Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #9

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Has anyone seen an LE report that says a rape kit was performed on Sherri as customary in kidnap/rape cases?
I found a recent case in California where two Hispanic women were kidnapping men and forcing then to work on a marijuana farm. The men were threatened at gunpoint and beaten but managed to escape about being held captive for 5 months.,amp.html

I can think of a couple of cases where two women have kidnapped people or held them captive to sexually assault them.

I also found one where a mom (quinn gray) faked being kidnapped by a minority. It turned out he was her secret boyfriend and they were trying to get money out of her husband.

It sounds like the sort of romantic-mystery potboiler that keeps readers on the edge of their summer beach chairs: A strikingly pretty Florida housewife with a handsome husband and two beautiful young daughters is kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and held for $50,000 ransom.
Or was she?

And a woman who faked being kidnapped by two black men:

Bonnie Sweeten triggered a nationwide search in 2009 after calling 911 to say she and her nine-year-old daughter had been carjacked and abducted near Philadelphia by two black men.

But it wasn't long before she was found and arrested at the Florida theme park.

Prosecutors said the trick was part of a much larger fraud.
Not sure if you've heard of the My Favorite Murder podcast? They discuss... well, murders. They've actually mentioned websleuths a couple of times (in glowing terms!).

Anyway... they have a phrase that they say a lot that women (and men, but let's be honest, mainly women) should take on board: *F* Politeness. This isn't that say in your everyday life you avoid being nice to people. It's about not putting yourself in situations that you feel are sketchy or that you don't want to be in because you're being polite. If you think someone is shady, run. If someone asks for help and you don't like the look of the situation, don't help. If some guy asks you to help him with his boat and then it turns out his boat is elsewhere, don't be polite because you've just run into Ted Bundy.

If someone comes to your door and your immediate feeling is unease, *F* politeness. Shut the door. Shut it. Don't feel bad, shut it.

Stay safe.

I hope I don't hit offences for the choice starred words because I genuinely think it's quite an important message. Being polite to someone is not as important as being safe.

Really sorry this happened to you. x
I'll have to look into that. Thanks for mentioning it.

(The starred words didn't offend me. I'm polite and unassuming, but I curse like a longshoreman.[emoji51])

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I'm curious about this, too. Why were her children in all day daycare if she's out for a run? If she's not employed, then why are her children in daycare?

Well for me there was no way I could afford that when my son was little, and I didn't work. That would seem like a luxury to me. Therefore, they must have had enough money to live in that nice house (California even dump houses are expensive) take what looks like nice excursions even if locally and raise 2 children.
Well for me there was no way I could afford that when my son was little, and I didn't work. That would seem like a luxury to me. Therefore, they must have had enough money to live in that nice house (California even dump houses are expensive) take what looks like nice excursions even if locally and raise 2 children.

Maybe it was a Headstart type program or Income-based. Nobody knows.

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I have been debating whether or not to post my opinion since her rescue, but being the WSer that I am...

The absolute only single way I can make myself accept the whole abduction scenerios is if in reality the family was aware this was a kidnap for ransom from like day 2. That's it. Otherwise none if this makes any sense at all.

If they weren't in the know since day 2, my thoughts are that Miss Papini may have suffered some emotional turmoil and had run off and was actually grabbed by opportunists AFTER the "reward" was updated.

What I am almost certain of is that WHATEVER the heck actually happened, it appears that Miss Papini is a genuine victim and has suffered. I'm just not sure of how and by who, and why. But this whole incident seems so very personal and Not random or stranger generated.

I hope I kept within TOS. I tried very hard. All of my thoughts are my own idiot thoughts and opinions only.

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I don't think it's weird at all that they are in daycare. Maybe she was feeling overwhelmed? Maybe they wanted the kids to have other kids to play with? I'm a sahm and my son goes to a program a few hours a day. It's a nice little break. And good for him because we barely have any friends with kids his age.
Just curious for those who may still be inclined toward "hoax", have any of you ever followed an abduction case that turned out to in fact be a hoax, where the victim was located battered and chained? I know it's in movies all the time but I mean in actual, real life. It just seems to me that's awfully far to go, to willfully hurt yourself or have someone else do it, to make your story believable.

And just as an aside, in the speculative scenario that this is a hoax, where was she staying, how was she buying food and where did the chain/restraints come from? Unless she had a few bills tucked in her jogging pants, someone else would have had to be involved in this.

Sure, lots of people have self-inflicted injuries to back up a kidnapping or assault claim. There was even that one woman who threw acid in her own face.

Investigators say the woman who claimed she was the victim of a violent racially-motivated attack fabricated the claims and actually set herself on fire.

A teenager who claimed she was kidnapped, beaten, burned with cigarettes, thrown into a resaca and left for dead over the weekend, was charged by San Benito Police Thursday with filing a false police report....

Torres appeared in court Thursday wearing a padded neck brace and with several cuts, bruises and other injuries visible.

“(The injuries) were either self-inflicted or made by other individuals with (Torres’) consent,” Garcia said.

Tawana Glenda Brawley (born 1972) is an African-American woman from Wappingers Falls, New York, who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for accusing four white men of having raped her....

She was found in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces...

a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of such an attack.
Well for me there was no way I could afford that when my son was little, and I didn't work. That would seem like a luxury to me. Therefore, they must have had enough money to live in that nice house (California even dump houses are expensive) take what looks like nice excursions even if locally and raise 2 children.

Im going to assume the kids are in a preschool program vs daycare. I stayed home with my kids and they went 3 days a week for a couple hours. Many places have the option for an extended program, on preschool days, that is quite reasonably priced.
Again just an assumption based on my personal experience.
Went to the grocery store and now I'm totally lost. Do we know for a fact that no money (reward or ransom) was paid to anyone? If so, does anyone have a link?

Here's a few quotes:

Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko said at a news conference this afternoon that a reward that was offered for Sherri Papini played no role in her safe discovery.

When the deadline passed, that ransom was turned into a six figure reward, but Papini's release was not a result of the money, Sheriff Bosenko said. Though she is safe, the Bosenko says this investigation is far from over.

No one called in a tip related to the suspects and Bosenko said he did not believe that a ransom for Papini’s safe return played a role.

So as far as the Sheriff is concerned--at the time of the press conference anyway--no ransom was paid. However that would not rule out a scenario where a secret ransom was paid. I think that is why so many people are debating if it could have been paid. It's speculation to say it was paid at this point.
Here's a few quotes:

So as far as the Sheriff is concerned--at the time of the press conference anyway--no ransom was paid. However that would not rule out a scenario where a secret ransom was paid. I think that is why so many people are debating if it could have been paid. It's speculation to say it was paid at this point.

Thank you!!!!
But in this case someone committed a crime - either the people who took her, or Sherri herself (if she disappeared on her own but said she was kidnapped).

If le ever collects sufficient evidence against the people who they believe committed the crime, the perpetrators will be arrested and charged.
Well for me there was no way I could afford that when my son was little, and I didn't work. That would seem like a luxury to me. Therefore, they must have had enough money to live in that nice house (California even dump houses are expensive) take what looks like nice excursions even if locally and raise 2 children.
Perhaps the universal "daycare" was used as a default word. My daughter was 2 1/2 when she started Nursery school at my local Catholic school. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 830 to 1130. I was a SAHM and my husband and I were not well off. We made do and our child flourished. She did it for 2 years. The 3 day pre K followed by full day kindergarten. I was SAHM through it all.

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Okay, I'm struggling with seeing this as a kidnapping, but here is a brand new speculative theory of how a kidnapping could have happened within the parameters of what we know:
What if Sherri was being blackmailed by someone she knew... this person came to the house while she was in the middle of wrapping a gift, and and she had reached the point where she said "I'm not giving you any more money" unaware of how desperate this person was for money. So the person grabs her, takes her from the home and tries extorting money from the family instead. The family is afraid of the hypothetical secret coming out, plus they are afraid that Sherri will be killed if they don't meet demands, so they are not upfront with LE - they pay the ransom and she is released. Now Sherri is pointing the finger at two Hispanic women rather than identifying the real perpetrator/s.
There was a similar case in Australia, years ago (Bruce Burrell) where police speculate that he was blackmailing a woman before he abducted her and demanded a ransom from her husband. In the ransom note, he told the husband not to contact police, but he messed up the timing and the husband had already raised the alarm hours before he received the ransom note.
I just wanted to chime in and make it very clear that women DO kidnap other women all around the world. I keep seeing people skeptical because "women don't kidnap other women." but that's dangerously naive. Women kidnap other women for all the same reasons men kidnap women to include sex trafficking, ransom, to sell as domestic household slaves, for sexually sadist gratification either for themselves and or/ their sadist male partners or simply for a thrill kill. You must be as cautious when approached by a female stranger as a male stranger.

That's just not logical. Yes, some women abduct people who aren't related to them. It is extremely, incredibly rare. In the vast majority of cases, the abductor is a male. Period. that number is even greater in the US. And even greater again when the victim is not a foreign national, or a child or a prostitute or marginalized person.

I will always be on high alert when approached by a male. I will not be on high alert when approached by a female, unless there are signs something is clearly off. Because I employ logic when protecting myself and my family and because I refuse to live a life of incredible fear and trepidation when the risk is not present.
After spending all day with my beautiful family/friends on Thanksgiving I was elated to read yesterday morning that Sherri had been released by her abductors. I was so happy that she has been found and then so sad when I also read that another precious child had died due to the bus crash in TN. It was a high and low moment in a very short timespan.

Sherri's case reminded me of another case I had read years ago where a ruthless serial killer (iirc) had abducted one of his victims but during the time he had her held kidnapped she was able to build up somewhat of a relationship with him and in the end he let her go free. Since LE is saying the two abductors are females I feel this is what Sherri was able to do also. Maybe they also had children of their own and she used that to play on their sympathies. As big of a monster as Joseph Duncan was to so many other victims he also let Shasta Greone live. Shasta was so smart when she pretended to befriend him and it saved her life. IMO

It is very common for LE not to question the victim in depth right away when they first return home to their family after they have been abducted. It is such a traumatic time and they will give her a few days of precious time to spend with her family again before they question her further, imo.

I have never felt this was a hoax and from what I have seen of the police in charge they never thought it was either. I think LE all along has known this was an abduction. Of course they will not disclose the evidence they have amassed in this three weeks because they are building the case nor should they divulge any of it to the public either. I don't remember any case where LE empathically said an abduction had occurred and then it later turnout LE was wrong. LE is very mindful of what they say and never want to have egg on their face by being proven wrong. That is why I think they had already found evidence showing it was an abduction even before she was released. Maybe they even have video footage or eye witnesses or those who called in valid tips but they don't want the media hounding these people who could be witnesses in a trial if the two suspects are found.

If it was a hoax it would be much easier to say that two males abducted her than two females. She told them the truth and it is what it is, imo.

I imagine once they speak to Sherri in depth they will get a good description of the two females abductors. It isn't uncommon either for LE to at first put out a general description of a suspect/s until they get more evidence/information. Example: White male, approximately 5'10" to 6'1", medium build, black short hair, etc. and then as more information is learned they will put out composite drawings or make it more detailed.

However; I hope she knows her abductors even if it is slightly or they told her their names, even first names, during the time she was held. I did find it unnerving that LE doesn't want to comment about what her injuries were. To me those injuries are already telling them something they think should be kept away from the public which is understandable in an ongoing investigation. Unless the abductors made Sherri laydown in the vehicle the entire time there and back she may be able to assist LE in finding the place she was held or at least in the close vicinity. I certainly don't think she was held in the vehicle for this long.

I don't think the reward was any part of why she was released. The two women would have to be idiots to take the ransom money in such a high profile case. They would think the ransom money offered was a trap, imo. I am sure they both knew that would be a sure way of them being caught immediately so instead... this way they dropped her off without them ever picking up the ransom hoping LE wont find them. I just hope they can find them and they haven't left the area or country. I don't really care what their evil motives may have been either. Motives nowadays run the gambit and can be surreal.. from doing it because they could and saw an opportunity to do so or for some other motive that never makes sense even petty jealousy and resentment.

Women can be treacherous as men nowadays. There have been several cases where females will be used as bait to abduct a victim/s or even used to get homeowners to open their door during horrific brutal home invasions. A women just murdered a 69 year old woman even though the ransom had been paid. So the two abductors being females doesn't shock me in the least anymore but at least they didn't have the mentality of many who will murder their abducted victim/s.

Sherri probably wouldn't have been afraid of seeing two females together the day they abducted her and may have willingly walked up to their vehicle if they stopped pretending they were lost or were asking directions. Since they were armed (at least one of them) they easily could have forced her to get in their vehicle by threatening to kill her if she didn't do as they said. Women have cruised the streets for rapists before in past cases because they know a woman is not as fearful of another woman and will let their guard down. Even if she had been raped by the women she would have still been released from the hospital after being thoroughly checked out since the injuries she had were not life threatening.

Do they have gangs in this area where she was found? The reason I asked, if so, this could have been an gang initiation or to impress someone in a gang. Many females now are gang members too. Or could she have ticked them off about something and they came back seeking revenge and then realized if they didn't release her they would be in even more serious trouble?

Anyway, I am so thankful she has been released and able to return to her family. It has to be a very emotional time for Sherri, her husband, children, and all who love her.

I think most likely LE will come to her home to start asking detailed questions tomorrow since the TG holidays will be over. They are respectfully giving her ample time to get over some of the shock/trauma she has been through and know being around those she loves the most is the best thing for her right now.

Goodnight everyone! Sorry for the long post but I don't post much anymore and this will be my one and only post for tonight.:)
Why does it matter if the kids are in daycare vs. preschool? Every family does things differently. And every child has different needs. Perhaps her kids need more socializing. Perhaps she needed some time to herself. I don't see an issue here.
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