CA CA - Mitrice Richardson, 24, Malibu, 17 Sep 2009

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I know the Lost Hills Sherrif's Department is saying they don't suspect foul play, but I wonder what they are basing this assumption on?

I'm sure they would like to think she is missing by her own choice. That would remove any liability to them. They may be in CYA mode.

She has been missing for over 3 weeks now!

I so very much want this girl found. Safe and SOON!
I know the Lost Hills Sherrif's Department is saying they don't suspect foul play, but I wonder what they are basing this assumption on?

I'm sure they would like to think she is missing by her own choice. That would remove any liability to them. They may be in CYA mode.

She has been missing for over 3 weeks now!

I so very much want this girl found. Safe and SOON!
I think they have been covering their a$$es since the start of this! It is so cold out now! If she is alive and running around in a discombobulated state of mind SURELY they would have found her by NOW.

I for One, surely hope they find her soon and hope that in the interim she is WARM and and safe as is possible considering the time she has been missing.... Mitrice is in my heart tonight and every night until she is found! (family of Mitrice, if you are reading here, you can COUNT on WEBSLEUTHS to keep her story in the front of things! and Also if any family is reading... PLEASE CONTACT TIM MILLER! TEXAS EQUSEARCH! You guys need some good searchers on this case and they are the ones to help you!!!!!)
62:38 Mitrice's family still has no idea where her purse and phone are but they know she had them with her at G's.
A *GREAT* Radio Blog to listen to regarding MITRICE RICHARDSON. Mitrice's Mom, a physician, a very knowlegeable Private Investigator (Lawrence Olmstead) and the host help us to understand Mitrice and what might have happened to her. The website is:

K-9 Good to See YOU here! Thanks for the radio link. I haven't listened yet, but I see Nurse pulled a good bit of info from it.

Prayers Mitrice is found soon. That canyon can be scary.


52:24 what happened to Mitrice BEFORE she got to G's? Why did she go there? Who was the last to see her before that?????? what was she doing????????????

Nobody really knows. Some things are coming out though. In the previous article I posted either here or in the other thread on WS, she posted on MySpace a bizarre status at 7:30 "eyes over ees", then she went to work and coworkers said she was extremely giddy, and they hadn't seen her like that before.
May the rally be a great success and lead to the location or information about the location where Mitrice can be found!

Nobody really knows. Some things are coming out though. In the previous article I posted either here or in the other thread on WS, she posted on MySpace a bizarre status at 7:30 "eyes over ees", then she went to work and coworkers said she was extremely giddy, and they hadn't seen her like that before.

Speaking from my own personal experience with bipolar disorder, what you have stated in your post sounds VERY VERY eeriely close to what my family and friends have described to me as far as my actions and behaviors in the hours leading up to my "break" with reality, so to speak... I at first thought that they were making my actions and behaviors sound worse than they actually had been, HOWEVER, now 10 years down the road and with intence counseling and medications, I can now look back on that day and see that my actions for that day and the week or 2 leading up to the "break" were in fact almost out of a text book on hypomanic episodes.

I don't normally just blare out about my illness (although where pertinent I do speak up), but reading through this forum and reading the progressing picture pained by family, friends, and LE, I strongly believe that Mitrice has had some sort of psychiatric "break" from reality. While this is good in a sence that when she is found, she can be helped and slowly return to her life so to speak, it is also troublesome because in some instances, the first "break" with reality leads to some sort of self harm. I pray that Mitrice is found very soon and brought back to her loving family and friends.

**FYI, when I say "break", I am simply referring to those moments when things converge on someone and that lost sence of reality begins to take over where rationality once took the lead. It is the easiest way for me personally to describe it. It is not ment to invoke any negative or mean spirited feelings on anyones part.**
The only thing I saw on facebook was about a bi-polar teen named Jessica Jones from Chicago found safe.
cancel post 114:

Mitrice not found.

So sorry.
I was very happy until I realized it was only a rumor.
My apologies.,0,1119086.story
I don't think this has been posted yet.
10/8/2009 news. Detectives believe she is alive.

From above link

"She didn't live a risky behavior life."

Mitrice may not have been involved in drugs, gangs, etc. but some of the things I have seen on Myspace lead me to believe otherwise. There are some fairly racy photos connected to a second MS profile with her name. I'm sure you have all seen the second profile.

Unless I am mistaken, but I don't think so. The paw tattoo on her hip is there.

ETA: that I hope LE is right, and I hope she left of her own free will and is safe out there some where.

This other side of her could have put her in the path of some undesirable people. I wonder if this is the "wrong crowd" her Mother was talking about?
Did you guys find the myspace that she has setup where she calls herself debrahazel??? She lists her high schools as Foothills alternative in Carpenteria, which is not the high school listed on her other profile. Unless someone has setup a fraudulent account using her photo, this appears to be her. The account was setup May 6th, so I doubt it is fraudlulent. The last login was 9/5/2009, but why is she listing herself with different info? I wonder if there is someone in Carpenteria that she knows and is staying with? (Carpenteria is near Santa Barbara).

I do not have a myspace account, so cannot see her whole profile, but it appears she has videos posted, as well as photos. Every friend on this particular myspace lives an "alternative" lifestyle. (There are only six friends + Tom).

For what is worth, everyone is so quick to point fingers at LE, but they are not solely responsible. Her family should be pointing some at themselves. They got a phone call much earlier in the evening from the restaurant (Or Mitrice) indicating that her bill had not been paid, and she asked her grandmother to pay it. (She was arrested around 8pm, so her family had to have been called before that). Her family knew at that point that there was a problem, but they did not come up to Malibu to help her. Fullerton to Malibu is 1 1/2 to 2 hours at the most; even in bad traffic 3 hours at the most. If she was released from jail by 1 a.m. there should have been family there to get her. Why where they not there? Why was it just LE's responsibility?
That's the one. If you look through those friends you can see why it's a separate account. The Debra's @ the beach profile has some photos of her.

Maybe her Mother was trying the tough love approach, letting her stay in jail for a while to teach her a lesson?

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