how else to get them interested. I have tried everything. I have contacts at ABC and CBS, a friend has a contact at NBC and because of the protests and weather evacuations going on, there are no crews available, no matter the "scoop." So discouraged.

I feel the parking lots were probably empty. The door to the church opened onto a big parking lot that connects with the big back parking lot of the strip she was in. They seem to just be the fastest way from point A to point B.

I wondered if she had entered the church seeking safety, purposely positioning herself by the exit. When she saw whoever coming in the front door, she ran out the side door, into the parking lot and on to Lindley Avenue. That to me, seems likely.

Her sister found her ID. Maricela did not have it as was initially reported.

The church restroom was probably locked. Jon's has one that is easily accessible. Confession hours were not posted that I saw.

code4SAR you are a blessing. Please keep helping us.

Her car was parked in front of Rent A Center next to the 99 Cent Store. That is where the two men accosted Sarah. That is why she went to 711 to wait for her ride and left her car.

She did not have her purse in GW

Security at 99 Cent Store was checked and supposedly she was not on it. The dog did not find her scent in there.

The dog was taken all around the dumpster area. No scent.

No odd behavior or signs of mental illness. She believed she was being followed but the family believed her. Who knows if she was.

She was DEFINITELY in the church. The dog made a beeline for it. According to scent, she looked in/went in all the different rooms (not the bathroom). She sat in a pew by the exit. The scent was so strong there, the dog actually jumped up and sat in the pew.

The ladies there did not mention her interacting with someone else. They described her as "scared", "hurried" and "afraid" when she went out the side door.

soanyway those are all great ideas and within the realm of possibility although SD was adamant that it was Maricela herself the dog was following. The dog only wavered once at that was down Lindley when Maricela backtracked. The remainder of the path is certain.

I will be checking in periodically. I am battling with media today. I don't understand why they won't at least listen...supposedly it is because as long as the police list her as voluntary, there is no mystery. Maybe she wouldn't be if the police would investigate the dumpster or view the footage. I'm discouraged and sad.
Is bloodhoundsleuther around?
I have a list of things I need cleared in my mind.

1. Who wanted to go to GW? Was this something planned out, ahead of time? Like, get in your car and specifically head to GW? Or was this a last minuet idea while already in the car?

2. When Marciela stopped to use the restroom - how was she acting? Did she need to talk to someone on the phone in private and the restroom stop was really just a way to give her privacy? Is it possible while in the restroom she called/texted someone and arranged to meet at Goodwill? My gut is telling me this restroom stop could be an important piece to the puzzle.

3. What was Marcela's behavior when they got to GW? Did she seem scared when she got out of the car? Or did something happen while inside GW. I know its been reported that she turned her phone off because of it playing music and NOT because of calls, texts. Is it possible she lied about this? I can put my phone on Do Not Disturb and it will only actually ring if a caller/text is on my approved list. Otherwise, it still shows up on my phone but no actual ring or audible alert actually occurs. Perhaps someone was blowing up her phone (while it was on Do Not Disturb) and her sister wasn't actually aware of it.

4. I feel like there is no way this was a random abduction. The secret is a key piece of this puzzle.

5. Why isnt there more of a description of the sketchy guys outside of 711. What were they wearing? The fact they made the comment about her phone being turned off makes me wonder if they are related to this case in some way. Did they have the sisters mixed up and since by now, Marcilla had already turned her phone off, did they think Sarah was actually her sister? Too coincidental and unusual not be to related.

6. What was the second item found? Can you tell us mistivon? OR attest say an article of clothing? Jewelry? Something generic like that?
Also? She has been listed as Voluntary Missing? Correct? Is it possible the cops know where she is and because she is an adult isnt telling the family?
I have a list of things I need cleared in my mind.

1. Who wanted to go to GW? Was this something planned out, ahead of time? Like, get in your car and specifically head to GW? Or was this a last minuet idea while already in the car?

2. When Marciela stopped to use the restroom - how was she acting? Did she need to talk to someone on the phone in private and the restroom stop was really just a way to give her privacy? Is it possible while in the restroom she called/texted someone and arranged to meet at Goodwill? My gut is telling me this restroom stop could be an important piece to the puzzle.

3. What was Marcela's behavior when they got to GW? Did she seem scared when she got out of the car? Or did something happen while inside GW. I know its been reported that she turned her phone off because of it playing music and NOT because of calls, texts. Is it possible she lied about this? I can put my phone on Do Not Disturb and it will only actually ring if a caller/text is on my approved list. Otherwise, it still shows up on my phone but no actual ring or audible alert actually occurs. Perhaps someone was blowing up her phone (while it was on Do Not Disturb) and her sister wasn't actually aware of it.

4. I feel like there is no way this was a random abduction. The secret is a key piece of this puzzle.

5. Why isnt there more of a description of the sketchy guys outside of 711. What were they wearing? The fact they made the comment about her phone being turned off makes me wonder if they are related to this case in some way. Did they have the sisters mixed up and since by now, Marcilla had already turned her phone off, did they think Sarah was actually her sister? Too coincidental and unusual not be to related.

6. What was the second item found? Can you tell us mistivon? OR attest say an article of clothing? Jewelry? Something generic like that?

Did the dogs track her to the confessional booth? If not, we can rule that out.
I don't think this case will have much to do with her work at PostMates. I doubt she ever saw or did anything illegal there.

My husband has used their services at his office before. A quick and easy way to get food or supplies delivered when everyone else in busy on a deadline. But you cannot ask for any particular delivery person or anything. You have no idea who will be coming to drop things off.

It is much like UBER. You have the App on your cell and they have all of your info. So you can only ask for them to go to legal, legit, locations. They will pick up food or simple supplies from a store for a fee. Husband ordered printer ink and special paper when they ran out in the middle of a big project. But usually they order food.

I don't think her deliveries will have much to do with her going missing.

Good to know. I have not heard of this service and it sounded potentially unsafe for a young female by herself.
Hate to ask this, but is there a bridge over water nearby?
Good to know. I have not heard of this service and it sounded potentially unsafe for a young female by herself.

I think it is pretty safe because the company has all of the client's identifying info---license number, address, credit card info-- on file with the company. So they call in an order for lunch from a local restaurant, and Postmates sends a delivery driver to them. The client has no idea who is being sent to them. But the company knows everything about the client. So it is pretty safe, imo.
2. When Marciela stopped to use the restroom - how was she acting? Did she need to talk to someone on the phone in private and the restroom stop was really just a way to give her privacy? Is it possible while in the restroom she called/texted someone and arranged to meet at Goodwill? My gut is telling me this restroom stop could be an important piece to the puzzle.

Do we know for sure the restroom stop happened before the apparent decision to go to goodwill?
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the age of the sister. That may be relevant in terms of the sister's ability to evaluate whether MG's talk of being followed and punching a coworker were happening in reality or not.
Also? She has been listed as Voluntary Missing? Correct? Is it possible the cops know where she is and because she is an adult isnt telling the family?

I think in those cases, they will tell the family the person is OK, but will not reveal details because they have the right to move anywhere,as an adult. I believe that if LE knew she was OK and voluntarily missing, they would say so to her parents.
Maricela and Sarah live 15-20 minutes from GW and to the family's knowledge, neither of them had been there before or were familiar with the area.

The dogs did NOT walk towards the car. That leads me to believe the sister was mistaken. The cops have searched nothing. They do not want to examine the dumpster, subpoena her phone and delivery records or review security footage. Can someone please explain to me why not? I keep thinking there must be something the family is not telling me but they swear there is not. They are frantic.

One of the items found was a half smoked cigarette behind Jon's. Granted, it may not be hers but her brand is fairly rare and the dog tracked her to that area. Mr Mistivon says it looks as though she was smoking and something spooked her. He thinks that is the point that she began to feel afraid.

We don't know when the phone was smashed. We don't know the phone was hers. ATT will not release phone records to the family and the police have not asked.

She might have had some kind of debt. However, everyone I have spoken with describes Maricela as very shy. They are adamant, she would not have wanted to meet anyone in a dark parking lot and definitely would not have gotten into a vehicle, no matter who it was or the reason.

I am doing everything I can to get the word out. The Daily News at this point has the scoop and I am trying to get it to the visual media before hand. If someone is going to release all the details, I want it to be on the news with an interview. I don't know how else to get them interested. I have tried everything. I have contacts at ABC and CBS, a friend has a contact at NBC and because of the protests and weather evacuations going on, there are no crews available, no matter the "scoop." So discouraged.

I feel the parking lots were probably empty. The door to the church opened onto a big parking lot that connects with the big back parking lot of the strip she was in. They seem to just be the fastest way from point A to point B.

I wondered if she had entered the church seeking safety, purposely positioning herself by the exit. When she saw whoever coming in the front door, she ran out the side door, into the parking lot and on to Lindley Avenue. That to me, seems likely.

Her sister found her ID. Maricela did not have it as was initially reported.

The church restroom was probably locked. Jon's has one that is easily accessible. Confession hours were not posted that I saw.

code4SAR you are a blessing. Please keep helping us.

Her car was parked in front of Rent A Center next to the 99 Cent Store. That is where the two men accosted Sarah. That is why she went to 711 to wait for her ride and left her car.

She did not have her purse in GW

Security at 99 Cent Store was checked and supposedly she was not on it. The dog did not find her scent in there.

The dog was taken all around the dumpster area. No scent.

No odd behavior or signs of mental illness. She believed she was being followed but the family believed her. Who knows if she was.

She was DEFINITELY in the church. The dog made a beeline for it. According to scent, she looked in/went in all the different rooms (not the bathroom). She sat in a pew by the exit. The scent was so strong there, the dog actually jumped up and sat in the pew.

The ladies there did not mention her interacting with someone else. They described her as "scared", "hurried" and "afraid" when she went out the side door.

soanyway those are all great ideas and within the realm of possibility although SD was adamant that it was Maricela herself the dog was following. The dog only wavered once at that was down Lindley when Maricela backtracked. The remainder of the path is certain.

I will be checking in periodically. I am battling with media today. I don't understand why they won't at least listen...supposedly it is because as long as the police list her as voluntary, there is no mystery. Maybe she wouldn't be if the police would investigate the dumpster or view the footage. I'm discouraged and sad.
Is bloodhoundsleuther around?
It is incredibly difficult to understand why Maricela and so many other cases are shelved because there's no evidence of abduction. LE is overloaded with cases and unless there's substantiated evidence pointing towards a crime there's not much legally they can do. Goes the same for most major news media outlets. Luckily two of them have already recognized this case. Whatever happened to her will hopefully be answered soon enough and if it wasn't for you, your husband, her family, freinds, and the community of volunteers her story would've never been heard.

I've got an idea to get media involved. I'm working on it. Hopefully it will incite the police to at least look at surveillance video.

No, dog did not track her to the confessional.

No water

No history of mental health on either side of the family...ever

Sarah's choice to go to GW Sarah asked to stop and use the restroom.
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