Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #3

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Not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that she was killed in her home by someone she knew?

Nope. I was suggesting the scenario of another case, a home invasion by strangers, no reason to remove a body and stage it to look like an abduction - it's just too complicated. If Sherri were killed in her home, why the abduction ruse? So ... in all likelihood she was not killed in her home and taken. In my opinion.

Common mistake and I can talk today lol but it's Hannah Graham

(in case someone is interested enough to look the case up)

Yep, you're correct. And it happened here in VA. Should have remembered.
The young woman who went missing in Virginia - her stuff was found in a ditch not far from where she was last seen. I think she was abducted and that's exactly what happened. It was intentionally rifled through and tossed somewhere that was not near where she was taken. IIRC it was near a homeless camp which would have also thrown suspicion on someone other than the guilty party. I remember thinking it made for a great cover. Everyone was focused on searching there and where she'd last been seen and meanwhile she was nowhere near either place.

She's still missing. :(

Oh Katelin Akens. Similar in that some believed she went missing voluntarily
Last seen at 2:00 pm, unanswered 1:37 pm text from husband, and phone found outside the premises? Correct?

The package -did the husband say that it was strange or did he just mention that she was planning to give him a gift? Anyone who ever wrapped a pillow w/o a box can tell you that the package has a way of breaking open. Also, she has children that might have discovered the package in the morning and opened it. I just don't think the package has more significance than planning for the anniversary (or occasion).

Don't know whether she was abducted but certainly believe she met a monster. Must find her ASAP.

It would be a particularly passive/aggressive approach to suicide, IMO, for a young mother. And running away from everyone and thing seems, again MOO, not likely.

Of course, no two stories are the same. Find her.
Good question. LE apparently believes a stranger abducted her. Having scoured the immediate area and found nothing, they must think she is outside the immediate area and could, in fact, be anywhere the abductor decided to take her to.

But they won't call it an abduction....which bothers me so much.
I thought the checkbook was determined to not belong to her ... have I misunderstood?
The sheriff log indicated the finder (one of the searchers, I think) thought it was related but I never saw any confirmation. The Sheriff did say in his press conference that other evidence besides the phone and earbuds was found but that he wouldn't discuss it.

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Good question. LE apparently believes a stranger abducted her. Having scoured the immediate area and found nothing, they must think she is outside the immediate area and could, in fact, be anywhere the abductor decided to take her to.

I think you're right. I note that the latest reports from LE, on FB indicate that this disappearance is classified as "Suspicious Circumstances/At Risk". That good information has been received to create a timeline of her movements. And the time of day she was seen jogging/walking, which seems to rule out 2:00 p.m.:
Does anyone know if red herrings have been left in suicide cases? Voluntary missing?

Yes. Faked suicides and faked kidnappings, and suicides disguised to look like murders.

I think a lot of "suicide by cop" cases are exactly that as well. And people have attempted to cover up suicide so their families could collect insurance money they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
Not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that she was killed in her home by someone she knew?

Alternatively, she may have come to harm or been killed in someone else's home. It sounds like she was out and about quite a bit in the area of her home. Perhaps she visits someone while out on her runs, and that residence is the crime scene. Perp does something to her in his/her own home, puts her in the car, abandons the phone so not to be tracked. Makes more sense than an abduction in broad daylight on a public road.
Nope. I was suggesting the scenario of another case, a home invasion by strangers, no reason to remove a body and stage it to look like an abduction - it's just too complicated. If Sherri were killed in her home, why the abduction ruse? So ... in all likelihood she was not killed in her home and taken. In my opinion.

Oh, OK. I misunderstood. You're not buying the "killed at home and then the cell phone being left outside to suggest an abduction" ruse. I agree.
AGreed, out of the area means she will not be found near sightings/personal articles. Also if she is being held against her will somewhere that will likely be in a remote surrounding area, but not in that particulate neighborhood.
To make it look like an abduction and spare her family any guilt and extra grief.

I technically get what you're saying. But imagining my loved one at the mercy of a monster would cause enormous grief and heartache. And what about when she is found? Suicide would probably be obvious at that point, anyway. It's awful to think about.
I keep thinking that Sherri was aware and savvy enough to leave clues behind.
I thought the checkbook was determined to not belong to her ... have I misunderstood?

I thought it was still unclear whether or not it was hers. I'm trying to keep up but this thread is moving so quickly!
Alternatively, she may have come to harm or been killed in someone else's home. It sounds like she was out and about quite a bit in the area of her home. Perhaps she visits someone while out on her runs, and that residence is the crime scene. Perp does something to her in his/her own home, puts her in the car, abandons the phone so not to be tracked. Makes more sense than an abduction in broad daylight on a public road.

Is there someone she likely would have visited? Do we know she was inclined to do that during the day? And who that she would visit would also have a motive to murder her? Seems like a stretch without more information.
I'm a runner, and I would be very reluctant to run on Old Oregon Trail. The shoulder is narrow and I bet people speed like crazy on that road. You would be amazed how close people come to you. It's like they don't want to cross the yellow line. Better to stay on the less used roads, and I bet people give more room without the center line, as well. The dust on those dirt roads can really suck, though, when a car goes by, but I expect they get far less traffic than Old Oregon Trail. I'd rather choke on a little dust now and again than accept the much higher risk of getting picked off by someone not paying attention. It's just not a good feeling to have cars whizzing by at 50 mph just a foot or two away from you.

If I lived where Sherri does, I could easily see myself running to the end of Sunrise Drive and then turning around, though, if that is what it took to get a run length I was happy with.

When training for a 5k, most people are going to want to run 5k, which is 3.1 miles. There is a nice loop she can do from her house, but it's about 2.2 miles. A run to the end of Sunrise Drive and back adds about 1.1 miles. So I could see it.

I tend to think the phone was found right on the corner. The evidence 500 feet up Old Oregon Trail might have been a red herring. It could also have been thrown there, of course.

I also think it is highly unlikely she ran for hours. If the sitings are credible, she could have walked to pick up her mail, or gone for a second run. One 5k run in the morning, and one in the afternoon. I've never done that, but it's not out of the question. I think it's more likely that one or more of the sitings is not credible, though. It's quite common.

The husband seems to discount the later sitings, because he said his best guess is she went jogging around 11:00, based on what his neighbors said.
I'd like to know the last time someone physically spoke to her (not texting). I think there's a wide range of times of when something could have happened.
Me too! I'm not confident in the eyewitness sightings at all.

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Alternatively, she may have come to harm or been killed in someone else's home. It sounds like she was out and about quite a bit in the area of her home. Perhaps she visits someone while out on her runs, and that residence is the crime scene. Perp does something to her in his/her own home, puts her in the car, abandons the phone so not to be tracked. Makes more sense than an abduction in broad daylight on a public road.

A scenario I hadn't thought of until now. She did grow up in Redding. I wonder who lives nearby that she went to school with and somewhat trusted.

As another point, could she have pulled or strained a muscle. Became distracted and stumbled and was injured. Both have happened to me. Could someone she knew have driven by and offered her help, if she was obviously injured? Again, that goes back to who she knew in the area.
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