Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #12 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Because she was the last one to leave the house that morning, it isn't clear if Sierra had been wearing the T-shirt and pants inside the bag. She could have changed out of those clothes or planned to change into them after school.

"We still don't know what she was wearing," Cardoza said.

Posted: 04/21/2012 04:40:32 PM PDT
April 22, 2012 6:57 AM GMTUpdated: 04/21/2012 11:57:53 PM PDT

Sheriff Smith (female) said that the jersey was in the bag and the books were next to the bag. If she wasn't wearing the jersey, it would in the house and be eliminated. Marlene says she believes she was wearing it.

At some point, we have to believe something as fact. I have noticed male LE call female clothing wrong at times. I've heard a sweatshirt become a tshirt in other cases. Later when the body was found...sure enough, it was a sweatshirt. Totally threw me off throughout the entire case.

I am choosing to belive the female Sheriff on this one.
I keep seeing this cats at the place when the bag was found is possible that whoever owns the place may keep cats around, to chase vermin and such, and they are the one that's been feeding them?

The cat with a litter of kittens looks like they are pure bread siamese. It would seem odd to me that someone would leave a cat and kittens or pregnant cat there for that reason. It's a delapidated building. I think someone left the purse there because they felt comfortable there and didn't think it would be found at least not for a while until someone came to that building for some reason. I have a feeling no one used that building until it was time to work the fields next to it.

I don't think it was a plant. I think it was far away enough from SL's house. The person that took her would not think that a search and rescue operation like this would take place, especially to this extent. I think it was either left there by someone who picked it up non related or the perp left it there. I think this person that left it was familiar with the building.
Off topic but I can't resist: do girls still use a regular iron to flat-iron their hair or are there now some sort of special hair appliances to do it?

When I was growing up (late 60s), it was the regular iron and ironing board!

They have flat irons and don't go anywhere for more than a day w/o they make their hair shine.
I like to go over a case as I feel LE would.
Playing all the variables.
But, here I am constrained about writing all the variables.
LE has explored them all, most certainly.

First of all, it is possible ML gets up and goes to work at say ten to 6, or a quarter to 6, routinely and never sees Sierra, most mornings.
It's possible that ML leaves at 6, as she says, but if that is what time Sierra is also waking is it with a "TIME TO GET UP" as she is walking out the door.

You must admit her leaving as the other one is waking in the same minute apparently, doesn't allow for a whole lot of chit chat, breakfast or anything else in the mornings.

Did she see her that morning? This is an assumption.
Based on heresay.

There is nothing I have seen to know definitively the last time her mother saw her. With corroboration.
For all I know, she has been missing since Thursday.

I don't have any info on the other party living in the home, at all.
What I do have is the evidential proof that her belongings and the search radius has focused primarily on the area around her immediate home and surroundings. This would eliminate the involvement of a stranger or any other party who would have their comfort zone far away up or down the egress of Hwy 101, Monterey which is literally right in her own back yard.

As has been stated by others, the focus in on Paquita Espana Ct.

the rules have not changed on speculation about the family and the boyfriend.
I keep saying I think that the attempted kidnapping has something to do with this...well, this was posted the 20th. There is a plea for information.

At least nine accounts of this behavior have happened.

If he is a serial rapist (which he very well might be), perhaps he is escalating.

This could very well be the same perp responsible for Sierra, imo.

But these incidents are happening about 8 or 9 hours away. And they seem much sloppier and less organized than whoever took Sierra seems to be. imo
Witnesses is plural.
This could imply it comes from more than one quarter.

It could refer to an eyewitness(es), as yet unidentified.
Or it could refer to online witnesses regarding the posts the morning of.

Teenagers who Sierra may have confided in who do not want to become involved to be called to testify or be sellouts of her trust.

Have you ever had the opportunity to observe teens during an investigation?

:what: omg. They don't tell anything and if they do, it is a bare minimum. They are the strongest clan against the LE I've ever seen. We think our kids would open up because we "Know" them and they are good kids. They may be good kids and all but their loyalty to their friends trumps everything.
Have you ever had the opportunity to observe teens during an investigation?

:what: omg. They don't tell anything and if they do, it is a bare minimum. They are the strongest clan against the LE I've ever seen. We think our kids would open up because we "Know" them and they are good kids. They may be good kids and all but their loyalty to their friends trumps everything.

Usually you can't shut them up....and they talk real big and very loudly on social media. But when you want them to talk to LE or investigators regarding something you are lucky to get a "yep" or a "nope" or shrug of the shoulders out of them. And give a name? Ummmm....they forgot their best friends names and their parents are mom and are lucky if they remember their own names.

I know, I've seen it happen when LE was investigating something here. I couldn't believe these were the same kids that were vulgar, loud mouth, talkative people the day before. They became like robots who knew nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, don't know nuthin.....shells.

ETA: I must say that later it did come out that no one wanted to be the "the one" who opened their mouths. They were scared of being "the snitch" etc. Once a name did come out and some of the details, the others were more open to filling in the blanks as it "wasn't me" who said anything.
Off topic but I can't resist: do girls still use a regular iron to flat-iron their hair or are there now some sort of special hair appliances to do it?

When I was growing up (late 60s), it was the regular iron and ironing board!

Oh, totally new appliances ... and they're not cheap. Like $75-$100 for a good straightener at many places! I, however, am a firm believer in Marshall's ...

I don't really get it, actually ... I used to pay for hair like my daughter's (perm), LOL! PS: I doesn't take as long with these newer appliances, but my daughter still awakes at 5:50 am in order to get it right. :)
But these incidents are happening about 8 or 9 hours away. And they seem much sloppier and less organized than whoever took Sierra seems to be. imo

@katydid23 - Your post triggered a thought. You are right. This Perp is organized, and if he folded the clothes found in the bag, it suggest retentive or compulsive behaviour, given the circumstances. Meaning, neatly folded clothes aren't unusual, but if we overlay the thought the Perp did it, then it takes on a different meaning. I was dwelling on what type of person is retentive, perfectionist, ritualistic. For some reason the word MILITARY comes to mind. I wonder if there is anyone living or working near her home who was dishonorably discharged from the military? I don't know why this comes to mind, but it does strongly.
Good afternoon (3:45pm my time). I'm joining this conversation after lurking for a week or so. I live in San Jose and my sister and I have been obsessing over this case since the beginning. I told her that I wish we could just sit with a bunch of people and talk about it. Then, I stumbled upon this website and it's the answer! Now I can.

Although, I live in San Jose, I love Morgan Hill more than words can say. It's my town. My sister lived there for five years (now in Gilroy) and I got the chance to fall in love with it and, if I could convince my family, I'd move there in a heartbeat. It's beautiful.

This case is heartbreaking, for me, only many levels. When I heard, I was like "really? In my sleepy Morgan Hill?"

At this point, after reading so many of the threads, I don't think there is anything new I can add, except to say that in 2009 there was a female jogger that was attacked and raped in Morgan Hill in the early morning hours. It was very shocking at the time for me, because once again, I was like, "really? In Morgan Hill?" It made me so sad because anyone would feel comfortable jogging there in early morning. That's the kind of town it is.

I'm mentioning it because I haven't seen anything else about it in regards to the chance that it could be somehow related to SL. I know that it was a while back and the circumstances, besides being in the early morning, are not the same. For those of who don't know Morgan Hill, it made the news because it is news. Things like that don't happen every day there. It was so violent and out of the ordinary that the whole town was shocked.

Just wanted to post a link to the story and another one that happened later where they thought it could be related. I haven't seen the police sketch that was supposed to have been made by the victim, but at this point, it could be an interesting comparison.

Thanks for letting me join this wonderful forum!
Good afternoon (3:45pm my time). I'm joining this conversation after lurking for a week or so. I live in San Jose and my sister and I have been obsessing over this case since the beginning. I told her that I wish we could just sit with a bunch of people and talk about it. Then, I stumbled upon this website and it's the answer! Now I can.

Although, I live in San Jose, I love Morgan Hill more than words can say. It's my town. My sister lived there for five years (now in Gilroy) and I got the chance to fall in love with it and, if I could convince my family, I'd move there in a heartbeat. It's beautiful.

This case is heartbreaking, for me, only many levels. When I heard, I was like "really? In my sleepy Morgan Hill?"

At this point, after reading so many of the threads, I don't think there is anything new I can add, except to say that in 2009 there was a female jogger that was attacked and raped in Morgan Hill in the early morning hours. It was very shocking at the time for me, because once again, I was like, "really? In Morgan Hill?" It made me so sad because anyone would feel comfortable jogging there in early morning. That's the kind of town it is.

I'm mentioning it because I haven't seen anything else about it in regards to the chance that it could be somehow related to SL. I know that it was a while back and the circumstances, besides being in the early morning, are not the same. For those of who don't know Morgan Hill, it made the news because it is news. Things like that don't happen every day there. It was so violent and out of the ordinary that the whole town was shocked.

Just wanted to post a link to the story and another one that happened later where they thought it could be related. I haven't seen the police sketch that was supposed to have been made by the victim, but at this point, it could be an interesting comparison.

Thanks for letting me join this wonderful forum!

Welcome to WS and thanks for joining...sorry that your community is having to go through this...and thank you also for the links and the information on the previous crime; you never know. At this rate, not sure LE has a firm idea as to what happened, hoping they are looking at everything, including past crimes and recently paroled inmates.
Good afternoon (3:45pm my time). I'm joining this conversation after lurking for a week or so. I live in San Jose and my sister and I have been obsessing over this case since the beginning. I told her that I wish we could just sit with a bunch of people and talk about it. Then, I stumbled upon this website and it's the answer! Now I can.

Although, I live in San Jose, I love Morgan Hill more than words can say. It's my town. My sister lived there for five years (now in Gilroy) and I got the chance to fall in love with it and, if I could convince my family, I'd move there in a heartbeat. It's beautiful.

This case is heartbreaking, for me, only many levels. When I heard, I was like "really? In my sleepy Morgan Hill?"

At this point, after reading so many of the threads, I don't think there is anything new I can add, except to say that in 2009 there was a female jogger that was attacked and raped in Morgan Hill in the early morning hours. It was very shocking at the time for me, because once again, I was like, "really? In Morgan Hill?" It made me so sad because anyone would feel comfortable jogging there in early morning. That's the kind of town it is.

I'm mentioning it because I haven't seen anything else about it in regards to the chance that it could be somehow related to SL. I know that it was a while back and the circumstances, besides being in the early morning, are not the same. For those of who don't know Morgan Hill, it made the news because it is news. Things like that don't happen every day there. It was so violent and out of the ordinary that the whole town was shocked.

Just wanted to post a link to the story and another one that happened later where they thought it could be related. I haven't seen the police sketch that was supposed to have been made by the victim, but at this point, it could be an interesting comparison.

Thanks for letting me join this wonderful forum!

Hi Cottontop! - A great contribution. Thank you for posting this, and welcome to the sleuthing team.
Has anyone been able to find a News article about the Lady who was caught tearing down posters and ribbon's put up around Sierra's neighborhood? Why wouldn't MSM be reporting it?
Yeah.. This lack of "boy" talk bothers me..

IMO Sierra could have been attracted to someone much older than what is considered appropriate..
younger girls, say 18, secretly have a relationship with a 28 yr old man.. Age difference of 10 yrs... It is not uncommon.
judging from her photos she chose to place on her tumbler account, I think Sierra was very well advanced socially for 15...JMO..

I do get the sense that some HS girls in my east coast school district are a bit discontent. That difference in girls' and boys' maturity seems to be coming through ... I see it in my daughter, who pretty much thinks that "boys" are out for one thing. But so are some 28-year-old men.

It's just a really tough age. I don't think we know the whole story about the move to MH. I do know that last summer we thought about a move ourselves. Now things are much better, which makes my heart break for Sierra.
:welcome: Cottontop! I think I can relate to what you're saying. A couple years back a woman was assaulted in a local park where I often ran. I wasn't totally naive and whenever I ran there I kept alert to my surroundings, but just to know that something so ugly had happened in the place where I had nothing but good memories, where I went to clear my hurt a lot.
for reference to the 2 articles posted by Cottontop (Welcome!)
locations app.
37.2272, -121.8297
just south of Santa Teresa high school- Sept 2010

37.14887, -121.64188
near the sports field side of Live Oak high school Dec 2009
I guess D. Lamar lied too......???? OR after the FACT......????

The night before Sierra disappeared, Danielle LaMar left Sacramento State for spring break and joined her father at his Fremont townhouse. On their way back from dinner, Sierra, a 5-foot-2-inch brunette, called. They put her on speakerphone.

"She was talking about how she wanted to get her hair done the next time she went to Fremont. She wanted to add some blond streaks," Danielle LaMar said. "She was very excited about one of her school assignments, telling me about her research paper. Bringing up her grades made her happy."

MORE ..... if you wish.
Nope, nothing MORE is needed..the above portion more than proves the point that several here have made. That point being that there is nothing in the above(nor in the MORE at the link) that indicates that Steve LaMar made his daughter, Sierra a hair appt that night of March 15..

No one is indicating, nor implying Danielle is lying.. Sierra had this last conversation with her dad and sis Thursday night.. Sierra WAS NOT PLANNING TO GO TO HER DADS, nor Fremont period the weekend of 3/16,17,18.. Sierra was not going to her dads in Fremont til the following weekend 3/23,24,25.. This has been well established... As far as the appointment goes no one is claiming that there is nefarious motive behind the fact that it WAS NOT made that night of Thursday, March 15.. No one is implying any negative connotations regarding the hair appt.. The conversation that Sierra had on speaker phone with her dad and sis was one of Sierras last known communications as she was "disappeared" less than 12 hours after the convo with dad and sis.. The convo was late evening of the 15th and as an owner of a salon and longtime hairstylist I can tell you that it's damn near impossible that Steve LaMar could have made that hair appointment that Thursday night EVEN IF HE WANTED TO.. It would have been after 9pm and I can say with much certainty that a reputable salon(not a Super Cuts type salon).. But a reputable salon is not available to make appointments after 9pm.. Even if by chance you do have a stylist that may work later night hours the fact remains that there is no receptionist/front desk personnel working after 9pm taking appointments.. Steve LaMar could not have booked an appt that night even if he wanted to..

The appointment was made at some point AFTER that night of Thursday, March 15 and that very simply is what many of us have stated.. That is not calling, nor implying anyone a liar or had nefarious motive regarding Sierra's wanting to have her hair done that following weekend and her dad having made her the appt..

As far as Sierra planning to have Danielle or dad come pick her up from school or elsewhere in Morgan Hill on Friday, March 16.. I can say with much certainty that IMO there isnt much more that Sierra probably would have wanted than to have been able to do that Friday.. But for reasons unbeknownst to us at this time Sierra was not able/allowed to visit in Fremont that weekend and unfortunately was having to wait til her "scheduled" visitation with dad the following weeked(3/23) before getting to spend time with her older sister..

This brings me to my other point that Sorrell Sky briefly touched on in an earlier post. For many of us what stands out regarding the hair appt was that she was having her dad mAke the appt for her when this is very usually something that a daughter would rely on her mom for.. That is not saying that Steve was incapable of making the appt(so please save the directive back to thread 1 to review.. Most of us are very much familiar with the details from thread 1-thread 12).. The point is being missed.. The point is that in many of our opinions this hair appt is yet just another of the possible signs of the fractured or even non existent relationship between mother and daughter(s).. I say daughterS, plural with very specific reasoning which leads to my final point..

Why was Sierra unable to spend time with her older sister, Danielle?? Why was Danielle going to be in town more than a weeks time yet Sierra would have to literally wait OVER AN ENTIRE WEEK to see and spend time with her sister?? IMO for the same/similar reason that Sierra went to her daddy to discuss new color she was wanting to get highlighted in her hair.. And daddy being the one who was going to make the appt for Sierra to be able to get that done THE FOLLOWING WEEKEND(3/23) when Sierra came to Fremont for her scheduled visitation time with dad(and on this particular weekend with sister, Danielle as well).. Strictly moo as well as my take on the situation AFTER having THOROUGHLY read, watched, studied, and continue to pay very close attention to all details as it unfolds.. The possibility of the fractured or even non existent relationship extending to and IMO even to greater extent of Danielle and mother, Marlene is IMOO glaringly obvious.. There was no going to Morgan Hill to visit mom and Rick.. Danielle home for an extended period of time has no plans whatsoever to make a 40minute drive out to MH to so much as even say hi! To her mom is IMOO very indicative of the relationship being extremely fractured, if not non existent..

Believe me I haven't a doubt that Sierra wanted to be in Fremont that weekend SPECIFICALLY to spend time with her sister and dad(moo but those three were a tight knit unit) and moo but there was no issue whatsoever in that Sierra could have and IMO would have OPENLY been able to ask/tell either or both dad and sis that she was going to come to Fremont that weekend whether her mom liked it, or approved to do so or not.. She could have and would have been able to say that to dad and sis withOUT Concern of either of them "telling on her" to mom.. I absolutely believe that it was so to speak an US vs. THEM mentality (US being Dad, Danielle, Sierra/THEM being mom and Rick).. And that Sierra absolutely would have let dad and sis know if that were her mindset of coming to Fremont that weekend of 3/16.. She didn't do this.. She didn't do it because IMO Sierra had zero intention of going to Fremont that weekend and that is why the conversation with dad and sis on Thursday night(3/15) was about plans being made for when Sierra would be coming to Fremont.. That following weekend, 3/23,24,25..

Much can been discerned from what little info and details that we have here in this case.. Several have discussed these specific details and what their opinions are of them.. But as far as the hair appt.. IMO the fact remains that it was not made on the night of Thursday, March 15(just as the quote and it's MORE at the link have nothing indicating an appt was made Thursday, 3/15).. Therefor if it wasnt made the night of the 15 obviously it was made after Sierra was missing.. <modsnip>

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Smooth, I agree with you. I don't think mother and daughter had a great relationship. I think Marlene tells the press what she has heard (ex, about the essay from the dad), what she has been told, (about the bag) and what she wishes things were really like (hugging and wishing her daugher a beautiful day every morning and vice-versa)

I don't blame marlene for doing this either. It is a way of coping.
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