Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #17

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I was originally going on the assumption that she was in really, really bad shape b/c of the warnings the ER gave her husband about bracing himself. But I now think that the ER staff overexaggerated; especially in light of the fact that when Sherri flagged down that woman, AD, AD said that she didn't look injured. It makes perfect sense now that the hospital wouldn't want to keep her, and that SP and KP didn't feel it necessary, either.

It is possible that due to the darkness and her driving by, that AD didn't get a good look at SP. From what I recall KP mentioned that he was quite shocked when he first saw SP and the extent of her injuries.
I like this post.

Also remember, it was not just CG that was going loud about turning reward money for her release into reward for their apprehension. SP's hispanic FIL did also prior to that in the Facebook Redding Crime 2.0 pages and referenced in this news article:

Why would they all of a sudden worry about being apprehended, simply b/c there was a bounty? Nobody knew who they were looking for; not until SP was let go and gave a description. In fact, if t hey WERE worried about being apprehended, that's all the reason to NOT let her go, b/c, naturally, she was going to give some type of description to the police when she was let go.

IMO, whoever is behind this had NO fear of being caught. Hell; they let her go on a busy highway where anyone could have seen them.
It may be helpful to back up and take the time to read previous threads. There you'll find some excellent, detailed posts that have addressed this topic quite thoroughly.

Some of the posts are from nurses, including a trauma nurse, and some from rape victims. It may help you to better understand how it's possible for SP to have her injuries (that have already been established as fact) yet be released from the hospital later in the day.

Here's just two, both from Thread #13 (BBM):
Originally Posted by Piligumbo<snipped by me> I apologize I'm so late to the game on the hospitalization/injury issue, but I wanted to add a few things from a Trauma level, orthopedic level, and surgery an RN.

- Weight loss and dehydration - the weight wasn't lost overnight and would not be gained back in a few days of hospitalization. Being home (or somewhere safe), resting, being offered food she likes will help her regain the weight. Labs would reveal hydration status (via electrolyte panels and renal panels) and fluids can be bolused in the ED. A dangerous electrolyte imbalance would most likely cause an overnight stay for observation as electrolytes are replaced. Mild imbalances can be replaced in the ED.

In my mind this means SP was given water as she was not admitted overnight. This also would support someone was compassionate towards her, not enough to feed her but enough to provide water, or they just did not want to kill her.
I wonder why they left their 2 dogs behind?

When my husband and I moved across the country we took our then-kitty Pooki with us.

Doesn't make any sense.

Pooki passed over that rainbow bridge 11 years ago but we still think of her.

When you two moved across country, you had not just been rescued from violent kidnappers, and been chained in a basement for 3 weeks. That would have probably changed your perspective on things. And kitties don't need to be walked twice a day. I doubt that SP wants to go on any walks right now.
I was originally going on the assumption that she was in really, really bad shape b/c of the warnings the ER gave her husband about bracing himself. But I now think that - THANKFULLY - the ER staff overexaggerated; especially in light of the fact that when Sherri flagged down that woman, AD, AD didn't seem to think she was hurt as badly as the ER led everybody to believe. It makes perfect sense now that the hospital wouldn't want to keep her, and that SP and KP didn't feel it necessary, either.

The officer said she was heavily battered. The bridge of her nose was broke and her face and body were covered in bruises. So even though she took a severe beating, her injures weren't life threatening. She also had burns on her body. So they were preparing him for how battered she looked.
It had been awhile since I had read the Nov 10 article, so in re-reading it, the part about two people just gave me a start. And then further thinking about the word "people" - I'm not drawing any conclusions from it, because I really am not sure how I feel about it. Just thinking out loud as I go.

Continuing my vein of thinking aloud...

What if while the abduction was real, the physical abuse and injuries obviously also real, BUT...

the true nature of the abduction is different in terms of the type of abductor and the number of them?

What if it was one white male? Who finally decided to let her go but told her that if she revealed the true nature of who abducted her, he would find her and kill her family?

He sees the People article, knows that KP is thinking a certain way, and so writes that into the "script" he forces upon SP.

"Ok, you want to be free? You're going to say it's two people. And you know what - let's make them female instead. And Hispanic. And you'll tell LE really generic descriptions of them. Do that, or I'll come back and kill all of your family but you."

And as traumatized as she already was, I could see her agreeing to this in order to save her life, and now feeling too scared to take it back.

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I was treated and released from er after a car accident (with a fatality) I had concussion bruises etc but I had chemical and friction burns on both wrists so badly burned that I lost not just skin but flesh as well. They sent me home with a silver based burn cream and told me to follow up with my dr.

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My goodness. I totally believe you and am just surprised that hospitals dont try to force overnights at least for major injuries such as this.

We always hear of malpractice lawsuits and I would have thought they would want to keep people for observation at least in case the person took a turn for the worse and died at home. In that case a family would probably consider a lawsuit against the hospital for not keeping them at least overnight for observation.

Head injuries and internal injuries are not always obvious.
I agree. I think it's better that the public never knows. And I have a pretty good idea LE wouldn't want the public to know if that were the case.

My naive question - how does a ransom exchange work without LE knowledge? CG and the AD promise it's all anonymous, no questions asked, etc, but it's all public. The police know about the offer so aren't they watching all of this closely? Am I giving LE too much credit that they can catch the bad guys when a ransom is paid?

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Why would they all of a sudden worry about being apprehended, simply b/c there was a bounty? Nobody knew who they were looking for; not until SP was let go and gave a description. In fact, if t hey WERE worried about being apprehended, that's all the reason to NOT let her go, b/c, naturally, she was going to give some type of description to the police when she was let go.

IMO, whoever is behind this had NO fear of being caught. Hell; they let her go on a busy highway where anyone could have seen them.

Because someone in their inner circle may have known what they were up to. There may be people out there other than the abductors that knew they had Sherri. A murder charge is a lot worse than a kidnapping charge.
Continuing my vein of thinking aloud...

What if while the abduction was real, the physical abuse and injuries obviously also real, BUT...

the true nature of the abduction is different in terms of the type of abductor and the number of them?

What if it was one white male? Who finally decided to let her go but told her that if she revealed the true nature of who abducted her, he would find her and kill her family?

He sees the People article, knows that KP is thinking a certain way, and so writes that into the "script" he forces upon SP.

"Ok, you want to be free? You're going to say it's two people. And you know what - let's make them female instead. And Hispanic. And you'll tell LE really generic descriptions of them. Do that, or I'll come back and kill all of your family but you."

And as traumatized as she already was, I could see her agreeing to this in order to save her life, and now feeling too scared to take it back.

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I am kind of leaning in this direction too. I think it is possible that he made a threat against her when he agreed to let her go---if you dare give them a real description of me or the car , I will have your babies/parents/sister killed. And if I were in her shoes, I'd say it was 2 Hispanic women too.
I don't believe we've heard anything from the ER staff and shouldn't expect to. KP said it was an officer that prepared him to see SP for the first time. It's not surprising that he would be the most shocked by her appearance, this is his wife, not another patient or member of the community. But his recalling that moment in the 2020 video appeared very genuine and concerning. IIRC, he even compared her condition to the pain he had felt with her missing (paling in comparison).

"One of the officers braced me," Keith recalls. "'She&#8217;s alive. You&#8217;ve just got to be happy.'"

I was originally going on the assumption that she was in really, really bad shape b/c of the warnings the ER gave her husband about bracing himself. But I now think that - THANKFULLY - the ER staff overexaggerated; especially in light of the fact that when Sherri flagged down that woman, AS, AS didn't seem to think she was hurt as badly as the ER led everybody to believe. It makes perfect sense now that the hospital wouldn't want to keep her, and that SP and KP didn't feel it necessary, either.
Continuing my vein of thinking aloud...

What if while the abduction was real, the physical abuse and injuries obviously also real, BUT...

the true nature of the abduction is different in terms of the type of abductor and the number of them?

What if it was one white male? Who finally decided to let her go but told her that if she revealed the true nature of who abducted her, he would find her and kill her family?

He sees the People article, knows that KP is thinking a certain way, and so writes that into the "script" he forces upon SP.

"Ok, you want to be free? You're going to say it's two people. And you know what - let's make them female instead. And Hispanic. And you'll tell LE really generic descriptions of them. Do that, or I'll come back and kill all of your family but you."

And as traumatized as she already was, I could see her agreeing to this in order to save her life, and now feeling too scared to take it back.

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Or....could SP have actually given LE a true description of her abductors and LE has agreed to lie to the public because SP's family was threatened. This might explain why such a vague description of them.
My naive question - how does a ransom exchange work without LE knowledge? CG and the AD promise it's all anonymous, no questions asked, etc, but it's all public. The police know about the offer so aren't they watching all of this closely? Am I giving LE too much credit that they can catch the bad guys when a ransom is paid?

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Supposedly there is a way to get around it legally. They used a throw away phone and a private email address. I'm not really sure how it all works, but they were allowed to do it without police. If they did exchange money, I'm not sure if they'd wire it or what. It is the holiday season...hmm...
I was originally going on the assumption that she was in really, really bad shape b/c of the warnings the ER gave her husband about bracing himself. But I now think that - THANKFULLY - the ER staff overexaggerated; especially in light of the fact that when Sherri flagged down that woman, AS, AS didn't seem to think she was hurt as badly as the ER led everybody to believe. It makes perfect sense now that the hospital wouldn't want to keep her, and that SP and KP didn't feel it necessary, either.

So you think the more reliable account comes from the woman who saw Sherri on the side of a highway for literally a second or two at most, as she drove past Sherri going about 65-70 miles an hour, in the very early morning, and who had at least two details wrong (no brown shirt waved, no long blond hair)?
Or....could SP have actually given LE a true description of her abductors and LE has agreed to lie to the public because SP's family was threatened. This might explain why such a vague description of them.

Yes, that is also a possibility. I think she might have begun by telling LE it was 2 Hispanic women. Then told her husband the truth, and he may have convinced her to tell LE what really happened, in exchange for them keeping it private for now. JMO

I think there might have been 2 Hispanic women, but there is also a man or 2 involved, that LE is keeping quiet about because of his threats. JM
Well surprise, surprise! It does happen in the USA! :/. Glad your baby wasn't harmed by him.

pimps and teen prostitutes have been a part of our underbelly for centuries. I did not see where the girls in the story were abducted though.
I was originally going on the assumption that she was in really, really bad shape b/c of the warnings the ER gave her husband about bracing himself. But I now think that - THANKFULLY - the ER staff overexaggerated; especially in light of the fact that when Sherri flagged down that woman, AS, AS didn't seem to think she was hurt as badly as the ER led everybody to believe. It makes perfect sense now that the hospital wouldn't want to keep her, and that SP and KP didn't feel it necessary, either.

Someone can LOOK really horrible from repeated beatings and still not be bad enough to be hospitalized. IMO, there is no reason to think the person who told him that exaggerated how bad she looked. That would also imply that KP exaggerated in his letter to the press. Just because her injuries were non-life threatening does not mean they were not serious looking or not painful. If she did not look bad, I think they would have released a picture of her hugging her children or something when they were reunited. MOO. :moo:
Why would they all of a sudden worry about being apprehended, simply b/c there was a bounty? Nobody knew who they were looking for; not until SP was let go and gave a description. In fact, if t hey WERE worried about being apprehended, that's all the reason to NOT let her go, b/c, naturally, she was going to give some type of description to the police when she was let go.

IMO, whoever is behind this had NO fear of being caught. Hell; they let her go on a busy highway where anyone could have seen them.

My naive question - how does a ransom exchange work without LE knowledge? CG and the AD promise it's all anonymous, no questions asked, etc, but it's all public. The police know about the offer so aren't they watching all of this closely? Am I giving LE too much credit that they can catch the bad guys when a ransom is paid?

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Yes how does it work when u call LE and tell them your wife was abducted.
The negotiator says it's all anonymous no questions no cops. Are they obstructing justice? Interfering with an investigation?
Or....could SP have actually given LE a true description of her abductors and LE has agreed to lie to the public because SP's family was threatened. This might explain why such a vague description of them.

Highly unlikely IMHO. LE might generally mislead a suspect during interrogation, but with the public at large they either tell the truth or part of it or nothing at all. There would be liability - what if the presumed male abducts and kills someone next, and the grieving family sues Bodenko for lying about who to be watching out for?

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With all due respect, if no ransom was actually paid and since no one knows the real reason SP was released, how does anyone know it had anything to do with CG's involvement? He certainly seems to be taking credit for it, but LE doesn't appear to agree with him.

You know, after giving this more thought, I've come to think that LE may to a degree, had been somewhat jealous of Gamble. Not only was he taking the rains of the investigation, but he was also sorta stealing the spotlight sorta speak.
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