Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #2

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I have a feeling this case is going to end up being a copycat who got his inspiration from the nut job in South Carolina that had the woman chained up in a cargo container. At this stage, we can only hope that he is a sex fiend and not a cold-blooded killer.

Also, based solely on common sense, if the cops had one shred of proof that this woman simply walked away from her life or is in hiding, the first people informed of that would be her husband and family. If this information was told to them, then most search efforts, media interviews, and pleas for information would cease fairly rapidly. It hasn't ceased or slowed down at all, and the family is pushing even harder to get the word out and keep her name in the headlines.

Where are you seeing this Steelman? I haven't been able to find anything at all from the sister since that bit on Monday. Her parents have not said anything that I can find and even Suzanne, Keith's sister hasn't had anything printed or in media since what they said Monday. I know news is picking it up but they are just regurgitating news we already know and there have been no new pleas/vigils/searches since Monday (at least none that I have found)
IMO I also think if it was some tweaker that snatched her there would have been more evidence, signs of a struggle, more sloppiness I guess. They're not exactly known for being "organized"
I'm just putting this out there because I think the FIL reads this thread and may provide the answer. When her husband came home from work, do we know if the door was locked and if it usually is or not when arriving home from work?

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Do we know how long she's been living at her present address? Allot times abductions take place in week and months following the time after an attractive woman moves into a new place and does something in public on a regular basis, likes she does jogging at 11am...
SHE was the one who posted a half nude picture of hersel.... publicly.
This might sound crazy, but would investigators lie about someone passing a polygraph to keep them open to cooperating?
I realize this could come off wrong... but was the pillow as a gift significant in some way? It could be something really cool that she made him. But could it also have been symbolic? Think about it... an American flag pillow as an anniversary gift. It was election season at the time, maybe he was into politics or simply patriotic. Maybe the kids helped make it. I think it has potential to be a tell, though, esp since partially wrapped.

They celebrated their anniversary in October.
Nope. This case is going to be exactly what it appears to be. She was stalked and grabbed.

My initial suspicion was her husband, but once he was cleared things still felt off. I don't think she walked away from her life. But are things really as they appear? I don't know. And I hope not ... because that means there is yet another monster out there. Maybe my fear of that is keeping me from jumping that fence.
SHE was the one who posted a half nude picture of hersel.... publicly.

I'm going to guess she did that to send to someone specific. Who knows what it means. Maybe she was having back pain and was pointing out the painful areas for her massage therapist. But my point is, I don't think she knew her photobucket account was public.
I'm still thinking she made it home after jogging and was interrupted by either hearing someone on her property or at the door. She may have thought it was Keith and been surprised.

I think her phone at that intersection was thrown there. If you were going to kidnap her there were far more secluded places along her route. Not sure i can get it to post but there is clearly a house within view of that intersection. Why risk being seen? However that would be the logical route to drive out away from her home.

I've used Google Maps to look at the area and I agree it doesn't really look like a good spot for a kidnapping, which it appears to be a relatively busy intersection and it was in the middle of the day and as we've heard there's lots of witnesses around. Ever since the beginning I've been suspicious of what happened due to the location of where the phone was found and especially with this happening during the day where apparently plenty of people saw her. Given how she was seen over a span of 3 hours, I see it as a realistic possibility that she herself put it there, which was why she was seen over so many hours.
I think it's someone living very close and was obsessed with her.
This brings up the Sierah Joughin case for me. My guess the husband knew her general schedule during the day and that it was normal for her to jog at that time of the day. Maybe she texted him about lunch and if she had gotten an immediate response she would delay her run and wait to see him. However since she didn't hear back she assumed he was at a job site and went forward with her run. The phone and headphones make it appear she was grabbed. I hope its not true. From what we know so the husband has been cleared and she had 2 young ones at home. Nothing screams to me that she had a reason to voluntarily leave. Unfortunately I think there are more James Worley's and Todd Kohlhepp's in the world. This also reminds me of all the female joggers that have gone missing in the last few months. The world is a scary place
You just never know. Here in my state of MI the case of Jessica Heeringa. There wasn't any clue for years. Scary to think...
It makes a tiny bit more sense to me now that somebody painted the picture of the husband coming home, finding house empty but CAR in yard, and assuming wife had been running but hadn't returned. I still need to hear that he called her phone before using app for it to make complete sense to me, but this is a plausible scenario to draw up considering he could assume she was running and hadn't returned.

Maybe he came home expecting her to be there (after receiving text "are you coming home for lunch"). When she wasn't there, he called daycare to see if she had already picked up the kids, or was somehow there at the time (he was probably confused why the car was there) When he found out kids were still there, he used "find my iPhone" to see where she was just to get an idea. I don't think it's odd that he didn't call her; he probably didn't want to bother her if she was on a run. I know A LOT of people (including my husband) that do NOT wanna be bothered when they're running or busy doing something. Perhaps he went to the FMIP location to meet up (especially if it wasn't far from home) and made the discovery that she wasn't with the phone.

This all sounds plausible to me. The average person doesn't automatically assume that something is wrong or that someone has been kidnapped just because they aren't where they are expected to be. But the scenario sure changed once he found he the phone. I personally think to a non-familial abduction.

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The family called it pre-school. The words seem to be used interchangeably by the media and even other people but it sounds like the kids went to pre-school.

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Do two-year-old children go to preschool? And if it was preschool, it usually means Monday to Friday, doesn't It? I'm asking because I don't know.
I think it's someone living very close and was obsessed with her.

If she was abducted I think it was someone she knew, perhaps vaguely. I once had a meter reader that made every hair on my neck stand up, he was definitely stalking me. I called the company requesting that they never send him to my home again. He came back one time after that ... when I was outside in my bathing suit. My life flashed before my eyes that day. YOU NEVER KNOW.
The family called it pre-school. The words seem to be used interchangeably by the media and even other people but it sounds like the kids went to pre-school.

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I suppose that it even could be a combination of both. Preschools, per se, generally are not all-day venues AFAIK.
Do two-year-old children go to preschool? And if it was preschool, it usually means Monday to Friday, doesn't It? I'm asking because I don't know.
Maybe not as common if they were an only child but if big brother does then definitely. It would give her some free time too which sounds like she needed since she did a lot. I didn't choose m through f for my kids but everyone is different.

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