Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #14

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Talked it to death, sold it on ebay, found it in the mailbox, left it out in the rain, Fed Exed it to China and it still keeps coming back! :blushing:
Ok, that cracked me up🤣

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Wow! Your post made me realize why something bothered me about the interview. I cant go into detail because it might be considered to be criticism of KP and I dont want to be critical of him. Im sure he is doing his best to deal with this tragedy.
I will say, IMO, there doesnt seem to be much concern by those involved about two women abductors being at large in the community.

I too wonder where the anger and outrage, pleading with the public for information and clues is. It's the same feeling I had after the search for SP the public is being asked to believe certain things, accept the situation and move along. NOT directing this at anything in particular anyone in particular has said. Just the general tone of this case is different than any I have come across.

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Indeed... On all fronts, it feels very disconcerting as well as "Manipulative"...
SP is post-trauma. We all are thinking about her wants and actions as rational and making sense. Sometimes after trauma we don't do what makes sense. We struggle to get less sensory input or more sensory input, over function or under-function, become extremely cautious or extremely reckless. She has never faced this kind of "normal" in her life. It has to be confusing to her and those in her sphere. Her actions may be the result of something physical based or trauma based, I don't think we will know. If I had to guess i would venture it is sensory and safety based. I really hope she is in counseling with a good crisis counselor.

I am really just posting this reply so that I can quote your post in full. I have more clumsily tried to say something similar a couple times maybe 30 threads back (yep, I am totally exaggerating,) but you have said it so much more eloquently. Thank you.
Does anyone else find it strange that she was a stay-at-home mom, but her kids went to daycare? Her husband said she never picked the kids up from daycare the day she disappeared. Isn't the point of a stay-at-home mom so your kids don't go to daycare? That was strange to me.

I guess the kids could go to daycare for a day or two to get socialized with other children...

I've been reprimanded for even making comments about this threads ago too. :)
I think conceptually when people think of tinted windows they are thinking 100% black all over - which is illegal in many places.

However, a lot of places allow rear window tint to be completely black, but maybe only 40% tint on passenger windows, which is enough to at least see into the window to extent.

Regardless, I doubt any potential abductors had any illegal aftermarket tint that would warrant them being pulled over at any given time.

Many cars have tint from the factory, but there's still guidelines, ie nothing excessively dark on the passager windows.
Night line just came on and teased "the critical clues" in the SP abduction. I'm sleepy. Hoping it's not a rehash
Does anyone else find it strange that she was a stay-at-home mom, but her kids went to daycare? Her husband said she never picked the kids up from daycare the day she disappeared. Isn't the point of a stay-at-home mom so your kids don't go to daycare? That was strange to me.

I guess the kids could go to daycare for a day or two to get socialized with other children...


This topic was discussed a lot, especially early on. For every one person who thought it was odd, there was another person so saw nothing unusual about it at all.

Potential reasons: playing with kids their own age, opportunity for Mom to have a little time to herself (exercise, works on projects), run errands...
Wow! Your post made me realize why something bothered me about the interview. I cant go into detail because it might be considered to be criticism of KP and I dont want to be critical of him. Im sure he is doing his best to deal with this tragedy.
I will say, IMO, there doesnt seem to be much concern by those involved about two women abductors being at large in the community.

I too wonder where the anger and outrage, pleading with the public for information and clues is. It's the same feeling I had after the search for SP the public is being asked to believe certain things, accept the situation and move along. NOT directing this at anything in particular anyone in particular has said. Just the general tone of this case is different than any I have come across.

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Yes, this really bothers me, also. It does not square with other things the sheriff is saying publicly. And I do admit a feeling of helplessness. I would like us to be able to assist more, but without a vehicle or suspect description, it is difficult.
Could they have shown her the gun and threatened her to get in the car, or they'll shoot. Or maybe one of them just grabbed her. It probably happened so fast that she didn't have time to run.

When Keith gave an example about women stopping for help, it made me think maybe that's how they did it.

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FYI - Nightline on ABC is covering it now. (Central Time) Appears to be clips from the 20/20 episode.
So if this is true--how did she not see their faces?

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If they pulled over, wearing sunglasses and ball caps, and then one of them suddenly grabbed her, she would have had no time to get a clear look at their faces. It just takes a split second to grab a victim.
Is there a LE team that is better equipped to handle this case? On crime shows, this would be kicked upstairs, or some task force or the FBI would show up. Maybe I watch too much television.
Does anyone else find it strange that she was a stay-at-home mom, but her kids went to daycare? Her husband said she never picked the kids up from daycare the day she disappeared. Isn't the point of a stay-at-home mom so your kids don't go to daycare? That was strange to me.

I guess the kids could go to daycare for a day or two to get socialized with other children...


We covered this at length in the first thread. :) Not an issue I for one want to revisit. Quick summary...It's unlikely they were in daycare every day. It was likely a few hours for socializing and to give Sherri time to do things. She spent a LOT of time with her kids apparently.
re: the expert profiler who poo-poo'd the sex trafficking-gone-wrong theory and suggested a goofy cult theory.

the expert's reason for it not being sex trafficking:

they cut SP's "signature" long hair.

A) yah. SP with her "signature" long hair would stand out like a sore thumb. Cutting SP's hair genericizes SP to the point she could
be confused for any petite blonde btw 25-40 with medium length hair waiting in a car at a gas station for her date to grab a six pack. Makes it less likely any potential customer would connect the dots. It also makes moving her around from location to location in public less attn grabbing.

2) sex trafficking, at least the sort that is being bandied about in this case, is more utilitarian than romantic. I don't think the potential customers SP would have been with (assuming a sex trafficking scenario) would've balked at her not having Crystal Gale length locks.

Also, helluva lot easier for her captors to deal with SP not having hair down to her bum. SP herself could've used multiple strands of her original, signature long hair to fashion a sufficiently long length of hair-rope she could've used to choke out anyone who got within arm's reach.
I admit to skipping a few pages of the last few threads here and there, so I apologize if this has been brought up before; I have been meaning to mention it but I keep bumping into a locked thread. :)

Cross-racial identification is known to be notoriously unreliable. I could attach a link, but if you google it, you will find a dozen scholarly articles about it on the first page of results only.

I am still not sure whether I believe Sherri is possibly protecting herself and her family by not revealing the real descriptions (or even identities) of her abductors, or she simply really doesn't have more than what LE have revealed about her captors. The latter is not possible only because they could have kept their faces or Sherri's head covered at all times, but also because (added to consciously trying to conceal their looks) of the cross-racial identification aspect of it.

What does cross racial identification mean? I've never heard the term.
Are there any signs on I-5 saying your at the town of Yolo? I don't remember. I may have to take a drive up there this weekend.

Do a google maps or google earth search and put your cursor right on I5 to see what the signs say...
Are there any signs on I-5 saying your at the town of Yolo? I don't remember. I may have to take a drive up there this weekend.
Yup - there's a sign for the exit. (I went to google street view and made sure).
Not sure if this will work right or not:!1sYGYPnV0kcj2_KypAADTuFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Here's a cropped screen shot:


  • yolo.jpg
    18.7 KB · Views: 401
Do a google maps or google earth search and put your cursor right on I5 to see what the signs say...

I guess I could do that. I may drive by there to see the area first hand.
Free hotel and travel expenses is one perk. Direct pay, not to my knowledge.

But in this case, 20/20 came to their location for the interview. So no perks even.
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