Identified! CA - Pacifica, WhtFem 593UFCA, 25-46, found in tent, Jun'06 - Christine Kuhn

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I haven't read through this whole thread but I came across a picture of a woman who has been missing along with her 2 daughters since Dec. 1977 from Honeydew, California. Her name is Mary Stuart. I can't seem to get the picture on here, though. Wondering if she has been ruled out?
It did look very close, but Glynnell is not a match: "Glynnell, 45, disappeared from San Pablo, California on May 6, 2006. In February 2008, her skull was found on a hill near a homeless camp in El Sobrante, California. No other bones were located and there were no indications of trauma to the skull. Glynnell's death is under investigation and foul play is suspected"

Only my second post on websleuths ever (long time lurker), but I figured I would use it to bump this case and hopefully draw a little more attention to it, even though I have no additional information. As obvious as it might be by now, everything I've read on this particular case confirms to me this woman had psychological problems. I work with people with similar issues and what I see in this woman's eyes just makes it even more obvious to me and is something I see all too often. I recognize it. Most people I work with have the most heartbreaking stories and backgrounds. I refuse to believe there's no one who misses her or knows her. It's probably the fact that I've encountered people who remind me of her, but something about her has just affected me and I don't want her to be forgotten.
"No go no eat no drink murder" might've been her way of saying, "I'm not leaving this tent, I'm not going to eat or drink, and if you try to make me, then I'll kill you." Just speaking as someone who has had way, way too much experience with mental illness. I am leaning towards "Sam Smith" having a mental illness and Graves' disease. Thyroid disorders (or family histories of them) are common in manic-depressives. (As in my case, though I'm on the other end: hypothyroidism.) Of course, she could've just had Grave's-induced psychosis, as previously mentioned on this thread. Graves' disease can be fatal in extreme cases, so it may have played a role in her death, if she indeed had it. Also, the apparent lump on her neck could be a goiter, a symptom of thyroid problems. Not that I've had one, myself.
"No go no eat no drink murder" might've been her way of saying, "I'm not leaving this tent, I'm not going to eat or drink, and if you try to make me, then I'll kill you." Just speaking as someone who has had way, way too much experience with mental illness. I am leaning towards "Sam Smith" having a mental illness and Graves' disease. Thyroid disorders (or family histories of them) are common in manic-depressives. (As in my case, though I'm on the other end: hypothyroidism.) Of course, she could've just had Grave's-induced psychosis, as previously mentioned on this thread. Graves' disease can be fatal in extreme cases, so it may have played a role in her death, if she indeed had it. Also, the apparent lump on her neck could be a goiter, a symptom of thyroid problems. Not that I've had one, myself.

All of that sounds very interesting. It's a theory that I'm not very familiar with. It's really something to keep in mind and maybe look into more. Sorry to hear you've had so much experience with mental illness whether it's from your own experiences or the people around you. I know how difficult it can be. I hope you're well!
All of that sounds very interesting. It's a theory that I'm not very familiar with. It's really something to keep in mind and maybe look into more. Sorry to hear you've had so much experience with mental illness whether it's from your own experiences or the people around you. I know how difficult it can be. I hope you're well!

Thank you for your kindness. Much of my family, as well as myself, have been mentally ill. More than one of them being schizophrenic and on the street. Makes me think of this woman's eyebrows. When my uncle first became homeless and my dad was trying to help him, he told us he spent the last of his money on a new outfit. He said that if he had to be homeless, he wanted to at least look nice. Maybe "SS" wanted to look nice in some way and kept up her eyebrows. That, or she was a picker. I've long had the habit of obsessively picking and tweezing.
Good point about the eyebrows and looks in general. Sorry to hear about you and your family. Mental illness is so difficult. For the person who's mentally ill, but for the people around them, too. I do wonder about this woman. I'm from the Netherlands and over here from what I've seen it's basically impossible that no organization knows about you if you live on the streets (mentally ill or not). This might be naive, but no matter how different things are in other countries, I refuse to believe no one knows her identity or no one misses her. I really do believe this can and will be solved. What I see is a woman who has a story and where there's a story there are people who know about it, are a part of it or have heard about it.
I agree. I'm sure she has loved ones somewhere, but they are likely estranged from her and either aren't looking or don't know where to look. With my estranged relatives, I really don't want to have them back, though I would want to know it they had died. That may sound cold, but there's a lot of trauma they caused that I'm not well enough to deal with again. Someone said earlier on this thread they thought she might be someone they knew whose family doesn't want to find her because of the things she put them through. I can definitely understand that, I'm sorry to say.
I agree. I'm sure she has loved ones somewhere, but they are likely estranged from her and either aren't looking or don't know where to look. With my estranged relatives, I really don't want to have them back, though I would want to know it they had died. That may sound cold, but there's a lot of trauma they caused that I'm not well enough to deal with again. Someone said earlier on this thread they thought she might be someone they knew whose family doesn't want to find her because of the things she put them through. I can definitely understand that, I'm sorry to say.

I think you definitely have a point there. I don't think it sounds cold at all. I just hope (and believe) there's someone out there who at least wants to know what happened to her and can give her back her name.
Thanks for those suggestions!

I personally don't see the resemblance between Lisa Dickinson and this Doe, but that doesn't really say much considering how young she was when she disappeared. It does raise a lot of questions about what happened to her and what happened to make her end up like this. That's a long time to be missing. It makes it more unlikely to me.

As far as Cynthia Milstead goes I think her height is off and while not unthinkable I think she's also on the younger side. To me Jane Doe seems older than that. Her hair and eye color seem to be off too.

Just my opinion of course. Submitting them is never a bad idea though. If nothing else we would at least be able to rule them out. Neither of the them are on the rule out list from what I can see.
I am 5"8 with larger frame. I am overweight right now, but I look my best at around 180. I am very thin at 155. I would be skeletal at 130.

The weight reflected on traditional BMI charts does not take frame into consideration at all.

Also, a 10-20 pound weight loss would barely show on a tall woman. She's look a bit smaller but not massively.

Ok after reading several of the latest posts
:websleuther: I've decided to go back and look at the The Doe Network Profile on her #593UFCA.Statistics are the following.
Unidentified White Female,Estimated age :25-46 (most likely in her 40's),Approximate Height and Weight:5'9";130 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics:Brown straight ,stringy hair with gray streaks;Brown eyes.Yellowing of the cranial bones suggest possible tetracycline therapy for acne.
Dentals;Once received High-Quality ,extensive dental work.
Clothing:GRAY fleece jacket with front zipper,LL BEAN brand MEN'S XL NAVY BLUE nylon/dacron pants with waist fastener and zipper, Cherokee brand XL DARK BLUE PANTS with waist snap and drawstring.
Merona brand , M white canvass style shoes, size 9 WIDE.
Fingerprints available
Everyone can read the Case History at TDN website.
I am focusing today on the physical and description of her belongings which included many books.
Among them the Bible and a Harry potter book.
in general she made notes saying she was thinking of starving herself to death.
Now that stood out to me.
Also before I forget some people made reference to the 6/6/6 the day she was found.It is true she was found on that day but it also says she has an estimated death of 3 months prior so her actual death would be 3/??/6 (2006)
Ok so back to her weight.
If she were as she had written been planning to starve herself to death, when she died she weight 130.
So that would indicate she may have been a bit heavier.
So if she died in March as the LE have guessed she did, I think looking for an overweight depressed female with the height of 5'9", acne,size 9 feet, and a woman who wore MEN's clothing.
The XL size of the men's pants leads me to think that she had lost weight .
If we have any Websleuther's females out there who are 5'9", ( I did not look up the ideal weight for a female this height) without divulging your weight ,please tell us
the size shoe and clothing you would be wearing?
So we can get a rough idea what may have transpired with #593UFCA
once we can determine what her weight should be we can then determine what the correct size clothing for her would have been then deduct the weight she was when found.
By my estimates I conclude that she probably went missing weighting at least 10-20 lbs heavier and started as she had written starving herself ?
We would need a professional nutritionist to help with the possible weight loss issues.
But from the size of the clothing this has been my question, could she have weighed much more than the weight she was at the discovery.
Plus not being a forensic expert( please one can jump in here) to give actual weight gains and losses at time of death ( have read that a person who has died at first will Bloat) I am not sure if that goes away after a time or not?
I think it would be nice if some Professional Forensic people would kindly have a section on WEBSLEUTH'S so we can present cases and ask and analyze this type of possibilities to discuss which may in the long run solve more cases?
Discuss the differences that may happen in death to a person.
I have often wanted to discuss the pro's and con's of FORENSIC myth as opposed to Forensic scientific proof.
Also I did not see anything about possible tattoos ?
Would any of them go away as she decomposed?
I do not know the condition of her soft tissue at the time she was found so if there were tattoos they would not be included in her profile I assume?

I am 5"8 with larger frame. I am overweight right now, but I look my best at around 180. I am very thin at 155. I would be skeletal at 130.

The weight reflected on traditional BMI charts does not take frame into consideration at all.

Also, a 10-20 pound weight loss would barely show on a tall woman. She's look a bit smaller but not massively.

Hiya! Chiming in as I live in SF and visit Pacifica often. I'm 5'9" and weigh 135. I have a pretty small bone structure (ring finger is a size 4). I wear a size 4. I have weighed 196 and wore a size 12-14. IMO, a men's XL would be really big, even if she was 190+ at any given time.
I know she's been ruled out, but I still think this is Jennifer Casper Ross...
hi there!!! im in san jose.

yes, men's XL is big. im thinking she was wearing oversized clothing. common with female homeless :)

Hiya! Chiming in as I live in SF and visit Pacifica often. I'm 5'9" and weigh 135. I have a pretty small bone structure (ring finger is a size 4). I wear a size 4. I have weighed 196 and wore a size 12-14. IMO, a men's XL would be really big, even if she was 190+ at any given time.
I know she's been ruled out, but I still think this is Jennifer Casper Ross...

The ruleouts list is 97 names long.

Monica Appleton is still not on it. Is there someone who lives in the Pacifica area who might be able to contact whoever is in charge of Jane's case and see what's up?
Her name has been mentioned before in this thread, I'm so sure (I think I even mentioned it)...but nothing ever comes of this suggestion for some reason.

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