It takes A LOT to terminate someone's parental rights. If she showed up to every visit on time, sober, and was willing to work her case plan, she'd have her kids. No judge would take children away from a compliant mother. Many birth parents have lots of reasons why they can't be compliant, but a judge doesn't care about excuses. If she did the work, she'd have her kids...period. No one is going to say that they made a BIG mistake to a blame hungry group of strangers in the media. It's better for her to look like the victim. It's okay to admit to small mistakes (like not being home when a child was injured, or using medical marijuana) but if the court says stop using marijuana to get your kids back, you stop. Period. They say jump! For a mom who has lost her children for the first time they give them at least two years to get their kids back, so she's not telling the whole truth either...none of them are. You can't be as innocent as she claims to be and lose your parental rights...they give parents a lot of chances to reunify with their children and there are therapists, lawyers, cps workers, and supervisors involved as well as an appeal process which every parent has the right to
AND....IF the Wests had a set of foster children in the California City home...they SHOULD have had a new homestudy in September. If the children were fostered and not adopted, (not O and O but the other kids) they should have a new homestudy done, because they can't move foster kids without an updated homestudy. A homestudy is not only a search of the home for adequate housing but also an interview with ALL of the children and an identification of their beds and sleeping arrangements. They would have to have eyeballs on all of the kids in order to approve the move...that's just procedure. So... if two of the children were foster children CPS should have seen O and O around September. Perhaps there were excuses for reasons they were not seen in other months, but if foster kids moved with them, then they should have had an updated homestudy after they moved in. Now if they didn't see the kids CPS made a huge mistake, which makes me tend to think this isn't an ongoing abuse issue as too many people in the system SHOULD have seen the boys.