Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #11

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ABC Nightly news just reported she was branded with a message to her and others. Not branded with a symbol
Branded as a message? Or with a message?

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Having finally caught heart goes out to Sherri for the horrendous ordeal she has been through. She was literally tortured. Imagine being in this house of horrors for three weeks, terrified about what would be done to you next, or if the next thing was being killed and never seeing your husband, children and family again. Imagine the intense mental anguish and torment along with the physical.

Imagine what her husband has been through all this time. Not knowing if he'd see Sherri alive again. Hearing the cruel speculations. Doing whatever he could to rescue her. Joy that she's alive! I know my husband would fall apart seeing me with injuries like that...imagine the grief, pity, sorrow for Sherri and the rage at those who put his wife through this. Knowing that she will never be the same woman she was before she was abducted. Fear of the future. Is she still in danger? What about their children?

A wise man once defined empathy as "feeling your pain in my heart." May our sleuthing, suspicions and understandable desire for answers never callous our hearts so that we cannot feel the pain of victims and even LE. Let us keep our hearts soft and open to those who are in pain, offering comfort, not criticism, while we wait for information. We each have a choice. This is mine. :heartbeat:

Beautifully said, thank you!
I can only assume that this portion of the sheriff's GMA statement still stands

Sheriff Tom Bosenko said this morning on "GMA." "We had not released them yet to the public."

It is obvious like most LE he nor his officers were going to list those details publicly.

Her husband's statement is consistent with the CHP officer saying she was heavily battered. Here is an excerpt in the link you provided and he does confirm he knows those details. "I was familiar with those details," Sheriff Tom Bosenko said this morning on "GMA." "We had not released them yet to the public."

I have several police officers in my family and this is the way they are. They are not going to be the ones to release these details/evidence. Police officers are mum about the evidence they have in ongoing investigations.

I am at a loss as to what some are trying to make out of Sherri's husband's detailed description about what he saw when he came to the hospital to see her for the first time since she was released. He certainly knows the Sheriff is going to see and know about his interview and statement on GMA. He seems very genuine and honest and he has been with Sherri for days now since she came home and I am sure she has opened up to him and told him details she may have not told LE until they met with her yesterday. I honestly don't understand why some are making something out of what he has said about his wife who he has been with constantly since she came home.:confused:

Of course the Sheriff isn't going to comment one way or the other yet he did admit he knew about those details and of course he does. He will not release any detailed information either ..........not even if she was sexually assaulted. If and when they find these abductors and others who may be involved, we will know then by the charges filed against them. That is the same way it happens in many cases and we only knew for certain they had been sexually assaulted when rape charges were one of the charges against them.

I believe this was random and a crime of opportunity. The abductors may have been trolling looking for attractive females who were alone at the time. Just because the two females were the abductor doesn't mean they were the only ones involved and may have kidnapped Sherri for someone else. I have read many stories over the years about females trolling for victims for a man or men because women let their guard down when they are approached by a woman or if they see them riding by in their vicinity they don't pay as much attention. These kind of women who trolled for women for males were even participants in the sexual assaults/beatings themselves and have tied the victims up for them to be raped.

The Sheriff isn't going to comment on the details, period or verify anything. He has no control over what Sherri's husband says though to the media since he has a right to speak out if that is what he wishes to do.

We don't really know if she was released or she jumped out of the vehicle herself. I think like usual in cases like this the story is changing as more details are known. It doesn't mean anyone involved has changed their story purposefully but its just common for more information to come out as the days go on. We see that happening now with Sherri's husband finally speaking out about what his beautiful wife endured.:(

I don't find Sherri's case odd or bizarre either.
First, apologies if this has been already stated.

I don't believe this was sex trafficking (although that's not to say she wasn't raped because rape is about control, not sex, and it is obvious SP's torture was about control). She is not "sellable" with a bruised up face; traffickers want to be able to sell her again and again and her face needs to be "clean." They'd inflict injuries elsewhere and sounds like they had.

This was not a gang initiation...3 weeks is way too much of a liability and showing one's "toughness" or "worthiness" doesn't need to be this extravagant.

I'm pretty sure the Sheriff was aware of Keith's statement prior to its release. Investigators had just met with Sherri for several hours the night before and it would have been unusual if a mention of what they plan to do the next morning wasn't made to LE, especially given the horrid details in the statement. They'd had to know releasing such statement would heavily attract the press on the sheriff's dept and I'm pretty sure LE was given a heads up.

I don't know what to make of the flowery, novel-sounding statement made by Keith. Definitely very crafted words, something you'd read in a suspense novel.

ETA: Also, the injuries to the face makes this a personal abduction. This was targeted, folks. And the family and LE may be evasive because the *reason* for the targeting will bring negative attention they don't want to something or someone.
This is why I think that going to sex trafficking when a random woman goes missing is sort of asinine. I have not seen one case where that turned out to be true. As you say, there are sadly PLENTY of women and girls who can be trafficked without attracting law enforcement's attention. There are loads of girls and women out there without any family support who are easy to get into prostitution. Sex traffickers aren't that dumb. Why expose your entire operation by taking a woman like Sherri instead of just approaching a teenage runaway at a bus stop? It makes no sense to kidnap random women for trafficking when you don't have to take that risk.

You all have given me some decent arguments against sex trafficking in this case. So if not ST, then what could possibly be the motive? It must be something we don't know about yet. SP (or KP) really got under someone's skin to be kidnapped for three weeks, branded, and tossed out of a car.
I just thought of another motive that would almost explain this entire ordeal.

Two women involved.
Stranger on stranger crime.
Occurred in broad daylight.
Lots of publicity surrounding it.
LE scrambling to figure it out.
Victim mistreated and abused, but not killed.
Abductors able to prove their brutality and stamina.

Gang initiation.

a gang initiation that lasted 22 days? My head is spinning...
No way is the husband going to release such graphic and descriptive details if untrue. That would create real problems with LE and cause them to mistrust KP and SP. And the Sheriff stated earlier indicated "those details" were true, but had not been released.

My feeling at this time is that the sheriff did not want to release much of anything and that the Papinis are going rogue in order to defend Sherri. I mean it makes sense to not release such details. because then, if a witness comes forward and says, for example, that she saw Sherri in a car and tried to talk to her, they can ask, "Did she look injured?" And if the person answers that she did not have injuries, but Sherri has healing ones that are over a certain age, then they can discount the statement and eliminate it as a true sighting of Sherri.

Same thing would apply to confessions, etc. If someone confesses or turns on someone else, they need to have details not released to the public that can be confirmed.

But my gosh this guy really is handling this poorly. It's like he;s throwing her under the bus. I've never seen anything like this. Why can't he simply say, "I am not in a position to confirm or deny anything that is being released to the public from other than our office, as I am preserving the integrity of the investigation."

I mean, his doublespeak isn't unringing the bell. It's just making it look like he doesn't have faith in the Papinis and that's not cool. .

I wouldn't expect them to give it to a charity if she was a victim of a brutal crime. I am sure they lost a lot of money and are in debt at this time. He probably missed a lot of work , if he even went to work at all.

Granted, this is a good point. I will still say that I find it odd he didn't simply confirm what Keith said now that the cat is out of the bag. All it is doing is fanning the flames and even the media are clearly pushing LE for more info/clarification.

I've been lurking throughout and not posting-- didn't seem like there was enough info available to do anything but speculate.

Now there is clearly enough info to know this poor woman was tortured for perhaps the entire time she was missing.

**Why in the heck is her family to be considered somehow unworthy or undeserving of the funds raised for them?

**Why should LE respond to the media's demand-- or anyone else's for information?

** I don't blame her poor husband for issuing a statement to put an end to some of the ugly speculation out there. The hell that family must be going through is bad enough without having to deal with that kind of pressure as well.

I hope whoever did this to Ms. Papini is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that the media has the decency to back off and allow the Papini family privacy.
Does anyone know if the FBI or state LE is still involved? I would hope so, especially since there is a possibility of sex trafficking. It seems like there would need to be a broader scope to the investigation than just county level.

Also, it seems odd to me that she would be released to go home. Would a safe house or out of area hospital be a better possibility. I know if it were me, concerns over safety for self and family would be a huge issue. And why the long interview process? I know that the victim needs time to heal, but it would also seem that letting too much time pass might make finding people who could be leaving the area hard as days go by.

And, I believe the family released information to possibly turn up the heat on LE and keep the story in the news. Public outrage is a motivator for the politics of LE.

Finally, my heart goes out to Sherri and her family. Praying for healing.


She's been released to an undisclosed location; Keith is with her.
"There's some unique information in there that was in his press release today that we were hoping to keep a tight rein on as far as what we were going to release to the public" Bertain said. "It's not the first hurdle in this investigation that we've had, we've overcome many of them, not just in this case, but there's surprises in all investigations, so this is just..wasn't good timing."

Sheriff Bosenko said Sherri Papini was interviewed by investigators again Tuesday afternoon and the Sheriff's Department hopes to release more detailed information about the two Hispanic women who held Sherri captive at a press conference Wednesday.
This MAY be a retaliation crime for exactly what, we do not know. But, LE MAY know. As someone pointed out...that Cameron guy is about as believable as Alex Jones...... I think that there is much to be uncovered about the crime and the motive for it. We shall see...JMO
"There's some unique information in there that was in his press release today that we were hoping to keep a tight rein on as far as what we were going to release to the public" Bertain said. "It's not the first hurdle in this investigation that we've had, we've overcome many of them, not just in this case, but there's surprises in all investigations, so this is just..wasn't good timing."

Sheriff Bosenko said Sherri Papini was interviewed by investigators again Tuesday afternoon and the Sheriff's Department hopes to release more detailed information about the two Hispanic women who held Sherri captive at a press conference Wednesday.

Press conference!! Yay !!

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EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff’s office is investigating a bizarre blog purportedly written by kidnapped mom Sherri Papini spewing hatred against Latinos as her husband blasts talk her ordeal was part of a ‘race war’
This should pretty much put all speculation about this to rest......

This article refers to the 2003 post. How can a post from 2003 result in a kidnapping today??
Branded as a message- he said a message to her and others
IMO, the Sheriff is trying to run an efficient investigation on an extremely high profile case and is limiting the amount of information being released so that investigation can proceed smoothly and as quickly as possible. To say he just called Keith a liar is a low blow, IMHO.

I agree.
This MAY be a retaliation crime for exactly what, we do not know. But, LE MAY know. As someone pointed out...that Cameron guy is about as believable as Alex Jones...... I think that there is much to be uncovered about the crime and the motive for it. We shall see...JMO

I agree. I think it's more personal and complicated than it appears. JMO.
Unfortunately the Community is going to not know what hit them. The branding will say a lot... remember those sealed warrants and one was a house of worship in Redding... Look at Bethal, the negotiator and what his Taken project is all about... unbelievable, right?
Husband did not know a lot of what his wife was doing, but who knows how's this all plays out. I wonder what the branded message will tell us?
agree to disagree, gitana. with the utmost respect for your legal opinions which are always appreciated. perhaps simply semantics i'm just reading all the statements differently than others.

human factor and all ;)
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