Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #7

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It did seem like an all-too convenient Clue, didn't it. We know she must have been snatched whilst jogging, because of the phone. We've all heard of women being snatched whilst jogging. And we know she didn't just decide to leave her husband, because there was a half-wrapped, hand-made gift addressed to him in the house. Another handy Clue. And she's a perfect, beautiful Supermom who would never leave her kids and whose wedding photos have now been plastered everywhere, so we can see how wonderful she is. As if telling a story/ creating an image is more important than actually putting out accurate photos of how she looks now so people know if they've seen her. And then the mysterious, anonymous benefactor who puts out a bizarre letter offering a reward for her safe return by Wednesday and promising not to involve LE in any way.

If she reappears on Wednesday morning claiming to have been held captive in Mexico this whole time and starts going on chat-shows to describe her awful treatment by those nasty Mexicans, I will be extremely suspicious.

But if she turns up dead, I will feel awful for ever suspecting a hoax :(

I won't feel bad for suspecting a hoax. (I do hope she is alive but also realize that might not be the case. My first hunch actually, is that she encountered violence. However, I keep "hoax" on my list of possibilities, without apology.)

We cannot know with the info we have what has happened with any degree of certainty. We are human and we form opinions - that is nothing to feel bad about. When we learn more information, we are capable of changing our minds and correcting our opinions. That's not a bad thing.

I sure wish I could get every case correctly solved from the get-go.

I know ZERO about iPhones. Does the phone light up when you track it with the find my phone? Also, is it true that if he called the phone for it's location in the dark, it wouldn't ring audibly because the headphones were in it, so it would be muted???

wasn't there also a pink fanny pack type thing found with phone? So he could have spotted that? I saw pictures of that but not sure where.
wasn't there also a pink fanny pack type thing found with phone? So he could have spotted that? I saw pictures of that but not sure where.

There was something , black and pink
Pages of discussion on what it was
Anything from a fanny pack, to latex gloves to something with pink surveyors tape around it
I still have no clue what it was
wasn't there also a pink fanny pack type thing found with phone? So he could have spotted that? I saw pictures of that but not sure where.

The phone and earbuds are the only things that have been officially recognized by LE as evidence. There may be things that were found that turned out not related or LE for one reason or another is keeping them under wraps.
I may be wrong but I think there is a medical/ psychological term for what you're describing called reaction formation. (below)

reaction formation
an unconscious defense mechanism in which a person expresses toward another person or situation feelings, attitudes, or behaviors that are the opposite of what would normally be expected. It begins in early childhood and proceeds through life.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. © 2009, Elsevier

I am a Registered Nurse but not in the area of psych. Are there any psych majors out there?

Well, I was a psych minor, and psychology/brains are incredible in their coping skills. Lots of brain reactions happen when something awful happens to a person and we try to make sense of it.

Cognitive dissonance, a phenomenon that occurs when you form an opinion of something and then arrange newly arriving facts to agree with your original opinion. Causes a lot of anxiety and frustration when new facts are introduced, but people are remarkably adept at twisting (or outright discarding) the new information to fit the opinion they've already formed. Few people are flexible enough to look at new information coming in and change their original opinion.

Schadenfreude (German term, no English translation but there should be) taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others.

And also, trying to find fault with someone who has had a tragedy, so that you can believe that won't happen to you because you don't engage in that behavior.

Projection - where you judge another based on your own character, with no evidence of theirs. John Denver used to say his fans must be the most wonderful people on earth because they judged him so kindly, based on no evidence that came from him - it came from within themselves. Just the same, people who judge other's very harshly with no real information are projecting their own characters.

Brains, and our attempts to make sense of how to best navigate our world, are fascinating.
I have to think that the family/LE has some information we do not have to keep pushing this ransom thing with posts on Facebook, etc. They seem to genuinely believe she's being kept alive somewhere.
The phone and earbuds are the only things that have been officially recognized by LE as evidence. There may be things that were found that turned out not related or LE for one reason or another is keeping them under wraps.

Oh ok so pink/black thing was not found with phone. Well then I don't know how he found phone by app. in such a short time unless it was in the middle of the road in which case a car would run over it.
This was previously posted by Lilibet, and I would just like to leave it here for consideration...

During this lull, I'd like to encourage everyone to "adopt" an orphan thread. These are threads that are very quiet. These victims aren't young and attractive like our lovely ZuZu and Sherri Papini in Redding CA, but they are missing and their families are just as desperate as Zuzu's and Sherri's. They get overlooked by the media and WSers. Some are very current, some are growing cold. A word of support and a little sleuthing (if possible) goes a long way if family and friends are reading. Even a monthly post to bump a thread is appreciated.

For example, Stacey Smart has disappeared one county away from Sherri and was reported missing the same day, but is getting almost no attention. The same may be true in TX. There are probably quiet "orphan" cases that could use our attention in each of our states or general areas. Thanks everyone!
Last edited by Lilibet; 11-17-2016 at 02:13 PM.
Kinda OT but I just remembered something someone said earlier on the thread that bothered me. They said Sherri looks like the kind of person who may have picked up a stalker or two over the years.

Anyone can be the victim of a stalker, or a victim of rape. It doesn't matter what you look like.

Ken Dodd had a stalker a few years ago, even though he doesn't "Look the type" to attract a stalker.

This is what a victim of a stalker looks like:
View attachment 104995

The reason that's noteworthy is because that person falls outside of the norm.

I don't think it's up for argument that there's a type of missing person who is more likely to be the victim of a sexual/stranger/acquaintance abduction.

Although you can't say anything 100%, in life it's valuable to think of things that are more likely than not. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. Unless of course you're on the plains of Africa.
Yes!!! I completely agree!

If you want to find her you should look at all clues. Profile the victim and figure out what circles she runs in. It does feel mean, but if I want to play amateur detective and come to an Internet forum to do so then it does end up public. Maybe in some weird way these ideas could help. If I go missing I hope people examine everyone in my circles. If I hang with a crowd that has enemies, but am more worried about hiding the fact that I have had some degree of ties to group at some point in my life than I am exploring that rabbit hole then something may be missed. I like the girl. I like her even better when these "faults" come out because she seems real to me. I am interested because I want a live body to come home and parent kids. This case feels weird to me and I can't place why. But I am all for the family. I had a gut suspicion early on that it was a particular person outside of family. I am following to see how it all pans out. Im all for justice.
I won't feel bad for suspecting a hoax. First, I will be glad she is alive and I'll be especially glad for her children.

But we cannot know with the info we have what has happened with any degree of certainty. We are human and we form opinions - that is nothing to feel bad about. When we learn more information, we are capable of changing our minds and correcting our opinions. That's not a bad thing.

I sure wish I could get every case correctly solved from the get-go.


Agree, Inthedetails, thank you...

We are forgetting we are on an amateur forum that deals in "sleuthing"...when you investigate, the most important thing is to be objective (as per close family in LE) cannot invest yourself with the victim as if they are a friend; so unfortunate, mainly, because we are all human and have compassion. It is very hard to put aside that part of you which has all degrees of "kindness and best of intentions" when we see injustice being committed...but, we are gathered here to get a perspective on "all angles", not for the sake of "victimizing the victim all over again", but because we are fact gatherers...even if those facts and pieces are soooo far fetched and found in implausible dark corners...we are forming a picture...away from the personality and human being who is the victim for the bit of time we are trying to solve and resolve the is so hard and ugly, I realize...

I, personally, cannot place my thoughts in a scenario where she is no longer here...don't know why, just me...and while there have been harsh perceptions expressed...I still have to separate myself from all those opinions on a personal level, knowing that I don't believe they are coming from a place of malice...they are coming as a reaction (good, bad, ugly) to the nature of this beast that is injustice, as I mentioned before...okay, done...thanks for reading!
Focus on the case and the facts as provided by MSM and LE.

Move on from the bangs debate. Bangs do not equal evidence of affiliation with any specific group.

If you see a post that you feel is outside TOS for whatever reason, ALERT it. Do not respond and do not quote.

Carry on. tlcya
Fear, grief, uncertainty , disbelief
Emotions get all mixed together

I think we all can agree that they do not see humor in the situation


Um hmm. People get the giggles in the emergency room. Sometimes, reactions to grief and anxiety just look out of place.
Well, I was a psych minor, and psychology/brains are incredible in their coping skills. Lots of brain reactions happen when something awful happens to a person and we try to make sense of it.

Cognitive dissonance, a phenomenon that occurs when you form an opinion of something and then arrange newly arriving facts to agree with your original opinion. Causes a lot of anxiety and frustration when new facts are introduced, but people are remarkably adept at twisting (or outright discarding) the new information to fit the opinion they've already formed. Few people are flexible enough to look at new information coming in and change their original opinion.

Schadenfreude (German term, no English translation but there should be) taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others.

And also, trying to find fault with someone who has had a tragedy, so that you can believe that won't happen to you because you don't engage in that behavior.

Projection - where you judge another based on your own character, with no evidence of theirs. John Denver used to say his fans must be the most wonderful people on earth because they judged him so kindly, based on no evidence that came from him - it came from within themselves. Just the same, people who judge other's very harshly with no real information are projecting their own characters.

Brains, and our attempts to make sense of how to best navigate our world, are fascinating.

Another very, very well said post! Thank you!
New thing! rank items in order of least likely (9) to most likely (1).

1.___Kidnapped; ransom will be paid.
2.___Abducted; will come home alive.
3.___Abducted; will not come home alive.
4.___Will be found to have had amnesia.
5.___Hoax involving SP, those close to her.
6.___Left willingly; those close to her don't know.
7.___Murdered; the jog was a red herring all along.
8.___Hit by car while jogging; driver disposed of body.
9.___Committed suicide.
IIRC, nobody that knows SP has asked anyone to believe in "the perfect marriage and the perfect life." The facade that some posters are choosing to believe (and focus on) is one based on pure speculation and embellishment. The alter ego board you are referring to hasn't been pinned in over a year. Her SIL's comment about SP being a "supermom" has been misconstrued, I highly doubt that is how SP would describe herself. When I look at her Pinterest boards, I see someone very organized who enjoys crafting, cooking, traveling, fitness, holidays and being a mother/wife. We are all going to derive our own opinions, I can only imagine what one would think of my boards. IMO, all the scrutinizing and baseless interpreting only confirms my belief that she was abducted and could not have left voluntarily. She certainly had time to clean up anything that could've led to suspicion if she had been planning to leave. I have no intentions of going anywhere but the kitchen for lunch in a few minutes, but I now feel compelled to delete a few Pinterest boards first.

seriously! If I ever went missing based off my Pinterest boards people would be looking for 2 ton woman, wearing 15,000 dollar boots, with a sailors mouth. Bottom line...we know nothing, we can only assume she went for a jog, all we know is her phone was found on the side of the road.
Maybe. They could have missed a body in the initial search. It happens a lot. In comparison to other cases, they didn't spend much searching, imho.

Or maybe her body was only put there after the initial search, because the perpetrator knew the area was already searched?
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