CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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This theory does not explain the Bruno Magli shoes evidence, nor the cuts on OJ's hands. Just because the knife was found in the son's locker doesn't mean OJ didn't put it there or give it to his son. I'm not believing it!:snooty::snooty::snooty:
I might be wrong but wasnt this same private investigator involved in another case where that kid supposedly came up missing in the catacombs under some school?
Seems like I read a book about it back in the 80's.
His other "evidence" consists of the lack of evidence: Jason was not interviewed and his hair was not tested, etc.

I always had the suspicion the son might have been involved. It's been many years and I barely remember but there was somehow a hat that was taken into evidence and right after that was discovered by the press and announced on the news I saw the son on an interview or being followed by media with a shaved head. I just always thought that was odd enough to arouse suspicion for me. Of course I have no proof either, just a suspicion. That doesn't mean I don't think OJ was also involved.

I wonder though if his hair might have been tested for comparison to evidence by law enforcement if he hadn't shaved it?

Of course I have to say this is all IMO because it has been so long there is no way I could come up with a link.
Oh, did Jason have a history of losing his temper and walloping Nicole?

I think the real question is, who needs money? I wouldn't doubt if OJ isn't behind this to make another "killing" off of his killing. :mad:
Didn't read every post so please don't :slap: me if it was asked already, but does Jason have recourse if indeed these allegations are false?

I'd be wanting to file a lawsuit if it were me and I was innocent!

I will :thud: if he ends up getting arrested.
:floorlaugh: omg ... when I first heard about this book I thought w t h ?

:moo: sounds to me like he is trying to make a $ and get his 15 minutes at the same time ...

That was always a big rumor going around here at the time. Here is what I remember, because it sounded very plausible.

First of all, Jason was very close to his mother. And he hated Nicole for the pain his mother went through. Watching his mom's pain of being replaced by a much younger blonde was very difficult and painful for him.

The way I remember it, Jason was a sous chef at a nice restaurant in the Brentwood area at the time. So he had his own collection of sharp knives he kept with him. And the rumor was that the entire family was supposed to go and eat at the restaurant where Jason worked after the family event at the school that day. And he was humiliated because nobody showed up there. Nicole apparently derailed those plans and had that smaller dinner at the other restaurant instead. Jason was said by some to be very very angry about that and others said that he had a very bad temper.

So the rumor around town was that OJ was covering for Jason and hoping to be found not guilty, but was not going to turn his son is.

It also would make sense that the killing was so severe and violent, because he probably had attraction to her, and yet hated her because of his moms pain.

I have always had this possibility in the back of my mind.

eta: he had assaulted his gf 2 months before this and was diagnosed with ' RAGE DISORDER. '

And click on the look and look at his picture. :eek:

"Despite these alleged findings, Jason Simpson's DNA and fingerprints were never compared to those found at the crime scene. He was never interviewed by police, either, the Post reports. "

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BBM: Totally wrong....Jason was interviewed, OJ even hired a lawyer for him. My source is "A Problem of Evidence," written by Joe Bosco. Plus, Jason was at work at the time of the murders. That was confirmed by his boss and other employees.
I am in total shock as I sit and read the title of this thread. Back when Nicole and Ron were found murdered my first husband and I were in Vegas for a few days. I recall being in the hotel room watching the neighbor on the news whose dog was the dog walking all around the crime scene. We spent most of the trip glued to the television watching all of the news coverage. I remember that so well and my first husband saying to me that there was no way OJ did it and that it was his oldest son Jason that was responsible. I looked at him and said, no way OJ had to have done it. After more and more things occurred I never thought for a second that OJ didn't do it. I thought my first husband was nuts for saying Jason did it and not OJ.

Some people went way out there and said that Jason's sister called OJ and told him what was going on. OJ then rushed to the scene and actually got thereat the end and fought with Jason, taking the weapon away from him and getting cut himself.

But a better version is that OJ left that blood trail on purpose to cover for his son.

He may be a narcissist. But many have said he did love his children and felt really guilty about things that happened.

Some people have seen too many movies and TV shows, in my opinion. (This is only a reference to the "some people" in your post, katy. I'm certainly NOT referring to you.)

If OJ were so dedicated to saving his son, a false confession would have been a safer way to go. Sorry, I just don't think that's in his character. (To be fair, I don't know O.J. Simpson personally.)
If there is any "revelation" to come from this case, imo, it will only be that a friend or relative of O.J.'s helped him to conceal evidence. That much I could believe.

Some people went way out there and said that Jason's sister called OJ and told him what was going on. OJ then rushed to the scene and actually got there at the end and fought with Jason, taking the weapon away from him and getting cut himself.

But a better version is that OJ left that blood trail on purpose to cover for his son.

He may be a narcissist. But many have said he did love his children and felt really guilty about things that happened.

That's exactly what a relative of mine thought. She said that O.J. was covering up for his son & ended up taking the rap for him because if his son was convicted, that he would receive a death penalty.
Oddly enough, there was a major forensics conference at a hotel in New Orleans where I worked. I had the pleasure of meet a very famous forensics expert (who I decline to name). I discussed the OJ case with him a bit and his summary was that "OJ had help". He wouldn't be more specific as to whether the help was at the scene or at the cleanup and evidence disposal. I had always thought perhaps Jason was part of the coverup.
I am in total shock as I sit and read the title of this thread. Back when Nicole and Ron were found murdered my first husband and I were in Vegas for a few days. I recall being in the hotel room watching the neighbor on the news whose dog was the dog walking all around the crime scene. We spent most of the trip glued to the television watching all of the news coverage. I remember that so well and my first husband saying to me that there was no way OJ did it and that it was his oldest son Jason that was responsible. I looked at him and said, no way OJ had to have done it. After more and more things occurred I never thought for a second that OJ didn't do it. I thought my first husband was nuts for saying Jason did it and not OJ.

I've felt that way all along for a few reasons:
I think with OJ being so broken down physically, that Ron Goldman would've been able to put up a fight. Jason was a big guy, younger and probably more agile than his dad.

I don't think Nicole would've opened the door or went out to talk to OJ, but she'd have no reason to think Jason would be a threat.

I don't know if OJ supported Marguerite and their children after their divorce but I would imagine Jason resented Nicole and her family for rejecting OJ after they had benefited from his celebrity.

And IIRC, Jason quietly moved away to Europe to go to culinary school not long after the murders. I haven't heard anything about him since then.

I haven't read about the case in a long time so my memory on some facts could be wrong.
Found this headline at the Daily Mail website. It is an example of yet another way Karma reminds OJ that he hasn't been forgotten.

O.J. Simpson 'furious with daughter for squandering his $25,000-a-month NFL pension and letting his mansion fall to foreclosure as he sits in jail'

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Apparently his daughter Arnette has been in charge of OJ's $25,000 a month pension and hasn't paid the $3000 a month mortgage note in about 2 years. She has been too busy shopping and partying it up.

But don't worry OJ, as long as we have jails, you will always have a place to live :)
Oddly enough, there was a major forensics conference at a hotel in New Orleans where I worked. I had the pleasure of meet a very famous forensics expert (who I decline to name). I discussed the OJ case with him a bit and his summary was that "OJ had help". He wouldn't be more specific as to whether the help was at the scene or at the cleanup and evidence disposal. I had always thought perhaps Jason was part of the coverup.
I think OJ's buddy Al Cowlings was in on the clean up and one other guy whom I can't remember his name...
I've felt that way all along for a few reasons:
I think with OJ being so broken down physically, that Ron Goldman would've been able to put up a fight. Jason was a big guy, younger and probably more agile than his dad.

I don't think Nicole would've opened the door or went out to talk to OJ, but she'd have no reason to think Jason would be a threat.

I don't know if OJ supported Marguerite and their children after their divorce but I would imagine Jason resented Nicole and her family for rejecting OJ after they had benefited from his celebrity.

And IIRC, Jason quietly moved away to Europe to go to culinary school not long after the murders. I haven't heard anything about him since then.

I haven't read about the case in a long time so my memory on some facts could be wrong.

Fact #1: Jason liked and spent a lot of time with Nicole. Numerous sources have said this. I don't have my OJ trial books handy, but I remember reading that, and IIRC, it was in Joe Bosco's book that I named before. Numerous times Nicole took Jason's side when he and OJ had disagreements.

Fact #2: OJ did in fact pay alimony and child support to Marguerite after their separation and divorce.

Fact #3: Jason's DNA could NOT magically morph into OJ's at either of the scenes. There was no unidentified blood evidence at either Bundy or Rockingham.

Fact #4: Jason was at work at the time of the murders, this was verified.

Fact #5: OJ was in a rage, Ron was no match for him. Ron did fight for his life, just read his autopsy report.

And what motive would Jason have to kill Nicole and Ron? Seriously? He and OJ were at odds with each while Jason was growing up and when he was in his 20s. When Jason got into trouble before the murders, OJ did not pay for his attorney or try to help him. Jason had a public defender. OJ considered him a huge disappointment. My source for this is "A Problem of Evidence," by Joe Bosco. So, why would OJ try to save his son if he son killed Nicole and Ron?

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers....

Fact #1: Jason liked and spent a lot of time with Nicole. Numerous sources have said this. I don't have my OJ trial books handy, but I remember reading that, and IIRC, it was in Joe Bosco's book that I named before. Numerous times Nicole took Jason's side when he and OJ had disagreements.

Fact #2: OJ did in fact pay alimony and child support to Marguerite after their separation and divorce.

Fact #3: Jason's DNA could NOT magically morph into OJ's at either of the scenes. There was no unidentified blood evidence at either Bundy or Rockingham.

Fact #4: Jason was at work at the time of the murders, this was verified.

Fact #5: OJ was in a rage, Ron was no match for him. Ron did fight for his life, just read his autopsy report.

And what motive would Jason have to kill Nicole and Ron? Seriously? He and OJ were at odds with each while Jason was growing up and when he was in his 20s. When Jason got into trouble before the murders, OJ did not pay for his attorney or try to help him. Jason had a public defender. OJ considered him a huge disappointment. My source for this is "A Problem of Evidence," by Joe Bosco. So, why would OJ try to save his son if he son killed Nicole and Ron?

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers....


Assuming this is true (and I have no reason to think that it isn't), how on earth are they going to get around this in the book? Other than completely ignoring it, I mean.

Gosh...I'm really having to dig WAY back in my head to remember all the facts in this case. I can't really even speak to Jason being a possibility because I'm so rusty on all the details.
I am not sure that Jason was at work at the time of the killings. He was a sous chef at a nice dinner restaurant. Wouldn't he be done with his shift at that point? Sous chefs come in early and do all of the prep work in the kitchen, IIRC.

And the people that I knew of that were suspicious of him would have been able ot find out if he was at work at night.

As for him paying alimony to Marguerite, IIRC, she was close to filing for bankruptcy at least once. I will try and find the links. But I remember hearing the controversy put out there by the oldest daughter about her mom struggling financially while he was living the good life.
I was trying to find anything about Marguerite filing for bankruptcy and i didnt. But I did find an interesting interview with her.
She also denied several rumors surrounding the O.J. Simpson case. She denied the rumor that O.J. and their son, Jason, committed the murders or that O.J. asked Jason to commit the crime.
"Oh, God, it's not something that O.J. would do. It's not--you know, it's just not something either one of them would do," she said.
Mrs. Thomas stressed, "O.J. did not beat me. Jason is not gay. He was not part of killing Nicole. I have never had plastic surgery, "she said, referring to a rumor that she was once a battered wife.

The book "The Superwives" quoted Marguerite Simpson's complaints about being disrespected: "I have been shoved out of the way, pushed and stepped on by more than one beautiful woman."

Marguerite and 0.J. Simpson had three children. However, his addictive obsession with stardom led to the neglect of his wife and family. When he divorced in 1979, he proclaimed that his career dictated a different lifestyle, one Marguerite was not suited for. He left his Black woman in a narcissistic search for himself.
I am not sure that Jason was at work at the time of the killings. He was a sous chef at a nice dinner restaurant. Wouldn't he be done with his shift at that point? Sous chefs come in early and do all of the prep work in the kitchen, IIRC.

And the people that I knew of that were suspicious of him would have been able ot find out if he was at work at night.

As for him paying alimony to Marguerite, IIRC, she was close to filing for bankruptcy at least once. I will try and find the links. But I remember hearing the controversy put out there by the oldest daughter about her mom struggling financially while he was living the good life.

A father who will go to prison for one of his children is not one who will let them live in poverty rather than pay alimony/child support to their mother. JMO, obviously, but I have personal experience with a father who lived in a beach penthouse while his ex and three children lived in the ghetto.

(ETA, OK, after your second post, I'm not sure if the reports of his first wife having to file bankruptcy are true. But the narcissism that prompts a man to "trade up" to a trophy wife he thinks fits his celebrity is not a quality, imo, that will inspire a man to make such a sacrifice for his son.)

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