Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #12

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Sounds bizarre, I agree. I just think it's suspicious how CG inserted himself into this case. And his promotional video is disturbing and creepy in light of SP's ordeal. There's an abundance of grandiosity bordering on magical thinking swirling around this story. Moo

I agree, I saw that video. That guy is very creepy. I think he is an opportunist. He saw an opportunity with this crime, and took advantage of it. That should only reflect on him though. Not anyone else with this case. I certainly don't think his little sideshow means this case is a hoax, just because that idiot injected himself into it.
My head is exploding...I need to go night-night:fence: - I pray for Sherri - no matter what. I hope beyond hope that her
parents have seen her by now - not just talking to her.
I don't think she was targeted for sex trafficking. That's all I'm saying. Kidnapping someone is risky.

Huh? But she was kidnapped.

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I just think if a certain somebody orchestrated this to drum
up his business, it would of been better played out.

Victim would of been younger. Ransom demanded from the start. He would of actually negotiated a ransom which leads to the release of the victim. He gets all the glory for his negotiating skills and release. He would of been the one on 20/20.
Sounds bizarre, I agree. I just think it's suspicious how CG inserted himself into this case. And his promotional video is disturbing and creepy in light of SP's ordeal. There's an abundance of grandiosity bordering on magical thinking swirling around this story. Moo

"Promotional" video?
How did he find Sherri to target? It doesn't seem like they were acquainted before. And though the ransom itself may of worked, it didn't actually require his negotiation. He even said so.

ETA: I also think if this was an orchestration, a ransom for her release would of been demanded from the start.

I think Sherri's friend in the interview goes to the church and asked him to help Sherri. That's what I gathered from the interview they posted above.

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Do you mean Keith and Sherri? I've seen nothing about their church affiliation, if any. The prayer service after Sherri went missing was held at a Catholic Church.

I don't think I'm allowed to post it due to TOA but the way I read it, the individual stated the church (Bethel) had prayer for "one of their own".
"Investigators are still looking for a motive in the kidnapping, Bosenko said, including whether the abductors picked Papini at random or were targeting her for some reason. So far, he said, there’s no specific information that points to human trafficking or a cartel."


The trafficking theory has nothing pointing to it according to police. Perhaps the brand put on her has more of a hate crime angle.

"So far Papini hasn’t mentioned any other suspects in her kidnapping and torture, Bosenko said."

(source: same link above)

So it's two latino women for the entire three weeks. Which conflicts with the sighting at the truck stop.
I think Sherri's friend in the interview goes to the church and asked him to help Sherri. That's what I gathered from the interview they posted above.

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true. But how does that conversation even come up? I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that despite some quirks in this guy and coincidences, I don't get the feeling he was involved in her disappearance unless new evidence points towards it.
I just want to insert a teeny bit of logic about the human trafficking theory. First I want to say I 100% believe SP could easily be trafficked.

The growers in the hills take captives for this. I don't have an article to link readily, but in the past 28 days I've definitely read a few stories, blogs and tweets about it. The girls (and boys) are typically drawn to do the clipping for easy cash. But if your a little bit pretty you have more value in other ways besides clipping. When they are done with you, they don't release you. They kill you.

If you peek around the escort section of craigslist (not recommended for the faint of heart), then read articles (they are available via Google) from girls/women who got out you will see that generally 2-3 people hold captive 1-2 girls for YEARS and brand them with a hard-to-hide tattoo, sexually peddle them, sell them, but never ever ever let them out of their sights while they 'own' them. Some girls/boys get away under extenuating circumstances, but usually they just get used up.

And if they're monitored 24/7, who are they going to ask for help from, a jon? Those creepers know exactly the situation, and they're counting on not getting caught. They aren't going to say a word or they won't get future service, iykwim.

Most of these missing youths never ever reappear in society, not counting the ones who got away somehow. Yes, maybe a few are released after their income potential diminishes, but where are the rest?

My logic insertion is this.... In the case of SP... If they thought she was traffickable, it could be that they got mad when they realized her age after abduction and didn't want her. Still, I honestly doubt they would have spent all of their precious time torturing her. I think they just would have killed her and buried her in the woods.

And if they took her for any other reason than the one we don't yet know about, I think they would have just killed her well before risking being caught with her.

And with all the national coverage, they took great risk by releasing her. They could have easily killed her, buried her, and went on about their lives and probably gotten away with it.

Therefore, I don't believe this is a case of potential trafficking. I think this is a targeted message of hate. SP mother ay not even be the target, just the messenger. Someone(s) is very angry and hateful, and I think this is a hate crime meant to hurt whomever the message is for, and all who surround that person. I think we will see another "message" find its way into their world at some point. JMO

I've been on the same page for quite awhile. I believe SP was specifically targeted, either to torture her personally for an unknown reason or to send a message to someone in her inner circle. Or both. Releasing her, rather than killing her, sends a message loud and clear that cannot be ignored, that whoever did this means business.

I don't see how she was picked at random to send a general message to the community. It would be too vague.
The article just posted by Fairy1 says it was actually a close friend (woman SP used to babysit for) that got CG involved.

"it was an incredibly large sum of money, 6 figures, no dollar amount. let your imagination ride on that. and in less than 24 hours, she's home. i find that too big of a coincidence, honestly, to say that it didn't contribute. was it the sole reason, who knows? we may never know." now they say they'd like to use this as a model to help other families who have had a family member abducted.

I agree, that is just incredible.
.... her Pinterest board on “Cultural Differences” which appears authentic, is strongly Islamophobic and pins “white identity” and also, interestingly, Native American quotes. ...

Was there a board named 'Cultural Differences'? Because it's gone now.

Not only that, but it currently says there are 97 boards. I'm sure there were 98 boards when I was looking two days ago, so a board has definitely been deleted at this point.
(I was looking into reports that pins had been deleted, and I'm 100% sure it said 98 boards, and 6.2k pins.)
<modsnip> I tend to agree that the offering of the huge reward did change the dynamic of the case and led to SP being located within 24 hours.

The key to the case imo is the apparent sighting at the truck stop with the two men.

Yes!! And as soon as KP mentioned that Sherri's arm was chained to the door every time they took her in a vehicle- I thought about how the woman said Sherri stayed still and said thank you when she offered to help and told her she could come to the bathroom with her. Sherri couldn't get out of the car if that was her, which would explain why the men would leave and come back.

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I am not saying he was involved, nor do I believe that. The question posed was "IF..."

Again, no idea how Sherri was targeted or why, and I have no opinion actually. Trying to unwind this case is an effort in futility.
Come on. LE had zero reason to release that description - "two Hispanic women". What on earth can be done with that info except targeting the approximately 7 millions Hispanic women in California? It's not racial profiling but it leads to it. Too vague. No usable info.

I know what you mean. It's very vague and of little to no use, I agree.

I've been imagining myself in the sheriff's shoes and I'm not sure he had a better option though.

There was no doubt that the sheriff would be asked about the unidentified abductors' descriptions once he'd interviewed SP.

If Sheriff Bosenko had chosen to say 'we're not going to comment on that at this time' or 'we don't have a solid enough description to share at this time', it would have led to some fear and outrage in his community, in my opinion. People, women especially, would have felt that he was potentially making them more vulnerable to violent criminals by not telling them whatever he knew.

Plus, if he'd withheld the vague information and then somebody else in the area was actually kidnapped/attacked by two Hispanic females, that would have been a real problem.

It's also possible that the sheriff had reason to believe that if he didn't share what little he was able to obtain from SP early on, that would cause some people to assume/insist that he was trying to discredit SP, thus prompting KP or one of the members of KP's A-team to go around him and provide a description to the media anyway.

So......I think I'd probably have made the same call as Sheriff Bosenko and simply provided the public with the limited suspect information available.

I would have done so figuring the description was so vague that it wouldn't likely result in a deluge of Hispanic women here in Northern California being blamed or accused wrongly. And, even if the vague description did did lead to a flood of tips about suspicious Hispanic females, the LEOs on the case could rule the baseless ones out rather quickly (though probably less quickly now that so many details have been released publicly, against LE's wishes).
One connection is that the person who originally started the was benji Edwardson, who's brother is a pastor as "the stirring"(another church)--and who has happened to work with CG in the past for a negotiation situation.

I think LE has many many cards they are holding, but trying to find a link to the situation at hand. Clearly SP is a nuanced person who may have a nuanced life as well. I imagine the FBI working on electronic trails is revealing a lot, but again, finding that link is required. I do not think the suspects described are accurate. I agree with others who mention it is a ruse to avoid the true suspect being caught.

I do think KP is authentic. I imagine he has no idea how much was in his wife's past. I imagine he is grasping to regain the normalcy he knew so well, and the perfection that was presented to the outside world. I think that is driving his need to speak up, to try to drag it back to that persona, even if it seems inappropriate before there has been major progress in finding these people.

I hope he shows some passion/anger/drive to find these people in the upcoming interview. That's (currently) making my hinky-meter go off----no rage or passion from the family to apprehend someone for doing this.
First real post here; been following this thread for the last few days. I'm so glad to see that there are people on here that recognize this. Human trafficking is a moral panic that's basically the equivalent of the "satanic panic" of the 80s. I'm always amazed at how little skepticism people have about the wild claims anti-trafficking NGOs make about trafficking. There are tons of good articles out there that debunk the idea that sex-trafficking is the huge problem people like to claim it is.

Well, I won't say that it's akin to the Satanic Panic to the thousands of women and girls trafficked each year in the U.S. However, I pretty much agree with your sentiment.

I think that the hype about sex trafficking in the part of an overall paranoia about certain groups of people via the myth of "white slavery" that enslaves middle class and upper class white girls and women ala movies like "Taken". It's a way, in my mind, for us to justify an unjustifiable fear of the "other".
There was a very good reason to release the "two hispanic females armed with a handgun in a dark SUV" information; in the event law enforcement made a traffic stop of a vehicle and occupants matching that description they should use extreme caution.
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