CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #8

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They do not make suicide notes public, I am not sure if it's a California law or not, but San Diego county does not release them except to the family.

According to law enforcement, this wasn't a suicide note, but a 'message'. Huh????:innocent:
They were re-playing the press conference on the web site of the San Diego NBC affiliate, but just stopped. Maybe they will replay it again or make it available on the site.

ETA: Ok, the repeat of the PC is back on their web site now.

This conference is odd. Its peculiar the way they tiptoe around the evidence, don't fully answer questions and talk about things that don't seem to be really relevant.

I thought the same thing. They often gave examples to situations instead or answering the question.

Accounts seem to put GS way far away at the time of the fall. And she's wooshed away to South carolina immediately. I wonder if LE ever got to thoroughly interview her about these matters, or if RN was instructed immediately to say that GS wasn't around so as to keep her out of it as much as possible. And what about the other sibling supposedly there?

elementry - There are many conflicting accounts about that. The one source for GS being there is a college aged neighbor 2 doors down who claimed he spoke with her and she was "wisked away". He has been the only one saying that. I believe the rumor about the other sibling started today from a newspaper article. LE is saying Rebecca's sister was the only other person in the house and she was in the shower. So Rebecca was in the 1/2 bath under the stairs and her sister was upstairs in the shower. Max had to either have been running, kicking a soccer ball or Ocean tripped him. No planking. No pictures. No GS and certainly no ES. They mentioned Ocean on the stairs several times and JS called the kennel on the 16th to make arrangements to have the dog picked up, the same day they said Max succumbed to his injuries.
< mod snip > I am in San Diego and I know for a fact that huge amounts of resources, both in l.e. and from the forensic labs were redirected to this case because of the high profile nature.

I don't follow. My particular comment you referred to was about signonsandiego's lax press coverage and journalistic investigation of the whole affair. They seem to me to be a lightweight entity, and that broken-up webcast was irksome. Also I at least lost the video once the questioning started, so I couldn't judge the facial and gestural responses from LE (not that these would prove anything one way or the other.) Maybe it was just my browser not processing the video at that point.
You guys enjoy your Labor Day weekend, be safe and may you find God's Blessings.


Don't fret as there is one famous quote that you can have comfort in.
"Vengeance is mine".saith the Lord.

How is it that RZ sustained bruising from the "plants"? If a 100-pound body fell on that cactus, it should break in some places, with scattered piece(s) on the lawn.

What kind of DNA was on the knife?

Why are the search warrants and 911 calls sealed? (Presumably someone things that with enough $$$, they can keep them buried in legal wrangling?

Was she or was she not hogtied?

What if any computer records were seized and searched?

Why was her body left on view to the public for six or so hours?

Why was AS staying the guest house?

When was the chandelier rehung?

What is a "phone journal"?

What kind of phone did RZ have?

Those are just a few. Good questions asked at press conference given the limited amount of time media had with LE.
They do not make suicide notes public, I am not sure if it's a California law or not, but San Diego county does not release them except to the family.

I understand and fully agree and respect that Amalie. I don't think they should release suicide notes either. However, they repeatedly refered to this as a "message" and refused to call it a suicide note. So why should they be unwilling to release the contents of it, especially when her family is disputing the note to begin with? It just seems strange to me, given the depth and amount of information they gave out, to refuse to release that.
According to law enforcement, this wasn't a suicide note, but a 'message'. Huh????:innocent:

Whatever it is, it cannot be disclosed to the public because of the suicide ruling. Perhaps the family will reveal what was in it when they give interviews to the media, but L.E. can't.
Convenient that a police officer stood on the balcony exactly behind where RZ allegedly threw herself over the railing. Any prints were obscured by the boot print. Why would he need to walk out there and look over?????

Did he not know that he was contaminating a crime scene???
I thought the same thing. They often gave examples to situations instead or answering the question.


And who calls a bathroom a "restroom" if it was at a public park or something.
It's a long Labor Day weekend. They wanted to wrap this thing up and be finished with it, with the least collateral damage as possible. Pretend it's not a sloppy investigation and let's get on to election season and whatnot? When's the sheriff up for re-elect? In the meantime, break out the beers at the SDPD picnic. That lead investigator looks like he likes his beer, judging from that gut.

You may not agree with the conclusion but that does not mean it was a "sloppy" investigation. Multiple agencies were involved along with a large expenditure of resources imo. No evidence whatsoever that Rebecca's death was a homicide.
It seems to me that at this press conference more concern was given to the boyfriends family (johah's) rather than the dead victim's family (rebecca's).

The overall concern in the community was about a dead woman with her hands and feet bound, hanging from a balcony, not about shielding the boyfriend and his family from a horrible loss of a child.
No, not buying it. I don't even know where to start!

The biggest thing that sticks out is those complicated, strange knots on Rebecca's arms. I just can't see her making those. Maybe I missed something but did they even show putting knots on her feet in the simulation? Let alone then walking to the balcony?

Why would they discount a theory she could have been forced to do this or that part of it was done with a perp having gloves on?

Too many questions they will not answer.

Whose word were they taking for the alarm system being 'regularly not used'?

Won't even say who called at 12:50 am? I can't see her erasing the message. And, the detective casually claims he didn't know what time her sister called... huh?

Not her bedroom ... it looked like a girls bedroom to me. Would you really paint a 'message' on the outside of the door? Since it wasn't her bedroom, why would she have been naked already. I don't believe she committed suicide, but I doubly don't believe she took her clothes off to commit suicide, esp in a room that wasn't where she slept.

Rebecca supposedly heaved herself over the balcony falling 9 feet. Wouldn't that make a lot of noise and her vertebrae were not broken?

Like someone said... what is up with a shirt around her neck that served no purpose?

Naked suicide study: Lame attempt to justify this as suicide. There is as much in that study that contradicts it as support is and as I said before the author says it is exploratory and based on anecdotal information.

Didn't explain the strange configuration of her legs and arms as far as I heard, but then again I don't think reporters asked.

Adam broke the leg on the table while pulling it? Then how did he stand on it?

Rebecca never went into the hospital, won't comment or don't even know if there was friction. WHY? Surely they know.

Didn't really answer question about Jonah telling Rebecca's sister so soon it was a suicide. If it was a murder investigation this would not have been a 'duh' or 'I don't know' moment.

Doesn't know how many words were on the door but it was short?
Why use old photo of staircase that has been on the net for years as part of LS presentation?

Why seems so off about the investigation is that it TRIED THE VICTIM.
Wouldn't she be the one to erase it though? It makes logical sense she heard it first. If it was from Jonah then wouldnt that show up on his cell phone records?

The main thing is they know for sure where Jonah and Dina were during those hours and they have completely ruled out Adam as having anything to do with this. Maybe he was one of the ones who took a poly.


Someone help me with this....the volume of some parts of the PC was poor. I thought toward the end the SDSO supervisor said "The type of phone she had we were not able to retrieve it, it is a very new phone" Did anyone else hear this and can you confirm they were talking about RN's phone.
You may not agree with the conclusion but that does not mean it was a "sloppy" investigation. Multiple agencies were involved along with a large expenditure of resources imo. No evidence whatsoever that Rebecca's death was a homicide.

Sloppy, and "not thorough" are 2 different things. I'd like to hear from LE exactly what kind of forays into a possible murder theory were investigated. From the beginning, LE was floating the suicide theory, refusing to even call her significant other a person of interest. The significant other is ALWAYS a person of interest until things become clearer, but not in this case. Hinky, as they say.......

I could be wrong though, that I freely admit. It's more like devil's advocacy at this point.
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