Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #6

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They were pretty specific in the PDF about how they would tell which are genuine. They would need to talk to her, or if that's not possible, they would need a photo of her with a copy of today's newspaper in the photo. J Paul Getty kidnapping style.
To continue the Getty allusion, am hoping no one loses a right ear. But the outcome was good.
Then why not just leave the phone at home?

To make it look like a jogger got abducted when in reality it was something else. I for instance think she may have been murdered at her home with a perp having many hours to operate there and clean things up. Putting the phone out by the road moves the crime scene and changes the nature of it as well. If it looked like something happened to her there instead, LE would be all over the house with a fine-tooth comb immediately as they would know to focus on evidence in the house instead of literally searching for miles elsewhere.
To make it look like a jogger got abducted when in reality it was something else. I for instance think she may have been murdered at her home with a perp having many hours to operate there and clean things up. Putting the phone out by the road moves the crime scene and changes the nature of it as well. If it looked like something happened to her there instead, LE would be all over the house with a fine-tooth comb immediately as they would know to focus on evidence in the house instead of literally searching for miles elsewhere.

Please go back and read the original post I was responding to.
It was suggested that it was a habit of Sherri's to leave her phone on the road, to make it "appear" that she was jogging. Because I guess she was doing other things instead and didn't want to be tracked. Which was easier than leaving the phone at home. Or whatever.

This is exhausting.
To make it look like a jogger got abducted when in reality it was something else. I for instance think she may have been murdered at her home with a perp having many hours to operate there and clean things up. Putting the phone out by the road moves the crime scene and changes the nature of it as well. If it looked like something happened to her there instead, LE would be all over the house with a fine-tooth comb immediately as they would know to focus on evidence in the house instead of literally searching for miles elsewhere.
Good theory.

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News articles like this are great for morale after 2 1/2 weeks of searching, aren't they ?

I guess.....................continue to search ? The FBI being called in to help is encouraging, but it almost seems like too little too late. If this case wasn't taken seriously as an abduction from the very beginning, then vital evidence may have been trampled and destroyed by this point.

Anybody ever have one of those experiences where some of your property was stolen or your house was broken into , and the police show up and take a report but don't bother dusting for fingerprints ?
So then you're left asking yourself , "If they really wanted to catch the person responsible, why wouldn't they take fingerprints ?"

Hopefully this case isn't going to hinge on the same type of scenario.

Well, that's not entirely true. They DID search. They searched the entire area surrounding the phone, they searched her home, electronics, they went door to door, they investigated the timeline of the rso's in the area. They continue to sift through over 400 tips, they have gone out of state.....they continue to work this case every day.

The problem is, there is no sign of anything. Or if they did find things in the home or electronics that lead to believe that she *might* have gone voluntarily, it's the reason they are not using the word abduction as a sole focus.

You are correct. They did all of those things, but my problem is the search. When I said this on an earlier post someone posted that the search was massive. That just isn't true as far as I'm aware.

"The disappearance immediately mobilized sheriff’s search and rescue teams. About two-dozen searchers spent the night and day combing the area where the phone was found, though the search radius of about a half-mile could be expanded."

“It depends on the search today and what we find and the evidence and we’ll have to expand it out potentially if something else has not developed,” Sheriff’s Lt. Anthony Bertain said Thursday."

That search ended at 4:00 PM and the family and volunteers took over. A one half mile radius search by trained LE is not massive to me.


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I think you may be missing the point of my post, although you are actually touching on it.

I was trying to establish if this incident was processed as a crime scene from the very know, yellow tape, photographs, tire imprints, fingerprints, etc............OR...........was it treated like a woman who's husband seemed a little hysterical about her being missing, but more than likely would show up sooner or later ? Was it only as the hours turned into days that a legitimate concern begin to grow on the part of LE ?

Trying to process evidence after it has been walked on, trampled on, driven on, and handled by family and friends probably isn't the best chain of custody that could have taken place. This would include things such as the ear buds, the phone, as well as any footprints left behind.

I see. Well, LE has her phone. They know where the phone was all morning and where it was when it was sending texts. Wouldn't they also be able to tell if her phone has an app like that with prearranged texts set up? While it's possible that someone else set up the text sending-app or someone else sent a text from her house, the scenario of Sherri being gone earlier than that day means that someone had to physically move the phone from her house that morning to the place where it was found. Husband has been cleared, as they know his movements during the day. This leaves someone else who had access to the house and to manipulate the phone. I can't see a random kidnapper or even a kidnapper-for-hire hanging around the house sending texts and then movign the phone as if she was jogging to the place it was found.

So I see where this is going with people thinking it was someone she knows faking texts but if someone close to Sherri went to the trouble of faking texts, WHY would they discard the phone where it could be found? That phone has a lot more information on it than what we are being told about. LE knows if she listened to music during her run and what songs. They may even know things like the speed at which the phone traveled while she was running. I haven't seen LE doubt the story that she went running, yet so I think they have evidence she went for a run that day. JMO. I'm not sure what I believe happened to her. Still trying to weed through all these theories.

Lots of information has not been given to the public. I don't know if LE has shared what they know with the family. <modsnip>

Regarding searches, those posts are in earlier threads.

This link has an over view of what has been done but not a specific timeline

This link has an over view of what has been done but not a specific timeline

This link explains why the ground searches have stopped

This link explains why the FBI is not more involved

Description of Grid Searches on/after Friday 11/04/2016: first one mile then three mile radius from home.

Description of searches on Wednesday 11/02/2016 and Thursday 11/03/2016
Action News Now - Three Videos
Avijah Scarbrough interview of LE in first video has
Description of searches done on day 1 and day 2

Reported missing on Wednesday 11/02/2016 at 5:51 pm
Helicopter did a flare which checked for body heat - negative
Limited ground search
Integrated NCIC
Started interviews with family

Thursday 11/03/2016
Ground Search by Detectives and the Search and Rescue Team
AB 109 Team searching all the 296 Registrants in the area - doing searches of their premises and residences​
It's what I've said all along.
It.explains the partially wrapped present and why someone saw her where the phone was but didn't see the abduction. Do you think she could have been seen jogging at 11, murdered at home, and the phone planted by 12? Do you think the witnesses who saw her jogging were mistaken?

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It.explains the partially wrapped present and why someone saw her where the phone was but didn't see the abduction. Do you think she could have been seen jogging at 11, murdered at home, and the phone planted by 12? Do you think the witnesses who saw her jogging were mistaken?

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I'm not convinced she was seen that day.
Please go back and read the original post I was responding to.
It was suggested that it was a habit of Sherri's to leave her phone on the road, to make it "appear" that she was jogging. Because I guess she was doing other things instead and didn't want to be tracked. Which was easier than leaving the phone at home. Or whatever.

This is exhausting.

Because the only accounts of what she was doing for 3 hours have her jogging, not saying she engaged in any other activities. If your neighbors are vouching they saw you leave and they saw you go while your phone shows you home that would be contrary to that versus some random check on you that would confirm that your phone aligns with what you said you did and the neighbors concur.
It.explains the partially wrapped present and why someone saw her where the phone was but didn't see the abduction. Do you think she could have been seen jogging at 11, murdered at home, and the phone planted by 12? Do you think the witnesses who saw her jogging were mistaken?

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I think she went jogging, returned home, probably around noon, started wrapping that gift and was interrupted by someone at the door or on her property. Maybe a stranger, maybe someone she knew casually (a neighbor?), or someone she trusted...but she got into a car.

The first interview with KP said she could have dropped her phone, he didn't say she would never lose her phone. Maybe it's as simple as the phone was in her pocket. It fell when she was jogging and she didn't realize it. Maybe the phone and the abduction are unrelated.

It's a stretch but we've got nothing.

I don't believe suicide or voluntarily leaving.

Where are you, Sherri?

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The original $10,000 was from Secret Witness. $40,000 is being offered by the family. The "ransom" with no dollar amount attached until the alleged abductor negotiates for an amount after proving they have her alive and well is from an anonymous source.

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I am confused. I thought that it was 10,000.00 from the Secret Witness Program, and 40,000.00 from a private source Plus the 50 thousand ransom reward, to make it 100 thousand if all of these were combined. Did it change? IMOO.

From the sheriff statement:

At one minute 17 seconds, the sheriff states:

"I think the money could be better dedicated to a reward for information leading to her return or her discovery; working thru perhaps Shasta County Secret Witness. As you know, there is a 10 thousand dollar reward currently out there thru Shasta County Secret Witness, with another private contribution of 40 thousand for a total of 50. If this person that puts this up would COMBINE with it, that would make it A HUNDRED THOUSAND, would that produce a tip?"
I find the ransom reward interesting. Not many cases where a philanthropist offers a large amount of money for someone to be returned and the perp gets to walk away free. I'm starting to wonder if someone in the family had big money issues. If she somehow is returned before the reward expires, I will suspect it even more.

And mentioned before by other people, KP's step father to me seems off. Just how outspoken and involved he has been and not always on the same page as her family.
I am confused. I thought that it was 10,000.00 from the Secret Witness Program, and 40,000.00 from a private source Plus the 50 thousand to make it 100 thousand if all of these were combined. Did it change? IMOO.

From the sheriff statement:

At one minute 17 seconds, the sheriff states:

"I think the money could be better dedicated to a reward for information leading to her return or her discovery; working thru perhaps Shasta County Secret Witness. As you know, there is a 10 thousand dollar reward currently out there thru Shasta County Secret Witness, with another private contribution of 40 thousand for a total of 50. If this person that puts this up would COMBINE with it, that would make it A HUNDRED THOUSAND, would that produce a tip?"
I believe the Sheriff misspoke. No amount was ever given in the ransom letter. I've gone back several times to verify that.

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QUESTION: which MSM would have the most immediate, current breaking news, if any? A very recent post on the family FSPFB has me wondering.
What if she drove and met someone to sell something? She met with a bad person and they drove her car back to the house? They texted KP about lunch to see how much time they had?

Maybe KP should check car to see if seat etc is in position for her height etc.. Just thinking outside the box here. Perp or perps could have tossed phone on way out of area with her.
Because the only accounts of what she was doing for 3 hours have her jogging, not saying she engaged in any other activities. If your neighbors are vouching they saw you leave and they saw you go while your phone shows you home that would be contrary to that versus some random check on you that would confirm that your phone aligns with what you said you did and the neighbors concur.

What are you suggesting? Do you honestly think someone would be checking and rechecking and questioning neighbors to verify Sherri's whereabouts every single day ... to the point where she would feel the need to hide her phone and pretend to do things she is not doing? Because whoever would be doing that to ANYONE needs a psych eval ... and a restraining order.
I find the ransom reward interesting. Not many cases where a philanthropist offers a large amount of money for someone to be returned and the perp gets to walk away free. I'm starting to wonder if someone in the family had big money issues. If she somehow is returned before the reward expires, I will suspect it even more.

And mentioned before by other people, KP's step father to me seems off. Just how outspoken and involved he has been and not always on the same page as her family.

Based on Sherri's sister, who keeps clarifying that SHE is the official family spokesperson, it appears there is some conflict there.

Also, I don't understand why some people are so hung up on the fact that there were no witnesses to an abduction? Is there ever? I realize that in a few cases there is but the norm is that nobody saw anything..hence how they were able to be kidnapped.
Have you seen this? [video=youtube;OMkTjO6rCyI][/video]
I knew I'd read somewhere Keith had met with him. Thank you!

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Do we know what model iPhone Sherri had?
If she had a 6s or 6s plus, they have the ability to use thumbprint scanning to open the home screen. The thumbprint must be Sherri's or the phone will not wake from "sleep mode." Thumbprint scanning does have to be enabled in the settings.
So if someone broke into her home, and wanted to attempt to use her phone to send a fake text, they would first have to get the phone out of "sleep mode" by pushing the home button. If they used their thumb to attempt this, not only would the phone not open but it would register as a failure to open due to a non-matching thumb print.
That attempt would show when LE did forensics on the phone.

I know there are alot of "ifs" in my post, but there is a chance that they know someone other than Sherri attempted to use her phone and they also know at exactly what time this was attempted....
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