Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #6

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If you were an abductor with any brains at all, wouldn't you make it a priority to separate the victim from her phone? She could have dropped it during the struggle, had it ripped from her by the abductor, or been forced, perhaps at knifepoint, to drop it. The point is that it'd make sense for the abductor then and there to separate Sherri from her phone.

I'm not an abductor... but if she was grabbed the phone could have also been grabbed and tossed - no evidence and nothing obvious other than it was on the ground instead of with her. So I don't think there was any kind of physical encounter that resulted in the phone being yanked off her and landing there. If she was abducted I think more likely she was grabbed and the phone tossed after.

I'm assuming the earphones were attached and the phone wasn't damaged - if either of those facts change my opinion might change too.
I do agree that more people leave voluntarily than are abducted.

But how many leave without a trace - leave with no apparent means to support themselves, with no warning, and aren't found in this amount of time with this amount of police work?

I think we've all seen baffling cases where people do disappear, and are found years later leading a life kind of under the radar. But from my observation, that's much more rare than stranger abductions.

And one thing that always surprises me - how very many people go missing and are never, ever found so we can't add them to this statistical pool of those who are abducted vs. those who leave voluntarily. There are a LOT of missing people. :(
I don't know how much the stats matter. People leave voluntarily. People are abducted. Both disappearances happen often enough that both are possible explanations for Sherri's disappearance. But when you add up the fact that she was a devoted wife and mother (as far as we know) and nothing (as far as we know) in her phone records, computer searches, and text messages hints that she was preparing to leave, at least to me makes abduction more likely. (But I sure wouldn't bet any money on it.)
Didn't the letter state something about it being "their negotiatior" that has done this for them before?

Even weirder than it already is if Sherri, whose possibly been abducted, also happens to have a friend or family member that's done several negotiations. Jmo.

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Good question. I just looked at the letter again and it says the negotiator (who we have since learned is Cameron Gamble) has negotiated ransom releases for people all over the world. It does NOT say that the person who wrote the letter and is offering the ransom has hired CG before. I think some people are confused and think CG is the one offering the reward. From what I can gather, CG has a business doing this and is known for it so anyone who was desperate to bring their friend or loved one home could look him up and retain his services as a negotiator. JMO.

ETA link:
This is why I went back and looked at the jacket (hoodie) she was wearing. Personally, I'd rather carry my phone in a pocket or spi belt. Not sure where SP had hers, but it could've very easily fallen out of her front pocket and not sustained any damage if she were pushed to the ground.

JMO, if it was tossed, there more than likely would be some damage to the phone. Perhaps some scratches, or, if it had a cover, perhaps some nicks of dirt or something else. I just think the LE know a lot more than us here. :tantrum:
Hi, newbie here but this case has me gripped from across the pond,

I cant get over the fact the present was half unwrapped, could one of the children done this without the Dad realising? You know come home saw the present and curiosity gets the better of them?

Another thing that bothers me is the massive discrepancies in the timeline, Sherri is seen at 11am then again at around 2, what time were the children due to be collected from daycare.

And lastly does anyone else find the reward/ransom video a bit odd, I have never come across this before
Got it. The answer is, no. If the "frequent locations" option is not enabled, no data will be saved in the phone. This is in accordance to privacy laws.
Yes, they can easily tell if this is enabled or not.

Does the "frequent locations" option need to be enabled for the find my phone option to work? If not, does it log GPS data every time a call or text comes in or goes out?
How do we know it's a complete stranger offering the reverse ransom? My guess is this is a friend or family member of Sherri's that does not want her family nor the public to know who is offering the money. It could be anyone who knows Sherri from a former employer to KP's parents. Perhaps they want to remain anonymous because they don't want their identity to detract from bringing Sherri home. I do agree the reverse ransom is very strange (not common) and I don't know what to make of it in this case.

We don't truly know 100% But, we do know that the Bethel Church is behind it. You should Google this church. Their beliefs are very controversial and are frequently called a cult.
My un-PC opinion is that this church saw an opportunity for some free national publicity and jumped on the opportunity. They know full well that an abductor will not come forward.
So, because of the church's reputation, I am guessing that this is a PR stunt that isn't connected to the family.
Hi, newbie here but this case has me gripped from across the pond,

I cant get over the fact the present was half unwrapped, could one of the children done this without the Dad realising? You know come home saw the present and curiosity gets the better of them?

Another thing that bothers me is the massive discrepancies in the timeline, Sherri is seen at 11am then again at around 2, what time were the children due to be collected from daycare.

And lastly does anyone else find the reward/ransom video a bit odd, I have never come across this before
Hi and welcome to WS, milly210.
JMO, if it was tossed, there more than likely would be some damage to the phone. Perhaps some scratches, or, if it had a cover, perhaps some nicks of dirt or something else. I just think the LE know a lot more than us here. :tantrum:

Dropped? Dumped? I don't mean thrown or tossed out of a car window (assuming there was no damage done).

Anyway, these are just theories. IMO it was most likely placed, as in set down, put down, and left there.
Does the "frequent locations" option need to be enabled for the find my phone option to work? If not, does it log GPS data every time a call or text comes in or goes out?

No it does not. "Frequent Locations" and "Find My iPhone" are both apps that are part of the Location Services software. They are enabled autonomously.
No, GPS coordinates are not recorded when the phone is used for a call or for a text.
I hope I that answers your questions. Please let me know if you need clarification!
Good question. I just looked at the letter again and it says the negotiator (who we have since learned is Cameron Gamble) has negotiated ransom releases for people all over the world. It does NOT say that the person who wrote the letter and is offering the ransom has hired CG before. I think some people are confused and think CG is the one offering the reward. From what I can gather, CG has a business doing this and is known for it so anyone who was desperate to bring their friend or loved one home could look him up and retain his services as a negotiator. JMO.

ETA link:
Understand, thank you.

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We don't truly know 100% But, we do know that the Bethel Church is behind it. You should Google this church. Their beliefs are very controversial and are frequently called a cult.
My un-PC opinion is that this church saw an opportunity for some free national publicity and jumped on the opportunity. They know full well that an abductor will not come forward.
So, because of the church's reputation, I am guessing that this is a PR stunt that isn't connected to the family.
Any chance this family could be connected to the church?

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I think you're looking at it from a different perspective. If you find a cell phone on the side of the road, it's highly improbable that it was dropped during a stranger abduction.

BUT. When you look at this case and realize the husband has been cleared, she is unlikely to leave, witnesses saw her jogging and now no one knows where she is - and her cell phone is found on the road on her jogging route, it suddenly becomes very probable that it was dropped during an abduction.

As rare as stranger abductions are, they do occur, and this one appears to be just that.

Any other explanation you kind of have to work at too hard to make it work out logically.

You're going off the assumption that it was unlikely for her to leave, but what don't know what was going on in that home or in her mind as there's certain things only she herself could know. Plus it's questionable how reliable the witnesses were as it puts her jogging for 3 hours without any other explanation for what she was doing from 11-2. LE themselves have raised the issue of not seeing her on security footage, which just as a matter of speed and distance, she'd be going by businesses covering 6-12+ miles.
I don't know how much the stats matter. People leave voluntarily. People are abducted. Both disappearances happen often enough that both are possible explanations for Sherri's disappearance. But when you add up the fact that she was a devoted wife and mother (as far as we know) and nothing (as far as we know) in her phone records, computer searches, and text messages hints that she was preparing to leave, at least to me makes abduction more likely. (But I sure wouldn't bet any money on it.)

I've been thinking about this. What if she voluntarily left with someone she had been communicating with only in person? Perhaps meeting up during those three-hour runs twice a week? Or in other ways. She could have planned this without leaving a trace.
Me too. I think it's completely possible she walked or jogged up to that intersection sometime around 11 (when she was seen), turned off her phone (it went off at noon), and got in a car with someone.

This would mean the spotting at 2pm is incorrect. Otherwise she turned the phone off at noon (at home, on her run, on a walk, whatever) and met up with someone closer to 2pm.

The tree trimmers did it. Its just too much of a coincidence that work is being done the same day she disappears. Jmo
The tree trimmers did it. Its just too much of a coincidence that work is being done the same day she disappears. Jmo

Don't women often abscond with the gardeners? That's what I learned from Desperate Housewives.

We don't truly know 100% But, we do know that the Bethel Church is behind it. You should Google this church. Their beliefs are very controversial and are frequently called a cult.
My un-PC opinion is that this church saw an opportunity for some free national publicity and jumped on the opportunity. They know full well that an abductor will not come forward.
So, because of the church's reputation, I am guessing that this is a PR stunt that isn't connected to the family.

I haven't read anything in the press about the Bethel Church being "behind it". By "behind it" do you mean you think they are the ones offering the reward? Or do they pay Cameron Gamble or something? I'm not being smart, I'm honestly asking because I've never heard of them nor CG before all this and have no idea how they are connected to this offer. Can you link me to a MSM that talks about Bethel Church's connection to the Sherri Papini case?
Any chance this family could be connected to the church?

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That would shed at least some more light on who Sherri really is. At this point we hardly know much about her. Although, her Pinterest account is fairly telling. I find it hard to believe that this stay at home mom would not have more social media accounts out there. SAHM's usually live for broadcasting their children's every move. But, you can hardly find anything on her. Weird.
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