CA - Rebecca Zahau Wrongful Death Revisited 2019

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation:

Caveat: Contains 3 graphic photographs of a hanging disguised as suicide.


There may very well be miscommunications, which result in serious errors that affect the outcome of the case due to the various responsibilities uniform officers, detectives, medical examiners to forensic experts, prosecutors as well as others in the process. This is especially true in the investigation of suicide.

Mistake#1 Assuming the Case is A Suicide Based on the Initial Report:

Explanation in link.

Mistake#2 Assuming “The Suicide Position” At the Crime Scene

Explanation in link.

Mistake#3 Not Handling “The Suicide” as a Homicide Investigation

Explanation in link.

Mistake#4 Failure to Conduct Victimology

Explanation in link.
Mistake#5 Failure to Apply the Three Basic Investigative Considerations To Establish if the Death is Suicidal in Nature

Mistake#6 Failure to Properly Document any Suicide Notes

Mistake#7 Failure to Take Each Factor to its Ultimate Conclusion

Explanation in link

The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation
Communication and listening are areas Gore needs improvement.
When Adam was interviewed the initial interview, there were two detective's speaking with him and they recorded the interview. During the interview Adam said he loosened the knots more than once. The detective's did not document that statement in any report and the ME was never notified that the knots had been altered. Even in the ME deposition he states the knots were loose and no one had loosened them, then ruled her death as a suicide. He went on to say if someone wanted her tied up the knots would be tight, not loose. The loose knots were a factor in his opinion of suicide.
How was this omitted from the reports and the ME?
Then the tampering with evidence of Rebecca's cell phone, removing valuable data from anyone.
The voicemail that dose not follow medical records timeline about Max. How did JS know the outcome of Max before the doctors did?
The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation:

Caveat: Contains 3 graphic photographs of a hanging disguised as suicide.


There may very well be miscommunications, which result in serious errors that affect the outcome of the case due to the various responsibilities uniform officers, detectives, medical examiners to forensic experts, prosecutors as well as others in the process. This is especially true in the investigation of suicide.

Mistake#1 Assuming the Case is A Suicide Based on the Initial Report:

Explanation in link.

Mistake#2 Assuming “The Suicide Position” At the Crime Scene

Explanation in link.

Mistake#3 Not Handling “The Suicide” as a Homicide Investigation

Explanation in link.

Mistake#4 Failure to Conduct Victimology

Explanation in link.
Mistake#5 Failure to Apply the Three Basic Investigative Considerations To Establish if the Death is Suicidal in Nature

Mistake#6 Failure to Properly Document any Suicide Notes

Mistake#7 Failure to Take Each Factor to its Ultimate Conclusion

Explanation in link

The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation

Seven out of seven about describes the investigation! :mad:
Unless I read too fast, I would add another mistake.

NO ONE but Adam "saw her hanging" that I have read about.
Now, if the ME would have gotten to her body within an hour or 2, he would have been able to come up with a "closest time of death". If that time were MORE 3 hours, it would be she was obviously dead before Adam cut her down.

Not that it should have to be the case (given the overwhelming inconsistencies and evidence to the contrary of suicide) it would be nice for a "celeb (s)" et al to get behind Rebecca, her family and friends and bring this front and center in the media and press. Like Netflix did with "Making A Murderer (< the least i say about that the better!!

Is there anyone, I / We can lobby to look into it objectively without bias? Rebecca needs a voice, and i for one (along with her family) will not rest until Rebecca gets the justice she deserves.
Not that it should have to be the case (given the overwhelming inconsistencies and evidence to the contrary of suicide) it would be nice for a "celeb (s)" et al to get behind Rebecca, her family and friends and bring this front and center in the media and press. Like Netflix did with "Making A Murderer (< the least i say about that the better!!

Is there anyone, I / We can lobby to look into it objectively without bias? Rebecca needs a voice, and i for one (along with her family) will not rest until Rebecca gets the justice she deserves.

Absolutely agree. This is enraging!
Communication and listening are areas Gore needs improvement.
When Adam was interviewed the initial interview, there were two detective's speaking with him and they recorded the interview. During the interview Adam said he loosened the knots more than once. The detective's did not document that statement in any report and the ME was never notified that the knots had been altered. Even in the ME deposition he states the knots were loose and no one had loosened them, then ruled her death as a suicide. He went on to say if someone wanted her tied up the knots would be tight, not loose. The loose knots were a factor in his opinion of suicide.
How was this omitted from the reports and the ME?
Then the tampering with evidence of Rebecca's cell phone, removing valuable data from anyone.
The voicemail that dose not follow medical records timeline about Max. How did JS know the outcome of Max before the doctors did?

Good points! Did investigators fail to mention that Adam loosened them because they thought those loose knots helped validate their theory that Rebecca tied the knots herself?

Part of SDSE's reasoning during their video demonstration was that Rebecca was able to slip her hand in and out of the wrist bindings in order to move her arms behind her back. In order to make that theory work, the wrist bindings needed to be loose. In reality, it's unknown how tight those wrist bindings were because Adam loosened them before LE arrived.

San Diego County Sheriff's Department

Sorry if that's confusing, I'm posting in a rush!
We have disproven almost everything in their investigation and now really the only thing SDSD has completed is they were not able to located AS's DNA anywhere.
The knot SDSD had it wrong.
Shown Rebecca was distraught, it is only written in a report but not explained or proven just a theory
Said she did this alone, disproven. We have shown that to reenact the crime scene it requires two or more.
There timeline is just wrong.
We have disproven almost everything in their investigation and now really the only thing SDSD has completed is they were not able to located AS's DNA anywhere.
The knot SDSD had it wrong.
Shown Rebecca was distraught, it is only written in a report but not explained or proven just a theory
Said she did this alone, disproven. We have shown that to reenact the crime scene it requires two or more.
There timeline is just wrong.
I just watched Bailey Sarian's youtube video about it. I cannot imagine the pain and anger your family is dealing with. HOW COULD ANYONE DISMISS THAT MUCH EVIDENCE OF WRONG DOING?!!!!
I have only just come across this. I'm astounded (although i already knew) by the evidence (particular in P2) supporting the fact that Rebecca was MURDERED! and, with so much overwhelming evidence that there has to be (in my opinion) a cover up of epic proportions.

Marcia Clark Rebecca Zahau Part 1

ETA: Listen to what AS says to Rebecca's sister @approx 24: 30.

My slogan is "Words Do Not Come From A Vacuum"

Marcia Clark Rebecca Zahau Part 2

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Unless I read too fast, I would add another mistake.

NO ONE but Adam "saw her hanging" that I have read about.
Now, if the ME would have gotten to her body within an hour or 2, he would have been able to come up with a "closest time of death". If that time were MORE 3 hours, it would be she was obviously dead before Adam cut her down.

Wasn't the estimated time of death 3:00 am? Imo
I agree- this appears to be a cover up of epic proportions--- what of course we don't know who and why people want this case to just go away as a suicide. and so it has.
I'm still hoping there is a chance for justice for this family.

Isn't there any way?

I suppose the first step would be for a Forensic Pathologist to change the manner of death to a homicide rather than a suicide?
I wonder if that would be possible. It seems to me that enough experts agree that there is enough evidence to suggest that she did not commit suicide. Imo
I, as a complete stranger, am totally infuriated and angry at the way this case was handled. I cannot even begin to imagine how Rebecca's loved ones feel. The frustration and rage. I'm so so sorry that not only did you have a tragedy in Rebecca's death, you have ignominy, deceit, dismissal, arrogance, and outright evil (Of course, AS but I do think Gore's actions also rise to that level) to contend with in the resolution and path towards justice. If nothing else, you honor Rebecca's spirit and life with your tenacity in fighting against all odds for her and her memory.
Unless I read too fast, I would add another mistake.

NO ONE but Adam "saw her hanging" that I have read about.
Now, if the ME would have gotten to her body within an hour or 2, he would have been able to come up with a "closest time of death". If that time were MORE 3 hours, it would be she was obviously dead before Adam cut her down.

This is true, but I believe the lividity patterns are consistent with her being in that position.

I think he did hang her body from that balcony. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had the rope in the bedroom, tossed it outside and over the balcony, took her body down there and tied the noose around her neck (and the other bindings) and then went back upstairs and yanked her up to the hanging position (this causing the neck injuries) and tying the rope around the bedpost.

I think he was hoping someone else would find her first.

I wish that it was mandatory that if a defendant is found guilty of murder in a civil suit, the investigation must be re-opened and conducted by an outside agency from far outside the jurisdiction of the original investigating agency.
Another anomaly that is rarely mentioned is there was remnants of sticky tape around her ankles. Now if someone was going to commit suicide and bind there legs, would they tie there legs with sticky tape then think, i know, i want use that, remove it and look for rope then go through all that again. Was there a search for tape ever done? What type of tape was it? It didn't just vanish, where is it?
I'm still hoping there is a chance for justice for this family.

Isn't there any way?

I suppose the first step would be for a Forensic Pathologist to change the manner of death to a homicide rather than a suicide?
I wonder if that would be possible. It seems to me that enough experts agree that there is enough evidence to suggest that she did not commit suicide. Imo

I think if the cause of death was changed to undetermined the case could be reopened

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