CA CA - Mitrice Richardson, 24, Malibu, 17 Sep 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Tapes have been released, heard by some on radio show. But not on web site at this time. Said to have tape of police saying to Mitrice's mom they did not know Mitrice had even been booked into the station.
Mitrice web site
Thanks for the links Dreamweaver. I hope that MR is sorting her feelings out and there is nothing sinister about her missing status. Does anyone know if there has been any activity on atm or cc's?
Last blog entry on her MySpace blog, titled:

"if no 1 n the world ever saw u..."

the only other thing that i think that needs to be explained is what the owner of geoffreys said on jvm that they had spoken to mitrices mother before they ever called the cops and said that they would stay as late as they had to if she would come and pick up mitrice, the mother said she wanted mitrice to go to spend a night in jail because she had been running around with the "wrong crowd" and she refused to come and pick her up. so, if i were mitrice i would prolly take off too...i so much hope that she is safe somewhere. her myspace had pictures that looked as though she lived with her girlfriend...where is she? where are her friends? i just wonder if the mother wanted/expected the cops to keep her to "teach mitrice a lesson" and that just isnt what happened and mitrice wanted to get the he!! outa there??? i dont trust any of these people-how can ya know how to really tell? i dont think the pd would just throw folks out the front door in such a residential area without transportation/money BECAUSE they would be all over the place sleeping on peoples property...duh, she cant be the first that someone called about...where did they think she would go? but if wandering thru the canyon wilderness sounded better to her than dealing with her mother, well thats gotta mean somethin too.... just sayin...
the only other thing that i think that needs to be explained is what the owner of geoffreys said on jvm that they had spoken to mitrices mother before they ever called the cops and said that they would stay as late as they had to if she would come and pick up mitrice, the mother said she wanted mitrice to go to spend a night in jail because she had been running around with the "wrong crowd" and she refused to come and pick her up. so, if i were mitrice i would prolly take off too...i so much hope that she is safe somewhere. her myspace had pictures that looked as though she lived with her girlfriend...where is she? where are her friends? i just wonder if the mother wanted/expected the cops to keep her to "teach mitrice a lesson" and that just isnt what happened and mitrice wanted to get the he!! outa there??? i dont trust any of these people-how can ya know how to really tell? i dont think the pd would just throw folks out the front door in such a residential area without transportation/money BECAUSE they would be all over the place sleeping on peoples property...duh, she cant be the first that someone called about...where did they think she would go? but if wandering thru the canyon wilderness sounded better to her than dealing with her mother, well thats gotta mean somethin too.... just sayin...

I was thinking about her girl friend and all of her friends. Were they at the search? I have not seen an interview with any friend.

Although, there was a tiny mention at the beginning of all this, something about her friend did not meet her as planned or there was a falling out. ?
I will have to find that.
yeah, i saw that mentioned in a few articles but only in trying to figure out why she was there in the first place because this place is described as a romantic type atmosphere...but if there really is someone who should have been there to meet her that would explain a lot. but from the looks of her mugshot i think she was in this mental episode and got in the car and just started driving :(
i wonder if this mental episode was triggered by smoking pot or maybe the pot was laced with something and she wigged out??? just thinking out loud... and also she called her great grandma and not a friend, that is sorta strange too.

and my biggest question today is about joan valez mitchell - she ranted thru two shows on this story and then last night she didnt mention a single word? wth!:twocents:
There has been little mention of her friends. What is kind of strange is that there are a few posts on her MySpace profile of the "we miss you, where are you?" type starting September 19, but only until September 24th. As if everyone has already forgotten, or she's been found or something. I would think that 2 weeks out people would still be posting messages wishing for the best.
Few things.

If they found drugs in her purse they may not of given it back as it may of been kept for evidence. Here if you are caught with drugs in your car or personal items you can lose the items ( even your cars and houses).

They are not a babysitting service nore a taxi service the Jail has to function 24/7 everyday of the year. They offered to let her sleep there over night she for whatever reason did not take them up on the offer. It is pretty normal for a Jail to offer a inmate a place to stay if they are bonded or booked out over night. Happens here everyday . some take them up on the offer some do not. They can not force her to stay or she could of turned and sued them for keeping her against her will.

As far as mental illness. They can not keep her on a mental illness hold unless she is a danger to herself or to others.

She was not given her car back bc it was inpounded and the inpound was probley closed to public at that hour.

I am praying for Matrice and I hope Matrice is safe and just taking sometime to cool off. However I do not see where the police did anything wrong.Matrice unfortunally broke the law and was arrested for such, A jail is not like a department store that closes after 8pm. They book and release people 24 hours a day and it is up to that person that was arrested to find a ride home. Keeping her against her will when she has been released would be a Cilvil rights issue.

Praying for you Matrice :angel:
Few things.

If they found drugs in her purse they may not of given it back as it may of been kept for evidence. Here if you are caught with drugs in your car or personal items you can lose the items ( even your cars and houses).

They are not a babysitting service nore a taxi service the Jail has to function 24/7 everyday of the year. They offered to let her sleep there over night she for whatever reason did not take them up on the offer. It is pretty normal for a Jail to offer a inmate a place to stay if they are bonded or booked out over night. Happens here everyday . some take them up on the offer some do not. They can not force her to stay or she could of turned and sued them for keeping her against her will.

As far as mental illness. They can not keep her on a mental illness hold unless she is a danger to herself or to others.

She was not given her car back bc it was inpounded and the inpound was probley closed to public at that hour.

I am praying for Matrice and I hope Matrice is safe and just taking sometime to cool off. However I do not see where the police did anything wrong.Matrice unfortunally broke the law and was arrested for such, A jail is not like a department store that closes after 8pm. They book and release people 24 hours a day and it is up to that person that was arrested to find a ride home. Keeping her against her will when she has been released would be a Cilvil rights issue.

Praying for you Matrice :angel:
you seem to know alot about this process (and thanks for posting it!).. would her mother's call.. that this was out of sorts for her daughter (ie, this is a different mental state for her) and the fact that she said she would be there to pick her up in the morning have anything at all to do with the report? I can see at cursory glance that LE legally could have just checked the box and said she was fine to go.. but a more astute Le officer could have done more like encouraging her to wait, etc...
you seem to know alot about this process (and thanks for posting it!).. would her mother's call.. that this was out of sorts for her daughter (ie, this is a different mental state for her) and the fact that she said she would be there to pick her up in the morning have anything at all to do with the report? I can see at cursory glance that LE legally could have just checked the box and said she was fine to go.. but a more astute Le officer could have done more like encouraging her to wait, etc...
My husband has been a Law enforcement Officer for over 10 years. I learn a lot from him.

The mothers call would have nothing to do with putting a emergency order of protection on her unless her mom said she was a harm to herself or others and even then a Medical Dr. or a Cop would of had to agree that they think she is a danger to herself or others. Putting a Emergency Order of protection on her is the only way they could of "forced" her to stay.

IE she would have to say something to the Dr. or a Cop that made them think she was a danger for them to put a emergency order of protection on her( this would be to keep her in jail or a hospital and not allow her to leave for atleast 48 hours )Other wise by law they had to let her go. Some states it has to be a Dr that puts the emergency hold some states a cop or a Dr can. Our state a Dr or a Cop could.

A lot of times parents will say their child is not acting like themself when they are arrested as they are embarassed. My Husband said he has heard that 100000 times over the years. If your child has never been arrested or been in trouble with the law before then you would think that...... That's not how my child would act . My child never gets in trouble with the law.He or she is having emoctional issues. ETC

I personally find it odd the mom did not go up to the department and get her then if she had not been in a lot of trouble in the past. Now she wants to blame someone else.

I know everyone wants someone to blame but I don't think the cops are to blame on this one. Please don't think I always agree with LE or think they are perfect there is many cases on this very site where I have posted that a LE officer needs to go to jail for life.
If a cop has harmed Mitrice then That cops needs to be locked up and the key thrown away. But letting her go at 1 am is not against the law nore is it something that does not happen 24/7 even on Christmas morning. If they did not process people 24/7 then our jails would be even more blocked up and it would cause a even bigger problem.

Maybe there is some departments that don't release over night but I know here they do. It is such a big department that if they did not they could not intake others when needed.What are they supossed to do when a more serious crime happens and they have no room to take them? Let the Child Molister/Murder walk out because they no longer have room? You intake you discharge it is how the system works and most places the system works 24/7
I have spoken to several police officers and they deal with mental issues every day of the week. If they kept every one with mental issues, the jails would be filled daily.
I hope she is hiding out with friends but putting her family through this is a rotten thing to do.
Facebook says that there has been a search today, Oct. 4,2009 for Mitrice.
Two locations, Malibue and Lost Hills.
I sure hope she is found today!
Inexcusable for police video to be non-functioning. I don't believe it for a minute. As for the mother's supposed statement that Mitrice needs to be taught a lesson, I don't believe it, but if it is true, I will defend it. Tough love is needed sometimes. We, as parents, do our best to teach our children responsibility. If Mitrice's mother was at a loss as to what to do, what safer place and time could she have chosen to try to enforce such responsibility?

I don't believe the story though, because LE has come out and said that Mitrice's mother was on the phone while Mitrice was enroute to the station. Why didn't mom just go down there right away? I'm sure there were many reasons. She thought Mitrice was safe? She didn't have a car at her disposal at that moment? It was late and she had already prepared for bed? Maybe she had to work the next day? She was told that Mitrice would not be released until morning? She needed to get bail money? The list goes on, but you get the drift, right?

I'm putting this squarely on Lost Hills LE. They should have kept her and asked for a psych evaluation. They can do this! Apparently Mitrice said she was from Mars and here to avenge MJ's death. If she was going to "avenge" something, I would say that makes her a threat to others.... NO QUESTION about it.

LE needs to find this young woman. I think it is totally possible that she fell off the side of the road and is in the canyon, along one of the cliffs. Cars can stay hidden for years in some of that brush - a person may never be found :(

SEE ATTACHED .jpeg from LE portal

DOB: confirmed 4/30/1985
Arrested 2100/ 9PM 9/16/00
Booked 2302/11:02 PM 9/16/09
Released 0025/12:25 AM 9/17/09



LE confirmed timeline

Public's help sought in search for woman last seen in Malibu
Daily News Wire Services
Updated: 09/21/2009 07:21:22 AM PDT

Authorities are asking for the public's help in finding a woman who went missing after being released from a sheriff's station in what appeared to be an intoxicated state.
According to her parents, witnesses said Mitrice Richardson, 24, of Los Angeles was drunk and unable to pay her $89 bill at Geoffrey's restaurant on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu about 10 p.m. Thursday.
There was something wrong with Mitrice R that night.
She had left odd messages on her My Space page.
Supposedly, she had left same kind of messages with friends.
She went out to a nice dinner house dressed in a black Bob Marley
t shirt and blue jeans.
Her family says she always took great care in how she looked.
She had a full time job. She had at least one part time job.
She had disagreements with her family about her choice in partners.
She was expected to apply for a PhD program, but had not.
Some articles said she expected to meet friends for dinner.
at dinner, alone, she was making peculiar statements,
i.e, avenge Michael Jackson.
at dinner, she joined another table.
She did not have money to pay the bill.
Great grandmother offered to pay, turned down by restaurant.
Police called.
Restaurant thought she was acting different.
Car searched.
Marijuana found, a small amount.
Mitrice is arrested.
She calls family.
They say they will be there to pick her up
either in the morning or as soon as
they were able to get there.
Mitrice leaves the police station
at 12:30a.m., dark,
no car, no cell, no purse,
and wanders off.
Six hours later or so, she is seen by neighbors quite a distance away.
Mitrice was having some kind of breakdown,
emotional or psychotic break, but something.
The police really should have handled her
situation better, but they did not.
Legally, probably within what is required.
And now, does it matter?

Where in the world is she?
I agree with your Dreamweaver, but I also feel her family has some responsibility in this: they knew she was acting wierd, noone checked up on her, noone stayed with her to assess her mental state, she was left alone--I think everyone is doing CYA now and the family is looking for someone to blame.

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