CA - Rebecca Zahau Wrongful Death Revisited 2019

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I missed this reply earlier, but that would be quite impressive for her to be bleeding enough to imbed itself in the handle of a knife, yet not leave a drop in the room where she supposedly prepared herself for hanging.

Every time I read anything about this case I become so infuriated.

Wonder if the $D$D would do a re-enactment of this wonder-thigh knife holding/cutting that they say is possible?

Not to mention the astounding job of beautiful knot tying, behind her back, with something akin to an 8 loop clove hitch... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It's pretty clear that Rebecca was straight up murdered. Her ex isn't keeping his mouth shut to just protect his brother. I'm pretty sure that he would totally let him go down if he didn't have anything to lose. There is something more, something that would bring him down too and I'm sure it's not just the bad publicity of having a brother killing his girlfriend. Now, I understand the family wanting to do everything in their power to have justice for Rebecca but I'm sure the Shacknai family would know if anybody had any valuable information about this case and would quickly shut it down by doubling or tripling the amount the Zahau family is offering as a reward. Unfortunately, I don't believe there will ever be justice for this victim. Like, ever.
Memphis man says he had nothing to do with 2011 California mansion death (with clip)

August 16, 2019

"MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - A Memphis man is at the center of a mysterious death at a California mansion and the family of the victim believes he is responsible.

“I get outraged at times. I try to keep a sense of humor about it," said Adam Shacknai.

Adam Shacknai says he wants to set the record straight about the accusations made against him, insinuating that he murdered 32-year-old Rebecca Zahau.

Shacknai is a Memphian and riverboat captain. He says he is tired of the Zahau family accusing him...."

Memphis man says he had nothing to do with 2011 California mansion death

RBBM -- Really? You try to keep a sense of humor about someone dying in such a way? Clearly a stand up guy who is just dripping with empathy and concern for others.
Since AS said he didn't do this, someone ask him WHO he thinks did! That message makes me think that someone thinks Rebecca is responsible for Max's death (and she's not!) Am I wrong on the message thing?
RBBM -- Really? You try to keep a sense of humor about someone dying in such a way? Clearly a stand up guy who is just dripping with empathy and concern for others.

my EXACT same thought. now, i'm also someone who generally tries to keep a sense of humor throughout life but i can't say i'd find it a barrel of laughs if people were accusing me of murder.
I also wonder about the medical examiner that didn't show up for hours. I don't recall him being part of the case. The neglect of Rebecca during those hours is atrocious. To me it seemed deliberate (including the ME not showing for hours). Was anything further found out about this?
It's pretty clear that Rebecca was straight up murdered. Her ex isn't keeping his mouth shut to just protect his brother. I'm pretty sure that he would totally let him go down if he didn't have anything to lose. There is something more, something that would bring him down too and I'm sure it's not just the bad publicity of having a brother killing his girlfriend. Now, I understand the family wanting to do everything in their power to have justice for Rebecca but I'm sure the Shacknai family would know if anybody had any valuable information about this case and would quickly shut it down by doubling or tripling the amount the Zahau family is offering as a reward. Unfortunately, I don't believe there will ever be justice for this victim. Like, ever.

What do you think that "something more" is?
I just noticed this thread. A few months back I had watched Billy Jensen's documentary about Rebecca. I definitely think Rebecca was murdered and this was not a suicide. I'm going to start reading the thread. Glad I found this discussion is here.
After Rebecca's cell phone was collected and booked into evidence, well it was seized by SDSD. Weeks later someone charged her phone and there were 2 calls made. This was all done after her murder. The 2 calls were made to her voicemail, there is no documentation in any report that I have read where it was noted this was done. Also while Rebecca's phone was in the custody of SDSD there was over 21,000KB of data remotely deleted or extracted. Later after a forensic exam was conducted all the data was incorrect. The phone numbers for her parents and Mary were not the correct numbers. We know this from Rebecca's cell phone records. SDSD does not have these records and never issued a search warrant on her phone. Rebecca's phone had been tampered with.
Since AS said he didn't do this, someone ask him WHO he thinks did! That message makes me think that someone thinks Rebecca is responsible for Max's death (and she's not!) Am I wrong on the message thing?

Where does he say "he didn't do it?

“I never did anything to Rebecca Zahau,” Shacknai said.

Interesting, but that is not a denial.
The word "never" does not mean did not, it ("never") expands time and does not focus on the specific time / allegation.
It speaks to vagueness of time, rather than something specifically addressed. The guilty often replace the words "did not" with the word "never". Lance Armstrong when accused of using performance enhancing drugs"PED's could not bring himself to say "I did not use "PED's because he would be lying and it causse stress. He replaced the words "did not" with the vague, "never". Believe or not people do not like to lie outright it cause stress so they use softer language as seen here ("never") and below. The majority of deceptive people will lie by omission often telling the truth 100% but they leave out (with hold ) information of what really happened or they will skip over time.

Leaving out information.

What did you do last night?

A: I watched a movie and had a piza. This is 100% truthful

Most will fill in the gaps and think they stayed at home, but what they failed to say (omit) is they went out to the movies and had piza in a diner. We must then wonder why they with held this information? It maybe innocent or not.

"did anything"

What does this mean?
What is anything?

This is to minimize and again does not focus on the specific allegation (murder)

The innocent will address it straight on, often, without prompt, frequently and without qualification

"I didn't kill her / murder her" ( Rebecca)

"I" taking owner ship
"Didn't / Did not" - past tense
"Murder / Rebecca" allegation specific

(this would be a very strong denial)

If he does not tell me he didn't kill Rebecca, then i will not say it for him
“I never did anything to Rebecca Zahau,” Shacknai said.

Interesting, but that is not a denial.
The word "never" does not mean did not, it ("never") expands time and does not focus on the specific time / allegation.
It speaks to vagueness of time, rather than something specifically addressed. The guilty often replace the words "did not" with the word "never". Lance Armstrong when accused of using performance enhancing drugs"PED's could not bring himself to say "I did not use "PED's because he would be lying and it causse stress. He replaced the words "did not" with the vague, "never". Believe or not people do not like to lie outright it cause stress so they use softer language as seen here ("never") and below. The majority of deceptive people will lie by omission often telling the truth 100% but they leave out (with hold ) information of what really happened or they will skip over time.

Leaving out information.

What did you do last night?

A: I watched a movie and had a piza. This is 100% truthful

Most will fill in the gaps and think they stayed at home, but what they failed to say (omit) is they went out to the movies and had piza in a diner. We must then wonder why they with held this information? It maybe innocent or not.

"did anything"

What does this mean?
What is anything?

This is to minimize and again does not focus on the specific allegation (murder)

The innocent will address it straight on, often, without prompt, frequently and without qualification

"I didn't kill her / murder her" ( Rebecca)

"I" taking owner ship
"Didn't / Did not" - past tense
"Murder / Rebecca" allegation specific

(this would be a very strong denial)

If he does not tell me he didn't kill Rebecca, then i will not say it for him


And how about this from the same article:

During a rapid fire question-and-answer session where Greer pressed Shacknai if he murdered Zahau, Shacknai said “She never attempted to flee because I was never in the house.”

Seems like he would just say "No"

Have you heard the 911 call?

Here are some observations from myself re 911 call and contributions from others lifted from a blog.

911 Operator: 911 Emergency, what are you reporting?

Adam: Yeah, I got a girl, hung herself in the guest house, of uh, it's on Ocean Boulevard across from the hotel. Same place that you came and got the kid yesterday.

Operator: Ok sir, what is the address?

Adam: I’m not sure. Uh, 19, I mean the back house is 1928 something. Uh, I’m not sure. Let me call you back.

Operator: Ok. Sir? Is she still alive?

Adam: I don’t know.

Operator: Ok.

Background noise

Adam: Inaudible.

Background noise

Operator: Sir, you there?

Adam: Inaudible.

Operator: Yes sir?

Adam: Did you get the address?

Operator: No sir. I need the address.

Adam: Doing CPR right now. You came here yesterday to pick up a little boy.

Operator: Okay sir, I wasn't working yesterday. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Adam: Check your records.

Operator: Sir, I checked all of the records yesterday. I can't find anything on Ocean Boulevard. Can you tell me what the address is?

Adam: I'm looking. Just start sending them towards us, towards the hotel.

Operator: Ok. I understand that. I just need the exact address. I can’t help you until I have the address.

Adam: Inaudible.

Adam: 1043 Ocean Boulevard.

Operator: 1043 Ocean. Ok. Is she still alive?

Adam: I don’t think so.

Operator: Ok. Let me get some Fire Department -

Adam: Inaudible.

Operator: Sir. Hang on. Let me get the Fire Department on the phone to help you. Ok. Hang on just a minute.

Connects to Fire Department:

Adam: Aw, F--k. Come on.

Operator: Fire and Medical Emergency.

Operator: Coronado with a Transfer. Go ahead sir.

Adam: A lady just hung herself.

Operator: What’s the address?

Adam: 1043 Ocean Boulevard.

911 Operator: 1043 Ocean Boulevard.

Adam: Yeah.

Operator: Ok. What’s wrong?

Adam: She hung herself – I just woke up.

Operator: Is it a house?

Adam: It’s a house, yeah.

Operator: How old is she?

Adam: She's about 30

Operator: 30? Okay. When's the last time you saw her?

Adam: Last night.

Operator: Ok. Is she beyond help?

Adam: Inaudible, I’m doing, I’m compressing her chest right now.

Operator: Ok. Hold on.

Adam: Inaudible.

Operator: So - what’s - what’s your name?

Adam: Adam Shacknai.

Operator: Ok. I have help on the way. What’s your cell phone number? Is it (901) 485 ...

Adam: (901) 485..

Operator: Ok. Listen to me. Help is coming right now, ok. And PD, you’re on the way?

Operator: Yes we are.

Operator: Ok. And you’re right there with her. Did you cut her down?

Adam: Yes I did.

Operator: Ok. Just stay with me. End call

A couple of observations

Note although he knows her, he never says Rebecca Zahau or the more familiar, Rebecca, she is a none person.
Note the the frustration of the operator in the lack of facilitation of information.
Note the dropped pronoun regarding Rebecca allegedly hanging herself in the guest house.
Note the element of time re hanging herself (just).
Note the "The Kid / Little boy" is also nameless.
Note possible alibi placement. "I just woke up.

Adam: A lady just hung herself.

The word "just" can be used to compare, minimize or determine an approximate time.

Here it speaks of time. Eg, they "just" left the building, 5 / 10 / 20 mins ago. So, if we go by this, how did he know she "just" hung herself when rigor had set in in Rebecca's jaw when paramedics had arrived at 7am shortly after the call.

Rigor mortis starts at around 4–6 hours after death so she can not have "just" (time) hung herself, (in his words), in the time he found her, made the call and paramedics arriving. Otherwise there would be no rigor. So it would have had to happen well before he says "A lady just hung herself.
If he had said iv'e "just" "found" a lady hung and it was true, then this would be the correct usage of "just" in this instance, even if rigor had set in. There is a big difference between "a lady just hung herself and iv'e just found a lady hung. He is lying.

Other contributions.

Re: Rebecca Zahau, not only does Adam Shacknai not name "the girl" or "the kid", he does not give them relationship with himself To him they are not "my brother's girlfriend" or "my nephew." That's some serious distancing. Why the distancing from his brother's son as well as the girlfriend? Did he have something to do with the boy's death?


Suicides don't tie themselves up first before committing suicide, they just do it the way they want to go such as hanging etc.
Why would they do such a thing?
For one it makes it rather difficult to either get themselves up onto whatever thay are going to jump/fall from or rather difficult to do once they are in situ.
This smacks of homicide.

We have a motive.
We have opportunity
We have the means


- the first sentence starts with "I got a girl hung herself". I think the bold words could be a subconscious confession. He doesn't say "I found a girl hung" or "a girl is hanging ..." but "I got a girl hung". "I got" may imply that he was involved in the process of hanging. He "got" it done.
- Why does he say "a girl". Wasn't she the girlfriend of his brother? Why not say that? It's as if he is distancing himself from her.
- He repeatedly says she hung herself. How would he know? The way she was hung was incredibly strange. Not at all an obvious suicide i.m.o.(on the contrary). He clearly feels a need to convince the listener that she hung herself. Why would that be important to him?
- He says "She hung herself - I just woke up". It's as if he is defending himself against the accusation of hanging her (as in: "I couldn't have done it, I just woke up, she did it herself.") However, nobody accused him of hanging her at that point. So why the need to defend himself? Does he feel guilty? The "I just woke up"-line is a variant of the "I was asleep" / "I was taking a nap"-phrase that popped up in various cases on this blog lately. Apparently that's his priority: to make the listener believe that he couldn't have done it, that she did it herself.
- He doesn't ask for help. Clearly that's not a priority to him.
- He is reluctant to give the address.
- Why does he refer to his nephew as "the kid", "a little boy"?
- "Doing CPR right now" -> he leaves out "I am". He doesn't commit to it. I don't believe he was doing CPR.
I like the work you put into the 911 call.
I would like to add that Adam stated I got a girl, hung herself in the guest house. Now if your not familiar with the house there actually three separate residences on the property. There is the main house in the front that is L shaped. In the back above the garage is the caretaker quarters then then the right is the guest house. Adam stated IN THE GUEST HOUSE however when LE arrived Rebecca was outside in the courtyard with a rope hanging from the main house balcony. Adam verbalized a different location than where Rebecca was found, and he was the only person to say she was suspended. There is no other evidence that she was actually suspended other that what Adam said. SDSD assumed the crime scene was in the courtyard and the room where the roped was tied. They really did not process the guesthouse where the suspect told them to look, they failed to conduct a proper investigation. After using all the resources they did it was still horrible.
Like I said in a early post, over 20,000kb of data was deleted/removed from her phone, 2 calls to her voicemail after she was murdered and while her phone was in evidence.
I've always wondered about the "guest house" comment. They didn't process it, not even the panties found in the bedroom trash. Further, I'm not sure if Adam really was reluctant to give out the address, or he just didn't know which to give (house or guest house). Or, part of me wonders if he didn't know the address when talking to the operator. Then, all of the sudden he knew it. On the 911 tape it sound like someone else was there. Did they feed him the address during the call?
I like the work you put into the 911 call.
I would like to add that Adam stated I got a girl, hung herself in the guest house. Now if your not familiar with the house there actually three separate residences on the property. There is the main house in the front that is L shaped. In the back above the garage is the caretaker quarters then then the right is the guest house. Adam stated IN THE GUEST HOUSE however when LE arrived Rebecca was outside in the courtyard with a rope hanging from the main house balcony. Adam verbalized a different location than where Rebecca was found, and he was the only person to say she was suspended. There is no other evidence that she was actually suspended other that what Adam said. SDSD assumed the crime scene was in the courtyard and the room where the roped was tied. They really did not process the guesthouse where the suspect told them to look, they failed to conduct a proper investigation. After using all the resources they did it was still horrible.
Like I said in a early post, over 20,000kb of data was deleted/removed from her phone, 2 calls to her voicemail after she was murdered and while her phone was in evidence.

Thank you, Burma

That is a huge (Guest house) point of challenge, wow!

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